Happy Homemaker Monday

Happy Monday!  Lots of things to do today. However, a few delays. Can’t grocery shop until tomorrow (could but I want my gas discount based on how many points the Chiefs score). Delayed kitchen chores because a yellow jacket is in there angrily buzzing at the kitchen light fixture. Or rather there was. Which is scarier? Seeing it or not seeing it? I’m not sure.

UPDATE: I found it in a water glass, not sure if it was alive or not, and gave it a “gentle” toss out the back door. Sigh of relief to have my kitchen back.

Let’s just get straight to the categories provided for us by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom, the gracious inventor and host of this weekly link up.

The Weather

It’s a beautiful fall morning out there, sunny and not too chilly. Supposed to be warm today, high of 82 predicted. Super excited to see a 50% chance of rain for tomorrow! After our rain (hopefully, we get it), the highs drop into the low 70’s. And I see a predicted low of 38 (BRR) for Thursday night. Guess I’ll be out throwing sheets over the mums again.

As I Look Outside My Window

Blue skies, sparrows mostly at my bird feeders, a few leaves starting to drift to the ground on our slight breeze today.

Right Now I Am

Doing some laundry, working on this post, considering another quick Target run for some items I forgot to pick up last night.

Thinking And Pondering

How to get back to the me I used to be before a lot of life happened. Oh, that’s nice and vague now isn’t it? Just thinking that I used to be better at being a caring and compassionate person and would like to do better than I have been doing lately.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Me trying to make sense of the things the school administrators say

Relieved as I think we finally have J’s schooling worked out, maybe. The plan we decided on (him and I) is that he’s going to on-line school (through a certified homeschool program because our district won’t let him use their on-line option, they have crazy strict restrictions on it) for this semester. Then, go back next semester to graduate from the high school with his friends. Have I ever mentioned the kid is only 8, yes eight, credits away from graduating?

And on an unrelated not, my back is hurting a bit but I’ll manage.

On The Breakfast Plate

Flip yogurt, coffee, vitamins.

On The Lunch Plate

Possibly out, probably just a sandwich. Sort of depends on yellow jacket status.

On The Dinner Plate

Plan is for pepper steak and rice.

What I’m Wearing Today

Um, it’s red Monday in these parts. Chiefs tee-shirt, navy blue shorts, and my slip on leopard print shows though I’ll probably change into real tennis shoes in a bit.

On My Reading Pile

Nothing at the moment but I just finished a book last night called Beartown by Fredrik Bachman. It was well written (I do enjoy his books) but the subject matter wasn’t what I expected. If you’re looking for a feel good sports story, this isn’t it. It’s a pretty grim and gritty story about a small town pinning it’s hopes on a youth hockey player and a violent assault against a young teenage girl. It’s worth reading but don’t pick it up expecting something light. I guess it’s a series so I’ll read the next one when it’s my turn at the library (both books were on hold with long lines). Need to find something a bit lighter for my next read.

On My TV 

Many thanks to Billie Jo over at Afternoon Coffee and Evening Tea for recommending Halloweentown as a fun movie to watch. I loved it! Also watching The Chiefs (of course), The Walking Dead, The Masked Singer, and Kim’s Convenience. Last night I caught the end of the Ravens and Bengals football game. Sorry to my Bengals friends but wow, what a finish to that one!

On My Menu

Felt like I cooked a lot last week. Another week of it, I suppose. Not really in the mood to put a lot of effort into meals this week.

MONDAY: pepper steak and rice *J has a lesson at 6:30* *G is due home from his trip!*

TUESDAY: Some form of tacos *I have Mom’s Night Out*

WEDNESDAY: Might just make chicken strips and have salad with it

THURSDAY: Korean BBQ meatballs again with rice, maybe I’ll get some spring rolls to have with it

FRIDAY: OUT or maybe just BLT’s and French Fries

Looking Around The House

I need to put out my Halloween decorations (clean first though)

On My To Do List 

  1. Laundry *in progress*
  2. Target for soap/check for a kind of granola bar husband likes that we suddenly can’t find
  3. Get J enrolled in his on-line school/inform high school of change/etc.
  4. Clean house
  5. Grocery store (tomorrow)
  6. Still need to clean out pantry (eventually this WILL happen)
  7. Garden clean up chores (did tear out all but one tomato plant over the weekend)

    My garden helper
  8. Other things I can’t think of right now like paying a few bills that arrived in mail after I paid others

From The Camera

Still struggling to pick up the camera, not sure why. Need to get back to it, maybe just pick a time of day to go take a few photos. All the photos in this post I took this morning. 

petunias are hanging in there!
Rest of flower garden starting to fade

Quote For The Week  

Rejoice always, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ. (Thessalonians 5:16-18)


Dinner, Dessert, and TV Show Talk

Felt like yesterday’s Thankful Thursday post maybe ended on a bit of a down note. And since I mostly try to keep it positive around here, how about a peace offering. Recipes for a simple dinner and a dessert. Plus some chit chat about the TV shows I’ve been watching. Normally, I guess it would be dinner, dessert, and a movie. However, I’ve not had the attention span for a movie lately. Maybe later this weekend.

To start, an easy dinner recipe for you. I found this recipe in the oddest of places. Back in the spring, my hairdresser was running just a bit late (very rare) and I was glancing at the magazines. For some reason, they had a food magazine in the collection. I wish I could recall which one.

Broccolini, Chicken Sausage, and Orzo Skillet

Aside from a little sausage and vegetable chopping (oh, and garlic mincing), this is one of the easiest recipes to make. As an added bonus, every single person in my picky family likes this! In the picture above, I also used turkey sausage to double the meat. While it works with turkey sausage as well, it’s much better with the chicken sausage. 

We use regular orzo, broccoli in place of broccolini, and skip the cheese and lemon zest. It’s a good filling, one dish kind of meal.

And now for a simple dessert…


Sometimes people give my husband desserts when he’s working and this is one he brought home and then, the next day had the person text the recipe. I’d forgotten about them until recently when I spotted the grocery store bakery selling them in a clamshell. So, I decided to dig out the recipe and make a batch. They’ve been a hit! Super easy to make, we’ve been just storing them in the fridge. Funny I’d always thought they were made with Cornflakes but this recipe used Rice Krispies.   

And Now For Some TV Show Talk

What’ve you been watching lately? For me, I binged right through Only Murders in the Building on Hulu. So good, I highly recommend it.  Started back catching up with The Walking Dead yesterday. It’s a scary show I can watch only in the daytime. For whatever reason, I don’t find zombies all that scary. Plus, anyone that’s seen more than an episode or two knows the zombies aren’t nearly as scary as some of the people in that show.

Last night, I was searching for something light to watch and saw the Steve Martin and Martin Short comedy special. Enjoyed that very much (if you don’t know, they are the two stars along with Selena Gomez in Only Murders in the Building).

Then, still searching for something that didn’t take too much effort to watch (like watching tv takes so much effort, ha!), I clicked on Kim’s Convenience. I’d read about in Simu Liu’s autobiography (he’s the star of Shang Chi, a great Marvel movie if you have Disney +) and mentioned getting his role it it. It was funny though I confess to falling asleep watching it (past my bedtime). Might be a good laundry folding show.

This weekend I’ll probably watch a bit more of the new Walking Dead episodes and maybe a Halloween movie. Any not too scary suggestions for me?


Thankful Thursday

It’s been a while since I put together a Thankful Thursday post but I have a bit of time this morning before work.

Hoping to get back into the routine of these. It does seem to help to pause and be thankful for the big and little things that occur along the way.  I picked up the camera for a few quick snaps for this post. So first, I’m thankful that I took the time to pick up the camera. I really need to get back into the habit of it.

Thankful for the yard and the gardens.

See those petunias in the picture above. They were going to throw that big beautiful pot of petunias away at Home Depot a few weeks back!  Not sure how it all worked out (they couldn’t give them to me) but somehow I bought a big (probably $40) pot of petunias for $10. For the record, they didn’t look like that when I bought them. They were an over-watered, in desperate need of cutting back and deadheading,  dying mess. The pot will be handy next year as well (petunias are annuals in these parts).

The winding down of the vegetable garden.

Despite the ongoing drought, we had a good for us garden year. I’ll still try to maintain the fall garden idea but admit I’m tired. That said, rubs hands together, I do have plans for my vegetable garden next year. BIG plans.

Good Friends

I’m very thankful for my friends and opportunities to get together with them. A night out, a dinner out, dinner out and a small firepit with my husband and our mutual friends (s’mores!), and tomorrow a long overdue coffee date with a friend I’ve not seen in some time.

Faith and Hope


If you’ve read any Happy Homemaker Monday posts, you know this school year has again been a tough one with J. It started great and then, just plummeted. I’ve had to give up the idea of what this Senior year would be, clearly nothing like the one G had.

Yet, I continue to have faith and hope that we’re going to make it to the end and he’s going to graduate, go on and this is just going to be a little blip in the big picture.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)



I’m also thankful for distractions like good, suspense novels, comedy and dramas on tv, coffee and chai tea, a certain little gray cat, and being able to sleep with the windows open. What things are you thankful for this week?









All Things Autumn

Yesterday, Carrie over at Northwoods Scrapbook mentioned me in  a fun Autumn tag from a blog she follows called It’s Always Something.

Though I seldom do these, I thought I’d play along and share my answers today. And I “borrowed” Carrie’s idea to use older photos for this post since fall is taking the scenic route to arrive around here.

1.  What is your favorite thing about fall? 
Full disclosure that I’m a full on summer person. That said, I do have some fall favorites: the scenery, bonfires, scented candles, a return to “normal” time (I know…I’m odd because most people hate the early dark but I want light in my early morning hours), the comfort foods and warm drinks. However, my very favorite thing would probably be when the different birds start migrating through in the fall.
2.  Do you get fall colors where you live?
Yes though sometimes it takes until late October or early November. And sometimes the wind, takes it all away within a day.
3.  Favorite fall scent?  (wax melts, candles, anything)
I’m oddly seasonal about my candles: September needs to be apples or cinnamon apples. After fall is “officially” on the calendar, I like some Bath and Body Works candles in a scent called the perfect autumn and then as October rolls in…I like to switch to one called pumpkin apple. So I guess anything cinnamon, apple, or pumpkin is my preference for fall. I also love coffee scents. Just nothing too sweet.
4.  Favorite fall food or drink? 
That’s a tough question because I do enjoy so many of the fall foods and drinks. One food I love to get at least once in the fall is a caramel apple (I just buy one from the grocery store usually). “Real” food would be a tie between veggie chili or taco soup. And I always have at least one pumpkin spice latte for the season but mostly I drink hot chai tea once it gets cool enough for it.
5.  Football . . . yay or nay?
Um, How ’bout them….CHIEFS. Yay, of course, Yay. Ironically, both our boys are not sports fans at all. Not sure where went wrong there.
6.  Do you rake, jump in, or burn piles of leaves? 
Sometimes we rake them, sometimes my husband just mulches them with the riding lawn mower. Always jump in them! Or at least crunch through them as you walk.  Our neighbors sometimes burn leaves (though I hope not this year, way too dry out there!) and I do love the smell.
7.  Haunted house or corn maze?
Haunted houses SCARE me so corn maze. I’ve never been to a corn maze though there are quite a few not too far from us. Might have to add it to the fall bucket list.
8.  Have you ever gone on a hayride?
Back when the kids went to pumpkin patches for fieldtrips.
9.  Cider or hot chocolate?  
Depends on the weather. Warm fall days= apple cider. I’ve tried but I’m not a huge fan of hot cider, maybe I just haven’t found the right recipe yet. Cold fall days = hot chocolate. Or really, hot tea.
10. Carve a pumpkin or eat pumpkin pie?
We used to carve pumpkins when the boys were younger. However, I prefer to eat pumpkin pie. Carving is too messy.
11. Do you dress up for Halloween?
I wear pajamas for the Halloween parties if I happen to be working on party day since party days tend to be pajama days (I work at a preschool). Once in my early 20’s I did dress up as a scarecrow for a Halloween party at a different job.
12. Candy corn . . . yay or nay?
Yay, however, too much yay turns into a very quick nay. Just bought some though 🙂
13. Favorite Halloween season movie?
The Nightmare Before Christmas, Gremlins, Hocus Pocus (though I’m not a “super fan” of it), Harry Potter. Those are the ones I tend to watch this time of year…
14. Scariest movie?
I don’t do well with scary AT ALL. Anything with the supernatural and evil ghost type element freaks me out. Poltergeist scares me.
15. Halloween or Thanksgiving?
I like both but probably Halloween because (here, now with older teen/young adult kids) it’s more of a low-key holiday. Thanksgiving is a lot of work so can be a bit stressful and harder to enjoy.
16. Do you watch the Macy’s parade?
Sometimes. Usually not the whole thing. The only parade I really enjoy watching is The Rose Bowl Parade (and that one is in winter, not autumn).
17. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?
Um, both. I love apple pie in season but it’s not the Thanksgiving without a pumpkin pie on the table. And let’s not leave out apple cake!
18. White or dark meat?
White and covered in (real, see below) cranberry sauce!
19. Jellied or real cranberry sauce?
When it comes to cranberry sauce, like that old song says “ain’t nothing like the real thing”
20. Will you host or travel for Thanksgiving?
Not sure. The pandemic threw our routines off but really before that we lost the family we used travel to see in 2019. I doubt I’ll host this year but we might travel “across town” (ha, 10 minute drive maybe?) to my brother’s house.


I enjoyed answering these questions. Reminds me of when I did a whole fall series I did over at So Not Organized back in 2017 on Embracing the Fall Season. And of course, also makes me think of my dear friend Rebecca over at Rebecca’s Hearth and Home as I know she’s an all things fall lover. Maybe she’ll find time to join in? Anyone else that would like to join in, please do so!

Happy Homemaker Monday, Hello October!

Did you see that blur that was September blaze on by us? And now, October is here. Hoping and praying this is going to be a great month for all of us.

Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Monday blog link up.

The Weather

Disclaimer: This is a photo from last month (last week)

One last hurrah (maybe?) of warmer weather before the cool temps arrive this weekend. Still no rain in sight and we really need it. High of 81 today but Friday’s high is only supposed to be 59. Time to get my indoor plants home from their outdoor vacations!

As I Look Outside My Window

I see lots of outdoor clean up of plants and pots I need to do. Sparrows wondering why their birdseed hasn’t magically appeared yet (I’m out). A cat sleeping on the bench on the front porch. Sunny skies.

Right Now

I’m taking the time to write this post after what seemed like a busy morning watering the garden, working on some plant cleanup, and a run to the grocery store. I’m replacing the herb garden wall pots in front of the porch with some mums, getting it into a bit of a Halloween theme, a work in progress:

Thinking and Pondering

I wrote last week about already having a topic for my 31 days series but the weekend got away from me. And now, I’m thinking that perhaps I’ll give myself a break. I still like my topic but perhaps I’ll write on it at slower pace, perhaps weekly.

How I Am Feeling

Not super tried but a bit frazzled thinking of all the things I would like to get done today. Also, trying to give myself permission to rest and not need to figure it all out. 

On The Breakfast Plate

I forgot to eat breakfast before I went to the store. Oops. So, I had a pumpkin spice latte (first of the season here!) and a cheese Danish from Starbucks. Plus vitamins. And of course, some coffee at home before I left for the store.

On The Lunch Plate

No idea. Lunch is a hard category for me. Maybe just peanut butter and jelly.

On The Dinner Plate

A roast is in the crockpot

What I Am Wearing Today

Black tee-shirt, olive green Capri pants, and of course, my leopard print slide on shoes.

On My Reading Pile

I’m on a Megan Miranda quick lately. Last week I read The Perfect Stranger (good) and then, The Safest Lies (YA novel and just okay for me). Currently I’m reading Such a Quiet Place (just started it but seems promising so far).

On My TV

Might be a summer person but I do love when the new seasons of my shows return! Masked Singer is back, hooray! La Brea, I missed the season premiere, need to find it somewhere. The Walking Dead is also back, planning to watch sometime this week. And if you are looking for something fun and a bit different, I stumbled on Only Murders in the Building on Hulu over the weekend, it’s a good one. And of course, anyone from this area knows the answer to the question: How ‘Bout Those….. (for those not local, the answer is CHIEFS!)

On The Menu This Week

G’s going out of town with friends later this week so I’m trying to make some things I know he likes to start the week and then, things we all like (that he doesn’t) while he’s away.

MONDAY: Roast in the crockpot (BBQ sandwiches) *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30)

TUESDAY: Chicken sausage and orzo skillet

WEDNESDAY: Either or Spaghetti or Korean BBQ meatballs *J has an appt at 3*

THURSDAY: Maybe fish *I work 2-5*

FRIDAY: Chili (if not on Friday, then definitely one day over the weekend)

Looking Around The House

I started on my Fall cleaning schedule last week, need to continue it. And figure out where I’m going to put too many plants that need to come inside.

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery Store DONE
  2. Hardware type store for bird seed
  3. Repot and move more plants inside (lemon tree, hibiscus, maybe part of the lamb’s ear plant)
  4. Fall cleaning items
  5. E-mail J’s school (meeting last week went well, I have a bit of hope again)
  6. Still need to clean out pantry
  7. Pay bills
  8. Send a message to a friend about getting together
  9. Ask G to help fill out FASFA for J (college financial aid form)
  10. Spend some time cleaning this basement

From The Camera

I did a horrible job of picking up the camera last week (though I did end up working a few days). Over the weekend we went “north of the river” to run some errands and I went in this fun tea shop in Liberty, MO. My purchase:

Quote For The Week

I came across this verse more than once last week so I’m sharing it on here.

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12: 7)


Random Photos: Mostly Wordless Wednesday

This isn’t the post I planned today but I still wanted to share something in this space. Here are a few random photos before I head into work this afternoon.

Chilly morning, snuggled in for a nap

One Less Garden Chore: Hope Whatever Ate It Enjoyed The Meal

Hibiscus Still Blooming

Still Working on Purple Aster Pictures

It’s a beautiful 68 degree sunny fall day here. I’m off to work. Hope you are enjoying your Wednesday! (Also, thinking of those in the path of the hurricane. Please, stay safe.)


Happy Homemaker Monday, Waiting

Glad to have a few minutes (hopefully) to get my post up this morning. Well, I guess technically it’s early afternoon but I like to get to the grocery store in the morning. I’m waiting for J’s school principal to call me so we can figure out his options. Does anybody enjoy waiting for a phone call? I know I don’t!

As I wait for the phone call that may not even come this morning, it’s time for my weekly planning post. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom where she kindly hosts the link up each week.

The Weather 

The heat is gone but we could sure use some rain! Highs in the mid to upper 70’s all week long with sunny skies.

As I Look Outside My Window

No more hummingbirds though I’m leaving the feeder up until October 1 just in case of any stragglers. Herbs are starting to go and the squirrel keeps knocking my fuchsia flowers off the railing, the yellow jackets seem to like them as well so I may not pick them up this time. Cherry tomatoes turning red but still waiting on all the others…

Right Now I Am

Working on this post, waiting for the phone to ring, and keeping an eye on the clock as well. I do work later this afternoon.

Thinking And Pondering

What might be the best option for J. Reminding myself not everyone takes the same path. Think it’s time to give up the longing for the other universe where the pandemic didn’t happen and just let him move forward even if it means simply taking the Hi-SET. Also, thinking that maybe I should trust myself more to know what’s best for my child rather than a school or a therapist (while I don’t discount his ideas, I think maybe he might have different answers if he knew my child longer). And finding myself with an overwhelming disappointment in our entire education system considering everything from the start times to the lack of noticing and encouraging. Speaking in general terms as I do know there are some amazing teachers who do notice and encourage.

How I Am Feeling  

Didn’t sleep great though slept better than Saturday night. Last night I felt so discouraged but I’m trying to be optimistic as well. Not sure that makes sense.

On The Breakfast Plate

Sometimes I do eat a “real” breakfast

Too much coffee! An English muffin with butter. Vitamins. A iced caramel macchiato for Starbucks in the grocery store.

On The Lunch Plate

Not sure, I may just eat a flip yogurt depending on how much time I have after finishing this post.

On The Dinner Plate

Grilled hot dogs, chips, I may throw together some coleslaw before I go to work

What I Am Wearing Today

Blue work t-shirt, olive green Capri pants, later tennis shoes but right now my leopard print slip on shoes

On My Reading Pile

I finished Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood. It was okay, not even sure how to rate it. I stuck with it because parts of her life took place in St. Louis and Kansas City so it interested me a bit more from that standpoint. I’m coming to the conclusion that while I love autobiographies, memoirs are very hit and miss for me. Currently, I just started The Last to Vanish by Megan Miranda, promising so far as a good suspenseful novel.

On My TV

KC Chiefs, SIGH. We need our kicker to return ASAP. In happier news, The Masked Singer is back! I don’t know why but I just love that silly little show. I also re-watched all the Lord of the Rings movies at some point last week. And heard on the radio, that Netflix released a trailer for the next season of Emily in Paris. Excited for that as well.

On The Menu This Week

Trying to strike a balance between what we have on hand, not overdoing the standby’s, and new things on the menu. (Not much new this week)

MONDAY: hot dogs on grill, chips, maybe coleslaw *I work 2-5:45* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: chicken spinach skillet *Plans with a friend, need to confirm*

WEDNESDAY: Breakfast for dinner, maybe waffles or maybe super simple French Toast sticks and scrambled eggs

THURSDAY:  Stuffed peppers

FRIDAY: No idea…leftovers or OUT *I work 11-4:30*

Looking Around The House

Time to start fall cleaning for sure!

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. This post *In progress*
  3. Pay bills
  4. Bit of Laundry
  5. Figure out the school stuff
  6. Garden Chores (separate list, big things this week: getting houseplants indoors)
  7. Start fall cleaning schedule
  8. Clean out pantry (this got moved when G needed kitchen table to build his computer)
  9. Water indoor plants

From The Camera

Still practicing with the purple asters. These are the ones from the corner of the driveway.

Quote For The Week

Leaning heavy into this verse lately:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  (Proverbs 3:5-6)



Reviewing My 2022 List From January

It’s been a long while since I thought about the list of 22 things I made back in January of this year. I’ve probably been avoiding it since I know not much on the list happened.

Here’s a scary look at my progress.

My 22 for 2022 List Reviewed And Updated:

  1. Join in for every Happy Homemaker Monday *I’ve missed a few but kept up pretty well*
  2. Read 82 books I’ve read 102 books so far!
  3. Follow the Fly Lady Plan (Adapting the days to work for my schedule) *Not currently happening*
  4. Learn to use the laptop computer (my son gave me his old one in the summer and I’ve ignored it)  We shelved this idea as my son’s laptop was so slow!
  5. Host Easter brunch *Did not happen*
  6. Celebrate Rudolph Day each month with a bit of Christmas planning *Started great, then fizzled*
  7. Share gratitude each week with a Thankful Thursday post *Haven’t managed to do this every week*
  8. Drink a minimum of 3 glasses of water a day *ha, HA, nope. Needs to happen still*
  9. Go on a vacation *St Louis was a bit of a vacation, we have a trip with friends planned in October but a genuine just us or us and the kids vacation, not yet.*
  10. Take at least 3 “people” pictures for each major holiday/occasion *I’ve actually somewhat kept up with this despite a reluctant family*
  11. Make a photo book of 2021 and then delete all the pictures off the computer (or put them on a flash drive)  *Not  yet*
  12. Frame J’s all-district band photos (the one from 2019 and the one from 2021 when we get it) *Not yet*
  13. Use it up and/or  throw it out before buying new (with things like wrapping paper for example) *I’d say I’ve been about 50% successful with this, maybe a little less*
  14. Add in an evening skin care routine *I bought some new moisturizer, does that count? Need to be better about using it*
  15. Try one new restaurant each month as a family *Good idea, proving harder to actually do*
  16. Go through one bin in the basement each week (to clear out and declutter) *HA, I wish*
  17. Fix wedding ring *SIGH, this shouldn’t be hard and yet…*
  18. Organize Pinterest boards by actually trying pins and deleting ones that are no longer relevant *Ongoing process*
  19. Start doing yoga again *Not yet*
  20. Make a better effort to reach out and connect with friends and family *Need to work on this still*
  21. Create a master list of family birthdays *Not yet*
  22. Take the coffee cup advice and enjoy myself (I use this coffee cup a lot of work days as a reminder to myself to just enjoy the time with the preschool kids) *Too vague to properly gauge*


After reviewing my list, I suppose all hope is not lost. Not as much progress as I’d liked but I still have a few months to make a bit more progress. It was good to just look at the list again. I’d  not done that in quite a long time. Many thanks to Tamy over at Chasing My Life for posting about her list reminding me to review my own.

Did you make a list of 22 for 2022? How’s your list going?





Another Fall Bucket List

Last year, I made a small fall bucket list. Hadn’t thought too much about making one this year but my friend, Rebecca, inspired me. You can see her list over at Rebecca’s Hearth and Home. 

One of my favorite things about her bucket list is how she has items that will happen (planning autumn menus, celebrating birthdays and holidays) along with her dream items (fall getaways, etc.)

My Fall Bucket List For Autumn 2022

  1. Bake oatmeal butterscotch cookies
  2. Follow the Four Week Fall Cleaning Schedule
  3. Maintain a fall garden
  4. Visit with family during Halloween time (my brother is supposed to be coming back into town!)
  5. Go on a weekend getaway to Arkansas with my husband and some friends
  6. Bring a few plants in from their “outdoor vacation” before it gets too cold for them
  7. Make some pumpkin things. Not too many, I’ve managed to marry the 1 person in the world who is “not a huge fan of pumpkin”
  8. Plant some flower bulbs/sow my wildflower seeds for spring color
  9. Crunch through the leaves once a lot of them start to cover the ground
  10. Watch for migrating birds
  11. Visit a few of my favorite local farmer’s markets before they close down for the season
  12. Clean the basement (ugh, not part of the fall cleaning schedule but it needs it)
  13. Participate in the, no longer active, Write 31 days blog challenge. I already have a topic!
  14. Bake bread, maybe with herbs or other garden veggies
  15. Sort through my summer/fall clothes as I switch them over
  16. Watch some fun (but not too scary) Halloween movies
  17. Read some cozy mysteries
  18. Learn to take a decent photo of purple asters (pick up camera a bit more often)
  19. Go either apple picking, to a pumpkin patch, or go buy local pecans.
  20. Go to at least one local fall festival
  21. Last item, bonus one as I planned originally to stop at 20. Just grab a blanket, a book or the remote control, a cup of hot tea, and relax!


What things are you planning to do this autumn?

Thankful It’s Fall

Yes, this summer lover just said that. I’ve had a nice summer but it’s time for a new season. Time to embrace the inside of the house and the coziness of the season. Of course, I need to do a bit of work to make that possible. 

Today, however, I choose to go slow as I celebrate and embrace the first day of autumn. By the way, fun fact, our calendars all say the first day of autumn or the autumn equinox is tomorrow. My Farmer’s Almanac says it’s tonight at 9:04 EDT. We were curious about this last night and I looked it up: Note: Dates listed above are based on Eastern Time (UTC-5). Due to time zones, the date of the equinox may differ by +/- one calendar day in your location.(Click on the link to read more about the Autumnal Equinox). 

My plans for today involve living in my pajama pants as long as possible, baking a Honeycrisp Apple Cardamom Cake (without the walnuts though because yuck, maybe I’ll add pecans), fresh green beans and new potatoes in the crockpot for dinner (with ham), and a slow, mindful cleaning of the house. If I have time and can get to the bin, I’ll bring out some small fall touches. 

Here’s my short gratitude list.

Thankful List For The Past Week (Thursday to Thursday)


  1. A chance to go into work and spend time with my favorite age group
  2. Watching the Chiefs win last Thursday night
  3. Plenty of nice, warm sunny days (I think even I have had my fill of the hot days though)
  4. A great book to read
  5. Watching G build his own computer from parts he ordered. I’m just amazed by this. He says he’ll never do it again, ha. He did have a friend come help him a little bit but he did most the work himself.
  6. J’s very understanding and compassionate private baritone instructor
  7. That I forced myself to go to Bunco and be around friends on Tuesday night (It was a day of ups and downs with encouraging and then discouraging news regarding J’s school. We’re back in waiting mode. SIGH)
  8. Time spent talking to a good friend I’d not seen in awhile after Bunco plus plans made to get together again next week
  9. Plans to go to the art gallery with friends tomorrow, once again forcing myself to get out
  10. A chance to go with J to look at a euphonium (baritone=euphonium for simplification purposes) yesterday. The kind shop owner let him play a high dollar model as well. Wow, even my untrained ear could hear the sound quality difference.
  11. The Masked Singer being back on TV. I don’t know why I love that show so much. It’s silliness just makes me happy.
  12. Seeing an owl fly across the backyard on Monday morning just before the daylight arrived. And having the window open to hear it’s “Who cooks for you?” call from our tree last night.


Are you celebrating the first day of autumn?  What things are you grateful for this week?

