Know what happens when you throw a snow day right in the middle of a week? The next day feels like a big ol’ Monday. Again. Except the Monday to start this week wasn’t bad.
Today, however, it’s as if Monday said: Hi, remember me? I’m back from my vacay! Let’s have some “fun”
Somehow, I just imagine that Monday would say “vacay” in an annoying voice instead of vacation. Except we all know Monday’s idea of fun is not the same as our idea of fun.
How about a text message asking you to work that came through at 11:30 last night when you were already asleep. Can’t reply (won’t) at 5 in the morning. Need to kind of see what else unfolds this morning anyway.
Tired? Oh, I know what will wake you right up? How about after your shower, you grab your face cleanser and smear that all over your face instead of the moisturizer you thought you grabbed. A nice, super clean shiny face to start the day!
That son of yours? The one who has for some reason set a billion alarms this morning? The one your husband said he heard very late last night. Yeah, I think he needs a “fun” morning as well. A “can’t do it” morning where he goes back to bed. Been a while. (Reminding myself this is just a slip in a ton of progress we’ve had this year).
Here Comes The Guilt
And let’s throw in a heaping of guilt because technically now you could/should work but you also should stay here to keep your son on track for tomorrow. (Our agreement is he does school work from home on days like this).
You know you should call the school but you’re just so over this part of it all. Ignore them? Tell a white lie (yes, I know it’s wrong, a trade of one judgement to avoid another) and say J is physically sick with a headache or something? Guilt over considering those options.
Didn’t you want so spend a bit of today also disappointed that now cleaning the house (all alone) is out of the picture?
Talk To Me Thursday!
I picture Thursday coming in like a long lost much needed friend taking charge of things: Okay, move it Monday! It’s my day and I tend to make everyone a bit happier because it’s almost the weekend! Go sulk or whatever it is you do until you arrive to spoil the weekend fun for most people.
Reminders here:
You don’t have to work today, even though you really like the teacher asking, it was short notice for you. And there are other substitute teachers. Your son is your priority here.
Just call the school. It’ll save the hassle of that annoying automatic message later. And lack of sleep causes headaches so there you go. It’s not like you want to wake him up and ask if he has a headache, I’m sure he’d have had a headache if he didn’t go back to bed.
You could clean the house now while they’re still all asleep. (Husband is at work).
Also, we’re just days of the week. Not really in charge. You know who’s in charge, another little prayer to get through today and the rest of the week even if we are near the end never hurts.
Happy almost the weekend! Hope your day is off to a bit better start than mine!
day 26/365