Happy Spring! I’m so happy it is finally here. I really do try my best to embrace fall and winter. Recently, I’ve even come to appreciate those seasons. However, spring and soon to follow summer just fill my spirits with such happiness.

I’ve already done a few chores and run a few errands this morning and now am taking a break to put up my post for Happy Homemaker Monday, hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. These posts really do help me stay on track and I enjoy very much visiting all the other bloggers who join.
The Weather 
After a beautiful and warm (!) sunny weekend, rain is supposed to start this afternoon and be here the next couple days. I don’t mind. We need the rain (Still a fire ban/red flag warning until March 23). It’s supposed to dip down into the 30’s a few days. Then, the sun and warm weather returns. Probably with a lot more green grass and flowers on the ground!
As I Look Outside My Window
Grackles taking over my bird feeders, squirrels chasing them away, tiny bits of green and spring flowers pushing through the ground. Also, a pretty sunrise this morning.
Right Now
Laundry in progress, wondering when the boys are going to get out of bed (soon, hopefully, as it’s noon), and working on this post.
Thinking and Pondering 
Spring always puts me in get healthy mode. Probably because as I switch out clothing I realize it’s all a bit snug (understatement). Trying to figure out the best diet (ugh) to work with the family (making 2 meals at a time is not for me). Noticed there is a new gym going in about a mile down the road, might look into that when they open. Just need to do something. Have a few ideas that I’m “thinking and pondering” in my mind.
Homemaking Tips
Not sure it’s a practical tip but I found the best way to clean a ceiling fan. Two ways really. One: Just get rid of it! Two: take it down off the ceiling and clean it. Also, the old adage of shop your house first goes in here as well. Spring cleaning the kitchen a tiny bit on Saturday led to us taking down the ceiling fan over the kitchen table, replacing it with another led light and then, taking down the rather dated ceiling fan in the living room replacing it with the white one from the kitchen. Made a huge difference. And the Dawn Spray Dish Soap is great for cleaning off the blades (if the fan is down off the ceiling).
How I Am Feeling This Morning/Afternoon 
Optimistic and in the mood to get things done.
On The Breakfast Plate
Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal, coffee, apple cider vinegar tabs, vitamins, water.
On My Reading Pile
Mainly just reading through the David Baldacci series with Amos Decker, I’m on book 6 titled Walk the Wire. Though my library hold of The Winemaker’s Wife by Kristin Harmel just came through. Probably going to DNF (did not finish) most other books on my pile, the Joshua Becker one, the memoir of Hillary Clinton’s aide (just wasn’t holding my attention), and some other random library books included.
On My TV
Masked Singer, still trying Outlander but it’s losing me a bit in season 3, and for fun, I watched Highlander (you know have to go through all the “lander” shows) last night. I did enjoy it, probably more than the Outlander series to be honest. If I can get the AMC+ app to work, I might catch up a bit on Walking Dead while folding laundry.
On The Menu 
Always a bit tricky to plan during spring break weeks. Just throwing ideas here and then, if I have to move them around, I’ll still have the stuff to make dinners another time.
MONDAY: Chicken sausage, broccoli, and orzo skillet (found this while browsing a magazine last week) *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: Chili (By request), also planning to make a vegetarian chili and freeze in individual portions for my lunches *J has an appt at either 2 or 3pm*
WEDNESDAY: Pulled Pork in crock pot *I work 8:30-5*
THURSDAY: Hamburgers/hot dogs and French Fries
FRIDAY: Fish, coleslaw, asparagus
*Probably be some OUT meals in there somewhere since it is spring break*
From The Camera

Looking Around The House
I’m in spring cleaning mode so it’s a bit frustrating to look around the house as I keep seeing things I need to do. It needs cleaned before it can even be spring cleaned. Hard to do with people underfoot but eventually, it’ll get there.
On My To Do List
- This post
- Grocery Store *DONE*
- Laundry *In progress*
- Cut up fruits/veggies for week
- Wash kitchen cabinets with Murphy’s Oil Soap (Floor as well if I have time)
- Start the cat grass seeds I picked up yesterday
- Take back library books (cringe, yes, the overdue ones from last week)
- Send a couple letters
On My Prayer List 
A good friend having knee replacement surgery this week, all the spring break people to have safe and fun ones, the people of Ukraine as well as those of Russia who oppose the war but are unable to speak out for fear of repercussions against their families, family, strangers.