Category: Rudolph Day

Week in Review

I think this week is a 2.5 stars kind of week. Not the best week. Not the worst but not really one I’d want to repeat. Don’t know if I’ll do this every Friday but I’m going to recap my week (see it on a lot of blogs I enjoy, so imitation and flattery and all that, etc.)

Here’s a photo of the Easter garden flag I mentioned in Wednesday’s post:

Managed to accomplish almost all those items on the the list I shared. Great feeling!  Let’s hear it for the chair!

You sang that line about the chair, right? You know in place of these lyrics:

Our Wonderful Spring Weather

So, this week we saw rain every single day. So thankful the sun is shining today. Makes my heart happy and my head spin with all the outside around the yard plans for the weekend. Never mind it’s still too early and probably too muddy for most of them.

On the flip side, rainy days are great for being stuck inside when feeling a bit blah and blue. So many times I could’ve worked this week but didn’t. First, because I was sickish (thinking likely something I ate over the weekend did it.  Not the best food choices on my part.). Then, I didn’t work because J was not having a great week either (so much easier to be sick yourself than watch a child suffer).

Let’s talk about Rudolph Day!

I can show you how wonderful it looked in pictures:

Hadn’t made cinnamon rolls in a cake pan forever. (Note: these are still just grocery store ready to bake.)

Hot chocolate and Christmas movies!

Nice enough. However, how about the truth about yesterday?

It was not a good day. My youngest son woke up having a really hard time (mentally) and stayed home from school. I made those cinnamon rolls because I was stressed. My first Rudolph day breakfast was actually just a simple Chobani Flip yogurt but in peppermint crunch.

What about the hot chocolate? Yes, I did drink a cup of hot chocolate. First, I made a cup with a hot chocolate bomb picked up on clearance at the grocery store. I was so excited about it! However, it was disgusting. Thankfully, I’d picked up the Irish creme flavor earlier in the month. Much better. Only way to improve it would’ve been with the real thing added in the coffee cup.

Next, the movies pictured up there?  Watched maybe two minutes of a Christmas Story but just wasn’t in the mood. Instead, I watched Gremlins. Suited my mood a bit better. And did a tiny bit of on-line window shopping. Just couldn’t make my mind up about anything.

Just a bit of a reminder that the pictures aren’t always the full story.


Today Feels Better

Since I’ve been sharing flower pictures all week, here’s the second bloom on the amaryllis. Bloomed in time for the March Rudolph day! Now, I’m ready for warm enough weather to set this plant back on out on the front porch.

J went to school today. I spent today running yesterday’s errands. Tractor Supply for bird seed (and a new bird feeder. That’s a secret, it just magically appeared in our yard, okay?)  Then, Target for cat food (and people food, too plus a few Easter basket fillers).

It’s almost time for me to brave the insanity of car line pick up before we venture off to J’s appointment. (If you can spare a prayer that this appointment helps and things improve for him, I’d appreciate it!)

How would you rate your week?

Happy February Rudolph Day and A Declutter Update

Somehow, I went from a slow week without much planned to a busy one. Happens that way though doesn’t it?

I went from not working at all to working yesterday, half a day today, tomorrow, and all of next week!

Thought I better pop on here and share my Rudolph Day plans (it’s going to be a quick Rudolph day morning now) and the promised update on my decluttering challenge.

Let’s start with the fun stuff.

Rudolph Day Plans

As I mentioned above, it’s going to be more of a Rudolph morning than entire day over here. However, I might circle back and do some of the suggestions after work. Depends on how the half-day work day unfolds.

Started with eating my flip yogurt in the Peppermint crunch flavor for breakfast. And I do have a hot chocolate packet to enjoy later. Snickerdoodle intrigued me for February.

If I had time, I’d be tempted to throw together a batch of snickerdoodle cookies to enjoy along side it. And of course, to share with my family.

The Rudolph Day suggestions for February include:

  1. Starting a holiday letter. However, I’ve not done a holiday letters for quite a few years
  2. Devise a plan for Christmas cash. Remember the days of Christmas club accounts? Sadly, not really much of a thing anymore.
  3. Keep adding to the gift closet.
  4. And just for fun, get ready for Saint Patrick’s Day. Happily, I picked up a Christmas themed green sugar cookie mix on clearance in mid-January (Don’t worry I checked the expiration date) to give new life as shamrock cookies in March.

Since I’m on limited time this month, I’ll probably just drink my hot chocolate and maybe jot down a few gift ideas in my Christmas notebook. Still, I might also order a few early Christmas gifts. In 2019, I purchased 2 Christmas gifts each month and it worked out very well.   

Hopefully, my March Rudolph Day is a bit more exciting. (And yes, I mentioned taking every Rudolph day off work but sometimes things don’t go as planned. Actually, do things ever go as planned?)

Let’s move on to the fun of cleaning up after the Christmas season.

Declutter Update

Mentioned a week ago about following along with the 40 bags in 40 days for the Lenten season. You can read that post here. I’ve been doing pretty good with the daily clear outs. And I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it’s all currently sitting in the trunk of my car! Definitely, an item for the weekend agenda.

However, it’s also exciting because it means I’m making some progress!

I started with the art supply/craft/cookbook/birdseed holding cabinet. Hey, why limit myself to a junk drawer? I have an entire junk cabinet! However, my husband hates it and wants to replace it with something else. So, in an effort to appease, I finally gave it a serious declutter.



Another area I tackled: the other side of our pantry. We keep the trash bags and medicines plus paper towels and tp there. Weird combination, I know.

Before and after:

Last, I opted to change locations and concentrate in the main bathroom.

Under the sink’s been bothering me for a while now. It wasn’t awful just annoying. And then, I wanted to lighten the look on the back of the toilet a bit.

Before and After

You’ll see below I actually added more to under the sink but I wanted to do it. The cleaning supplies were just sitting on the floor of the bathroom due to lack of space. Now they have a home.

My husband recently added a cabinet back on the bathroom wall for me so I’m currently debating how I want the bathroom to look.

And here’s the project I’m procrastinating to the weekend:

Ugh. Part of the issue, besides all the junk, is the shelves here are not standard size. Maybe I’ll ask my husband if he can adjust them for me.

Other (not pictured) projects included a chair in our bedroom and helping J clean and clear off his dresser and desk. With working a full week next week, I’ll probably aim to keep the declutter projects on the smaller side.

Are you working on any decluttering projects?

Blooming Again?

Before I end my post, mainly because I don’t want to leave you with the image of my nightmarish hall linen closet in your brain, how about an amaryllis update?

I started watering the bulb again in late January without much hope and then, it started growing. And it’s still growing:

Perhaps I’ll have a bloom or two by the next Rudolph day? (This morning I noticed a second smaller bud  on the other side).

If you’re wondering about the plant in the yellow pot, it’s my lemon tree. Purchased it on clearance around Valentine’s Day and all the leaves died and fell off! Froze the poor thing taking it from the store to the car. However, all hope is not lost as I noticed a teeny tiny leaf emerging from it yesterday.

Here’s to happier spring and summer days to come!

My January Rudolph Day

I celebrated my first Rudolph day on Monday. Sort of. First, I worked but only until noon. Then, I went shopping.

Happy Rudolph Day to me! There are some places I shouldn’t go unsupervised. Bath and Body Works is one of them. Thankfully, for our budget, I seldom venture into the actual store.

Basically, between lunch, making dinner, and taking J to his lesson, I had only a small amount of time for whatever this Rudolph Day entailed. Made me a bit anxious until I remembered my word of the year (less). I did not have to do *all the things* after all.

After my shopping trip (where I bought a Valentine’s Day candle plus some new scents of shower gel/lotion to try), I had a cup of mint hot chocolate. I did add whipped cream to it for the sake of being fancy.

Looked around on line for Rudolph Day sites and ideas. It’s when I stumbled across the site with the falling snow I shared on Monday. And I properly cleaned out the storage tote I set aside for Rudolph Day things. Also, added a few small empty Christmas tins plus a belated gift from my hair dresser to it. Are gnomes considered Christmas? Or year-round? For now, he’ll be my Rudolph Day mascot.

Other than those things, I read my Christmas Island book during J’s lesson and kept on reading it after we returned home.

Don’t you love when books include the recipes talked about in the stories?


I did a little less with Rudolph Day than I expected but it was enough.

Mostly, I’m using the ideas from this site. It’s an older one but I prefer it to the updated site. If you celebrate Rudolph Day, how/what do you do to celebrate it?
