Know what happens when you throw a snow day right in the middle of a week? The next day feels like a big ol’ Monday. Again. Except the Monday to start this week wasn’t bad.
Today, however, it’s as if Monday said: Hi, remember me? I’m back from my vacay! Let’s have some “fun”
Somehow, I just imagine that Monday would say “vacay” in an annoying voice instead of vacation. Except we all know Monday’s idea of fun is not the same as our idea of fun.
How about a text message asking you to work that came through at 11:30 last night when you were already asleep. Can’t reply (won’t) at 5 in the morning. Need to kind of see what else unfolds this morning anyway.
Tired? Oh, I know what will wake you right up? How about after your shower, you grab your face cleanser and smear that all over your face instead of the moisturizer you thought you grabbed. A nice, super clean shiny face to start the day!
That son of yours? The one who has for some reason set a billion alarms this morning? The one your husband said he heard very late last night. Yeah, I think he needs a “fun” morning as well. A “can’t do it” morning where he goes back to bed. Been a while. (Reminding myself this is just a slip in a ton of progress we’ve had this year).
Here Comes The Guilt
And let’s throw in a heaping of guilt because technically now you could/should work but you also should stay here to keep your son on track for tomorrow. (Our agreement is he does school work from home on days like this).
You know you should call the school but you’re just so over this part of it all. Ignore them? Tell a white lie (yes, I know it’s wrong, a trade of one judgement to avoid another) and say J is physically sick with a headache or something? Guilt over considering those options.
Didn’t you want so spend a bit of today also disappointed that now cleaning the house (all alone) is out of the picture?
Talk To Me Thursday!
I picture Thursday coming in like a long lost much needed friend taking charge of things: Okay, move it Monday! It’s my day and I tend to make everyone a bit happier because it’s almost the weekend! Go sulk or whatever it is you do until you arrive to spoil the weekend fun for most people.
Reminders here:
You don’t have to work today, even though you really like the teacher asking, it was short notice for you. And there are other substitute teachers. Your son is your priority here.
Just call the school. It’ll save the hassle of that annoying automatic message later. And lack of sleep causes headaches so there you go. It’s not like you want to wake him up and ask if he has a headache, I’m sure he’d have had a headache if he didn’t go back to bed.
You could clean the house now while they’re still all asleep. (Husband is at work).
Also, we’re just days of the week. Not really in charge. You know who’s in charge, another little prayer to get through today and the rest of the week even if we are near the end never hurts.
Happy almost the weekend! Hope your day is off to a bit better start than mine!
I saw this on another list somewhere and thought it seemed like a good idea. Of course, the idea was to do it on the 23rd of each month. However, yesterday was Happy Homemaker Monday so we’re a day late with the review this month.
The List:
Clean our basement a tub at a time (I’ve already told my husband of the plan) *We are making progress on this one! Have even sometimes been doing 2 tubs on a Sunday afternoon*
Participate in every Happy Homemaker Monday for 2023 *So far so good*
Read 92 books *In progress, Goodreads says I’m a book behind, not really worried*
Create a cozy, inviting home filled only with things I love (though I’ll probably have to allow my husband/kids to keep their things as well) *In progress, checked out a couple library books to help motivate me*
Get my ears pierced (again, I had them done a long while ago but haven’t had them in years) *Not yet, to be honest, I’m a little scared but determined to do it*
Get tubs to store the Christmas books *Not yet though I should be looking as I’m sure I could find some on clearance this time of year*
Unsubscribe from at least 3 junk newsletters every time I clean my email *In progress*
Throw away any broken or worn out items! *In progress though sometimes this is harder than it should be*
Re-watch the David Tennant episodes of Doctor Who, old school style…just one episode a week *In progress, I’m enjoying this list item*
Rediscover the lighter, fun-loving open to (almost) anything adventurous side of my personality *Trying*
Celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in August with either a trip or a party *Need to discuss this with my husband, step one: remind him it’s our 25th wedding anniversary coming up*
Join in for the Blog365 challenge and post every single day in 2022 (in progress already!) *In progress, so far so good*
Buy 2 Christmas presents for the boys each month (and one stocking stuffer for myself) *Need to update this one a bit: It should read Buy ONE Christmas present for the boys each month (and one stocking stuffer for myself). Might make this a thing to do the 25th of each month.*
Be better about reaching out to friends/family members. Make an effort to call/text someone once a week. *Trying, need to do better*
Put space between the holidays to make each one feel more special (example: don’t eat Valentine’s Day candy/treats until it’s actually Valentine’s Day) *I feel like I’m doing okay at this but it’s early. I did buy candy hearts but have hidden them away instead of already filling the candy dish. Waiting to decorate until Feb 1*
Make individual binders for our bank statements *Not yet*
Frame the photos from when J was in the all-district bands *Not yet*
Leave a review for things I purchase (I’m so bad about doing this and yet, I always read them before I buy things) *I did leave one review on a Kohl’s item though just a star rating. Maybe I should set aside a day to do this*
Figure out a way to either subscribe or keep all the blogs I enjoy reading in one place (Bloglovin’ isn’t really working for me anymore) *Not yet and I really need to do this. Any suggestions? How do you keep track of the blogs you follow?*
Take at least 2 people photos at each holiday/special occasion *Not yet*
Get storage containers for our DVD collection, sort, and store them *Not yet*
Accept that a some family situations aren’t likely to change and realize I’ve done enough. *This is a tough one for me but I’m working on it*
Invite people to our home (family, friends, etc…been too long since I’ve done this) *In progress, planning to invite a friend for coffee here and family to husband’s birthday. Can’t believe this is suddenly a hard thing*
I’m hoping that doing a review each month might help me accomplish a few more items on the list. Did you make a list this year? How is your progress going?
This is either going to be the quick edition or the all day edition (more likely). I have about 2o minutes until I leave for work so trying to get this post done in that time.
Monday again, already?
Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. Go check out the fun link up! And join in, it’s such an encouraging way to start the week.
The Weather
Not sure what happened but it actually seems like winter lately. 25 and cloudy right now, chance of snow Wednesday. Supposed to be in the 30s to low 40’s most of the week with one cold day right after the day they call for snow. We’re getting to enjoy the pretty snow but mostly not worry about the roads. I’ll take it.
As I Look Outside My Window
It’s cloudy. Saw a few birds at the bird feeders out the back door.
Right Now
I’m seeing how far I can get on this post before my “go to work” timer rings.
Thinking And Pondering
Monday’s off to a pretty good start here so I’m hoping it’s the sign of a good week. And that the week doesn’t slide downhill from here. Optimistic this morning, huh?
On My Bedside Table
This morning I actually have the TV remote and a hair tie on it.
On My TV Tonight
Probably nothing for me, too much to do tonight. Tomorrow I’ll finish watching Wednesday and see what else. And of course, I watched football over the weekend. How ’bout those Chiefs!!!???
Listening To
The dryer and a minute ago, the heating unit but it stopped.
On The Lunch Plate
No idea, I lost my lunch calendar from preschool. They seldom follow it anymore (annoyance on my part). However, I’m taking a Luna bar and an apple so I’m good.
On The Dinner Plate
Freezer frenzy night! And grocery store chicken
On The Menu For This Week
MONDAY: grocery store chicken, brisket, who knows what other odds and ends from freezer *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *I work 8:15-4:30*
TUESDAY: Spaghetti, breadsticks, maybe salad
WEDNESDAY: Not sure, maybe chicken chili? Or maybe just chicken strips?
THURSDAY: Roast in the crock pot
FRIDAY: Ribs in the crock pot, corn
On My Reading Pile
Finished Us Against You (finally, it’s well-written and I know I’d have enjoyed it more if I read the books in order). Also read a quick one, Five Winters by Kitty Wilson. A bit predictable but I still enjoyed it. And I’ve just started one of my library holds that came up, Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. I’m not far enough into it to have an opinion.
On My To Do List
Grocery Store (DONE yesterday)
Clean up house a bit
Laundry (ALWAYS)
Pay bills
??Something else but I can’t remember
All the other stuff I can’t think of right now
Plans For This Week
Other than working today, I have no plans and I can’t say I’m sad about it.
What I Am Sewing, Knitting, or Creating
A cozy home I hope
My Simple Pleasure
Watching the birds at the feeders (and yelling at the squirrels?)
****This is where my timer went off****
Looking Around The House
Looks like we were home all weekend and I worked all day today.
From The Camera
Prayer List
Friends, family, strangers. Neighbor to stay healthy. My boss and her husband to be able to go home from the hospital soon. Some sick preschool kids and teachers. J’s last semester of school to go well. A peaceful and healthy year for all.
Quote For The Week
Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put in that action. (Mother Teresa)
I admit I had a bit of blogger’s block this afternoon. Still kind of at a blank for what to post tonight. Glad I can post about a happy outcome for the Chiefs game.
How ‘Bout Those Chiefs??!
Whew. Never boring with them.
For the first time ever possibly, there may be many Chiefs fans cheering on Cincinnati tomorrow. (Side note: I could never live there since I can’t spell it. Thank goodness for spell check!).
Anyway, just a short fun one tonight. I think I mentioned earlier in the week we were ordering in “million dollar” Chinese food tonight in honor of the Chinese New Year. Didn’t cost quite a million dollars but close. Also, it was extremely good tonight. And lunch for tomorrow is also set (left-overs). So completely worth it.
Here’s What Our Delivery Driver Said:
Are you watching the game?
What’s the score? (at that time it was 17-10 Chiefs)
He’d asked the question during a commercial and stood looking at our tv for a bit. When the game came back on, he said: Go Chiefs! Honestly, he stood there so long that I wondered after he left if maybe I should have invited him in to watch part of the game with us.
(It’s always the same driver and he’s super nice. By the way, I tipped at the time I paid online so I know he wasn’t waiting on that. At least, I hope he knew I tipped already. Probably did as I said it’s usually the same driver each time)
Then, as he was leaving, he said: Happy Chinese New Year!
If you’re ever in Kansas City during football season, you’ll see a lot of red.
You’ll see lots of red at other times of the year as well, maybe a little more blue during the spring/summer depending on how the Royals are doing. Or Sporting KC (also, blue).
Even alternate fashionable game avatar Jean wears red on Fridays:
It’s hard to miss when a red Friday occurs as even the local news reports on it.
(Not sure what happened with the photo so I’ll just have to share that the reporter had on a red shirt and hat under his station logo clothing)
You’ll also see lots of red on game days and on days there aren’t any games. If you’re a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, you’re part of the “Red Kingdom” after all.
A Bit of Fun
And if you’re a fan, you keep good company. I stumbled across this video made by Henry Winkler (he’s a Chiefs fan) this week. It made me laugh. Maybe you’ll enjoy it as well. Even if you aren’t wearing red today, I think any sports fans can relate to the rituals portrayed here. And I may or may not have spent part of a past Super Bowl Sunday reading my book just to do my part.
And oh, that poor quarterback from Jacksonville who said the following: “I can’t imagine (Arrowhead) will be much louder than our fans were here on Saturday, honestly”
Um, maybe he should have done a little research? Article from NBC sports on loudest NFL stadiums. If you don’t want to click over, here ya go: The stadium currently holds the Guinness World Record for loudest open outdoor air stadium. It hit a record of 142.2 decibels during a 2014 game where only 76,416 fans showed up. This sound was equivalent to a jet engine.
And Now for a Few Disclaimers
Neither of our kids like football (or sports really).
I’ve never actually seen the movie Mean Girls (should put it on the to-do list I suppose)
I grew up in the 70’s when the Chiefs weren’t really good (nicely stated) and used to cheer for the Pittsburgh Steelers (during the Terry Bradshaw years). Didn’t really become an actual Chiefs fan until later though I did wear a Chiefs outfit home from the hospital as a baby.
You won’t get arrested if you forget to wear your red on a Friday but you might get a look if you wear clothing from a rival team.
I’m hoping I haven’t jinxed my team with this post.
Most Chiefs fans aren’t as crazy, they’re worse! However, most Kansas Citians, Chiefs fans or not, are very nice. Just don’t tell us our stadium isn’t loud.
Are you a sports fan? Have you ever seen the movie, Mean Girls? Is it worth my time?
And of course, I must end this by saying: Go Chiefs!!!
My husband and I cleaned out two more bins in our basement this past weekend. I’m very excited because going through these bins is something I’ve wanted to do for at least the past 2 years!
We did two bins instead of just the one since we did it on Sunday (new week so we were behind, sort of). The first bin was full of emotion. Old photo albums, framed photos, and paintings my grandmother and mother did. Other random paintings neither of us could identify as having any meaning. Family history items that I don’t quite know what to do with if I’m honest. So, some things like broken picture frames went in the trash. Others, like the paintings with names we didn’t recognize, went to the donation pile. And others, back in the now labeled bin.
Second bin also contained some emotional finds. Among the happier finds, the pottery I purchased on our honeymoon, 25 years ago this August. We honeymooned in Hot Springs, Arkansas. And I bought two pieces of pottery while we were there.
I checked and Dryden Pottery is still in existence. This was the price back in 1998, wonder if it would be the same price today?
(The double sticker makes me think that I probably picked something up off a sale rack perhaps).
I needed something new to display on the bookshelf after Christmas and so it makes me happy to see these pieces out again where I can enjoy them. (Note: these photos aren’t great. Took one with the real camera and one with the phone but neither really came out right. Photo editing won’t work this morning either. SIGH)
It’s another Winter Wednesday. Today feels slightly more like winter but not by much.
Today’s Weather:
It’s gray and rainy out though not exactly a downpour.
While I still feel like we need an actual snow day, I admit I’m glad it’s not today. G started back to college classes and most of his classes are on campus this semester which means a 30 minute drive. J’s getting back into the swing of going to classes at the high school as well. Still waiting for the day when I don’t have to hold my breath each morning. (Still gathering my thoughts for a potential post on that whole saga)
So what am I doing today? Had lots of plans but in reality, I’m…
Moving Slow
Didn’t sleep great so I’m not full of as much energy as I’d like. Drinking coffee, eating double-toast (at least I only topped one batch with the lemon curd!). Trying to catch up on reading my book. At the point where I’m deciding if I even want to continue it.
Cleaning House
I realized earlier that I’m not a spring cleaning or fall cleaning person. However, I do seem to get the desire to give the house a good cleaning in the middle of January! Gave some actual much needed attention to the bathroom floor. We won’t talk about the last time that one happened. Kitchen floor is up next.
Have a bit of extra motivation today as I agreed to let my friend come and practice her sales pitch. She doesn’t expect me to buy anything (we clarified everything at Mom’s Night Out) and really she’s helping me a bit as well. I can not remember the last time I had a friend over here for anything.
It makes me a bit sad as I used to be quite good at hospitality and somewhere along the last 2 years, possibly longer, I lost my touch. Became too caught up in what the house looked like and what people would think. Time to get over that and get back to having people over again. That said, I definitely do need to clean it before tomorrow afternoon as I really don’t want my friend to think I’ve started living in a pigsty.
Other Random Bits
According to my Farmer’s Almanac newsletter this morning, Spring is exactly 60 days away!
Trying to decide if I want to attend a winter gardening class at the same place I went to see the Christmas trees last week: Supplies all provided; You will be able to take home 2 containers of winter sown seeds. Winter sowing is a simple, low-care way to provide the best conditions for native seeds to germinate into seedlings using a process called stratification. In spring, you will need to transplant the seedlings into small pots to grow them larger before they go into the ground.
My Sam’s Club blanket is in the dryer, hoping it turns out better than the Kohl’s blankets. I think it is going to be fine. Quickly becoming my favorite blanket.
I let my oldest son take my car to the college campus this morning and he just called, he’s stopping by Quicktrip (local convenience store/gas station) and he’s getting me a pretzel. Hooray, no worries about lunch today.
Today was trash day, why on a rainy day? Nothing worse than the empty containers filling up with water. Well, at least in the winter, no mosquito worries I suppose.
What are you doing on this winter Wednesday with 60 days to go until spring?
It wasn’t a bad day but somehow it was a long day. Short post, mostly photos just to stay on the Blog365 track.
Thought I’d share a few pictures of what our little gray cat, Chelsey, actually looks like when she’s not photobombing and causing weird photos on the camera.
Obviously annoyed that anyone would think she’s scary.
It’s exhausting trying to get her people to do their jobs. Yes, we all have our assigned jobs. Mine is to let her in and out of the house. Someone else literally sitting in the chair next to the door? Oh no, that won’t do…she’ll walk through the whole house to find me and MEOW until I go let her outside.
And she does love it outside on the warmer days.
She got some indoor cat grass for Christmas. I think it’s her favorite along with a little mouse toy she seems to constantly lose.
Oh, and because of the constant loss of the mouse toy, I’ve been assigned an additional job. Find the mouse toy whenever she loses it. SIGH. Good thing she’s a cute little gray cat.
Maybe someday when I have a bit more energy, I’ll post a bit more about our sweet little cat.
It’s a federal holiday here. Banks, post offices closed, kids off school. However, my husband still went to work. Grocery store is still open, thankful for that one.
Still have to plan the week ahead. Joining in with always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. (Always glad for this link up but especially now as it’s at least one day I don’t have to think about what I’m going to post during the Blog 365 challenge).
The Weather
Early just before sunrise sky.
I went to the grocery store this morning without wearing a coat in January. Pretty unusual for here. It’s currently 58 degrees and sunny. Though I should confess, it’s very windy and I probably should’ve taken a jacket this morning. However, how often can you go coat free and in January?! Soaking it in and trying not to think what this might mean for February, usually our harshest winter month.
This week: stays nice for the rest of today and tomorrow. Back to normal with some rain on Wednesday and high temperatures back in the upper 30’s/low 40’s. (And looking ahead, I see snowflakes predicted for next Tuesday but who knows).
As I Look Outside My Window
Blue skies and sunshine!!
Right Now I Am
Working on this post, listening to the washer and dryer (wouldn’t be Monday if I wasn’t!), and breathing a sigh of relief that our elderly neighbor is okay. He’s been falling as he goes to his vehicle and is supposed to trigger his auto alarm if he does. It went off this morning. However, he wasn’t outside so I had to go to the door to make sure he hadn’t fallen indoors. Thankfully, I think the wind probably triggered it and he’s fine.
Thinking And Pondering
Well, I had something I was thinking about earlier. However, with all the excitement of the auto alarm, I can’t remember what thoughts were in my head.
On My Bedside Table
Lamp, phone charger. This category might get a bit boring. Maybe I’ll have to share what’s on my husband’s bedside table: two kinds of hand cream (from his Christmas stocking), the tv remotes (one’s the firestick), his tablet, multiple receipts to who only knows what, a lamp, earbuds case,…you get the idea. Funny thing is that I’m typically the messy one.
On My TV Tonight
Probably not much tonight. Later, I’m going to watch the last episode of The Chosen, season 2, and another David Tennant Doctor Who episode while folding laundry. Might watch the last of the playoff games later, doesn’t matter to us who wins tonight though. Wasn’t too happy with the outcomes of yesterday’s games.
Listening To
Guess I already covered this. More specific: the spin cycle of the washer along with the dryer.
On The Lunch Plate
I struggle with lunch. Not sure. Maybe Mac and cheese?
On The Dinner Plate
Tonight’s plan is for grilled pork chops and baked potatoes, maybe salad as well.
On The Menu This Week
Nothing overly exciting but I am planning on us ordering “million dollar” Chinese food on Saturday in honor of the Chinese New Year. (I just call our favorite restaurant that as if we all get exactly what we want it gets pricey. We don’t order it too often though).
MONDAY: grilled pork chops, baked potatoes, salad *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: grilled marinated chicken (just marinating in balsamic vinegar/Italian dressing and doing today), pasta, fresh green beans sauteed in butter *I work 8-4:30*
WEDNESDAY: spicy potato soup
THURSDAY: Maybe leftovers? I’m struggling with this day for some reason.
FRIDAY: Homemade pizza perhaps.
SATURDAY: Take-out Chinese food. I’ll likely get General’s chicken, G will get sesame chicken, my husband gets moo goo gai pan, and J likes just vegetable lo mein with chicken on a stick. Egg rolls, and maybe my favorite a crab rangoon or two (G likes these as well). Very different tastes for all of us.
On My Reading Pile
Struggling my way through Us Against You by Fredrik Backman. I usually love his writing and his books. This one is just hard to read because I’m reading it out of order. It’s the second book in a series and I have already read the first and last ones. Read the last one (The Winners) by mistake before realizing there was another book. First book is Beartown for anyone interested. Good series but intense.
A bit more excited my “real” book hold of Meik Wikig’s My Hygge Home: How to Make Home Your Happy Place is ready at the library. Can’t get it today though, closed for the holiday.
On My To Do List
Grocery store *DONE*
Laundry *in progress*
Go get library book
Pay a few bills
Sort out our linen closet (It’s at an avalanche level)
Call/text a few friends
Other stuff I can’t remember at the moment
Plans For The Week
Work tomorrow, go to the library, maybe take blankets back to Kohls, try to get the house somewhat clean for Chinese New Year (I think of it as my 2nd chance New Year since I never seem to manage to get the house clean the first time)
What I Am Sewing, Knitting, Or Creating
I’m going to need to be more intentional with this category. Currently, nothing.
My Simple Pleasure
I know many see it as a chore but I love going to the grocery store. Especially if I can go in the mornings when it’s not too busy. If I lived somewhere where walking to the market was a thing, I’d be so happy. However, here, I drive to Hy-vee and look at all the things inside as I pick up items on (and usually also not on) my list. Look longingly at the floral area as I leave (I have enough plants) and once a week, stop at the Starbucks inside for a coffee and sometimes a small treat (chocolate croissant today).
Lesson Learned The Past Week
Perhaps that I need to pay better attention. I’m sure I learned a few things last week. Don’t want to think I’m getting dumber each week though that is a possibility.
Looking Around The House
Pretend the rest of the house looks as nice as my bedside table. (Spoiler: It does not.)
From The Camera
Thought I was going to catch a good sunrise but the early morning clouds were just as nice (missed the sunrise)
And just for fun, playing with a filter on the “wild” cat who got in the way of the camera.
On My Prayer List
Next door neighbor, he’s elderly, recently lost his wife and is now falling a lot, his daughter who lives closest has her hands full with her own family and is encouraging him to move to assisted living, for J’s last semester of high school to go well, new and old blogging friends who’ve endured hard losses in their families last week, friends, family, and strangers. Peace in the world. Less judgement and more understanding in hardened hearts.
Quote For The Week
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.(Martin Luther King, Jr. )