Category: Chitchat

It’s Only Thursday

I’m sure someone out there is saying: It’s already Thursday! Me? I thought today was Friday. Honestly, Tuesday felt like a Friday. That’s how my week’s gone so far. How has your week been?

I also had a whole post written yesterday and forgot to hit publish. Ever do that my blogging friends? And today, I didn’t feel like hitting the button opting instead for a whole new post. Honestly, yesterday (all week) I was feeling a bit down. The dreary weather doesn’t help with the blahs.

We didn’t do much for the holiday except eat some green food. I made a pretty simple dinner of pork chops and baked potatoes (never got to the store for spinach so had to rethink my menu).  I served some chopped up red peppers as well for a bit of color on the dinner plates. However, we had honeydew and some very green sugar cookies for dessert.

Surprisingly, despite the overwhelming green colors, the cookies were pretty good. I picked up the mix on clearance after Christmas with plans to make them for Saint Patrick’s Day. Planned to make them into shamrock cutouts but somehow in a huge box of “holiday” cookie cutters, no shamrock cookie cutter. Need a cookie cutter in the shape of Texas? I’ve got one. A shamrock? Nope.

J and I had already drank our traditional shamrock shakes from McDonald’s on Wednesday after his appointment. While the appointment went okay, my gut is telling me maybe we need to check out another place.

Winter’s Last Hurrah before Spring

The weather is still rainy and dreary. Yet, I’m thankful the predicted snow never arrived. Last night they said anywhere from a dusting to 3-7 inches (large margin). However, we woke up to just more rain. Happy to see the rain in that case!

I did take a quick picture of my blooming daffodils along the side of the house yesterday. Just in case they were buried in white stuff…

Moved my plans for the flower store to this weekend when warm weather and spring should arrive together!  Also snapped a picture of a crocus bud, purple! I don’t remember planting a purple one last fall but I probably did.

Lemon Tree and A Weird Book

With the lousy weather, I’ve been spending a lot of time inside mostly reading. I’ve not had the energy or mental space for dealing with clearing spaces. So, mostly I’ve been sitting around like my lemon tree waiting for it to warm up enough to soak up the sun on the front porch.

See the new leaves? I guess I shocked the poor thing but didn’t completely kill it. See the cat hair around it? Another sign of spring, cat shedding everywhere! We think in addition to shocking it with cold back in February, I over watered it causing a bit of root rot. Ironically, a magazine I had sitting around had an entire article about caring for indoor lemon trees.

Speaking of magazines, I’ve been doing a decent job of reading my current issues and promptly recycling them (I’ll tear out a page or make a note of anything I want to remember). My plan is to slowly start getting magazines I’ll actually really read. Debating subscribing to the Magnolia Journal.

Along with the magazines, I’ve been reading lots of books. The one I just finished was weird. I found it on the e-library sight and thought it sounded interesting. A bit different than the suspense novels I’ve been tearing through. The Resurrectionist by Jack O’Connell was so strange. I linked to my review. Glad to go back and spend some more time with the Zen and the Art of Housekeeping today. Why do actual housekeeping when you can read about it? Right?

Seems I might need a few book recommendations. Read anything interesting lately?


And now, I’ve got to run off and do a few things before I go to work this afternoon. Hope you’ve enjoyed catching up on this Thursday that I thought was a Friday.

Thursday Things

Remember about a week ago when I said I watched Frozen on Disney Plus? My thought was I’d watch the sequel soon after. Turns out I don’t need to do that as we’re living it! Well, not the princess part. Or the cool castle part. No grand adventures or talking snowmen either.

However, it’s definitely as if Elsa had a finger pointing tantrum directed at the Midwest.

Twelve degrees out there right now and that’s warm for this week! Saw a meme that ordered the northerners to come get their “drunk weather” out of our backyards. I concur. And please, hurry!

It’s one thing to embrace winter but I’m not quite enjoying frigid cold just to drop a kid off at school yet. We’ve also had snow and ice mixed in with it. Road conditions were still poor enough Monday evening, that J’s baritone instructor called early to make sure we weren’t attempting the trip (He gives lessons out of his home).  And on Tuesday morning, my husband returned home and waited a bit longer to leave for work as the roads were solid ice.

Yesterday, we had a bit of a heat wave or at least improved road conditions, so I did a bit of running around after dropping J off at school.

Grocery Store

Thankfully, the store is back to somewhat normal hours so I didn’t have to worry about waiting for the “senior hours” to end.  Normally, I don’t shop on Wednesdays (sale day, always busy!) but made an exception.

Colder weather is supposed to arrive this weekend so I wanted to be prepared. Flower prices always go up around Valentine’s Day but they had these Meyer Lemon Trees in a sale cart:

A lot cheaper than a dozen roses! And (hopefully, keep reading though) longer lasting so I treated myself. Or rather I told my husband that he bought me a lemon tree for my Valentine’s flowers.

Also, treated myself to a Chai Tea Latte. A medium. Am I the only one can never remember the size names? A tall is a small but the Venti vs. Grande thing confuses me. Appreciated the barista’s graciousness in just saying so you want a medium? It was nice to have a warm beverage in hand going back out into the freezing cold.

Now, back to my plant. I took the photo above soon after I arrived home. Made sure to put it in the car/house first to limit its cold exposure. However, it still started this curling craziness last night:

It happened after I watered it. The soil seemed dry to me but apparently, over watering is a thing with these plants. Hopefully, I’ve not set a new plant killing record. I’m going to let the soil dry out for at least a solid week and see what happens. Wish me luck!

Tractor Supply and The Dollar Tree

Tractor Supply Stories

After driving to the grocery store, I decided the roads were decent enough that I should run a couple more errands.

Poor birds were completely out of seed (Minus a small bag I bought at the grocery store in case I ran out of steam before running more errands).

Lots of people were in Tractor Supply stocking up on bird seed, most likely for the upcoming frigid weekend. This surprised me as I’m not used to waiting to get into the bird seed aisle.

On another note, guess what happens when you down a medium Chai Tea Latte and then, go off on another shopping adventure?  I don’t enjoy using retail restrooms in normal times let alone pandemic ones. However, sometimes when you’ve got to go; you’ve got to go.

Found the bathroom, way back in the far corner of the store. Walked to the ladies room to see this lovely sign:

For key, please see cashier.

What? Asked another associate walking by. Oh, the cashier has the key. SIGH. Did I mention it was busy? Thought about just paying and simply going home but again, when you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go.

Back to the front I walk, park my cart, get the key from the cashier. It’s attached to a stick wrapped with pink duct tape. Visions of gas station restrooms floating through my head. Whew, just a normal bathroom with stalls. No idea if it’s a normal thing or a Covid thing that they keep them locked (Target’s bathrooms are still “normal”).

Relieved, in more ways than one, I returned to the front and waited in line to pay for my birdseed and return the key. Strange times aren’t they?

The Dollar Tree

Braving the restroom at Tractor Supply meant I could run an additional errand so I made my way over to the Dollar Tree. Turns out the particular store I frequent is moving. Quick Trip bought the whole corner or something. Thankfully, they’re just moving across the parking lot and next to another grocery store in our area. Hopefully, the new store’s a bit better maintained.

The moving date listed said mid-February so the store was quite empty. Nice to have a bit of space to shop although not much to look at in the mostly empty aisles. Bought some Fairy garden doors. Then, picked up my project idea paper boxes.

Since this post is getting a little lengthy, I think I’ll end it here and make you return tomorrow to see what’s stashed inside these boxes. I’ll share a few other recent projects I’ve been meaning to show you as well.

How’s your weather? If it’s warm, can we borrow some, please?




Bad Mood on a Friday?

Waking up in a bad mood on a Monday? Understandable. However, I woke up in a bad mood today.

Ever wake up in a bad mood? I’m sure most of it is sleep related. My husband added a *few* security measures around the outside of the house during the course of the week. After Monday’s madness, I get it and am attempting understanding.

However, his placement of said measures isn’t working well for me. Or at least not for my sleep.

First, he added a “doorbell” that dings any time a person passes it. It’s right next to the front door. I told him it was a bit much as I go in and out of the front door at least 4-5 times each morning. Add to it, the sound is just like the security sound at my work. No one, even those of us who love their job, wants to feel like they are at work when they are actually home.

Then, he added another to a tree in the backyard. It faces his trailer. It also faces my bird feeders. Last night, nocturnal animals or leaves (wind) set it off twice. I do not do well on interrupted sleep. At all. Put it ON the trailer I told him. Am I the only one with the husband who does not listen? UGH.

Add to that, the new trip lights around the deck and backyard. See above about nocturnal animals, leaves, and wind. Our backyard is now constantly lit up like it’s daytime. Again, it’s about the placement. And again, my ideas for more common sense placement of said lights? Mostly, ignored.

A Bit of Good News

Before I continue with my bad mood minutes, I’ll share a little good news. We did indeed get one of the stolen ATVs back. Turns out another neighbor caught someone trying to rob his shed. The thief? Riding our stolen older ATV. Not as hopeful about the newer one, however, insurance is covering it.

Not-backyard business related: After a comment from Tracy over at 4 D Farms, I took another look at how I could preserve So Not Organized without dragging it all over here or going through the posts each week. And I decided what to do. All of my content from the So Not Organized blog is now archived at:

It’s not super pretty and kind of a mess right now. There is a search bar though. The old paid site should still be there through year-end but now I don’t have to worry about it all disappearing.

We Now Return to Bad Mood on a Friday

Can I just tell you that I didn’t get enough alone time this week? Uh, this entire pandemic. I know I’m not alone on that one. As some sort of weird 50/51 (depends on the day of the week) Introvert/Extravert personality type (ESFP if you’re really into that stuff; or ISFP depending, today leans more I than E), I need my alone time. And don’t do well without it.

After my husband being home much of this week, J not going to school yesterday (anxiety), and G always here though in his room mostly, I’m like a bear awakened from hibernation much too early. Searching angrily for a tiny corner of our small home to carve out for a bit of uninterrupted time. Time for what? Want to know something funny? I don’t know. Just know I need some time to be alone for a bit. Maybe time for this mood to evolve into something a bit more positive.

Goal Not Met

As an emotional stress-eater, this probably wasn’t an ideal week to pick for going sugar-free. I did okay with it on Monday (surprisingly), Tuesday and Wednesday while not perfect, weren’t awful. I caved a tiny bit on Wednesday with my nemesis or “MY LOVE” pictured above.

Yesterday, however, complete and utter failure. The stress of many things caught up to me and I covered it in chalky sweet candy-hearted pieces. And a few cookies. And Chex Mix. Yes, also a few pieces of chocolate. Though it was 85% cocoa chocolate. *J, the other dark chocolate fan in our house, said 85% was a bit too bitter for him.

Managing My Mood

Still reading? Wow, thank you. Usually, I’m not quite so moody. Tend to be fairly stable in the mood department. Looking ahead to the rest of today and this weekend:

Today I work in the afternoon. Always a mood booster being around 3-6 year old kids. Even at their crankiest time of day.

Shouldn’t plan life around the TV but I’m looking forward to watching a new episode of WandaVision and the Super Bowl this weekend. (Wearing my red for red Friday, Go Chiefs!)

A new magazine to read (lots of those that arrive for free in the mail but I gave in and purchased a copy of Magnolia Home Journal and I’m excited to flip through the pages)

I know this mood is a passing thing and once I’ve had a little (real) food, water, sunshine, and more rest, the clouds of my bad mood will lift away.


How do you chase away a bad mood?


Last Friday in January

We’ve (almost) made it to the end of January! At least, we’ve arrived at the end of the work week. Are you excited? I am. Seems like it’s been a long week. In typical fashion, I ended up working more days than I planned this week.

Tuesday, I was home. The rest of the days, however, I was at work for at least part of the day. The trend continues today as I am now working 10-5. Shouldn’t be a bad day, however.

Feeling Frumpy and a Bit Grumpy

Since I’ve been feeling a bit frumpy and grumpy this week, I’ve decided it’s time to tackle one of my 21 for 21 list items. A sugar-free challenge! Not excited but I know it’s time to do it.

So, the first week of February shall be my first sugar-free challenge week of 2021. My plan is for one of these each of the four quarters of the year. I figure the first week of February works well as it’s just before the Super bowl, my husband’s birthday, Fat Tuesday, and Valentine’s Day. February is a busy month with lots of dessert opportunities I don’t want to miss! I do love a good dessert!

Good Things This Week That Weren’t Dessert

Ha! Maybe I’ll make a list of sugar-free good news for next week, that might be fun. This week’s items included the following:

  1. A newer student who wouldn’t give me the time of day last Friday, asked for me to work with her on Monday morning. And suddenly, I was “her person” for the morning. Always, a heart warmer when that happens.
  2. My husband cooked dinner and cleaned the kitchen on Wednesday. That “and” is the best part of the previous sentence.
  3. A phone call from the school, an e-mail survey, and the sophomores might get to return to the high school for full-time in person next month. (We’re currently on a hybrid plan and it’s not working so well here). Probably the best news of the week. My 16 year old son is not as excited but this is a needs versus wants situation. I can’t wait as I know it will help.
  4. My amaryllis bud is showing green again. I was afraid I really bungled this around Christmas. Maybe I’ll get an Easter bloom?
  5. A rare (to us, not a rare bird) sighting on Monday!
  6. The sun is shining today brightly today and I’ll get to be outside soaking it up in a bit.

Other Random Bits

As I need to leave fairly soon, I’ll keep my random bits part a bit shorter. Want to know something funny? I already drove to work this morning. Had a bit of a panic this morning that I had the time wrong and so drove to make sure the teacher’s car was in the parking lot (logic being, if I needed to be there, I’d already be there if I was indeed mixed up on times). Ever do things like that? Or is it just me?

I was glad to come home and finish my coffee and work on this quick post for today.

Do you have big plans for tonight?

Nothing exciting going on here, plans involve the TV mostly. Going to make the family fend for themselves for dinner probably unless we do homemade pizzas. Then, watch Wandavision followed by one of my favorite Marvel movies in the timeline, Dr. Strange. Watched another of my favorites, Black Panther, last night.

It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow so I’ll probably do yet more TV watching or (should) read my book. I’ll admit I’m struggling with reading my current choice, Hamilton by Ron Chernow. It’s a lot easier to pay attention to the information in musical form. He’s barely in America, I’m only 7% into the book, so perhaps the pace quickens.

Mostly, the cat and I are just over here waiting for Spring to return.


Palindromes and Positive Thoughts

Read something interesting this morning. Today starts 10 days of numeric palindromes. (On the Farmer’s Almanac Instagram page). What’s a palindrome? Reads the same left to right or right to left.

First Inauguration in history to take place on a palindrome date. Next time it happens won’t be for one thousand years!

Did you watch it?

My Thoughts about the Inauguration

I admit to getting a bit emotional watching the Vice President take her oath of office. Hard to imagine that any of us raised during the 70’s and 80’s decades of “girls can do anything” did not.

This is not to imply those older or younger were not as moved. Just a comment of how it felt to someone old enough to remember the Ford/Ferraro ticket back in 1984 (I wasn’t old enough to vote, just in high school). For the most part, I prefer not to talk about politics at all. Doesn’t mean I’m not aware, just not my favorite topic.

Commented to J this morning (home from school so I made him watch the Inauguration with me, history and all that) how I realized I feel as though politics has been everywhere for the past few years. It’s tiring. Too much, I’m looking forward to a bit more balance of conversation moving forward.

However, I do want to talk a little bit more about the entertainment part of the ceremony today. What did you think?

Personally, I didn’t care for Lady Gaga and her rendition of the national anthem. And what about her gown? Haven’t quite decided if I loved or hated it. However, she wore it well. Too shocked from a “Who is Jennifer Lopez?” question to really remember her performance. My favorite was Garth Brooks singing Amazing Grace. We thought the poet talked a little fast though reading her words, they are nice.

Positive Thoughts


sunset on Monday
Sunset on Monday


Like many, I hope and pray today signals the end of so much hatred and bitterness and a movement toward more kindness and civility within our country. It is so very much needed.

Looking forward to perhaps, a spring and summer where we can do a bit more.

My husband told me we had the dates for our Arkansas cabin getaway with friends though it falls in the middle band season. He thinks, no band again in the fall. I hope he is very wrong! I hope by next fall school is back on it’s normal rotation complete with marching band. As much as I enjoyed the getaway last October, I’ll gladly exchange it for watching my son doing his thing again.

Today’s Things

It’s been a bit of an off day here. I ended up working all day yesterday so today became my only day off this week (not counting Monday as it was a holiday!). J had anxiety happening this morning so stayed home to do school here.

Still need to call him in, honestly at the point of wondering what the difference even is between “excused” and “unexcused” absence and if it matters if they count them all the same. I’m sure part of my hesitation is the stigma of saying he’s suffering from anxiety rather than say a headache. Probably, just say he had a headache & I forgot to call for simplicity sake.

Managed to accomplish a few things today (not as many as I wanted but can’t really blame that on the teenager).  Cleaned out the fridge, cleared out and re-organized my clothes in the dresser (even put a few items in the donation bin!), caught up most the laundry, chopped up some celery for snacks, and went for a walk halfway around the block. A couple of suspicious looking dogs stopped our walk short, wasn’t feeling sociable nor did they look super friendly. Most excited about the dresser as I cleared the top of it off on Monday. A finished project. Hooray!

Probably should have put the camera lens cover somewhere else


Going to go finish up another load of laundry, make sure everything is in order for the rest of this busy week (two full work days ahead), and then, read a bit more of my book (maybe with a cup of tea).




Watching, Reading, and Doing

Happy Wednesday! Thought I’d just pop on here and share what I’m watching, reading, and doing this week.


Believe it or not, I’ve not had the TV on much this week. Well, actually that’s not true. I guess I should say I’ve not watched too much of anything specific or planned on the TV. The past two days I’ve left the TV on as ambient background noise. Keeping an eye or ear rather on the news.  Yesterday, I watched a bit of Live with Kelly and Ryan as well as a snippet of the Wendy Williams show.

And of course, last night I watched the season premiere of Prodigal Son. So good! Wish I could get my husband to watch that one with me. After watching season 1 of the series and the premiere last night, I’m convinced The Walking Dead wasted Tom Payne’s acting ability. And Michael Sheen is so fun as a serial killer. Really, I’ve not seen a more perfectly cast drama series in a long time. Will someone please watch this show with me?

When I’m not watching TV (really I’m listening to it more than watching), I’m looking at the birds out the back door. I’ll share more about my birds on Saturday like usual. However, I’m happy to report the score so far: New Birdfeeder: 2 Squirrels: 0.  Chickadees were first to embrace the new feeder, followed oddly, by the red-bellied woodpecker!

What are you watching lately? Or are you doing more reading?


I’ve not glanced at either of the books I mentioned struggling to read on Monday at all this week. However, I did download Tuscan Dreams at the Cornish Confetti Agency and started reading it at J’s lesson and a bit in the afternoons.

Mostly, I have been glancing at my magazines. I get the HGTV magazine and stumbled across an IKEA desk from the cover I want for my reading nook corner of our bedroom.

Also, not sure if it counts as reading, looking at blogs and Pinterest. Seem to have the home décor bug. Think it might be a January thing? Anyway, I’m a bit obsessed with the Scandinavian style lately and this blog in particular. Trying to figure out how to convince my husband we need to go this direction in our ever on-going bedroom remodel.

So when I’m not watching TV or pretending scrolling through Pinterest counts as reading, what am I doing?


Honestly, not that much. Trying to over-see J’s on-line schooling. That’s going about as well as I expected. Still searching for balance. And completely fed up with these teenagers and their bizarre sleep schedules. Trying to not bristle too much at my husband’s random suggestions when he’s happily off at work and I’m turning down work to be here and oversee things.

In less gripey news, I’ve been working on my little corner nook area of our bedroom. Can’t do much as the walls and floors aren’t quite complete. However, I can dream. And clear out a bit of clutter, the usual January stuff. A trip to drop off at the thrift store should happen today.

Cooking dinners with mixed results. Tonight, however, we’ll eat leftovers instead of what I planned. Choices of taco meat (from Saturday), chicken legs, sausage & vegetables, or a battle over one porkchop with turnips. Funny note: White wine vinegar is not the best substitution for white cooking wine. My cooking level of experience remains “medium.”

In homage to my word of the year, I plan to spend today simply doing one chore in each room of the house and without hurry or worry.  Thankful for today’s nice weather, I’ll be attending a fire pit meeting with friends later. Though I’ll bundle up in layers as the temperature drops quickly in January (any month) once night arrives.

What things have you been doing this week?





On Today’s List and Other Random Bits

Thought I’d share my to-do list for today and what I’ve been up to the past two days.

Still focusing on my 2021 word of Less, I only wrote 5 things on today’s list. Most of them already accomplished, the last 2 in progress as I take a small break to start this post. And that list of errands at the bottom? I crossed them off my list, saving them for the weekend.

Should I share my thoughts about yesterday?

I go back and forth. The desire to not comment on politics versus the internal need to say something. I heard about the storming of the capitol while I was happily visiting Narnia via Disney plus. Seemed surreal and I returned to Narnia for a bit. Personally, I think former George W. Bush gave the most eloquent statement on the disappointing display within our capitol: if you want, here’s the link to his words. 

Surely, I’m not alone in missing a country where politics didn’t drive people apart from one another and incite them to violence. So much more we could focus on doing within our own states, neighborhoods, and homes than shouting at each other over the “leaders” of the moment. Also, though I’ve chosen less for my word, can we all strive to be more?  Let’s be more than one issue/one party voters (something I have never understood).  Show more kindness to one another.  Strive for more understanding of different points of view.

My final thought is I hope our leaders who incited the violence as well as those who participated, face proper consequences.

Back to My To Do List Items

The laundry mountain is on-going, of course. And I had Christmas clothing in the wash so sweaters are drying.

I safely packed the Nativity away for next Christmas.

Sorted out all those candles.

Gave myself permission to feel less guilt and throw away some that weren’t entirely consumed. Especially if I didn’t like the scent. I threw away 3-4, seems okay. The rest I returned to the shelf, sorted seasonally. I need more January candles.

Cleared out the cup cabinet. Mainly, re-arranged it though I did add a pile of grey plastic cups we all hate to the donation bin.

Sneaked in a different type of project. Since I’ve decided to do a Rudolph day on the 25th of each month, I found an empty bin for projects. Quite by accident but hooray for the discovery of an empty storage bin in the basement! Had some Christmas stickers lurking in an upstairs cabinet and so made myself this:

It’s just a blank spiral notebook I took from the kids’ school supply stash. Even jotted a few ideas in it before stashing it in the aforementioned empty storage bin. By the way, did I ever share that I’m a left-handed blogger? So, I also decorated the back as I find it easier to turn spiral notebooks over to use them.

The Random Bits

I guess the left-handed part was kind of random, huh? Going back to yesterday, I made our traditional 3 King’s Cake. Kept things simple and used a yellow cake mix and can of vanilla frosting, just adding some colored sugar to the top of the cake. We typically use a cashew to represent baby Jesus and I kept that the same.

Can you believe my husband found the Jesus cashew (I hope saying Jesus cashew isn’t blasphemy) in the very first piece of cake?  I’m glad he’ll have the prosperous year and all that but it kind of takes the fun out of searching for it.

In other news, J and I have been enjoying simple hot chocolate. The kind from a packet. It’s nice. We’re down to one packet so if he wants hot chocolate after school again today, I’ll have hot tea instead. Yes, with cake. Are you a hot chocolate fan? Favorite brand? We like Swiss Miss around here.

Not much else going on, I work a full day tomorrow, my first working day since Christmas break. I’m looking forward to going back and yet still going to miss having another lazy day at home.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I hear Prince Caspian might attend my laundry folding party.


Looking Forward

It’s still December of 2020 as I type up this post. My plan is still to switch over to this site starting on January 1. You may find this site a work in progress while I share new posts.

Either way, I’m fairly confident in saying I don’t think I’m the only one looking forward to putting 2020 in the rearview mirror. Not that I’m superstitious (well, maybe when it comes to Chiefs football and spilling salt. As an aside within an aside: My kids make fun of me but I always throw a little salt over my left shoulder when I’m measuring out the salt and spill a little. Something I saw my own mom do or talk about often. The memory fades. Something to do with warding off evil spirits. Might throw the whole container of salt over my left shoulder on New Year’s Eve!) but I’ve been hesitant to post on my new site over here too much in 2020. Don’t want to taint it prior to the new year.

My Early Blogging Ideas

When I first started blogging, it was with those crazy lottery dreams of being a famous (and rich!) blogger. Turns out in my heart, I couldn’t do it. Not that I don’t believe the famous and rich (or simply those who earn decent incomes) bloggers aren’t genuine but for me, the steps involved in simply trying didn’t feel genuine. I still follow blogs from those days of lists of “follow back” and Facebook like days. Some I find relevant but most, I don’t even read.

For the most part, I seldom read past the first two sentence of a post containing the words “sponsored” and even before my kids became annoying teenagers, I couldn’t bring myself to put our entire lives on line (for profit purposes).  I enjoy reading posts from the heart about kids and families as long as they aren’t using their kids to “sell” me something. That sentence doesn’t sound quite right so hopefully, dear reader, you know what I mean a bit.  It’s annoying starting in on a post that sounds interesting to realize it’s a veiled attempt to sell me something.

I’m not a famous (or even almost famous) blogger earning a 6 figure (or any) income from my blog. And really, that’s okay with me. I prefer the conversational side of things and I don’t need money to chitchat with anyone.

Finding Readers

Of course, it’s not fun talking to yourself. So I still needed readers. See above about blog following and Facebook page likes. All the “advice” said I had to have a central theme on my blog.

Thus, the many posts about organizing attempts. (Don’t worry I’ll still share my attempts and failures over here.) And the title of my previous blog, So Not Organized.

As my kids grew and I learned more about life, I realized I needed more freedom in my blogging. All a mental game, of course, but I felt stalled by my blog title. So, new year, new blog with more freedom. Hopefully, my readers follow me over here from So Not Organized. I might have a few ideas to entice you all to stick around here and for a few new readers to join the party.

My Blogging Ideas Now

On this new blog, I plan to share more of my heart. More chit chat on whatever subject I feel like discussing. Note: I will still almost never discuss politics on here. One of the things I’m looking forward to in 2021 (hoping and praying for it) is a year where politics once again take a seat in the background. And we focus more on friends, family, and simply being kind to one another.

I want blog visitors to feel like they’ve walked into my house and sat either on the couch or at the kitchen table, enjoying a cup of coffee (or tea) and maybe a small treat. And we’ll share about whatever’s going on in our lives at the moment.


I did manage to add a “subscribe by email button” over in the side bar, if you follow So Not Organized by e-mail, I’d appreciate it if you’d switch over and start following Chit Chat With Jean. Or you can always also follow on Bloglovin’ (also a follow button on the side bar). Thanks!

Spilled Tea and Hoping for a Jan 1 Site Launch

Forgot the frustrations of starting from scratch. Been a long time and now I can’t find the old tutorials I used to make So Not Organized. Still not giving up hope to have things the way I want on Jan. 1.

In chit chat news, I went inside a free standing Starbucks store on Tuesday night for the first time since well, possibly 2019. Might have ventured in one back in January of February of 2020. It’s certainly been a long year, hasn’t it?

Anyway, I needed gift cards, specifically one a for a secret Santa gift I was in the middle of dropping off at work. Turns out the grocery store location closes at 7p.m. NOT 8p.m. like I thought.

Happy news to me, finding out the free standing location was still open. Not sure when they closed, probably 9p.m. Even happier news, I could go inside the store! Couldn’t bring myself to order a gift card through the drive through. So, mask on, enter store. Still can’t meet to chat with friends but you can pick up merchandise/order coffee/buy gift cards, all inside the store.

Bought my gift cards. Then, decided since I was already there, might as well treat myself. Since it was after 8 already, I ordered a small (tall?) Chai tea latte. My new favorite Starbucks drink of choice. Onward to work to drop off my secret Santa gift since I wasn’t working the next day.

Spilling The Tea (Literally)

Drop off gift, check door to make sure it’s properly locked. Then, am I the only one? Get in car but wait, maybe I should check door one more time just in case. Do that. Come back to car. And realize my purse strap caught on my coffee (tea) cup and in a freak accident, turned it completely upside down in the cupholder.

Gravity is real, my friends. Suffice it to say not a single drop of tea stayed in the upside down cup. Instead it all pooled in the cupholder. A beautiful brown delicious smelling pond, no longer fit for consumption even if I’d had a straw handy.

Almost sums up this whole year does it not?
