Author: jehdld

Winter Wednesday: Weather

Time for another Winter Wednesday post! Jump back to here for more information on my Winter Wednesday posts. 

While I was hoping to maybe have some fun photos of Christmas lights from Mom’s Night Out last week, I don’t. I didn’t go as I was around so much sickness and we planned to carpool. Didn’t want to risk getting everyone sick. Now, that I’ve been more or less fine the whole time, I’m really sad to have missed out. Still, I stand by my decision.

The Weather Report

Thought it might be fun to start these posts by including the current weather. After it rained all day yesterday (and some of last night), this morning is sunny and 33 degrees. The temperature is on the way down (supposedly). Yesterday we hit the 50’s amid all the pouring rain. My outdoor boots are covered in mud just from walking to the bird feeders. SIGH.

Needing the Sunshine

It’s been cloudy or I’ve been inside the past few days and I can tell. My mood is not pleasant this morning. Not great sleep the past few nights didn’t help either. Of course, this is a busy day with J’s appt and my work later.  Hoping the sun holds and we at least get to go outside with the kids at work for a few minutes this afternoon.

Winter, The Weather, and Moods

Yesterday’s rainy day got me thinking. Do you think that people who live where it snows more might enjoy winter more?  I mean snow is prettier than rain and no mud (until it all melts and turns to slush, worse than mud really).

Those of us who live where Decembers aren’t quite as cold and snowy, don’t really always have the gear to enjoy the weather when it happens. Or if we do have it, it’s been so long since it’s been needed we have no idea where it is. Maybe just us?

It seems like here in the KC area we are stuck somewhere between Mele Kalikimaka and a true winter wonderland.

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.”  Alfred Wainwright 


One of my goals for enjoying winter this year is to try and get outside as much as I can. So, I’ll be needing to see about what suitable clothing I need. Of course, working at the preschool I do feel like I have a bit of a head start. It doesn’t take many playground visits in the winter before investing in a decent coat and gloves.

Maybe I should have tried to go for a walk out in the rain with an umbrella yesterday (didn’t). Wonder if my mood would have been better this morning.

Cozy Day Attempt was Stressful?

I tried to just enjoy a cozy day at home yesterday. However, I found it stressful? Started out okay with the roast in the crockpot (only decent pic from yesterday). Maybe it’s because I didn’t get the house cleaned enough before my husband came home for lunch (there went my clear table!) or lunch finished and then, suddenly dinnertime!

Phone call that should’ve been a pleasant catch up ending up being a bit of a pressured sales pitch (that line between wanting to support a friend and feeling annoyed by the sales pitch).

Christmas deadline pressures, you know the it’s 11 days and I’m nowhere near ready thoughts.

Well, I guess I have a whole season to try again with the cozy thing.


Stopping here as it’s time to get J to his appointment and then myself to work. What do you think, do  people who live where the winter weather is more pronounced (cold and snowy) like the winter better than those of us who often get rainy, muddy Decembers?



Favorite Characters: Blogmas Day 20!

Whoa, day 20 already? I had to look at that number twice. Then, remember that Tamy over at Chasing My Life started Blogmas prior to December 1 this year. So, hopefully, seeing “day 20” in that title didn’t give you too much of a start.

Christmas is still 11 days away, not 5. Still, 11 days! Yikes. Ready? Not in the least over in these parts.

Today’s topic is favorite characters: Snowmen, Angels, Reindeer, and Gnomes. Wouldn’t be the Christmas season without these characters decorating our homes would it? Though gnomes are an old/made new again tradition around here I think. Can’t think of seeing a single gnome outside of maybe some of my grandmother’s old decorations (and I called them elves) even 5 years ago.


The nice thing about snowmen (and women!) is that for me, they are more an all winter long decoration. I usually set out a couple snowpeople my late mother-in-law made after I’ve put all the Christmas decor away. And I don’t set them out for Christmas.

That said, one of my favorite Christmas ornaments is a Hallmark Keepsake Millennium Snowman. Normally, it’d be on my tree.

Funny story regarding snowmen decorations: I used to have a snowman wreath that I’d put on the door after Christmas as well. Or maybe for Christmas but then leave on it because Snowmen said winter to me more than Christmas. And my husband and I would argue all the time about whether that stupid wreath was a Christmas decoration or a winter decoration. He was always wanting to take it down after Christmas.

What do you think…are snowmen winter or Christmas or both?

Of course, everyone’s favorite is definitely Christmas since Frosty is indeed magic because he’s made from Christmas snow.


These are probably my favorite in the Christmas area and over all. Yet another story, when my husband and I first got together/were married, my late mother-in-law decided I needed to collect something I guess. Maybe I had an angel decoration and she just went with it? Sadly, I’ll never know the reason. However, I have lots of angels that I love thanks to both her and my sister-in-law. Some of them I keep out year-round. 

I do need to put some more of my angels out and about before Christmas. This is another ornament that I usually have on the tree that’s suddenly feeling a bit bare this year.

This last picture I’m sharing is one of my very favorite angels and super special as it was the last one my late mother-in-law (and FIL) bought for me before she passed away. I actually got it the Christmas after she passed. I also happen to love Nativity sets so aside from the sentimentality, that’s also what I love about this one.       

Reindeer and Gnomes

Reindeer aren’t really my thing though of course, I love the Rudolph special each year.

I like the idea of gnomes but they just seem to be everywhere anymore. We do have gnome Christmas sheets on the bed down here and I have my one little gnome my hairdresser gifted me back in 2019, I think. And of course, somewhere I have my late grandmother’s little elves/gnomes, never could decide if they were Christmas or not.

That said, I did enjoy reading about the Nisse in my Christmas Island book that I re-read last week. Here’s an interesting you-tube video I stumbled across explaining them a bit more:


Which one is your favorite?


Did we forget about the jolly fat man? I know a lot of people who collect Santas. Here’s my favorite Santa decoration:

I really need to move that peace sign to its proper Christmas location.

Blogmas Day 19: Inspirations and Stories

Good morning from a rainy Kansas City! All back on track with Blogmas so on to today’s topic of Inspirations and Stories. Tamy who is hosting Blogmas over at Chasing My Life has some good ones so be sure to go check those out when you finish reading this post.

I’m going to go a slightly different direction with my Inspirations.


This is sort of an Advent but she states right in the beginning you can start reading it at any time during the season so that’s what I’ve done (mainly because I couldn’t find it on December 1, ha!). I find Simply Christmas to be so motivating. It reminds me where I should focus during this season.

Note, it is geared to moms with younger children. However, I still find most of the context relevant even with young adult children.


The next inspiration just popped up in my inbox today and I fully plan to follow along with it. I needed to get back to this anyway. Faithful Workouts is doing a 12 days of Christmas countdown with motivational Christian messages plus there’s a link in the e-mails to the fitness calendar days.

I really enjoy the messages and the fact that the workouts are actually indeed 10 minutes long. No this is a 10 minute workout after we have 10 minutes of warm-up and 10 minutes of cool down. Um, that is a 30 minute workout. And even my lazy self feels it when I do the beginner chair workouts.

Christmas Stories

I’m not sure what to share here. Christmas stories makes me think of books. I’ve put out all the Christmas books every year since we’ve had kids, need to do that still this year. One of the board books in our basket is Carl’s Christmas.

This book used to aggravate my husband to no end. Seriously, they left the dog in charge of the baby while they went Christmas shopping? Ha! No imagination, I suppose.

I’ll go ahead and end the post by sharing my all-time favorite (how odd that we don’t own this in book form!) Christmas short story:

It is a very short story. You can read it here if you’d like.


Tell me, what keeps you inspired at this time of year? Any favorite Christmas stories?



Basic Blogmas Catch Up Post

Well, I started out so good on this. And then, work took off in a crazy, busy direction. Somehow (whispering), I’ve managed to avoid the plagues going around there. Even my other “black elderberry” devotee teacher succumbed last week.

I think forcing myself to go to bed early has really helped. And the black elderberry. Managed to stay healthy for my birthday and enjoy a handbell concert that evening.

Enough of all that, let’s play Blogmas Catch Up.

Day 14: Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Well, I’m surrounded by boys over here aside from the cat. And now the boys are young adults. Here’s a snippet picture of what I have for the stockings so far this year. None of them read this blog (that they’ve mentioned to me so I think I’m good). This is a collection of different things for everyone.

Catnip mittens are clearly for the cat. J gets the pfeffernusse cookies each year. Bob Ross page clips are for G. Hunter’s soap is for my husband. Everyone gets a new toothbrush (just one pictured) and batteries. I’m undecided on the t-shirts. They might get wrapped as gifts or I’ll throw them in stockings. I see now I need to focus a bit more on some stocking stuffer items for this year. 

Day 15: Goodies For Others

I’m not good in this category. I remember my mom would spend the weeks leading up to Christmas making all those cookies, pumpkin bread in coffee tins, and who knows what else. Then, we’d drive around to all my aunts and uncles to deliver them sometime the week prior to Christmas. I get hung up when I think of doing this for the neighbors/friends because I start worrying about food allergies/restrictions.

Day 15: Wish List

Hopefully, we all wish for peace on Earth and kindness to spread around the world. Aside from that, I have a fairly long wish list this year that I posted on the fridge. I made us all fill out a paper. Instead of boring you with mine, let me show you what I get to work with from my husband: 

He’s getting a new blanket for the naps/more sleep answer. Maybe some lottery tickets for the more money answer. SIGH. The boys lists aren’t much better. Underwear for all! And when I threatened that, G told me he actually needed some. At least, it’s an easy item to buy, right?

Day 17: Party Food Likes/Dislikes and Ideas

Sigh, it’s been awhile since I’ve been to a proper Christmas party. Is this where we all mumble: stupid COVID!? Anyway, back when get-togethers were more taken for granted..our two go-to appetizers to take to a party were: bacon wrapped little smokies (or you can use the grocery store crescent roll dough but the bacon is better!) and/or a homemade cheeseball.

super easy recipe:

take two 8 oz packs of cream cheese, soften, beat in one package of Hidden Valley Ranch dip mix. Form into ball, roll in chopped pecans. Or sometimes I’ve done parsley. It’s best if you can let it chill several hours in the fridge.

Serve with crackers. For me, it’s not official unless served with these Sociable crackers but it’s good with any crackers. P.S. amazon link for reference only, please don’t pay $10 for said crackers, they aren’t worth that price!

I like pretty much all party foods with the exception of olives. YUCK. Also, not a huge fan of salmon though I can get through smoked salmon.

As far as ideas: I’ve always thought it would be fun to host a Hot Chocolate Open House party around the holidays. Just make up a bunch of hot chocolate, have toppings, and a few sugar cookies. Do it on some Saturday and have people stop by and say hello while they’re out running around. Maybe someday I’ll manage to be together enough to do that.

Day 18 Favorite Christmas Food and Drink

I also love most appetizer foods like the summer sausage/crackers/cheese spreads. I’ve been trying to stick to water as much as I can lately but would be happy to find some cranberry sprite somewhere.

Hot chocolate.

Might have a glass of Prosecco on Christmas Eve.

I don’t know.


Kind of a short post but I think it gets me all caught up and ready for tomorrow’s topic. What’s your favorite holiday food and/or drink?

Don’t forget to check in over at Tamy’s blog, Chasing My Life where she’s hosting Blogmas! Lots of great food/drink ideas over that way.

Happy Homemaker Monday, Real Life Edition

First, yes, every week is a real life edition of my post. This one I just decided to show the nitty gritty messy house pictures with it. Just in case, someone else is feeling a bit overwhelmed like I am over here.

Not working today at work but oh at home, the to-do list seems endless this morning! And in true Monday morning fashion, my camera battery died right as I was taking my photos. So, not too many, all un-edited as well.

Hoping that joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday will help me get on track.

The Weather

Gloomy and grey. It also started misting just as I arrived home from the store. (We’re not supposed to get rain until Wednesday but I guess the actual weather had different plans). It’s above freezing at least, right around 40 degrees. It was in the low 30’s with a blustery wind when I opened the door for the cat in the dark morning hours.

Tuesday, now I guess is the big rain day with a high in the low 50’s and then, temps all over the place in the 40’s and 30’s. Next week the big cold front is due. Who knows what weather we’ll actually get. I’m just hoping to see the sun again sometime today.

As I Look Outside My Window

Gray skies, dreary day, birds waiting to be fed but may have to wait a bit longer. (I’ve started only filling my feeders every other days thanks to very greedy squirrels and a flock of house sparrows).

Right Now

Working on this post a minute after putting away the groceries I just bought at the store this morning.

Thinking And Pondering

Holy cow, did grocery store prices jump again, or is it just me? On a happier note, I’m thinking how thankful I am to be able to go to the grocery store without wearing a mask and make small talk (mostly about the awful grocery store prices, LOL) with random strangers/fellow shoppers again. Despite the crazy high prices, people were very civil, kind, and nice this morning. So grateful to live in an area where that is the norm.

How I Am Feeling This Morning  

Physically: My back is hurting a bit, no injury, just slept on the couch for a bit last night. I was having trouble sleeping and bothering my husband (who had to go to work very early) so I opted to sleep on the couch so he could rest. 

Mentally: A bit overwhelmed with everything. So much to do before Christmas, the house is a mess, my to-do list is a million miles long. Just needing to clear some clutter and take a few deep breaths. Hoping I get a chance to do those things this week.

On The Breakfast Plate

Coffee, vitamins, a chocolate chip granola bar (before the grocery store), more coffee in the form of a Starbucks caramel brulee latte and a cheese danish as well (after the grocery store).

On The Lunch Plate

Probably going to use leftovers from last night to make BBQ pork sandwiches (we had pulled pork and rice last night)

On The Dinner Plate

I’m not sure, currently at this point in my post I’m trying to decide between: Korean BBQ meatballs, stuffed peppers, or white chicken chili. Leaning toward the stuffed peppers to use up the rice I made last night as well.

What I Am Wearing Today

A purple v-neck sweater, jeggings, purple alpaca socks (found some on sale over at Etsy and wanted to try them…still undecided), and tennis shoes. Probably going to change into a black t-shirt as I do things around the house as I’m already getting hot in the sweater.

On My Reading Pile

Just finished re-reading one of my Christmas favorites. I highly recommend this one if you are looking for a sweet, Christmas romance escape kind of book. Really wish the author would write a few more books in English! (She’s a Norwegian author and the book is set on an island off the coast of Norway)

On My TV

If you need a break from Christmas movies, we all loved Bullet Train on Netflix. Very funny story of a bullet train full of assassins. Christmas movie I watched: Spirited on Apple Plus. Very good and also funny. Finally, finally finished The Walking Dead. Not the most impressive (by far) series finale I’ve ever watched. And so many spin off shows coming! Ugh. Will I still watch most of them? Sigh. Probably.

And of course, Football. An ugly win is still a win. The Chiefs better step it up a notch if they have any hopes of beating Buffalo or (ugh, Cincinnati). Or pretty much any other team.

On My Menu

Talked to my brother on my birthday last week, he’s doing spaghetti for Christmas so….need to keep that off the men for the next couple weeks.

MONDAY: Leaning toward stuffed peppers *J has a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: White chicken chili

WEDNESDAY: Roast in the crockpot *J has an appt at 11* *I work 1:30-6*

THURSDAY: Hot dogs, chips, veggies *J has a dentist appt at 1*

FRIDAY: Korean BBQ meatballs, rice, maybe I’ll get fancy and go get some spring rolls from Panda Express (I don’t like much else from there but I love their spring rolls!)

Looking Around The House 

I’ve already shared that ugliness with you in pics throughout this post.

On My To Do List

Did wrap a few presents over the weekend
  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. Target/Sam’s Club
  3. Pay bills
  4. Clean the house
  5. Finish Laundry
  6. Fill out forms for J’s appt on Thursday
  7. Order some Christmas presents
  8. Inventory of stocking stuffers
  9. Blogmas catch up (this will help motivate me for #8 as that’s where I’m at in the days)
  10. Bit of Christmas baking
  11. Finish decorating for Christmas (seems to be a cycle, I want the house clean and by the time the house is clean, I’m too tired to decorate. By the time I’m ready to decorate, the house is a mess again)
  12. Spend some time on a de-clutter around here

From The Camera

Didn’t do a good job picking up the camera last week. Only picture I took last week was of my birthday cake. All other pics in post are from today.

J made my cake for me with minimal help (I measured some shortening, showed how to separate eggs)
Silver white cake with white frosting, all made from scratch using the ’70’s Betty Crocker cookbook.


Quote For The Week

Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)



Blogmas Tag Questions: Back on Day 13

Still playing along with Blogmas hosted by Tamy at Chasing My Life. Work got crazy busy for a moment. So, naturally, I’m a few days behind on this. I’ll probably group days 14 & 15 (maybe 16, not sure of the topic) together tomorrow to catch up.

This post would be a fun one to join in the fun!

Top 2 Winter Beauty Essentials?

  1. Lip balm for dried out lips. I prefer this natural one in peppermint flavor from a local company.
  2. Face moisturizer and hand lotion, guess that’s 2 so I’ll say hand lotion.

Top 2 Winter Fashion Essentials?

Not really a fashionista over here so let’s see:

  1. Cardigan sweaters. I have a dark/bright green one that works well for the holidays. Sometimes it can start off cold and be tee-shirt weather by the afternoon around here. I also have a pink work hoodie that I’ll wear if it’s really cold in the mornings but usually have to take off by the afternoon. Some classrooms are warmer than others.
  2. Warm socks for at work. Fuzzy socks for at home. Did I mention I’m not the most fashionable?

Favorite Winter Accessory?

Fingerless gloves! My favorites are big and thick gray ones.  My more fashionable ones have little mitten toppers so I can actually have warm fingers when I don’t need the fingerless glove function. They are black and white with a bit of sparkle to them and have a matching hat that I seldom wear.

Favorite Winter Nail Polish?

I don’t paint my nails any more. Actually, I’ve never been much of a nails person except in my mid-20’s I had the acrylic nails for a bit. And at Christmas, the tech made a little Christmas tree design on red nails. Loved that look!

Hot Cocoa or Apple Cider?

Hot cocoa. Apple cider is a fall drink in my mind.

Favorite Winter Candle?

That’s a tough question, not sure I have just one favorite. I’m on a mission to use up my current candles before buying new ones. Right now I’m finishing off two that I really love: Twisted Peppermint from Bath and Body Works and Vanilla Balsam, also from Bath and Body Works.

After the holidays, I like light, citrusy clean smells until February when I like the hot cocoa scents.

Really, I love most candle scents as long as they aren’t perfume-y.

Does it snow where you live?


Yes. However, it’s common for our weather to be in the 40’s or 50’s around Christmas. White Christmases aren’t as common. However, white January, February, and early March are not uncommon. Sometimes we also see snowflakes in early April (rare), May (very rare but it has happened), and October (occasionally but it melts very fast most of the time).

I’m just a bit excited that the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting we might have a white Christmas this year!

Have you ever made a snowman?

Of course!

What is Your Favorite Holiday Movie?

I can sit and watch most holiday movies any time. However, I’m partial to The Polar Express (my kids both hate it, go figure) and the classics. Confession: when I had time this week to watch a holiday movie, I opted to watch The Princess Switch on Netflix. I guess I should add that to my favorite list.

What’s your favorite holiday drink? 

Any of the flavored coffees. If it’s a warmer winter day, my favorite thing from the Starbucks menu is an Irish cream cold brew. Cold days are good for a peppermint mocha or caramel brulee latte. I also like their plain holiday blend.

As far as holiday spirits: a local chain of a Mexican restaurant always does a cranberry margarita around the holidays that I like to have just once a season. And I’ll not say no to a glass of prosecco.

Candy cane or Gingerbread men?

Both. I’ll probably choose the gingerbread men as a dessert and a peppermint candy cane later as a stomach soother.

What’s your favorite holiday/Christmas song?

Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives.

What is most important to you about the Christmas holidays? 

Family. Peace. Love. Can’t beat the explanation Linus gives for what is most important though:

First Winter Wednesday

What’s a winter Wednesday? Well, each Wednesday I’m going try to find something to enjoy about the season.

The above is an old photo from 2019. Honestly, we usually don’t get much snow around here until mid-January/February. That said, the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a white Christmas for our area. And we’ve had blizzard weather over Christmas back in 2009.

I wonder if I’d enjoy winter more if we got more snow? Not sure of the answer.

Why Winter Wednesdays?

Well, winter is very much not my favorite. And I tend to get pretty down as many of the days tend to lack the sunlight that I very much prefer. So, in an effort to try and get ahead of the winter blues, I’m planning to post every Wednesday. Some posts will likely be a bit longer than this one. Or they might be a simple wordless Wednesday style.

I’m also hoping to share photos of things I find that I do enjoy about winter. And plan to work on spending more time outside despite the weather. They’ll probably be focused a bit more on the previous Wednesday.

Basically, this series might be all over the place as I try to find my way to liking winter a bit more.

That Brings Us to Tomorrow

The plan for tomorrow is to get together with friends and go through a Christmas light display. Of course, I’m also working 7a.m. to 3:30 in a class with lots of sick kids (Just trying to hang on to my health tightly around here. Covered for yet another sick teacher this afternoon.) so we’ll see how I feel after that.

On that note, I’m going to stop my introductory Winter Wednesday post here with a question. What things do you do to enjoy the winter season?

Happy Homemaker Tuesday

Another week that went from not so busy to whirlwind within a day. No post yesterday as I went into work at 7a.m., then the grocery store, and followed that with taking J to his lesson. Went to be early again.

However, it’s a new day and time to join in for Happy Homemaker Monday hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. I’m only a day late so that’s not too bad.

The Weather

Just pick something and we’ve probably had it. Today does look like a normal gloomy December day. It’s currently 37 degrees and feels like it might rain. Not supposed to rain until Thursday. Really, this week is fairly normal for us with highs in the mid to upper 40’s.

As I Look Outside My Window

It looks a bit more like fall with leaves on the ground and cloudy skies. Birds at my birdfeeder. The group of sparrows hanging out goes through so much birdseed. I’ve started only filling the feeders every other day, sometimes I go a bit longer.

Right Now

Trying to get this post done. I finished my Blogmas post first and spent longer on it than I planned. Had some issues with my images showing up. Frustrating. Hoping I don’t have the same issues when I go to add them here.

Thinking And Pondering

Christmas. Really need to take stock of what gifts I have already and what I still need to get. Also, need to have a rough outline of our holiday. 

How I Am Feeling This Morning

So very grateful to be feeling good. Lots of sickness going around in our area and at my work.

On The Breakfast Plate

Maple brown sugar instant oatmeal, two sausage patties, plus coffee. And vitamins. And a black elderberry gummy (disgusting, need to get more syrup but Target was out on Sunday night and I forgot to look at the store yesterday)

On The Lunch Plate

No idea

On The Dinner Plate

Feels like perhaps a spaghetti night but I’m not sure

What I’m Wearing Today

A red Grinch tee-shirt that says “Define naughty” and brown pants, tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Just finished Christmas in the Little Irish Village by Michelle Vernal. It was enjoyable enough. Not sure what I’ll read next. I did manage to get to the library and get my on hold books last week. Been a while since I had a “real” book to read vs. reading one on the phone. (Oh, I guess I did also read Grumpy Monkey, Oh, no! Christmas as well. The preschool kids all enjoyed it)

On My TV

Not too much. Watched a couple Christmas movies over the weekend: Gremlins and A Christmas Story. Most of a certain football game we shall speak of no more. Darn Cincinnati curse! Hopefully, paybacks are coming or we don’t have to play them again (not sure which one I should be hoping for here). Holiday Baking Championship, it’s one of my favorite things to watch during the holidays.

On My Menu

I can tell it’s going to be an off week for menu planning but let’s get some ideas on here anyway.

MONDAY: My husband had pulled pork and rice, J and I had loaded baked potatoes, then he had nachos later after his lesson. G went out. *I worked 7-1:30* *J had a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Spaghetti? *I work 3-6*

WEDNESDAY: OUT *It’s my BIL’s birthday and they are all going to a local BBQ restaurant* *I have MNO and so will go my own way to a friend’s house, not sure what I’ll eat*

THURSDAY: Maybe pepper steak? Carry over from last week.

FRIDAY: OUT? (My birthday) *We have a hand bell Christmas concert to attend at 7*

Looking Around The House

Not today. It’s on the list. Let’s leave it at that.

On My To Do List

All the things. Sigh.

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. Catch up on a bit of laundry
  3. Finish decorating for Christmas
  4. Christmas shopping
  5. Clean the whole house
  6. Clean the basement **priority as G has a friend coming home on leave from army who may stay here a couple days**
  7. Figure out what I have for Christmas gifts/still need to get
  8. Maybe some baking
  9. Find out shipping dates
  10. Other things I’m sure I’m forgetting

From The Camera

Last week was more of a work week than a pick up the camera week. So not much to share.

Quote For The Week

The book I just finished started each chapter with an Irish blessing. I liked this one.

This Christmas may you have Walls for the wind And a roof for the rain, And drinks bedside the fire, Laughter to cheer you, And those you love near you, And all that your heart may desire.
(Irish Christmas Blessing)

Advent, Trees, and Ornaments: Three Days of Blogmas

Bit of a catch up post again! My work is keeping me hopping lately. Sadly, it’s because so many are sick in our area. Both types of flu going around, COVID (thankfully, not as much), and a stomach bug! Ick. Been doubling down on my vitamins and black elderberry syrup. Stay healthy, my friends!

Blogmas Day 10: Advent Calendars

I bought this Advent calendar several years ago on clearance at K-Mart. It’s one of my favorites. Just a simple block countdown. Some years we do chocolate ones and some years I forget until it’s too late. This is an “I forgot until it was too late year.”

I also light a simple flameless candle in the window each week for Advent. Nothing fancy but I like it. You can see my two candles (not lit) behind the plant and small lantern decoration.

Christmas Trees

I love Christmas trees! If we had space, I’d put one in every room. However, we don’t have space. We’ve always had an artificial tree. My dad was a firefighter and so real trees were a fire concern to him. He used to worry very much about my sister’s insistence on a real tree once she moved out. The real trees do smell good but I’m too worried about our cat (and let’s face it, that fire hazard thinking is well soaked into my psyche).

This is the year, I’m trying a simpler approach to my tree decorations. It’s still an ongoing process but the picture above is what we have currently. Here it is lit (please forgive the fuzzy photo):

Ornaments and Favorite Decorations

I’m still so far behind on Christmas decorating that I don’t have much to show in this category yet. Work’s been crazy and I had planned to do more today but once again, I’ve been called in for this afternoon. So it’s a quick glance at my current progress:

A favorite Christmas mug, they count as decorations right? A coworker gave me this when she was my secret Santa one year and I just love it. Only get it out at Christmas.

These little candy cane people are in our bathroom. They belonged to my late Aunt Helen and I’ve always loved them. The lantern beside them is new from last weekend. So I have a new favorite beside an old favorite. Funny thing, I just started putting these candy cane people out in the last few years.

Last one and then, I’m off to try and work on my Happy Homemaker Monday post (yes, it’s Tuesday). This is my Party Lite Nativity. I’ve had it for years, the first big Christmas decoration I bought when my husband and I started together in this house.

(I’ll have to share a better picture when I have it lit up).


Hoping I can get a bit back on track with Blogmas for the rest of this week. Be sure and go check out Chasing My Life where Tamy is hosting Blogmas for us with all these great topics. Join in for a day or two, it’s fun!


Christmas Cards: Blogmas Day 9

I finally got our tree up today. It’s been quite the comedy of errors all day process. Quite a frustrating time to tell the truth. The re-arranging of the furniture but I would love to put the tree somewhere else. However, it only fits one place currently. Maybe next year. We’re slowly updating our living room so there’s hope.

Then, you know the most “convenient” thing about those pre-lit trees? When the lights only work on parts of them. SIGH. So, off to Home Depot to get some white lights. Took a picture of the tree to share and it’s blatantly obvious to the camera’s eye where the light’s differ. Looks like a two-tone tree. Not so pretty. Here’s just a glimpse (the color came out so strange!) of part of the branches.

On a more positive note, I bought a box of battery operated candle lights for the tree a few weeks ago. They were a bit of a splurge but I absolutely love them! Need to get one more box to even things out.

Today’s blogging topic is all about Christmas cards.

Christmas Cards: A Lost Tradition

When my husband and I were first married, 20 something years ago, I used the Christmas cards that came to the house as part of my holiday decorations. We received enough for me to display them all around the entrance to our kitchen. And stick them on the coat and linen closet doors.

We had quite a few friends, relatives, and acquaintances back then (big family on my side remember?). However, sadly, many of our older relatives have since passed away. And as is natural, we’ve lost touch with a few friends through the years.

As much as I love getting the cards, we get far fewer now. And in fairness, I’m not great at sending them out. Not from lack of want. Sometimes time simply gets away from me. Or stamps. One year I did great at sending them out by signing and preparing all the cards in January! Then, they were ready to go in December.

Of course, that doesn’t work for those who like to do the whole Christmas newsletter thing. I did that a couple times when the boys were a lot younger but for the most part I’m a sign our names kind of card sender. Hoping it’s enough to just know that I’m thinking of your family.

Homemade or Store Bought? Or Virtual?

I haven’t sent or received an e-card in so long. Are they still a thing? I think they probably cost now and I’m too cheap for that. If I’m spending money on a card, it needs to be a physical hold in my hand kind of thing. Crafts and I don’t seem to agree so cards from here are store bought. I’ve fallen in the habit of just grabbing cards at the grocery store or Target.

However, my preference is to go to Hallmark when I can manage it. I have my loyalty card that usually comes in handy getting me a few dollars back to spend at this time of year. And they do have beautiful cards there. I like to buy the boxed cards mostly. Last time I bought a variety box (oh my, I’m becoming my late mother!). However, one year I bought cards that depicted the Country Club Plaza, a local shopping district noted for being modeled after the city of Seville, Spain as well as its Christmas lights on the buildings.

Recycling the Christmas Cards

Of course, the paper waste is one of the arguments against getting actual Christmas cards in the mail. My mom always made tags out of our Christmas cards and then, used the same tags year after year as well.

Funny story: The first year I went to my husband’s family for Christmas and took presents: I made all the tags just the way my mom did. Cutting up old Christmas cards, punching the hole in the card design part, writing the to/from on the back, and stringing the ribbon through before putting it under the bow. They were all so confused. How come none of these packages have tags? His family always used the sticker tags (or sometimes just wrote on the paper). Ha! Of course, they were a bad influence and now I use the simple sticker tags as well.

One year in elementary school, we cut a shape out various cards and then glued them together to make ornaments. I can recall doing that.

The other thing I did with the discarded Christmas cards was to make boxes. I found this fun and relaxing though my boxes didn’t always fit together perfectly. 


It’s still up in the air if I’m going to get cards sent out this year although I hope I do. I find them to be such a day brightener during the holiday season. So, I hope I can share a little joy that way myself. If I don’t manage though, I also don’t beat myself up about it too much. Some years just work out better than others.

Are you a Christmas card person?

*Joining in with Tamy over at Chasing My Life for Blogmas 2022.

