Better to join in late than never, right? Hope so! On vacation (staycation) this week, so I’ve been a bit lazy about coming down here and working on the blog. However, I still wanted to go ahead and join in the fun for this week!
If I can, I’ll still link up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. And of course, I plan to visit all the fabulous bloggers who link up over there as well.
The Weather
I’ll just let B.J. Thomas do our weather forecast.
We’ve had lots of rain! Every single day since Saturday maybe? Seriously though, I wish I could send our surplus to some of those places with the super high temps and drought conditions. At least only one day so far, felt jungle steamy. Waiting for the sun…
How I’m Feeling This Morning
Not too bad. I slept in a bit (that means I woke up at 6:30 as opposed to 5, sigh.). Kind of upset with myself for not running errands yesterday when it was a bit of a light rain as now it’s a pouring down kind of rain and a Wednesday (busier day to run errands).
On The Breakfast Plate
My husband went and got us doughnuts! I had a frosted apple fritter. It was okay, needed a lot less frosting and a lot more filling, it wasn’t the one he meant to get me but it was still a nice change. And of course, coffee.
On My Reading Pile
Just finished the book I was reading, Daylight by David Baldacci. It’s the 3rd in a series. It’s intriguing enough. Not sure what I’ll pick up next, maybe something from my summer reading list. Today, I’ll probably focus on magazines and getting the rest of the June magazines glanced at and recycled.
On My TV
Finished up The Walking Dead over the weekend (reminds me I need to cancel AMC+ now). Haven’t really started anything else. Been watching a few random movies, mostly ones we’ve seen before like Bourne Identity and Red. Oh and I’ve been watching Loki on Disney Plus. Husband’s been watching America’s Got Talent (I could never get into that one for some reason).
On The Menu
I need to go to the grocery store so I’ve been kind of day by day on the menu. I’ll really need a better plan for when I work the next 3 weeks.
MONDAY: We had BBQ roast sandwiches and chips plus I made jello *J had a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: Frozen pizza
WEDNESDAY: Maybe tacos?
THURSDAY: OUT, hoping to go on a daytrip at least
FRIDAY: No idea depends on what’s on sale at the store
From The Camera
A friend and I finally visited a local daylily garden last Friday! It was so peaceful and relaxing out there.
And yes, you could buy daylilies to bring home and plant so of course, I did that. The variety pictured below is called Mokan Butterfly and one now has a home in my garden by the front porch.
Looking Around The House
Well, it’s not awful but it’s looked better. I have big cleaning plans for the last week of July when J is at band camp and I *hopefully* have the house to myself.
To Relax This Week I Will
Not worry about the weather, spend time with my family. Read my magazines. Visit my silly Animal Crossing Island where maybe the sun is shining.
Something I Want To Share
Since the Fourth of July is this weekend, here’s something that’s just silly and fun I stumbled across this morning. (I think I can name relatives like most the characters portrayed in this video! Ha!)
Quote For The Week
May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary. (Xan Oku)