Author: jehdld

Thursday Things

Remember about a week ago when I said I watched Frozen on Disney Plus? My thought was I’d watch the sequel soon after. Turns out I don’t need to do that as we’re living it! Well, not the princess part. Or the cool castle part. No grand adventures or talking snowmen either.

However, it’s definitely as if Elsa had a finger pointing tantrum directed at the Midwest.

Twelve degrees out there right now and that’s warm for this week! Saw a meme that ordered the northerners to come get their “drunk weather” out of our backyards. I concur. And please, hurry!

It’s one thing to embrace winter but I’m not quite enjoying frigid cold just to drop a kid off at school yet. We’ve also had snow and ice mixed in with it. Road conditions were still poor enough Monday evening, that J’s baritone instructor called early to make sure we weren’t attempting the trip (He gives lessons out of his home).  And on Tuesday morning, my husband returned home and waited a bit longer to leave for work as the roads were solid ice.

Yesterday, we had a bit of a heat wave or at least improved road conditions, so I did a bit of running around after dropping J off at school.

Grocery Store

Thankfully, the store is back to somewhat normal hours so I didn’t have to worry about waiting for the “senior hours” to end.  Normally, I don’t shop on Wednesdays (sale day, always busy!) but made an exception.

Colder weather is supposed to arrive this weekend so I wanted to be prepared. Flower prices always go up around Valentine’s Day but they had these Meyer Lemon Trees in a sale cart:

A lot cheaper than a dozen roses! And (hopefully, keep reading though) longer lasting so I treated myself. Or rather I told my husband that he bought me a lemon tree for my Valentine’s flowers.

Also, treated myself to a Chai Tea Latte. A medium. Am I the only one can never remember the size names? A tall is a small but the Venti vs. Grande thing confuses me. Appreciated the barista’s graciousness in just saying so you want a medium? It was nice to have a warm beverage in hand going back out into the freezing cold.

Now, back to my plant. I took the photo above soon after I arrived home. Made sure to put it in the car/house first to limit its cold exposure. However, it still started this curling craziness last night:

It happened after I watered it. The soil seemed dry to me but apparently, over watering is a thing with these plants. Hopefully, I’ve not set a new plant killing record. I’m going to let the soil dry out for at least a solid week and see what happens. Wish me luck!

Tractor Supply and The Dollar Tree

Tractor Supply Stories

After driving to the grocery store, I decided the roads were decent enough that I should run a couple more errands.

Poor birds were completely out of seed (Minus a small bag I bought at the grocery store in case I ran out of steam before running more errands).

Lots of people were in Tractor Supply stocking up on bird seed, most likely for the upcoming frigid weekend. This surprised me as I’m not used to waiting to get into the bird seed aisle.

On another note, guess what happens when you down a medium Chai Tea Latte and then, go off on another shopping adventure?  I don’t enjoy using retail restrooms in normal times let alone pandemic ones. However, sometimes when you’ve got to go; you’ve got to go.

Found the bathroom, way back in the far corner of the store. Walked to the ladies room to see this lovely sign:

For key, please see cashier.

What? Asked another associate walking by. Oh, the cashier has the key. SIGH. Did I mention it was busy? Thought about just paying and simply going home but again, when you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go.

Back to the front I walk, park my cart, get the key from the cashier. It’s attached to a stick wrapped with pink duct tape. Visions of gas station restrooms floating through my head. Whew, just a normal bathroom with stalls. No idea if it’s a normal thing or a Covid thing that they keep them locked (Target’s bathrooms are still “normal”).

Relieved, in more ways than one, I returned to the front and waited in line to pay for my birdseed and return the key. Strange times aren’t they?

The Dollar Tree

Braving the restroom at Tractor Supply meant I could run an additional errand so I made my way over to the Dollar Tree. Turns out the particular store I frequent is moving. Quick Trip bought the whole corner or something. Thankfully, they’re just moving across the parking lot and next to another grocery store in our area. Hopefully, the new store’s a bit better maintained.

The moving date listed said mid-February so the store was quite empty. Nice to have a bit of space to shop although not much to look at in the mostly empty aisles. Bought some Fairy garden doors. Then, picked up my project idea paper boxes.

Since this post is getting a little lengthy, I think I’ll end it here and make you return tomorrow to see what’s stashed inside these boxes. I’ll share a few other recent projects I’ve been meaning to show you as well.

How’s your weather? If it’s warm, can we borrow some, please?




My Thoughts On Magnolia Journal

I decided to purchase and savor one quality magazine each quarter. It’s an item on my 21 for 2021 list.

My choice for the winter quarter: Magnolia Journal.

magnolia journal

Thought it might be fun to share my thoughts about my “fancy” magazines. First, let me say I love magazines. However, I typically only subscribe when I find a free on-line deal. Mostly that means doing surveys and sometimes limited choices. Of all the magazines arriving, I think I’d probably be willing to pay for perhaps one subscription and that’s a maybe.

Basically, I’m telling you it’s hard for me justify shelling out money for a magazine. However, I do love flipping through their pages.

So, is Magnolia Journal worth it?

The Basics

Price: $7.99

Seems a bit steep to me. By comparison, the cover of Better Homes and Gardens list price is $3.99.

I justified the expense by using a grocery store gift card I had in my purse.

The current subscription rate is $20/year so discounted to $5 an issue. (Better Homes and Gardens arrives in my mailbox for free from some long ago forgotten deal)

First Impressions

The first thing I noticed about the magazine was the pages. Not the content of the pages but rather the quality of the pages themselves. The pages are a heavier weighted paper than your typical magazine. Gave it a bit of a more luxurious feel.

The Good

Don’t you hate when you pick up a magazine and read more ads than content? I was impressed with how the ads seemingly flowed without interrupting the content. And I do think the magazine contained more content than ads.

The articles lacked the redundancy many magazines suffer from when all relate to a singular theme.

Many articles and pages had spaces for journaling your own thoughts within the magazine.

magnolia journal

The interviews were interesting and engaging.

The recipe section contained appetizing food that called for regular ingredients.

magnolia journal

Complaint Section

Before I share my limited gripe about this issue, I want to give a slight pass since as a winter issue, Christmas pretty much had to be addressed. I mostly enjoyed the Christmas articles even in February.

However, the one way the magazine did stay cliche?  The ubiquitous in all magazines published around a holiday, an over-priced gift guide. While the gifts were at least varied in price, the cheapest women’s gift: $25 for a set of 3 loose-leaf teas. However, most of the gifts averaged out to about $50.

magnolia journal

And perhaps it’s because I have teenagers that I noticed, they were completely overlooked in the gift guide section. I can forgive this as I know their kids aren’t at that stage yet but I can’t advise buying any child a $70 backpack. Certainly, didn’t see any affordable ideas if you were gift shopping for more than one child on a limited budget. Perhaps, I’m not the gift-guide target audience. Happens a lot these days, realizing I’m not the target audience of shows, games, and now apparently magazine gift guides.

Overall Impression

Actually, impressed.

magnolia journal

Have you read this magazine? What are your thoughts?

Happy Homemaker Monday, Cold and Busy Week

Happy Monday from cold, snowy, and sad after a Super Bowl loss KC. It’s a balmy 7 degrees with snow out there this morning.

Most schools are either having on-line or snow days. Grateful J’s school still opts in for the idea of snow days.

I was supposed to work for just a few hours this morning but did something my younger self probably would never consider. I called and asked if they actually needed me. Thankfully, the answer was no, stay home and be safe. Hooray! A snow day for me as well.

Time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

As I told my husband, we tend to forget that February is the coldest and snowiest month around here. It’s certainly not letting us down as we move into the 2nd week of the month. I mentioned it earlier but we’re in single digits (weekend wind chills were below zero and we had a bit of snow then as well) and snowing. Winter advisory until this afternoon. We are supposed to reach the teens later this week with slight chances for snow most days. It’s the Midwestern Winter version of just wait 5 minutes…

How I Am Feeling This Morning

A little tired with a slight headache (probably from lack of sleep, nothing serious) so relieved they didn’t need me at work today. Sad that my team lost the Super Bowl (grudgingly says congratulations, Tampa Bay!) but still (like most fans) super proud they made it there 2 years in a row. Shocked to hear last night that it’s the first time in his professional career that Patrick Mahomes lost a game by double digits. He’ll be back (with the rest of the team).

On My Mind

Trying to figure out what to do with my unexpected free time today. While J’s school called an official snow day they encouraged the kids to work on late/missing work. I certainly have more than a few procrastinated projects and phone calls. Maybe I’ll do the adult version of working on late/missing work. Or clean the house.

On The Breakfast Plate

I had apple cinnamon oatmeal, 2 sausages, coffee, and vitamins

On My Reading Pile

In keeping with my word of the year, I decided to spend less time trying to force myself to read books that weren’t holding my attention. Hamilton by Ron Chernow returned to the library as did The Little Book of Cottagecore by Emily Kent.

I started Infinite by Brian Freeman last Monday and finished it well before the week ended. His books seldom disappoint me and this one stayed true to that form. I really enjoyed this story of multiple realities intertwining though the ending left me on the fence.

Another of my holds popped up and I surprised myself by reading Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist by Eli Saslow in 2 days. Interesting from a sociological perspective, hopeful, and sobering all at the same time. Well worth reading.

And now, I’ve changed reading direction yet again and am reading another library hold that popped up for me, Playing Nice by J.P. Delaney.  Infants switched at birth because of a hospital mistake (maybe)? Parents meeting to discuss what to do about it. Really curious to see where this story is going.

On My TV

With the weather, I imagine I’ll watch a bit of TV this week. Last week I did a little better but Saturday I needed a day. So I sat and watched too many episodes of Fear The Walking Dead. Back to that for some reason. Might watch more today. And of course, I’ll watch Prodigal Son on Tuesday evening. And the new WandaVision (that one is getting good!) on Friday.

Speaking of on the TV, what did you think of the Super Bowl halftime show? I saw where quite a few thought it was boring but I enjoyed it. My sons actually came out and watched that with us (they aren’t football fans). I appreciated the simplicity of it.

On The Menu This Week

MONDAY: Minestrone (I’ll brown some hamburger on the side for my husband to add to his soup) *I work 9:45-2* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *It’s my husband’s birthday so this may change, we celebrated some yesterday with the cake already*

Parchment paper is a nice thing to have, I was out so my cakes stuck.


TUESDAY: Baked pork chops with oven roasted carrots and parsnips, stuffing

WEDNESDAY: Chili and cornbread *I have a hair appt at 9*

THURSDAY: Chicken strips and French Fries *I work 11-4*

FRIDAY:  OUT maybe Panda Express? *Chinese New Year* *No school for J*

From The Camera

Sunnier days from long ago (last Wednesday)


New Recipe I Tried Last Week Or One That We Really Enjoyed

Sometimes the second time I make a new recipe they aren’t as big a hit as the first try. However, this spinach chicken skillet passed the second time test. I’ll need to add it into our regular rotation more often.

To Relax This Week, I Will

Read, work on this blog, and probably play the silly game I downloaded onto my phone: Project Makeover. It’s dumb but also kind of fun. Let’s call it a guilty pleasure. I also downloaded the game Go so that maybe I could understand it a bit better. (J is trying to teach me to play)

Something I Want To Share

Cottage Market is a blog I enjoy and she often offers free printables. I currently have the one pictured above on my fridge. Also, she donates to a pet rescue charity each week based on comments (I confess to being bad about commenting on Saturdays but I love the idea!).

Quote For The Week





A Game Called Go, Some Geese, and Gulls

On Wednesday afternoon, my son came home from school asking if I’d ever heard of a game called Go. Thanks to my obsession with Animal Crossing on my phone for a few years, I could say yes. Although I had no idea how to play or anything about it other than it being an item I could get for pretend animals in my game.

I’m taking the long way around to say my walk in Wednesday’s beautiful weather was delayed. First, my son created a Go game board and then, we played. I lost. Badly.

The Geese

However, I still took my walk. I just left the house much later than planned. Wednesdays are odd days in that school gets out early so my whole day usually ends up a bit off anyway. Tonight (Saturday) the ground is covered with snow and there’s a feels like 5 degrees temperature.

Just 3 days ago, it was more of a feels like 50 degree temperature. And sunny. I ventured off to my favorite walking park. It’d been a while as we’d had snow and rain and it’s often slow to dry over there. The parking lot still had the large puddles and I passed a part of the park where a large grassy area remained flooded. There I saw an usual sight. I’ve never seen Canada geese at this particular park. Yet, Here they were flying in to  enjoy the water. A few robins joined them.

I watched them for quite a while. The park was busy since super nice February days are relatively rare. The gentleman in the picture below appears closer to me than he is. The sidewalk to get over to that side is quite long.

I could have watched the geese for longer but I was on a time crunch (dinner time approaching fast). One last look.


Yet another bird I’d never seen at this park. A group of gulls flying in the sky on the west side of the park. Couldn’t get the whole group in a decent photo but captured a few single gulls in flight.

I’ve often heard when you spot a gull, it means snow is on the way. Not sure if that’s just a local thing but it did get colder and then, snow today. Personally, I’ve noticed whenever the temperatures get unusually warm, snow tends to follow. Usually not this much cold air with it.

Other Birds Spotted This Week

Around the backyard, all the birds were happy that I finally got around to refilling the feeders on Friday morning. The squirrels were as well. I’ve been throwing extra seed out on the deck for our resident robin and the blue jays that like to visit. The tufted titmouse also seems to prefer coming up to the deck for seed.

The cardinals and house finches stick mostly to the feeders as do the chickadees though I’ve seen the first two visit the deck. The nuthatch also prefers the feeders. He takes no flack from the sparrows and is fun to watch when he spreads his wings to make them back off. The downy woodpeckers wait while I clap my hands at the greedy squirrels. Most the other birds also scatter with the squirrels but the downy woodpeckers wait patiently.

The white throated sparrows and dark-eyed juncos both make appearances on the deck and under all the bird feeders along with our mourning doves. The Carolina wrens and red-bellied woodpeckers also made appearances at the feeders.

My husband spotted the Cooper’s hawk on Tuesday but it was in the far neighbor’s tree and I only saw it fly over the yard.

What birds did you spot this week?


Joining in with The Bird D’Pot hosted by Anni at I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Bad Mood on a Friday?

Waking up in a bad mood on a Monday? Understandable. However, I woke up in a bad mood today.

Ever wake up in a bad mood? I’m sure most of it is sleep related. My husband added a *few* security measures around the outside of the house during the course of the week. After Monday’s madness, I get it and am attempting understanding.

However, his placement of said measures isn’t working well for me. Or at least not for my sleep.

First, he added a “doorbell” that dings any time a person passes it. It’s right next to the front door. I told him it was a bit much as I go in and out of the front door at least 4-5 times each morning. Add to it, the sound is just like the security sound at my work. No one, even those of us who love their job, wants to feel like they are at work when they are actually home.

Then, he added another to a tree in the backyard. It faces his trailer. It also faces my bird feeders. Last night, nocturnal animals or leaves (wind) set it off twice. I do not do well on interrupted sleep. At all. Put it ON the trailer I told him. Am I the only one with the husband who does not listen? UGH.

Add to that, the new trip lights around the deck and backyard. See above about nocturnal animals, leaves, and wind. Our backyard is now constantly lit up like it’s daytime. Again, it’s about the placement. And again, my ideas for more common sense placement of said lights? Mostly, ignored.

A Bit of Good News

Before I continue with my bad mood minutes, I’ll share a little good news. We did indeed get one of the stolen ATVs back. Turns out another neighbor caught someone trying to rob his shed. The thief? Riding our stolen older ATV. Not as hopeful about the newer one, however, insurance is covering it.

Not-backyard business related: After a comment from Tracy over at 4 D Farms, I took another look at how I could preserve So Not Organized without dragging it all over here or going through the posts each week. And I decided what to do. All of my content from the So Not Organized blog is now archived at:

It’s not super pretty and kind of a mess right now. There is a search bar though. The old paid site should still be there through year-end but now I don’t have to worry about it all disappearing.

We Now Return to Bad Mood on a Friday

Can I just tell you that I didn’t get enough alone time this week? Uh, this entire pandemic. I know I’m not alone on that one. As some sort of weird 50/51 (depends on the day of the week) Introvert/Extravert personality type (ESFP if you’re really into that stuff; or ISFP depending, today leans more I than E), I need my alone time. And don’t do well without it.

After my husband being home much of this week, J not going to school yesterday (anxiety), and G always here though in his room mostly, I’m like a bear awakened from hibernation much too early. Searching angrily for a tiny corner of our small home to carve out for a bit of uninterrupted time. Time for what? Want to know something funny? I don’t know. Just know I need some time to be alone for a bit. Maybe time for this mood to evolve into something a bit more positive.

Goal Not Met

As an emotional stress-eater, this probably wasn’t an ideal week to pick for going sugar-free. I did okay with it on Monday (surprisingly), Tuesday and Wednesday while not perfect, weren’t awful. I caved a tiny bit on Wednesday with my nemesis or “MY LOVE” pictured above.

Yesterday, however, complete and utter failure. The stress of many things caught up to me and I covered it in chalky sweet candy-hearted pieces. And a few cookies. And Chex Mix. Yes, also a few pieces of chocolate. Though it was 85% cocoa chocolate. *J, the other dark chocolate fan in our house, said 85% was a bit too bitter for him.

Managing My Mood

Still reading? Wow, thank you. Usually, I’m not quite so moody. Tend to be fairly stable in the mood department. Looking ahead to the rest of today and this weekend:

Today I work in the afternoon. Always a mood booster being around 3-6 year old kids. Even at their crankiest time of day.

Shouldn’t plan life around the TV but I’m looking forward to watching a new episode of WandaVision and the Super Bowl this weekend. (Wearing my red for red Friday, Go Chiefs!)

A new magazine to read (lots of those that arrive for free in the mail but I gave in and purchased a copy of Magnolia Home Journal and I’m excited to flip through the pages)

I know this mood is a passing thing and once I’ve had a little (real) food, water, sunshine, and more rest, the clouds of my bad mood will lift away.


How do you chase away a bad mood?


Let’s Stop Rushing Everything

One thing I think I learned from my word of the year back in 2018: Quit forcing things. My word way back then?  (Okay, I know it was only 3 years ago but it seems way back doesn’t it?)

Embrace. It was a good word of the year. I learned to just take things as they arrived and (wait for it) embrace them. Mostly my mindset of doing just that has stuck.

I used to be a winter hater. Hated almost everything about it. Then, I started embracing it. Finding little things to enjoy about it. Like hot chocolate on snowy (or just freezing) day. Hot tea, blankets, books, and all of us safe at home (remember, this was 2018 when all of us safe at home wasn’t because of an annoying global pandemic).

Now, I’m not a winter hater anymore. However, I don’t exactly love it but I do find appreciation for each season. And I’m finding myself a bit annoyed at those wishing to skip right over this season.

Things it’s NOT time for right now

Dear blog world, Pinterest pin people, retail establishments, and whoever else needs to know this:

I understand you are tired of cold and snow. However, it’s time for those things if you live on the part of the Earth where it is indeed winter right now.

Please quit crowding my Internet space with Saint Patrick’s Day (That’s March 17 and February’s barely begun), Easter (HELLO, it’s in APRIL this year), and Spring planting (Unless you are forcing bulbs indoors, allowed).

It makes me feel rushed. Want to know one of my Pet Peeves? Feeling rushed.

Let’s all take a collective deep breath.

Things to enjoy RIGHT NOW

Instead of rushing through each season, let’s pause and enjoy a few of the February things, you know in February.

Today is Groundhog day! I know all of last year and for some, the start of this year, felt like Groundhog day but we can still enjoy this silly tradition. *UPDATE* I meant to publish this yesterday, 6 more weeks of winter. Remember, spring is always 6 weeks away from February 2.

The Superbowl (some of us may enjoy it more than others but the food usually doesn’t disappoint)

Valentine’s Day (Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate)

Fat Tuesday (A day of feasting and usually on pancakes, I’ll embrace that!)

Chinese New Year (In case you need a fresh start on 2021, welcome in the year of the ox)

President’s Day (A joint birthday celebration for Washington and Lincoln.)

There’s pretty much a national day for each month, pick what you like and celebrate it.

Watching TV or reading when the weather is nasty outside (and some shows are back with new episodes)

Wrapping up in cozy blankets

Nothing makes me appreciate a sunny winter day more than it following a few cloudy, cold ones

Snow! Do you want to build a snowman? If it’s too cold outside, bring some snow inside (in a pan)


I certainly get it if you’re looking forward to spring. Let’s just not forget to enjoy the now. What’s your favorite thing about February?





Happy Homemaker Monday, Welcome February!

Not the best start to the new month around here. Someone stole not one but both of my husband’s ATVs out of the backyard over night. SIGH. I’ll probably be working on this post on and off this morning as we wait. Lots of waiting today.

I woke up early and waited for J to get up for school (clearly not early enough to hear the backyard heist)

He has to wait for the police to return his call. 

Then, wait for an official police report so we can contact our home owner insurance company.

Plus, I’m waiting for G to wake up so we can ask if he heard anything (doubtful as he usually wears headphones while talking to friends at night). However, we do think the thieves rolled the vehicles out of the backyard away from the house so it’s not likely.

SIGH, not my plans for the first Monday of the month.

Let’s just try and get on with planning this first week of a new month. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Cloudy and chilly. Upper 20’s out there right now, we’re supposed to hit the mid-30’s today. Warming up all early in the week to around 53 on Wednesday. Then, back down to chilly, cold temperatures we slide. I just hope the sun makes an appearance and soon.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Lots of mixed emotions. Sad because of what happened. Relieved that J went to school. Motivated to get things done around here despite the bad start. Physically, I don’t feel too bad, slept decent. Maybe too decently? Wish I’d heard something last night and flipped on the lights to stop things.

On My Mind

My husband, he’s as you can imagine quite upset but staying remarkably calm.

On The Breakfast Plate

Working on a sugar-free week so I had an English muffin and scrambled egg instead of my usual choices. Still had coffee and vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

Still stalled out on reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow. Also, tried starting The Little Book of Cottagecore: Traditional Skills for a Simpler Life by Emily Kent. Thinking I’d probably enjoy it in hardcover form, not really getting into it in e-book form. Noticed Brian Freeman has a book titled Infinite on the Amazon Prime First Reads this month. That’s probably going to be my choice for tonight as I know I’ll not have trouble reading this author.

On My TV

Way too much! I watched a bit much over the weekend. Finished all the Marvel timeline movies (forgot how much I despised that ending of Infinity War: End Game). And then, in desperate need of something lighter, I re-watched Frozen. And my husband and I finally got around to watching a few more episodes of Cobra Kai on Netflix. Hoping to do a bit more reading (or something that’s not TV watching) this week. However, I’ll still watch Prodigal Son on Tuesday night and probably something else, just haven’t decided.

On The Menu This Week

I still need to get to the grocery store, the excitement (of a bad kind) from this morning delayed my trip. Keeping it simple this week. Might make changes after my grocery trip.

MONDAY: Roast in the crock pot Forgot to thaw it. Probably going to do chicken sandwiches *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Roast in the crock pot

WEDNESDAY: BLT’s and French Fries

THURSDAY: Pork chops and sweet potatoes

FRIDAY : Chicken Enchilada Soup *I work 1:30, maybe 7:30 to 5*

From The Camera

Not much to share, only really took bird photos last week (see previous post for those). For fun, from the phone camera, here’s a picture of a picture I liked at Target.  A little too pricey for me currently but maybe if it gains a clearance sticker…


Looking Around The House

It’s not awful but I’m in a clean it up, clear it out kind of mood. Excited that I could get into J’s room and air it out a bit this morning.

New Recipe I Tried Last Week Or One That We Really Enjoyed

Sadly, I was the only fan of the Parmesan Roasted Leeks. J said they tasted like the bad part of onion rings. G said they were way too strong. And my husband refused to try them! More for me. They looked pretty in the beginning stages of cooking. (Forgot to snap a finished photo) And yes, this is another phone photo.

To Relax This Week, I Will

Bundle up and get outside with my camera, drink tea and read a book. Look at beautiful images of nature and cozy spaces from around the world on Instagram.

Something I Want To Share

Songs ever get stuck in your head? Here’s the tune I’ve been singing ever since Sunday afternoon:

Quote For The Week

Hustle and Heart will set you apart. (Alisa Jacobs)



King of the Umbrella and a Surprise Bird Sighting

The robins like our yard. Usually, I don’t see them in force until spring but they’ve decided to hang out with us early this year. There’s only a couple out there but they’ve been coming close up on the deck.

I caught this fellow perched on top the patio umbrella as if he owned the place.

He turned at looked right at me through the back door as I took my photos.

Bow down, inferior human! Sorry, Mr. Robin, the little gray cat handles all affairs regarding superiority around here. She might need an assistant, however, as it’s quite exhausting. She does require frequent naps.

By the way, have you ever seen a robin on a bird feeder? While I’ve not captured it on camera, twice now I’ve seen one sitting on one of the bird feeders!

Friendly House Finches

Thankfully, the house finches seem more interested in eating than world domination. They’re just happy to be fed. The new squirrel proof feeder is holding although it contains fewer perches than the previous feeder the squirrels trashed. So, sometimes the house finches come up on the deck railing for the seed I throw out there.

A Surprise Sighting!

The following two photos were taken by my son with my cell phone camera. We were on our way home from his baritone lesson when he looked out the window and asked,

Why is there an owl statue on that sign over there?

Since, we were at stop sign with no traffic around for a minute, we could take a couple photos.

That’s not a statue! That’s a real owl.

I edited a bit but these photos were taken after dark, with a cell phone, outside a car window so all things considered, not too bad.

Once we arrived home, I grabbed the bird books and we set about determining which owl we saw out there. Since it was on the passenger side of the car, he had a much better look. First, we thought it a northern saw-whet owl (it wasn’t very big). However, once I zoomed in closer on the picture and could see the ears, we re-evaluated.

Ironically, the conservation department for the state posted a photo on Instagram the next day of what we now are almost sure was a short-eared owl. (He had said it had a round, kind of flattened face)

Think I’m making at least one of my two sons into an avid birder!

Other Birds Spotted This Week

Speaking of owls, I did think I heard one calling early on Wednesday morning as I cleared the snow off my car to go to work.

We didn’t see our Cooper’s hawk this week. Of course, we had a snow storm on Wednesday morning and I spent more days working this week so they could’ve easily been out there.  Mostly, I’ve seen the usual birds around the feeders: sparrow, nuthatches, house finches, chickadees, the tufted titmice, still a fairly large number of cardinals. A few doves. And this morning, I watched the red-bellied woodpecker chase off the downy woodpecker from the suet feeder. My blue jays like to visit mid-morning to see if I’ve any seed scattered on the deck. And l saw lots of snow birds (dark-eyed juncos) prior to Wednesday morning’s snowfall.

The snow is gone now, it warmed up Thursday and yesterday. Friday, we had a fair amount of sunshine that melted away the snow. Today, it started raining. They say all day for it. We need it still, so no complaints. However, if you need me, I’ll be doing like this dove and taking a nap, I think.


Joining in with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Last Friday in January

We’ve (almost) made it to the end of January! At least, we’ve arrived at the end of the work week. Are you excited? I am. Seems like it’s been a long week. In typical fashion, I ended up working more days than I planned this week.

Tuesday, I was home. The rest of the days, however, I was at work for at least part of the day. The trend continues today as I am now working 10-5. Shouldn’t be a bad day, however.

Feeling Frumpy and a Bit Grumpy

Since I’ve been feeling a bit frumpy and grumpy this week, I’ve decided it’s time to tackle one of my 21 for 21 list items. A sugar-free challenge! Not excited but I know it’s time to do it.

So, the first week of February shall be my first sugar-free challenge week of 2021. My plan is for one of these each of the four quarters of the year. I figure the first week of February works well as it’s just before the Super bowl, my husband’s birthday, Fat Tuesday, and Valentine’s Day. February is a busy month with lots of dessert opportunities I don’t want to miss! I do love a good dessert!

Good Things This Week That Weren’t Dessert

Ha! Maybe I’ll make a list of sugar-free good news for next week, that might be fun. This week’s items included the following:

  1. A newer student who wouldn’t give me the time of day last Friday, asked for me to work with her on Monday morning. And suddenly, I was “her person” for the morning. Always, a heart warmer when that happens.
  2. My husband cooked dinner and cleaned the kitchen on Wednesday. That “and” is the best part of the previous sentence.
  3. A phone call from the school, an e-mail survey, and the sophomores might get to return to the high school for full-time in person next month. (We’re currently on a hybrid plan and it’s not working so well here). Probably the best news of the week. My 16 year old son is not as excited but this is a needs versus wants situation. I can’t wait as I know it will help.
  4. My amaryllis bud is showing green again. I was afraid I really bungled this around Christmas. Maybe I’ll get an Easter bloom?
  5. A rare (to us, not a rare bird) sighting on Monday!
  6. The sun is shining today brightly today and I’ll get to be outside soaking it up in a bit.

Other Random Bits

As I need to leave fairly soon, I’ll keep my random bits part a bit shorter. Want to know something funny? I already drove to work this morning. Had a bit of a panic this morning that I had the time wrong and so drove to make sure the teacher’s car was in the parking lot (logic being, if I needed to be there, I’d already be there if I was indeed mixed up on times). Ever do things like that? Or is it just me?

I was glad to come home and finish my coffee and work on this quick post for today.

Do you have big plans for tonight?

Nothing exciting going on here, plans involve the TV mostly. Going to make the family fend for themselves for dinner probably unless we do homemade pizzas. Then, watch Wandavision followed by one of my favorite Marvel movies in the timeline, Dr. Strange. Watched another of my favorites, Black Panther, last night.

It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow so I’ll probably do yet more TV watching or (should) read my book. I’ll admit I’m struggling with reading my current choice, Hamilton by Ron Chernow. It’s a lot easier to pay attention to the information in musical form. He’s barely in America, I’m only 7% into the book, so perhaps the pace quickens.

Mostly, the cat and I are just over here waiting for Spring to return.


Throwback Thursday: So Not Ready!

As most of you know, I used to blog over at So Not Organized. This year, I needed a change and started a new blog here. However, I started with So Not Organized in 2012. And I don’t want to just let 9 years of blogging slip away when my hosting agreement over there expires (it’s good for another year, so no rush).

After giving it a bit of consideration, I’ve decided to create an archive of my favorite blog posts and series from So Not Organized over on this site. I’m adding a page and going to slowly add to it each Thursday.

So far, the only way to do this is simply re-publish each post. Don’t worry, I plan to edit and carefully curate only the best of my previous blog. There are plenty of posts that frankly, aren’t worth a repeat performance. However, after 9 years of blogging, I also have many I don’t want to lose.

Below, you’ll find the very first post I ever published (date: February 10, 2012).


Like many firsts, it’s messy and not great. However, I’m sentimental and want to keep my first post ever!

I’ve been teetering on the edge of starting a blog since January and I’m still not ready but for some things I’ve learned you are never ready….to leave home, to get married, to be a mom, to not be able to go home again (sorry, you actually cannot “always go home again”),  to have your kids go to school, to have your kids finish school, to have them home for summer vacation (applies currently!), and many others but I must move on from this first, terribly too long sentence of the new blog.  So am I really ready to start the blog I’ve been thinking about since December?  No.  Not ready at all.   However, I’ve decided to take a deep breath and start one anyway.

Why one about organizing?  Well, actually it’s more about trying to organize and failing than actually organizing.  Write what you know.  I know I try to be organized.  I know I (usually) fail miserably at being organized.  I’m hoping I’m not alone and that this blog might offer the readers some good ideas (that while they didn’t work for me might work for them), laughter, and a sense of relief and realism (so, it’s not just me!) all at once.   I really do love the idea of organization:  the brightly colored bins and boxes, dresser drawers that are color coded with all clothing neatly folded (do you fold your socks or make sock balls?  Me?  I throw my socks in there and dig for matches….), canned goods in alphabetical order, and refrigerators with lists of contents posted neatly on the doors (there is a never a place for unidentified green stuff in recycled butter container though…).  I love that there are people who can accomplish all that!  I’m not one of them.  I could blame my boys and my husband (and for fun, why don’t we blame the cat as well!).  However, I lived alone for a while and I never accomplished any of that even without other people around to mess it up.  I managed to be sloppy and unorganized on my own (probably more so!) as well.

Hopefully, you’ll want to follow along and get some organizing ideas (even knowing what ideas don’t work is one step closer to knowing what will work!).  So even though I’m still not ready, I’m about to hit the “publish” button on my first post on my new blog.

