To appreciate our Easter this year, we have to start on Good Friday. Maybe we can blame some of the weekend on the full moon?
Good Friday
I had the day off but J had school as they were using the day as a make-up snow day (not a hugely popular decision but it beats going to school after Memorial Day). Spent the day making this recipe for hot cross buns. Note: The buns turned out but it also happens no one else in the family liked them. SIGH. I think if I’d skipped the glaze, I could’ve sold them better.
When I went to pick J up from school, things got interesting. We’re almost home and I casually mention I picked him up a little later because I thought he’d bring his baritone home.
J: Oh yeah, I forgot it!
Me: It’s okay, I doubt you have practice this Sunday (He’s in a band with his private lesson teacher that typically practices on Sunday nights)
J: I need it though for when we play at the church on Sunday.
Me: What? Are you playing at the church this Sunday for Easter?!
J: Yes. I told you that. (Everyone with teenagers can figure out the tone here. And no, I don’t think he did)
Me: Are you sure? What time are you supposed to be there?
J: YES. (This is where you just know it’s not worth the argument) 9:30
Me: Okay, so I guess you’re playing at the 11:00 a.m. service.
And with that, we turned around and went back to the school for the 3rd time in one day. He ran in and was able to get his baritone (A nice janitor let him in the band room. Whew!)
Usually a day where in the past, I’d spend the entire day in the kitchen preparing for Easter brunch. Instead, early in the morning, I went to Target and overdid it on items for my big kids’ Easter baskets. Worked in the yard a bit, not much it was too cold. Overall, a rather low-key day.
Easter Sunday
We could probably subtitle the beginning of our Easter, a comedy of errors.
First: Crockpot Chaos!
The ham I planned to cook in the crockpot while we attended the church service was too big for the lid to fit. Decided to throw it on the smoker instead. Realize, I don’t have the right size can of pineapple so make a hurried dash to the store (thank you stores for being open early in the morning on Easter) to grab it and a few dinner extras. Hurry to get back so I can take J to the church by 9:30.
Second: Time Changes are Never Fun!
Rush home, it’s 9:10 and J’s not ready. Ask him why not? He informs me he doesn’t need to be there until 10:30. Wait, what. This changes all the plans. Now, we’ll all have to hurry so we can all go together (Original plan: I drop him off, come home and get ready and the rest of us go to get there at 11). Start my mad dash of getting ready. J comes out of his room panicked. I read it wrong. It WAS 9:30. This is at 9:20. Okay, get dressed and I’ll get you there. You’ll just be about 5-10 minutes late. Away we go!
Then, We “Home Alone’d” Our Oldest Son
Get back from mad dash number one to the church. Why isn’t G up yet? Husband tells me, G says he didn’t know anything about it and isn’t going. We had a whole conversation about it, I’m not happy at this point. However, I need to finish getting ready. About 10 minutes before we need to leave, G gets in the shower. I think, maybe he’s trying to hurry up so can come with us. Husband says we need to leave NOW. I say but I think he’s trying to go with us. No, he’s just in the shower replies my husband. I think he’s wrong but comply and we get in the car. We’re 5 minutes from the highway, a phone call from G. Where are you guys? You Home Alone’d (his words) me. I was planning to come. SIGH.
Church Service
Finally, we arrive at the church and enjoy a lovely Easter morning service. I was sorry that G missed it as the pastor shared a great message. And of course, the band and choirs sounded amazing.
Easter Dinner
Came home, starving but dinner wasn’t ready yet. Waffles for a late breakfast/lunch. We didn’t end up eating our dinner until around 5. Ham, asparagus, green beans, corn, and rolls (not the hot cross buns). White chocolate strawberries for dessert (melted too much almond bark and made pretzels as well).
Now, we have lots of leftovers but not as many as the years where I’d host the big Easter brunch for our families. Still trying to figure out how I still ended up in the kitchen almost all day though. In the end, it was a nice Easter, everyone was up at a decent but not too early time and we had a nice day and dinner.
Still trying to navigate these changing traditions as the kids get older so who knows how next year will look. And I need to work on taking more pictures on the holidays! How was your Easter?