Author: jehdld

Happy Homemaker Monday, MLK Day

Happy Monday! MLK= Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

It’s a federal holiday here. Banks, post offices closed, kids off school. However, my husband still went to work. Grocery store is still open, thankful for that one.

Still have to plan the week ahead. Joining in with always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. (Always glad for this link up but especially now as it’s at least one day I don’t have to think about what I’m going to post during the Blog 365 challenge).

The Weather

Early just before sunrise sky.

I went to the grocery store this morning without wearing a coat in January. Pretty unusual for here. It’s currently 58 degrees and sunny. Though I should confess, it’s very windy and I probably should’ve taken a jacket this morning. However, how often can you go coat free and in January?! Soaking it in and trying not to think what this might mean for February, usually our harshest winter month.

This week: stays nice for the rest of today and tomorrow. Back to normal with some rain on Wednesday and high temperatures back in the upper 30’s/low 40’s. (And looking ahead, I see snowflakes predicted for next Tuesday but who knows).

As I Look Outside My Window

Blue skies and sunshine!!

Right Now I Am

Working on this post, listening to the washer and dryer (wouldn’t be Monday if I wasn’t!), and breathing a sigh of relief that our elderly neighbor is okay. He’s been falling as he goes to his vehicle and is supposed to trigger his auto alarm if he does. It went off this morning. However, he wasn’t outside so I had to go to the door to make sure he hadn’t fallen indoors. Thankfully, I think the wind probably triggered it and he’s fine.

Thinking And Pondering

Well, I had something I was thinking about earlier. However, with all the excitement of the auto alarm, I can’t remember what thoughts were in my head.

On My Bedside Table

Lamp, phone charger. This category might get a bit boring. Maybe I’ll have to share what’s on my husband’s bedside table: two kinds of hand cream (from his Christmas stocking), the tv remotes  (one’s the firestick), his tablet, multiple receipts to who only knows what, a lamp, earbuds case,…you get the idea. Funny thing is that I’m typically the messy one.

On My TV Tonight

Probably not much tonight. Later, I’m going to watch the last episode of The Chosen, season 2, and another David Tennant Doctor Who episode while folding laundry. Might watch the last of the playoff games later, doesn’t matter to us who wins tonight though. Wasn’t too happy with the outcomes of yesterday’s games.

Listening To

Guess I already covered this. More specific: the spin cycle of the washer along with the dryer.

On The Lunch Plate

I struggle with lunch. Not sure. Maybe Mac and cheese?

On The Dinner Plate

Tonight’s plan is for grilled pork chops and baked potatoes, maybe salad as well.

On The Menu This Week

Nothing overly exciting but I am planning on us ordering “million dollar” Chinese food on Saturday in honor of the Chinese New Year. (I just call our favorite restaurant that as if we all get exactly what we want it gets pricey. We don’t order it too often though).

MONDAY: grilled pork chops, baked potatoes, salad *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: grilled marinated chicken (just marinating in balsamic vinegar/Italian dressing and doing today), pasta, fresh green beans sauteed in butter *I work 8-4:30*

WEDNESDAY: spicy potato soup

THURSDAY: Maybe leftovers? I’m struggling with this day for some reason.

FRIDAY: Homemade pizza perhaps.

SATURDAY: Take-out Chinese food. I’ll likely get General’s chicken, G will get sesame chicken, my husband gets moo goo gai pan, and J likes just vegetable lo mein with chicken on a stick. Egg rolls, and maybe my favorite a crab rangoon or two (G likes these as well). Very different tastes for all of us.

On My Reading Pile

Struggling my way through Us Against You by Fredrik Backman. I usually love his writing and his books. This one is just hard to read because I’m reading it out of order. It’s the second book in a series and I have already read the first and last ones. Read the last one (The Winners) by mistake before realizing there was another book. First book is Beartown for anyone interested. Good series but intense.

A bit more excited my “real” book hold of Meik Wikig’s My Hygge Home: How to Make Home Your Happy Place is ready at the library. Can’t get it today though, closed for the holiday.

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. Laundry *in progress*
  3. Go get library book
  4. Pay a few bills
  5. Sort out our linen closet (It’s at an avalanche level)
  6. Call/text a few friends
  7. Other stuff I can’t remember at the moment

Plans For The Week

Work tomorrow, go to the library, maybe take blankets back to Kohls, try to get the house somewhat clean for Chinese New Year (I think of it as my 2nd chance New Year since I never seem to manage to get the house clean the first time)

What I Am Sewing, Knitting, Or Creating

I’m going to need to be more intentional with this category. Currently, nothing.

My Simple Pleasure

I know many see it as a chore but I love going to the grocery store. Especially if I can go in the mornings when it’s not too busy. If I lived somewhere where walking to the market was a thing, I’d be so happy. However, here, I drive to Hy-vee and look at all the things inside as I pick up items on (and usually also not on) my list. Look longingly at the floral area as I leave (I have enough plants) and once a week, stop at the Starbucks inside for a coffee and sometimes a small treat (chocolate croissant today).

Lesson Learned The Past Week

Perhaps that I need to pay better attention. I’m sure I learned a few things last week. Don’t want to think I’m getting dumber each week though that is a possibility.

Looking Around The House

Pretend the rest of the house looks as nice as my bedside table. (Spoiler: It does not.)

From The Camera

Thought I was going to catch a good sunrise but the early morning clouds were just as nice (missed the sunrise)

And just for fun, playing with a filter on the “wild” cat who got in the way of the camera.

On My Prayer List

Next door neighbor, he’s elderly, recently lost his wife and is now falling a lot, his daughter who lives closest has her hands full with her own family and is encouraging him to move to assisted living, for J’s last semester of high school to go well, new and old blogging friends who’ve endured hard losses in their families last week, friends, family, and strangers. Peace in the world. Less judgement and more understanding in hardened hearts.

Quote For The Week

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. (Martin Luther King, Jr. )


day 16/365





Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace. (French Proverb)

Every flower blooms in its own time. (Ken Petti)

The bloom may be brief but the memory will last a lifetime. (Doe Zantamata)

We cannot choose the day or time when we will bloom. It happens in its own time. (Denis Waitley)

More “bloom” quotes can be found here. 


day 15/365


Comfort Food: Chicken Spaghetti

How about a recipe for today? I’d been craving the chicken spaghetti my husband’s late grandmother made for us one time in Oklahoma.

Craving it enough that I sent a text to my sister in law to see if she had the recipe. I have many recipes from his late grandmother including the “treasure” of clippings and handwritten ones I found while we were cleaning out the house. Unfortunately, this one was not among them.

Thankfully, my sister in law had it and sent it over to me. Finally, yesterday I made it.

Looks like the start of something healthy:

It’s veggies sautéing  in butter and the start of pure comfort food.

Chicken broth coming to a boil

I had to buy a few ingredients I don’t usually buy for this recipe. When exactly did Velveeta cheese become as valuable as gold?! Yikes. Suffice it to say, I was really craving this chicken spaghetti to go through with that purchase.

The Recipe

As I said, my sister in law was kind enough to take pictures of her recipe cards and send them to me. I’m sharing this recipe in part so I can find it again and not have to look at a tiny text photo when I make it again.

My own recipe notes:

  • I used rotisserie chicken, removed the most the meat and set it aside, then boiled it for the broth.
  • Also, added in a couple of chicken bouillon cubes to give it a bit more flavor since I did make the following day after boiling the chicken.
  • I used regular butter instead of oleo/margarine and used the stovetop not the microwave
  • Left out the English peas
  • Recipe didn’t say when to add in chicken, I just added it in first
  • Found it easiest to just mix everything together with clean hands
  • Probably easier to cube Velveeta cheese if it’s cold (I didn’t think to put it in the fridge)
  • Cover with foil when baking until last few minutes to avoid drying out spaghetti

Finished Chicken Spaghetti:

This is a picture of our reheated lunch portions with chives added. I forgot both the chives and to take a photo last night.

Additional Notes:

  • I made 3 small pans as my husband hates yellow cheese and so left the Velveeta off his portion. Added in the rotel liquid to give it a bit more flavor. And apparently, a bit too much pepper. Oops. He still said it was good.
  • Completely forgot to top the casseroles with the chives. None of us noticed.
  • Use a bit less Velveeta if dividing among 3 dishes and doing one without cheese. Oldest son said too cheesy. Still liked it though.
  • Youngest son liked it enough to want to eat the leftovers for lunch today. And also, I might add said what’s the point without the cheese?
  • It’s very filling, I have an entire 8×8 pan in the freezer for a meal on another day.


day 14/365

Current Entertainment

I can’t think of a good title for this post. Thought I’d share some of my favorite books and tv shows of 2022. Also, what I’m currently reading and watching.

Favorite Books of 2022

One of my favorite books of 2022 was The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. I think it was probably a popular choice before last year but that’s when I got around to reading it. Sometimes the rebel side of my personality doesn’t want to read/watch something if everyone is raving about the greatness. Interestingly, I only read it as it popped up as a “skip the line” option for e-book library loans one day.

Basically, she makes a deal with the devil to escape one life and live forever but part of the debt for the bargain is she is destined to never be remembered by those she meets. I’ve seen it referenced to as a Faustian deal. I admit I’ve never read Faust.

As I do try to read at least one classic a year, Faust is likely my choice for 2023.

My other favorite books from 2022 were all the Donna Ashcroft, Daisy James, and Alison Sherlock books I read. Not high brow literature but lovely romances set in beautiful places or quaint villages.

Non-Fiction Choices

I love a good non-fiction book!

My favorite autobiography of 2022 was We Were Dreamers: An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story by Simu Liu. He’s the lead actor in the Marvel movie Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. (A very underrated movie, if you have Disney+ and haven’t watched this one yet, go do it! It’s one of my favorites of all the Marvel movies). Always interesting learning about different cultures. Worth your time.

My other two favorite non-fiction books of 2022 were by the same author, Johann Hari. The first book I read from him, Stolen Focus, Why You Can’t Pay Attention is definitely a must read for anyone struggling with all their social media. The second book was super interesting from a historical standpoint. And makes you think about how we’re approaching societal problems. Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs is a fascinating look at how the war on drugs started as well as how addiction is treated around the world.

Current Fiction Reads

Since I enjoyed the first book I read by V.E. Schwab so much, I quickly put a few of her titles on my holds list at the library. My first book of this year ended up being A Darker Shade of Magic. I enjoyed it a great deal, found it fairly interesting and original. And it turned out to be part of a series of 3 books.

Wish I could say I’m enjoying the second one as much as the first. However, A Gathering of Shadows is feeling a bit young adult to me. Not that I mind a good young adult series ( The Young Elites series by Marie Lu is excellent!).  I can’t help but feel elements of this book are a little more parallel to the Harry Potter series than I’d like them to be. Different plots just similar concepts. Magic tournament? Oh, you don’t say. SIGH. Still enjoyable enough I’ll keep reading.

My Non-Fiction Pile

Well, it is Marie Kondo’s time of year is it not? I’m actually enjoying this one quite a bit. Like most books of this style, it’s a bit common sense but reading it helps reinforce the ideas. There was also an intriguing bit in there where she talked about our blocks.

Book hiding behind the others is called A Hygge Life: Embracing the Nordic Art of Coziness Through Recipes, Entertaining, Decorating, Simple Rituals, and Family Traditions by Jody Eddy and Gunnar Karl Gislason. It was okay. Focused on Iceland mostly. Not the best book I’ve read on the subject. None of the recipes interested me too much. Pretty pictures though. Still working my way through the other two books.

TV Favorites from 2022


Better Call Saul:  (note only has seasons 1-5, you’ll have to find 6 elsewhere. Used to be on AMC+ but is not longer there). I thought this was actually a better series than Breaking Bad.

Kim’s Convenience: I only discovered this series because Simu Liu mentioned it in his autobiography. It is so funny.

Emily in Paris: Can’t even explain why I like this show so much. I shouldn’t like it at all, however, I just love it.

HULU: Only Murders in the Building: Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez, a spoof on true crime podcasts. You won’t be disappointed!

Apple TV:  Ted Lasso: My husband and I both loved this and we have extremely different TV tastes.

HBOMAX: Barry. So funny, a hitman decides to quit and become an actor instead. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I love dry understated comedy/drama. And this is it. Plus, Henry Winkler. Can’t go wrong.

Regular TV: I loved The Masked Singer.  And I do need to get caught up on The Flash as the last season airs this year. I loved it at the beginning but then my interest waned a bit the last two seasons. However, I plan to watch the last season as it was at a time one of my favorite shows. Even have a Star Labs coffee mug and sweatshirt!

Current TV Viewing

Last week I binge-watched the entire 3rd season of Emily in Paris. Like I said, I have no idea why but I do love that little show. Maybe it’s her crazy fashion choices?

Yesterday, I started watching The Chosen. A friend has mentioned this series several times so I decided to give it a try. I’m only 3 episodes in but she’s right, it’s very good. A drama series about the life of Jesus. I think it streams across several platforms.


Wish I had some stickers to hand out to anyone who read this whole post!

day 13/365

Happy Little Trees

Yesterday, I shared the nature photos from taking the unpaved and paved trails at the nature park.

Today, I’ll share the trees I went to see. You can go back to yesterday’s post to see one more of these trees.

As I mentioned yesterday, as part of a fundraiser for a local charitable organization, individuals purchase and decorate a wooden shape. Usually, winter or Christmas themed, these shapes then go on display at George Owens Nature Park in early December until the end of January.  I like to try and get out there each year and view them. Last year, they did gingerbread houses.

This year, trees. I took photos of the ones that caught my eye.

First tree on the trail

While not my favorite, I was a bit partial to the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom theme of it since I work with preschool kids.

Spoons and Money!

These two were interesting based on their design subject matter.

I didn’t get that this tree was designed with spoons until I passed it a second time on the way back to my car.

apologies for the blurry image on this one


Hope that’s not real money on this tree! Glad no one took any to test the theory.

Understated themes on these.

I really liked a few of them.

Random but fun designs

If you don’t know, Kansas City is one of the host cities for the 2026 World Cup.

Gone Fishing.

Ice cream anyone?

Trees painted on trees. I thought this one was so beautiful! Also, in a way, it made me think of Narnia. Not sure if that was the intent?

How about a shoe tree?

Christmas Themed Trees

Some of these are truly astounding and beautiful as well.

Close up of the Christmas specials tree. Look at the details! 

My favorite of the Christmas themed trees:

The Happy Little Tree

This was my favorite of all the trees. Made me laugh out loud when I saw it. Such a cute idea.

Which tree is your favorite?

(And just a note here: yesterday I mentioned the warm weather with the highs in the mid 50’s. It snowed overnight, just a dusting. And is now 33 degrees. Typical Midwestern weather I suppose)


day 12/365

A Winter Walk

It’s hard to work on appreciating winter when it doesn’t feel like it outside. At all.

Current Weather:

48 degrees and mostly clear. However, it was in the mid 50’s earlier today. So warm that I just had a jacket on as I took my walk. Didn’t need gloves to take photos as my hands weren’t cold. AND I was so hot after I finished, I took my jacket off and ran the air in the car for a bit.

It is supposed to rain overnight and drop us back into the mid 30’s for tomorrow.

Unpaved and Paved Trails Today

I went to a place called George Owens Nature Park today to see decorated Christmas tree cutouts.  It’s an annual fundraiser where local groups or individuals buy and then decorate wooden shapes to raise money for a local charitable organization. The cutouts are then displayed along a trail at the park. They’ve done snowmen, snowglobes, and gingerbread houses in years past. This year, Christmas trees. 

I have lots of other tree photos to share. However, when I started down this easy paved trail, a voice (an echo of my 25 year old self perhaps?) said take the unpaved trail! So I did.

Unpaved Trail Images

What are you doing in the middle of the woods Mr. Hawk?

Looking for butterflies?

Trail stops with this sign.

Pretty view on the return trip though. Looks more like fall than winter to me. Felt like it as well. 

And now a few images from the paved trail (Note: I’m saving all the Christmas tree cutout pictures for tomorrow’s post).

Paved Trail

Even with the weather in the mid 50’s, I still found a snowman!

Not sure why he was lurking by the bridge.

The birds at the bird feeders were happy. And far away from that hawk on the unpaved trail!

I bumped into the new naturalist who showed me a wood duck nesting site. (Had to walk off the paved path and into the picnic area to see it) It’s the hole in the tree with the grass coming out of it.

Always see geese down by the lake (saw 3 ducks as well but no decent photos)

Time for a rest.

Actually, it was time to go home and cook dinner.


day 11/365



Sam’s Club Purchases

Today was a bit busy but not really. I finished up my long week and a day of subbing yesterday. And I’m already missing the kids a bit.

However, it was nice to have time to do some much overdue chores around here. The house is slightly cleaner than it was yesterday.

Early this morning I went to Sam’s Club. Thought I’d just share what I bought there for today’s post. I like seeing what other people are buying so thought you might like to see what was in my cart.

First the fun stuff.

Clearance Finds!

This blanket is probably going to be an argument with my husband. A cozy soft argument but still an argument. He somehow thinks we have too many blankets. I think not. Is that even a thing to have too many blankets?

We had an issue with 2 Kohls blankets I bought around Christmas (one was a gift to him). When I washed them, they did not do well. Full of fuzz!  Anyone else ever have issues like that with the Big One blankets? All my other blankets from there have always been fine in the washer/dryer.

Anyway, he told me to stop buying cheap blankets and just get a good one. So I did. Sort of. I was browsing online deal sites a while back and these are supposed to be like duplicates of some super expensive brand called Barefoot Dreams. It’s pretty, soft, cozy, and since it was on clearance, I thought I’d give it a try. It really ended up costing less than the Kohl’s blankets at their regular prices.

My other clearance find was this cardigan sweater with a Christmas tree design. For my birthday, my husband gifted me the same style sweater in a red/white deer type pattern. I really like this green one though. Can already envision wearing it over Christmas tee-shirts with jeans or even with a pretty simple red dress (not that I own one).


Bottled water. Reason for the trip. 

Cooked chicken to add to freezer (not whole) so I can have already cooked chicken on hand for a few meals or as a last minute option.

Meatballs. The secret ingredient in a few of my recipes. I can make my own but the family likes these just as well. Time saver for the win.

Blueberries, plain potato chips, and croissants. Husband takes blueberries in his lunch almost every day. Sometimes you just need basic chips. And I can’t say no to the croissants. Probably my favorite form of bread. Or are they a pastry with the flaky layers? I don’t know. They are just good!

I guess the question to end this becomes are you a Sam’s Club or a Cosco person? Or do you not do the warehouse stores? I’d honestly probably be okay without but they are convenient at times.


day 10/365


Happy Homemaker Monday, Second Week of January

I debated if I was going to go ahead with a HHM post tonight. It’s Monday evening now and I’m a bit tired. However, since it’s still Monday, why not?

Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Really nice. It was in the mid 50’s today. Still 50 degrees tonight. January 50 degrees is chilly but nice. Supposed to be in the 50’s all week until Thursday and Friday when it drops back into the mid 30’s. Chance of rain on Thursday. Back to the high 40’s/low 50’s for the weekend.

As I Look Outside My Window

This was my lunch time view out the front windshield of the car.

Right Now

Yawning. And working on this post.

Thinking And Pondering

Mostly about J’s school semester. Things went well today. Trying to be cautiously optimistic. I was feeling great in the fall and everything sort of bottomed out so I’m not wanting to get my hopes up too high. However, I also don’t want to be pessimistic about it all. Ugh, there’s that word of the year again, whispering to just wait and see.

On My Bedside Table

A lamp. Phone charger. That’s it. I’ll charge my phone there tonight and set my glasses on it.

On My TV Tonight

No time to really watch. Husband was watching Top Chef when I got home from work. And America’s Got Talent when we got home from J’s lesson.

Listening To

The washer and dryer. What else?

On The Lunch Plate

School lunch of macaroni and cheese. Wasn’t awful. Passed on the sides so the kids could have more, apples and green beans. Also, had a Luna bar (nuts over chocolate variety), my own apple, and 3 chocolate covered pretzels on my break.

On The Dinner Plate

Brisket, cool ranch Doritos, slice of 3 Kings cake. Not the best dinner though the brisket was good. (Came from freezer, cooked some time last July)

On The Menu This Week

MONDAY: everyone was on own, J had grocery store chicken, G went out with a friend, not sure what my husband ate, I had the leftover brisket *I worked 8-4:30* *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Breakfast for dinner, either waffles or French toast, maybe a blueberry dutch baby pancake. Something in that variety *J has appt at 3*

WEDNESDAY: Pepper steak, rice

THURSDAY: Chicken and broccoli

FRIDAY: Maybe some sort of pasta dish? *No school for J*

On My Reading Pile

A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab. Second in a series. Planning a post to talk more about books and tv.

On My To Do List

  1. Clean the house
  2. Go to Sam’s Club
  3. Take J to appt
  4. Go to local music store to check out baritones with J on Friday
  5. Drop off donations
  6. Pay Bills
  7. Take an Amazon return to Kohl’s
  8. All the other stuff I can’t think of right now

Plans This Week

Mom’s night out on Thursday (need to make sure I have the week right), music store with J, Lots of laundry sorting,…take time to take a walk.

What I’m Creating

Nothing right now.

My Simple Pleasure

Looking at the moon.

Lesson Learned This Past Week

So many. One that caught me by surprise: You can be extremely happy for someone on their achievement while still being sad for yourself on missing an opportunity.

Looking Around The House

With Christmas put away, you can really see the dirt. Ugh.

From The Camera

How about an oops photo? I got this one when I was trying to get the moon photo above. These are all photos downloaded from my phone. I was taking it out the car window (note: car was parked!)

On My Prayer List

J to have a last successful semester of high school and graduate, friend’s son who was very sick around Thanksgiving and then, again after New Year’s Eve, that it’s nothing serious, the husband of my boss to continue to recover from his cancer treatment, one of my preschool kiddos who’s having some medical issues (and her family because how scary!), lots of other friends, family, and strangers.

Quote For The Week

Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be. (Sonia Ricotti)



Day 9/365


Things I’m Waiting On Right Now

I revealed my word of the year, wait, yesterday. Today I thought I’ll just share a few things I’m waiting on in my life right now.

Simple Things: 

My Christmas cactus to finally bloom. Oh, it’s giving me more exercise in patience than I can stand.

The washer cycle to complete. I’m washing all my “hang to dry” delicate cycle sweaters and such this morning

The dryer cycle to finish. It’s air drying the new comforter I picked up for our bed using my Kohl’s cash.

Online church service to start. (Probably will start before I finish this post so I’ll be coming back to this).

My hair to dry. Didn’t feel like making much effort once I got out of the shower.

My order from Bath and Body Works to arrive. Going to be a bit as I just ordered yesterday using up coupons, one for a “free” birthday gift that expired today.

Slightly More Complicated Things: 

J’s school schedule to get straightened out and his last semester of high school to finally (Please, dear God) go smoothly. Suffice it to say it’s been a rough start. Perhaps I’ll share more about it later in the week. Proud of him for not giving up because I’m not proud to say I was ready to over the weekend.

My Mom’s Night Out on Thursday. Normally, this wouldn’t be considered slightly complicated. However, I need to discuss something with a friend. Saying No to a friend is always hard. And while I want to support any endeavors of my friends, of course, I cannot do so at a cost of my home mental health. Not right now.

Speaking of mental health, my turn in line to have a breakdown. Ha.

Happy Things/Events:

My Mom’s Night Out on Thursday. Haven’t seen these friends in what feels like a long time since I bowed out in December, not wanting to get anyone sick.

The next set of upcoming birthdays, holidays. However, I’m making sure to take space to breathe between them all.

Using my birthday/Christmas gift cards. I’m going to Target tonight so planning to look for a new game for a different friend group to play perhaps. Or maybe I’ll save them for a bit later in the year.

Stopping here so I can get on with my day. What are some things you are waiting on today?


day 8/365


I Didn’t Want This Word

So, this word of the year for 2023 came to me as they often do during late December. And it made sense.

The thing is the word wasn’t what I wanted it to be. Not an exciting, shiny word. At all. 

And so defiantly I fought it. Gave myself another word. And I still like that word. Even though I know I’m not quite ready for it. My friend Rebecca from Rebecca’s Hearth and Home guessed it.

The word I wanted was SPARKLE. Inspired by the sparkly pink frosting on the champagne cake from New Year’s Eve. Even took photos for sharing as I talked about my new shiny word for 2023. Trying to force it to be the word for me

My favorite definition of Sparkle (taken from the Cambridge dictionary): to shine brightly with a lot of small points of light


The other word continued to nudge at me. And speak louder. Even as I was fighting it, then thinking maybe I could just have two words for 2023, I knew. So many lessons I need. So many lessons I do not want. Yet, maybe I did learn something at least from the fastball speed of last year.

And this word has whispered to me again and again already in the first week of this new year.  My word for 2023 though I’m not overly fond of it yet even if it feels right is:


This word came to me when I was writing about how I missed and wanted space between the holidays again. And when I had a bit of an issue with J, and knew I just needed to give it time. It’s been whispered to me (from greater powers) during moments of impatience and frustration (especially the past 2 days).

And so, while it’s neither shiny nor exciting, my word for 2023 is wait. Interested to see where this word takes me as (at least at work but perhaps not so much at home?) I’m considered a pretty patient person.

Just wait, more thoughts on this word are coming.


day 7/365: Blogged for the entire first week! 51 weeks to go!





