Happy Monday! MLK= Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
It’s a federal holiday here. Banks, post offices closed, kids off school. However, my husband still went to work. Grocery store is still open, thankful for that one.
Still have to plan the week ahead. Joining in with always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. (Always glad for this link up but especially now as it’s at least one day I don’t have to think about what I’m going to post during the Blog 365 challenge).
The Weather

I went to the grocery store this morning without wearing a coat in January. Pretty unusual for here. It’s currently 58 degrees and sunny. Though I should confess, it’s very windy and I probably should’ve taken a jacket this morning. However, how often can you go coat free and in January?! Soaking it in and trying not to think what this might mean for February, usually our harshest winter month.
This week: stays nice for the rest of today and tomorrow. Back to normal with some rain on Wednesday and high temperatures back in the upper 30’s/low 40’s. (And looking ahead, I see snowflakes predicted for next Tuesday but who knows).
As I Look Outside My Window
Blue skies and sunshine!!
Right Now I Am
Working on this post, listening to the washer and dryer (wouldn’t be Monday if I wasn’t!), and breathing a sigh of relief that our elderly neighbor is okay. He’s been falling as he goes to his vehicle and is supposed to trigger his auto alarm if he does. It went off this morning. However, he wasn’t outside so I had to go to the door to make sure he hadn’t fallen indoors. Thankfully, I think the wind probably triggered it and he’s fine.
Thinking And Pondering
Well, I had something I was thinking about earlier. However, with all the excitement of the auto alarm, I can’t remember what thoughts were in my head.
On My Bedside Table 
Lamp, phone charger. This category might get a bit boring. Maybe I’ll have to share what’s on my husband’s bedside table: two kinds of hand cream (from his Christmas stocking), the tv remotes (one’s the firestick), his tablet, multiple receipts to who only knows what, a lamp, earbuds case,…you get the idea. Funny thing is that I’m typically the messy one.
On My TV Tonight
Probably not much tonight. Later, I’m going to watch the last episode of The Chosen, season 2, and another David Tennant Doctor Who episode while folding laundry. Might watch the last of the playoff games later, doesn’t matter to us who wins tonight though. Wasn’t too happy with the outcomes of yesterday’s games.
Listening To
Guess I already covered this. More specific: the spin cycle of the washer along with the dryer.
On The Lunch Plate
I struggle with lunch. Not sure. Maybe Mac and cheese?
On The Dinner Plate
Tonight’s plan is for grilled pork chops and baked potatoes, maybe salad as well.
On The Menu This Week
Nothing overly exciting but I am planning on us ordering “million dollar” Chinese food on Saturday in honor of the Chinese New Year. (I just call our favorite restaurant that as if we all get exactly what we want it gets pricey. We don’t order it too often though).
MONDAY: grilled pork chops, baked potatoes, salad *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: grilled marinated chicken (just marinating in balsamic vinegar/Italian dressing and doing today), pasta, fresh green beans sauteed in butter *I work 8-4:30*
WEDNESDAY: spicy potato soup
THURSDAY: Maybe leftovers? I’m struggling with this day for some reason.
FRIDAY: Homemade pizza perhaps.
SATURDAY: Take-out Chinese food. I’ll likely get General’s chicken, G will get sesame chicken, my husband gets moo goo gai pan, and J likes just vegetable lo mein with chicken on a stick. Egg rolls, and maybe my favorite a crab rangoon or two (G likes these as well). Very different tastes for all of us.
On My Reading Pile
Struggling my way through Us Against You by Fredrik Backman. I usually love his writing and his books. This one is just hard to read because I’m reading it out of order. It’s the second book in a series and I have already read the first and last ones. Read the last one (The Winners) by mistake before realizing there was another book. First book is Beartown for anyone interested. Good series but intense.
A bit more excited my “real” book hold of Meik Wikig’s My Hygge Home: How to Make Home Your Happy Place is ready at the library. Can’t get it today though, closed for the holiday.
On My To Do List
- Grocery store *DONE*
- Laundry *in progress*
- Go get library book
- Pay a few bills
- Sort out our linen closet (It’s at an avalanche level)
- Call/text a few friends
- Other stuff I can’t remember at the moment
Plans For The Week
Work tomorrow, go to the library, maybe take blankets back to Kohls, try to get the house somewhat clean for Chinese New Year (I think of it as my 2nd chance New Year since I never seem to manage to get the house clean the first time)
What I Am Sewing, Knitting, Or Creating
I’m going to need to be more intentional with this category. Currently, nothing.
My Simple Pleasure 
I know many see it as a chore but I love going to the grocery store. Especially if I can go in the mornings when it’s not too busy. If I lived somewhere where walking to the market was a thing, I’d be so happy. However, here, I drive to Hy-vee and look at all the things inside as I pick up items on (and usually also not on) my list. Look longingly at the floral area as I leave (I have enough plants) and once a week, stop at the Starbucks inside for a coffee and sometimes a small treat (chocolate croissant today).
Lesson Learned The Past Week
Perhaps that I need to pay better attention. I’m sure I learned a few things last week. Don’t want to think I’m getting dumber each week though that is a possibility.
Looking Around The House
Pretend the rest of the house looks as nice as my bedside table. (Spoiler: It does not.)
From The Camera
Thought I was going to catch a good sunrise but the early morning clouds were just as nice (missed the sunrise)
And just for fun, playing with a filter on the “wild” cat who got in the way of the camera.
On My Prayer List
Next door neighbor, he’s elderly, recently lost his wife and is now falling a lot, his daughter who lives closest has her hands full with her own family and is encouraging him to move to assisted living, for J’s last semester of high school to go well, new and old blogging friends who’ve endured hard losses in their families last week, friends, family, and strangers. Peace in the world. Less judgement and more understanding in hardened hearts.
Quote For The Week
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. (Martin Luther King, Jr. )
day 16/365