Author: jehdld

Almost Lemon Pie

Meant to share this recipe last week but life happened. However, since it’s almost spring (Saturday), today might be a better day to share this.

This recipe is from the first cookbook I ever bought as an adult out on my own.

I can remember wowing some friends with it at my little apartment because I could make meringue. Fancy!  While it’s not a hard recipe, I’d probably put it maybe a tiny step above absolute beginner.

This recipe hails from my falling apart, missing the cover cookbook titled The Absolute Beginner’s Cookbook, Volume 2.

Later, I acquired the first book. Doing things out of order, my style.

Both are still in print and available on Amazon (where I linked them). I’ve had these books so long I bought them before Amazon was even a thing! Worth noting, I used the second volume book a lot more often than the first though my crunchy coleslaw recipe hails from the first book.

On to the recipe so you can wow friends with your “fancy” meringue.

Almost Lemon Pie

Two parts to this recipe.

The Base:

1 cup flour

2 Tablespoons brown sugar

1/2 cup butter (one stick)

Combine flour, sugar, and butter in small bowl of mixer. When crumbly, pack in bottom of 8×8 baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until it starts to turn golden. Remove from oven and cool.

My note:

I don’t get my mixer dirty for this. I combine with a fork/pastry blender. Works better if butter is chilled and cut into small pieces.

The Filling: 

This is the wrong mix!

At some point, I guess I’ll be making instant lemon pudding. Make sure to get cook and serve pudding and pie filling. And of course, you could always just make your own. However, I prefer the ease of a mix.

1 package Jell-O lemon pie filling

2 eggs

Prepare pie filling according to directions. Save egg whites for meringue. Pour filling over top of cooked and cooled base. Make meringue, according to directions on pie filling package, and spread over top of pie filling. Bake as directed.

Serves 6. Best eaten day it is baked. Can also reduce liquid called for in pie filling instructions by 1/4 cup and add 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice if you want the filling very tart.

My notes:

My base wasn’t super cooled and it didn’t make a difference. I also didn’t see meringue instructions on the cooked pudding and pie filling box. Maybe they used to print meringue directions on the box?  I just used my standard meringue recipe: whip egg whites until stiff, add 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar plus 6 tablespoons sugar (add gradually). Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until browned.)

It’s not the prettiest dessert (or at least this time it didn’t turn out very pretty). However, almost all of us enjoyed it. And yes, I forgot to get a picture of a single slice of the dessert.

Ironically, G, who usually loves all things lemon, didn’t care for this. Said he didn’t like how it was sort of a pudding and then sort of a pie. However, J and my husband both really enjoyed it. If I’d bet on which family members would be fans, I’d have lost!  I also liked the dessert though I also think you can’t really beat a true slice of lemon meringue pie.

Final Notes:

The recipe also states this dessert is best eaten the day it is baked. However, with only 3 of us eating it, we did eat it on more than just the first day. And actually, thought it was fine and even a bit better once it chilled overnight though the meringue suffered a bit for it. If I’d been thinking, I’d have added an extra egg white for the meringue. Usually, I do.


Are you excited that it’s almost spring? I know I am!


Happy Homemaker Monday, Rainy Days

Good morning! Look, I’m back to posting on Mondays! Hoping to post a bit more this week. However, I make no promises.

It is nice to get back into the routine of a Monday morning planning post. I’ll be linking up as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

Let’s just get right into the post categories.

The Weather

In case the title of the post didn’t give it away, we’ve had some rainy days (all weekend long). And are supposed to get a few more. A chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. More on Wednesday and Thursday. Highs mostly in the upper 50’s though there a few cooler days near the end of the week.

How I Am Feeling This Morning


A little stressed. Slept okay but Daylight Savings Time throws me the same as everyone else. It’s my annual announcement now that (wait for it) the days get naturally longer and shorter! Ugh, I despise dark mornings. Seven thirty for the sunrise? No thank you. Okay, done griping as it doesn’t do any good.

On The Breakfast Plate

Cinnamon roll, bacon, coffee, vitamins

On My Reading Pile

Sometimes, one book leads to another. And with the weather, I did quite a bit of reading last week/over the weekend. I started with Lighter Living: Declutter. Organize. Simplify. by Lisa J. Schultz. However, I had to put it down a few times as it was a little overwhelming. I had to be in the right mood to pick it up and finish it. Not a bad book, a bit preachy here and there but over all fairly motivating. It also gave me a bit of mid-life crisis anxiety. Her book led me to the one I’m currently reading (just started it): Zen and the Art of Housekeeping: The Path to Finding Meaning in Your Cleaning by Lauren Cassel Brownell.

During my pause from the organizing book, I read Heartbreak Bay (Stillhouse Lake #5) by Rachel Caine. A great series I’ve enjoyed reading. However, sadly, it turns out the author passed away shortly after finishing this book.

And finally, yesterday, I completed Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier. A great suspense read that kept me guessing almost to the end. I’ll most likely seek out more books by this author.

On My TV

We’ve been casually watching The Voice and we’ll watch The Masked Singer this week (we forgot it last week). I’ve been watching Doctor Who on HBO Max, decided to pay for one month of it to finish and see a few movies on there but it won’t be a continued subscription. Started to watch Ready Player One on Saturday night but realized it wasn’t the movie I thought. Seemed like a good one though so I’ve ordered the book from the library to read it first.

On The Menu

I really have no idea.

MONDAY: French Toast, bacon, honeydew melon

TUESDAY: OUT or husband’s choice *J has an appointment at 4*

WEDNESDAY: Chicken Spinach skillet dinner, Shamrock shakes *Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!*

THURSDAY: Maybe a roast in the crockpot? *I work 1-6*

FRIDAY: OUT or husband’s choice *I work 3-6*

Looking Around The House

I’m in the mood to redecorate everything. However, I guess I should clean before I do that. Kitchen needs a little work. Rest is more or less okay, just needs the touch up before some serious cleaning.

To Relax This Week I Will

I don’t know. Maybe visit the flower store. I hear a hanging basket of pansies calling my name. Pick up the camera, write a few blog posts, declutter (Is that relaxing?)

From The Camera

Another week of not picking up the camera much last week. Not one bird photo other than the ones accidentally captured below in one of my gloomy sky photos.

Something I Want To Share

This song popped in my head this morning. Pretty much describes my mood this morning.

Quote For The Week

May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary. (Xan Oku)

Amaryllis bloomed!


How are things in your corner of the world?


Happy Homemaker Wednesday

Another mid-week start around here. Hoping to get back on track next week.

Yesterday, I finished up working for a teacher who was gone for about a week and half visiting family. And so, I feel as though my week of “at home” begins today.

It’s been a bit of a rough start to the week with J’s anxiety toward school flaring up once again. He’s just starting his week today as well. I’m praying and hoping that our long-awaited appointment next week gives us some tools and answers. Can’t help but wonder if any of this would’ve even happened in a world where the pandemic didn’t happen. Can we all just hop over to that universe?

Anyway, lots of to-do’s on my list today so let’s get on with this post. Even though I’m late again, I’ll still link up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather


Warm and windy! We’re actually under a wind advisory. Rain later tonight or tomorrow. It’s been so nice out lately, light jacket weather and sometimes no jacket weather. Makes me wonder if March shall leave like a lion since it arrived in such a lovely way.

How I Am Feeling This Morning


A bit stressed and a bit optimistic all at once. Basically, a mess of emotions. Not sure what’s middle aged related and what’s worry over my kids related. Physically, I feel fine. Maybe a bit tired.

On The Breakfast Plate

Flip yogurt (peach cobbler), coffee, and vitamins

On My Reading Pile

Some random book about decluttering. I haven’t had much time to read while working full-time hours. I did send back the Clean Mama book to the library unfinished. Couldn’t get into it. Probably wasn’t in the right mindset but it felt pretty cliche after half a chapter.

On My TV

Watching through reruns of Doctor Who on HBO Max but the trial ends tomorrow so I’ll have to find something new. We decided it’s a bit too much to continue as a paid channel. (G likes the content best so maybe I’ll file that knowledge away as a birthday/Christmas idea for him). We did watch both Coming to America and Coming 2 America last weekend. Classic Eddie Murphy. We enjoyed the trip down memory lane with our re-watch of the first movie and thought the second was also well done. My favorite Eddie Murphy movie is Beverly Hills Cop so I may need to find a way to watch that soon.

On The Menu This Week

It’s a bit of an off week for my menu plan. I went to the store Saturday morning before I had a chance to figure out a serious plan. However, knowing I was working a few days this week, kept it pretty simple once again. Also, we’ll have my nephew staying with us from Thursday through the weekend.

MONDAY: My husband brought home a deli chicken so we had that.

TUESDAY: Tacos, yellow rice

WEDNESDAY: French toast, bacon or sausage

THURSDAY: Roast in the crock pot or spaghetti

FRIDAY: Hot dogs, French Fries, Chocolate Chip cookies for dessert

From The Camera

I’ve been missing a bit of inspiration. Probably related to coming home from work tired. Didn’t even have the energy for a bird watching post on Saturday so here’s a blue jay to make up for that miss.

Worked in the yard a bit over the weekend so didn’t pick up the camera much while raking, messing with dirt, etc. Spring bulbs starting to emerge all around the yard. Yesterday, my husband told me one of my daffodils on the side of the house bloomed. A bright spot in a week of rough beginnings.

Looking Around The House


Clean up is definitely on today’s agenda. Focus is on the basement though as that’s where my nephew sleeps when he stays over.

To Relax This Week I Will

Go to Target, cross some items off the to-do list, light a candle, just breathe.

Something I Want To Share

Amaryllis closer to blooming again. After an entire summer on the porch, I cut it down to the bulb last fall and brought it inside. Mostly, ignored it. Yet, when I started watering it again, it grew back. And now, it’s about to bloom. Gives me hope.

Quote For The Week

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. (Galatians 5:13)

(I downloaded a Daily Devotion Bible app on my phone and this was the first one I read yesterday morning. It really resonated with me. Perhaps it will with you as well.)


And now, I’m off to Target. Plan to catch up with the rest of you this afternoon, I hope.


Happy Homemaker Monday, Welcome March!

Do not adjust your calendars. It is indeed Wednesday, the 3rd day of March! I’m posting a bit late this week. And what a week it’s been already. Had blog issues over the weekend to start. However, I’ll share about the rest of the week later.

If the link is still available, I’ll link up with Sandra, our host, over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. Let’s look at the week from the middle of it.

The Weather

Beautiful! Seems so strange to think just a couple of short weeks back we were in sub freezing temperatures. Today’s predicted high is 70 degrees and sunny skies show all week long. Not a temperature below 50 degrees in the daytime highs. I’ll take it!

In the weird weather news: We had a regional tornado siren test yesterday and some error triggered everyone to get an alert as if it were a real tornado on their phones. Very confusing. Preschool kiddos did great going into the shelter area of the classroom. Usually, it’s just sirens for tests. It was sunny without a cloud in the sky! Today is the typical first Wednesday of the month siren test for our local area.

How I’m Feeling This Morning

Pretty good but a bit nervous. I also feel like I’m playing hooky from work a bit. My oldest son was exposed to the virus over the weekend. However, it was outside at the park. I think the odds are slim he contracted it but he’s worried, of course. And I opted to be responsible and contact my work. While I could technically be there, my boss and I agreed it’s probably best to be overly cautious while waiting for test results (My plan today, figure all that out: the where, when, and cost of testing near us. Cost because we want the quick results option…). So, I suppose the true answer is I’m feeling lately like it’s always something around here.

Glad I decided at the last minute to splurge on these flowers at the grocery store on Sunday. Bright spot on the kitchen table during this weird week.

On The Breakfast Plate

Flip yogurt and coffee. Plus vitamins

On The Reading Pile

Last week, I finished Someone We Know by Shari Lapena. It wasn’t one of my favorites but it ended with some open questions. So, I’d probably read a sequel just to see.   The other book I finished, A Minute to Midnight by David Baldacci surprised me by being better than the first in the series. It’s also a bit “out there” as far as plot lines but I like the characters enough that I’ll most likely stick with the series whenever a 3rd book appears.

A change in direction for this week, Clean Mama’s Guide to a Peaceful Home: Effortless Systems and Joyful Rituals for a Calm, Cozy Home by Becky Rapinchuk is on the virtual shelf this week. Also, need to pick my first reads book from Amazon Prime.

On The TV

Finally, used my free trial code for HBO max (it expired March 1). So, we watched The Little Things on Friday night. My record for lousy movies continues. You know it’s pretty bad when Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, and Jared Leto together can’t save it.

Speaking of bad movies, my husband turned it on but I’m the only one who watched the entirety of the new Tom and Jerry movie.

At least, Doctor Who didn’t let me down though I’m watching from the beginning and just now on season 2. My husband is catching up on Game of Thrones (never could get into it personally).

Would we pay for HBO max after the trial? I don’t think so.

On the regular tv, I watched Prodigal Son last night. Another fun and witty episode. I think the new characters are going to add to the show as well.

On the Menu

Supposed to be working 8:15-3:45 all week so kept it simple.

MONDAY: Pork chops, broccoli *I worked 8:15-3:45*

TUESDAY: chicken legs, chive and onion potatoes (grocery store item), rice (for J who didn’t like the potatoes last time), and salad. *I worked 8:15-3:45* *Not a great dinner, one of those where every thing went wrong*

WEDNESDAY: sausage zucchini skillet

THURSDAY: Spaghetti (May look into grilling something instead)


From The Camera

Looking Around The House

I’ll spend this unexpected day here cleaning up a bit more. Need to lighten things up for spring and summer. Washing the door mats right now.

To Relax This Week I Will

Good question. Might make an almost lemon pie since it’s almost spring. Watch my birds. Pick up the camera. Spend time watching Doctor Who. Go outside and work in the yard a bit, not much to do yet as I know it’s too early despite our wonderful weather. Still, signs of spring are there:

Quote For The Week

Life’s too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t and believe everything happens for a reason. (Dr. Seuss)


How are you spending your first week of March?

Happy February Rudolph Day and A Declutter Update

Somehow, I went from a slow week without much planned to a busy one. Happens that way though doesn’t it?

I went from not working at all to working yesterday, half a day today, tomorrow, and all of next week!

Thought I better pop on here and share my Rudolph Day plans (it’s going to be a quick Rudolph day morning now) and the promised update on my decluttering challenge.

Let’s start with the fun stuff.

Rudolph Day Plans

As I mentioned above, it’s going to be more of a Rudolph morning than entire day over here. However, I might circle back and do some of the suggestions after work. Depends on how the half-day work day unfolds.

Started with eating my flip yogurt in the Peppermint crunch flavor for breakfast. And I do have a hot chocolate packet to enjoy later. Snickerdoodle intrigued me for February.

If I had time, I’d be tempted to throw together a batch of snickerdoodle cookies to enjoy along side it. And of course, to share with my family.

The Rudolph Day suggestions for February include:

  1. Starting a holiday letter. However, I’ve not done a holiday letters for quite a few years
  2. Devise a plan for Christmas cash. Remember the days of Christmas club accounts? Sadly, not really much of a thing anymore.
  3. Keep adding to the gift closet.
  4. And just for fun, get ready for Saint Patrick’s Day. Happily, I picked up a Christmas themed green sugar cookie mix on clearance in mid-January (Don’t worry I checked the expiration date) to give new life as shamrock cookies in March.

Since I’m on limited time this month, I’ll probably just drink my hot chocolate and maybe jot down a few gift ideas in my Christmas notebook. Still, I might also order a few early Christmas gifts. In 2019, I purchased 2 Christmas gifts each month and it worked out very well.   

Hopefully, my March Rudolph Day is a bit more exciting. (And yes, I mentioned taking every Rudolph day off work but sometimes things don’t go as planned. Actually, do things ever go as planned?)

Let’s move on to the fun of cleaning up after the Christmas season.

Declutter Update

Mentioned a week ago about following along with the 40 bags in 40 days for the Lenten season. You can read that post here. I’ve been doing pretty good with the daily clear outs. And I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it’s all currently sitting in the trunk of my car! Definitely, an item for the weekend agenda.

However, it’s also exciting because it means I’m making some progress!

I started with the art supply/craft/cookbook/birdseed holding cabinet. Hey, why limit myself to a junk drawer? I have an entire junk cabinet! However, my husband hates it and wants to replace it with something else. So, in an effort to appease, I finally gave it a serious declutter.



Another area I tackled: the other side of our pantry. We keep the trash bags and medicines plus paper towels and tp there. Weird combination, I know.

Before and after:

Last, I opted to change locations and concentrate in the main bathroom.

Under the sink’s been bothering me for a while now. It wasn’t awful just annoying. And then, I wanted to lighten the look on the back of the toilet a bit.

Before and After

You’ll see below I actually added more to under the sink but I wanted to do it. The cleaning supplies were just sitting on the floor of the bathroom due to lack of space. Now they have a home.

My husband recently added a cabinet back on the bathroom wall for me so I’m currently debating how I want the bathroom to look.

And here’s the project I’m procrastinating to the weekend:

Ugh. Part of the issue, besides all the junk, is the shelves here are not standard size. Maybe I’ll ask my husband if he can adjust them for me.

Other (not pictured) projects included a chair in our bedroom and helping J clean and clear off his dresser and desk. With working a full week next week, I’ll probably aim to keep the declutter projects on the smaller side.

Are you working on any decluttering projects?

Blooming Again?

Before I end my post, mainly because I don’t want to leave you with the image of my nightmarish hall linen closet in your brain, how about an amaryllis update?

I started watering the bulb again in late January without much hope and then, it started growing. And it’s still growing:

Perhaps I’ll have a bloom or two by the next Rudolph day? (This morning I noticed a second smaller bud  on the other side).

If you’re wondering about the plant in the yellow pot, it’s my lemon tree. Purchased it on clearance around Valentine’s Day and all the leaves died and fell off! Froze the poor thing taking it from the store to the car. However, all hope is not lost as I noticed a teeny tiny leaf emerging from it yesterday.

Here’s to happier spring and summer days to come!

Happy Homemaker Monday, Nearing Winter’s End

Whew! Now that we’ve had a little winter, I’m ready for spring’s arrival. It’s not time quite yet but we only have 26 days to go.

Oh boy is it ever a Monday as well. I just typed up my entire post and something happened in the save draft part and *poof* it all disappeared except the first two sentences. So this is my second try at posting this morning.

Joining in to plan my week with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

The sun is shining! It’s warm (well, warm for winter and supposed to be almost 50 degrees today). Tomorrow, it’s going to hit 60 degrees. And then, we return to normal with highs in the upper 40’s. However, I’ll take melted snow and upper 40’s over the artic blast any day. We want to return that weather for a full refund.

And I continue to think of our friends to the south hit so hard by the weather. Praying they quickly recover.

How I Am Feeling 

Frustrated! My blog keeps wigging out when I try to save my drafts

On My Mind

I’ve typed this section twice now. Maybe you aren’t meant to know what’s on my mind today. Thank you for all the kind words and prayers last week when I mentioned my job. Still thinking things through but feeling a bit more optimistic. Today’s concerns mostly revolve around my youngest son and his struggles with anxiety and school in this “lovely” pandemic world.

On The Breakfast Plate

Flip yogurt, coffee, vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

Planned to read A Virgin River Christmas this week because of Rudolph Day after taking a break from the books. However, I just couldn’t do it. The books are too “formula” for me. I don’t mind slightly predictable so perhaps I’m just not a fan of the author’s writing.

Since I needed a change, I quickly read through some suspense/thriller novels over the weekend with a new to me author, Shari Lapena. An Unwanted Guest was my favorite as it had a nice spooky vibe going. However, I also enjoyed The Couple Next Door and A Stranger in the House as well.

Then, to go a completely different direction, I read The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. (Can’t figure out how to make the thing above the “e” in his last name). I’d never read it before and they reference it a few times in Fear The Walking Dead so I was curious. Enjoyed it.

Now, I’m back to suspense and reading Outfox by Sandra Brown. Takes a bit more concentration but engaging enough.

On My TV

The Muppet Show! Reliving my childhood with a bit of comfort television. And trying not be annoyed at my husband calling it Sesame Street for adults. He’s probably still annoyed at having sat through the movie, Bliss with me. “You pick the worst movies!” Ahem, I don’t disagree. I found that one disappointing. Not what I expected. At least WandaVision and Prodigal Son don’t disappoint. Of course, the latter is on hiatus until March. Still working through Fear the Walking Dead as my laundry folding show.

On The Menu

A bit ambitious this week, we’ll see how it goes.

MONDAY: stuffed peppers *I have a hair appointment at 11* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: ham steaks and baked sweet potatoes

WEDNESDAY: garlic chicken bites and asparagus (Fresh! On sale! Hooray!)

THURSDAY: Mongolian Beef in the crock pot *Rudolph Day*

FRIDAY: Sheet pan pancake

From The Camera

New Recipe I Tried Last Week or One That We Really Enjoyed

Yesterday, I tried a new recipe for sheet pan maple pork chops. The pork chops were okay but our family united in hatred of cooked fennel. One of my list items this year was to try a new vegetable each week. Now, we know fennel is not a favorite (to understate things).

To Relax This Week I Will

Make a second attempt at cleaning the house (doesn’t work well with everyone at home in snowy weather). Give my February magazines one last glance before tossing them in the recycle bin.

Quote For The Week

I shall have to put up with a few caterpillars if I want to see the butterflies.

(from The Little Prince)


What are your plans for this last week of February?


Birds Not Having An Artic Blast

The artic blast hit our area last week. I think this robin’s face sums up our feelings about the weather.

None of us plan to request a transfer to the North Pole anytime soon.

Feel very fortunate to live in an area accustomed to snowstorms. Thought often of those to the south without power in the midst of all this. In this area, most of us simply had a 20-30 minute planned outage and conserved power as requested.

Prior to the storm, I stocked up on birdseed.

If you feed them, they will come.

My regular customers were very happy about it.

(I know it’s not the best picture above but because of the temperature especially, most photos were through the back door).

And I had a new customer as well!

New Friend in the Yard

I spent quite a bit of time chasing this sparrow with the camera, both inside the back door and also, venturing out into the backyard once the temperature hit 21 degrees (that’s still pretty cold by the way!)

I think (90 percent sure but hoping someone confirms it for me) this is a fox sparrow.

Behaves much like my beloved white throated sparrows.

Warming Up

Yesterday, the mercury finally climbed to the 32 degree mark. My youngest son and I ignored the wind chill number (mid 20’s) and set off on a winter hike. While I grabbed my camera, I didn’t plan to do any serious birding. It was more of a get the teenager out of the house outing.

However, he’s my good luck charm when it comes to birding. As we started down the trail near some local lakes, he spotted a little group of trumpeter swans in the one area where the lake wasn’t frozen.

On our way back from the trail, we noticed a lone Canadian goose flying along the skyline.

Happily, we notice some other geese join up as we arrived at our car.

Other Birds Spotted This Week

Before I finish my post, I feel I should share at least one snow bird (dark eyed junco) given the weather.

It’s above freezing and sunny out there today so the birds are a bit happier. My husband even spotted our resident Cooper’s Hawk in a tree early this morning.

Other birds out and around the feeders: cardinals, house finches, the Carolina wren, house sparrows, robins, a few starlings, blue jays, nuthatches, and both the downy and red bellied woodpeckers.

Did you get a chance to do any bird watching this week? What birds did you spot?


Joining in with the Bird Depot hosted by Anni at I’d Rather B Birdin’




Forty Days

Today’s the first day of Lent. And while I’m not Catholic, I have heard of giving something up for Lent. And I somewhat knew about the 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge. This year after reading about it a bit, I’ve decided to participate.

The Basic Premise

You can find the detailed ideas and outline of the challenge over on the The White House Black Shutters blog.  However, the basic plan is simple: declutter one area of your home for the next 40 days. So, I guess I’m giving up clutter for Lent.

Bit of a Head Start

I do already have a box of items to donate sitting in our bedroom. However, I guess it wouldn’t be fair to count that box. Also, on Sunday, I did a small declutter project. It was before I thought about doing this. Again, probably not fair to count it. Yet, I still want to show my results.

What I’ve not quite affectionately been referring to as “the kitchen tower of doom”

A close-up of the mish mash:

And the new look after I cleared and organized:

Not completely done but much better.

Items about the new look I really like:
  • Cookbooks on the top, deciding still on others to display
  • The new “office” shelf. Been trying to figure out a pretty way to store a bit of mail/paperwork in the kitchen until I’m ready for it. The boys each have their own cardboard bin for their mail/paperwork. My husband and I are sharing one. It’s mostly filled with bills anyway.
  • The continued convenience of the sugar and flour easily accessible. Want to make labels (suggestion of J who thinks sugar and flour look a lot alike, inexperienced cook there)
Items still pending:
  • husband is uncertain about moving the potato and onion bins down a shelf because of the proximity of a heat vent.
  • His BBQ spray bottle and the foil he stores there. No idea what to do with those items. Don’t live by myself. Hardest part when it comes to organizing, all those other people! Ha.
  • I did move the chocolate chips and almond bark (used it on Valentine’s Day actually) to the pantry

My Plan For the Next 40 Days

One thing that appealed to me about this is the flexibility of it. I did print the check lists but it’s up to me what areas I pick on what days. Since I did a big clear out of the kitchen last year and it’s remarkably stayed fairly decent, I’m probably starting with the hallway between the kitchen and backdoor.

There’s a cabinet of doom there that my husband’s been asking to me to remove for years. However, it’s FULL. It’s also right by the backdoor. Might be a bit too cold to work there today. I did one side of the pantry earlier in the month. Did I ever share my photos? Can’t remember.

The other non-food side of the pantry isn’t as pretty. It holds medicines, brunch serving dishes, and drink mixes (tea and hot chocolate). Perhaps I’ll focus on it today. There’s also a cleaning alcove (very small) in the hallway that needs help.

Hopefully, I’ll remember to take my before and after photos. Then, every 7 days or so, I’ll share my progress.

Time to Start

Well, now that I’ve shared the plan, it’s time to start in on it. Plus, I’m getting a bit cold in the basement. Odd, it’s usually a bit warmer down here.

Are you giving up anything for Lent? Or working on a decluttering/organizing project? Let me know.



Happy Homemaker Monday, President’s Day

Glad today is a holiday for most of us around here. We woke up to negative 9 degrees and now it’s snowing. My stubborn husband still went to work. Hopefully, he won’t have too much trouble.

Seems most of the country is “enjoying” this wintry weather. Thankfully, there are warmer days (and by that, I mean we get to see the top side of the freezing point by week end) ahead.

Time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom and plan this freezing cold mid-February week.

The Weather

Did I mention it’s freezing cold outside? And snowing? With dangerous wind chills? Again, so thankful today is a holiday. This crazy cold stuff lasts until sometime tomorrow afternoon. (Not thrilled to work in the morning) Then, on Wednesday, we see a balmy 20 degrees but with more snow chances. And a full “tropical” heat wave arrives just in time for the weekend with highs in the mid-30s.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Like I drank a bit too much coffee because I did. And am I going to drink a bit more? Probably. Beautiful brown motivation in a cup.

On My Mind

My work. I’ve made no secret about loving my job. However, lately, they’ve made changes. And while I don’t hate it, I no longer have the “I love it so much I’d do it for free” feeling. One of my very favorite teachers is leaving soon. And with her departure, only one other teacher who was there when I started remains.

Realizing it’s a high turnover field I should’ve expected this. Yet, as I told the soon to depart teacher, it feels as if the whole dynamic of the place changed. And suddenly, I find myself questioning my thoughts that I’d probably be there “forever” and wondering if I, too, should move on to something else.

Currently, I’m telling myself to wait and see what spring/summer brings. However, when I started, the school had a such a homey and family feeling to it. And lately, it feels (for lack of a gentler word) so institutional to me. Not something I enjoy. Pausing and praying about it all. For now.

On The Breakfast Plate

A cinnamon swirl bagel with butter (wasn’t feeling the cream cheese) and I already mentioned the too much coffee. Plus my vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

Bad books that I keep reading. Okay, not bad but average. Maybe slightly above average. I’m working my way through the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr. Currently, I’m about halfway through the 3rd one, Whispering Rock.

Thought I’d test the books out before watching it on Netflix. However, I tried one episode of the series after being halfway through the 2nd book. And, it’s not my thing. “That’s pretty chick-flicky” was my husband’s comment. I do not disagree. Honestly, I keep reading the books because I’m fascinated by the town more than the characters or story lines. Bucket list item of mine is to visit the redwood forest so the books appeal to that side of me. The rest, chick literature. And not that well done, in my unpopular opinion.

Also, prior to this series, read The Long Road To Mercy by David Baldacci. Knew he was a pretty popular author so gave it a try. I’ll probably pick up the sequel at some point. Again, this rated just slightly above average for me with the setting (Grand Canyon) holding my interest a bit more than the characters. Though the thriller/action genre is more my thing.

On My TV

After trying and (not succeeding) to watch Virgin River, I switched over and watched X-Men: Days of Future Past on Disney Plus. Knew I’d enjoy it having gone to see it in the theater (remember those?) by myself when it first premiered. Wanted to watch it again as one of the characters is now in WandaVision (something else I’ve been watching weekly)

And since sometimes, you just have to “let it go” and give into the weather, I watched Frozen II on Disney Plus as well. Rare thing to say but the sequel was much better than the original. I really enjoyed it!

This week, I’ll probably watch a bit more Fear the Walking Dead while folding laundry (guess I’m the person who’d rather watch zombies than romance shows) as well as the new episode of Prodigal Son. My husband and I have also been watching Name That Tune but we don’t make it a priority.

On The Menu

Kept things pretty simple for Valentine’s Day yesterday


Since I have no plans to get out in this weather, it’s going to be a menu based on what we have around here. I went to the store last Wednesday but with everybody home, I think I could go to the store every day and it still might not be often enough.

MONDAY: Pork chops (maybe, have a I need to cook them if they’re okay situation. Forgot them in the fridge. UGH, hate to waste food but sometimes life happens) *Not sure if J has his lesson at 6:30 tonight or not, weather stuff*

TUESDAY: Pancakes and sausage and/or bacon *I work 10-3, though I could see this teacher pulling a do you mind just staying all day*

WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti or chicken of some sort, maybe I’ll do chicken cacciatore, this choice depends on if I can cook the pork chops or have to toss them

THURSDAY: Roast in the crock pot *I work 1-5:30*

FRIDAY:  Fish sticks and French Fries (or OUT, we didn’t get a Valentine’s take out as our planned restaurant didn’t open due to the weather so I cooked at home on Sunday)

From The Camera

New Recipe I Tried Last Week Or One That We Really Enjoyed

I’ve made this minestrone soup recipe with whatever was on on hand and they’ve ate it with no complaints twice now. No photo but nice to have another second time around success story! I serve it with Parmesan cheese and bread. Oh, and I have to brown some hamburger on the side for my husband to add to his but it’s plenty filling without any meat.

To Relax This Week I Will

Hopefully, get the house decently cleaned, light a new candle, and sit enjoying a clean house with a cup of tea and a book. Maybe try a new craft project (just something small I picked up at the $ spot at Target a few weeks back)

Something I Want To Share

I’ve got nothing. How about a lame joke?

Source: Pinterest


Quote For The Week


Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable. (Mahatma Gandhi)


How’s the weather where you are this week?

Cold Snap

I took most of these photos on Sunday. The temperature dropped and it was quite cold out there. (We thought, I think it was maybe 10 degrees. This morning, it’s negative 2 degrees with a minus 22 degree wind chill. Trying to recall when we moved to Siberia.)

Just prior to the storm arriving, I snapped this white-throated sparrow taking shelter under the deck furniture. Not much shelter but there he sat as if he knew the weather was about to turn.

Waiting for the Storm

Our robin continues to visit daily. I don’t think he’s a fan of winter either.

The Groundhog said what now? How many more weeks of winter?


The Kansas City Chiefs lost the Super bowl and we have 6 more weeks of this nonsense weather? It’s going to get colder? You’re kidding, right? Afraid not.


A new bird joined the backyard crew. Not exactly excited about its appearance.

It’s a Starling, darling!

While not a fan of the starlings, nice to see a different bird in the backyard. And I’m not going to begrudge any bird looking for food in this crazy cold weather.

Of course, my regulars are still out back as well. The downy woodpeckers continue to visit the suet feeder, sometimes waiting patiently for me to clap my hands and shoo away the ever present squirrels.

Is Winter Over Yet?


Finally, one last bird photo to share this week. My blue jays also continue to visit. They’re fairly shy but I do hear them squawking when the feeders are empty or I’ve not thrown some seed on the deck.

The Cold Never Bothered Me, Anyway.


This morning, I’m hoping the freshly filled feeders don’t empty overnight. Not in a hurry to go freeze filling them up again soon. Since I found some suet blocks on clearance, I threw them out in solid clumps on the ground to maybe keep the squirrels busy. Wish me luck!


Time to list other birds spotted this week: Cardinals, nuthatches, house sparrows, and house finches, the red-bellied woodpecker, dark-eyed juncos, crows, and Carolina wrens. Also, spotted some type of white bird of prey flying in the sky while driving to week. Couldn’t even begin to guess but I do hope I see it again when I can note more details. What birds did you spot this week?

*Joining in with the Bird D’Pot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.

