Thankful Thursday, TGIF

Yes, it is indeed Friday. So, of course, my first Thankful Thursday item is the TGIF. Thank God it’s Friday!

As often happens in the life of a substitute, my fairly easy week became a super busy one. My half-days all turned into full days with 3 days of topsy-turvy schedules. Today was a straight-forward although tiring day. Never let anyone tell you changes in weather patterns or the moon cycles don’t impact young children. That said, especially, this week, I’m thankful I love my job and that I get to work with such amazing teachers.

On The Way To Work

Thankful for enjoyable radio stations and a nice drive through a park. Happy to see the waterfalls in the park turned back on for the season. Last week a pair of geese in the road about made me late for work. This week I was almost late as I waited for a couple to take a selfie in front of the waterfall. I didn’t have to wait as they weren’t in my way but I thought they probably wanted the waterfall and not my car as the backdrop.

After Work

One station has been playing this song quite a bit:

And I was thankful that tonight I finally had a chance to sit down and re-watch The Greatest Showman (Disney+ and it’s a great movie if by chance you’ve never seen it).

Rest of My Thankful List In Very Random Order

Take-out for dinner tonight. A husband who cooked dinner another night. And prepped it on one other.

Another good gas discount at the grocery store. Toffee Nut Latte from Starbucks. Coffee in general.

Hugs and conversations from different students throughout the week. Conversations with my big children at home.

Remembering to bring Lucinda the lemon tree inside because once again on Thursday, spitting snow. And cold. Hard freeze warning for tonight. However, I’m super thankful for the anticipated quick warm up that is supposed to hold. 

Our crazy weather had us coat free on Tuesday and Wednesday, in jackets on Thursday, and wearing full winter coats and gloves today! It did make for some beautiful moody skies, however. Thankful I was able to enjoy them (and wish I’d had time to take photos for you to enjoy them as well)

And Finally

I know my list is not quite as long tonight. Battling the computer and it’s winning. Reminds me of an extra item. I’m super thankful the ants that were invading our bathroom seem to be retreating.

However, I’m stopping my post here as I’m tired and ready to throw on my warm pajamas, get under the covers, and dive into my new library book. Always thankful when a book I’ve had on hold pops up just as I need a new one to read.

What things are you thankful for this week?




Happy Homemaker Monday, Another Almost Full Work Week

Today is the only day I’m home all day and not working this week. A pretty busy schedule for me the rest of the week. Hopefully, I’ll do better about popping on here and visiting. Sorry I missed visiting a few of you last week! Sometimes the weeks just get away from me.

However, look, I’m actually posting on time (sort of, it’s afternoon now) this week! Joining in with Sandra from Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom to plan my week.

The Weather

It’s definitely spring weather with temperatures all over the place. I’m hoping for a solid week of warm temps soon. However, this week is warm to start and then chilly to end. Kind of the same as last week. Decent chances of rain tomorrow and Wednesday as well. That’s okay because we all know that April showers bring those wonderful May flowers (and green grass on the ground and leaves on the trees!)

As I Look Out My Window

Today’s a warm one with pretty blue skies and not too much wind. Started chilly out there but did warm up quickly. These little fellows won’t be hanging out with us too much longer.

White-throated sparrow

Right Now

Taking a few minutes to work on this post and trying to ignore a long list of things I *should* be doing.

Thinking and Pondering

Too much. Ants, a vacation, J’s issues, what to do with the yard, life in general.

Homemaking Tips

We were having a horrible time with one of bathroom drains stinking and nothing was working, the baking soda, hot water, etc. I found these things called Sanisticks at our local Bed, Bath, and Beyond and they solved the problem! (The link is Amazon but they are much cheaper in stores). Hmm, the reviews show they don’t work for everyone but they worked great for us.

How I Am Feeling This Morning (Afternoon)

Tired. Been a bit of a bumpy Monday morning.

On The Breakfast Plate

Strawberry and cream instant oatmeal, coffee. Just a note: I tried the protein added instant oatmeal packets and found it disgusting!

On My Reading Pile

Just working my way through a David Baldacci series, currently reading The Target (Will Robie, #3)

On My TV

My husband and I watched an awful Liam Neeson movie on Netflix Friday night, A Walk Among the Tombstones. I’d have rather just watched Taken again. Masked Singer, a bit of American Idol. A couple other movies: Shrek Forever After. Much better than the 3rd one. And finally, G and I watched a pretty funny movie called The Bubble, a movie about making a movie during the pandemic.

On The Menu

Homemade cinnamon rolls using Jiffy baking mix

Struggling with the planning this week as I feel like I went through all our standby meals last week.

MONDAY: ham steaks, corn bread, and broccoli *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: BLT salads with turkey (from freezer) *I work 10-4:30* *J has an appt at 3*

WEDNESDAY: Hamburgers and French Fries (husband is cooking, he just doesn’t know it) *I work 10-4:30*

THURSDAY: Mozzarella Chicken with Tomato Sauce and Mushrooms (trying new recipe) *I work 10-4:30*

FRIDAY: French Toast, Fish, OUT? *I work 7:45-4:15*

From The Camera


Looking Around The House

I did that and had to clean up a bit before starting this post! It’s better but still needs attention.

On My To Do List

Really, just get through the week but I’m hoping I can cross a few other things off the list

  1. Grocery store (DONE)
  2. Clean up house a bit (In progress)
  3. Laundry (Also, in progress)
  4. Serious clean up of main bathroom (the ants found us, UGH)
  5. Fix bricks by flower garden at end of the driveway
  6. Forgot to call trash company about yard waste last week, still need to do it
  7. Take pictures with camera
  8. Gather stuff for junk drop off put on by city this weekend (check prices again)

On My Prayer List

Friends, Family, Strangers. Someone who unexpectedly lost her new kitten last week. The country, the world.

Quote For The Week

I must have flowers, always, and always. (Claude Monet)


Taking Time For A Quick Thankful Thursday

Another working day for me around here but I didn’t want to skip posting my Thankful Thursday. Trying to squeeze it in between getting ready, starting dinner (crock pot day), and heading out to work. I know if I say I’ll post after work, it likely won’t happen.

And I happen to have plans to get together with some friends tonight. Something, I’m very much looking forward to doing. So, it only makes sense to start by saying how thankful I am for my old (not that we’re old!) mom’s club friends! That’s how we all met and we continue to be friends that get together at least once a month. A wonderful support system I don’t think I could do without.

A glimpse of a beautiful sunrise (although my picture taking timing was off) on Tuesday. And even though it’s cloudy and cold today, I’m so very thankful to see no snow on the ground! We might see flurries but that’s it. Whew!

Thankful for all the creatures I get to enjoy (and sometimes scold, this squirrel is behaving, however, and not eating my birdseed) as I look out my windows. And of course, I’m happy that it is finally spring.

So, I can watch all the new life unfolding inside (apparently Monstera plants are not that hard to grow. If I can keep one going, I bet anyone can) and out.

Speaking of out, I’m thankful for a job that requires me to spend part of my time outdoors soaking up the sunlight or steeling myself against the elements of wind and cold depending on the day. No matter the weather, it is so refreshing for the soul to spend a few minutes outdoors.

And finally, since I’m trying to keep this short, I’m thankful for my job where I get to have the best conversations about “ballerina class” and taco bell for dinner, cats with heart shaped faces, and upcoming birthdays. If I kept up with my birthday party invitations, I’d have a super full social calendar indeed!

Before I End My Post

I’m also thankful my crocus bloomed this year. Wanted to share one last photo as the flowers are fading fast. Soon to be replaced with new flower blooms as warmer seasons arrive.

And as always, I’m thankful for my family and that we have our basic needs met and then some.

What things are you thankful for today?


Happy Homemaker Wednesday, End of March

Talk about March madness. Where did this month go? It almost feels like an early April joke that it starts this Friday. Or is it just me?

As usual, I’m late again. I had good intentions (we all know where those lead) and had started this post briefly on Sunday but…now, it’s Wednesday. Let’s just get to it.

And as always,  I’m linking up with Sandra, our host, over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Might be the end of the month but we’re getting typical March weather. Hot, cold, sunny, rainy, and everything in between. Yesterday by late afternoon it was warm, partly cloudy, and windy. The day had started quite chilly, however. Last night overnight we had thunderstorms. And they’ve mentioned that bad “s” word for Thursday, just a bit though thank goodness. Today is cloudy, misting rain, and supposed to turn chilly again for the afternoon.  Coat on. Coat off.  SIGH. So very ready for continual no coat weather.

As I Look Out My Window

I see empty bird feeders as I’ve not had a chance (or the time and energy) to go get more birdseed. More patches of green on the wet ground, and cloudy skies.

Right Now

Doing a little laundry and trying to get this post up before I head into work later this morning.

Thinking And Pondering

The ups and downs of the week so far, my work schedule-what it will look like for the rest of the year and this summer.

Homemaking Tips

I use essential oils quite a bit for things like the laundry, making the bathroom smell better (I put a few drops in the toilet paper roll), and cleaning (I use them when cleaning our masks). Once the bottles appear empty, I’ve found I can stretch them a bit by taking the tops off and filling them with water, then giving them a shake. It won’t be as strong but you’ll still smell the oil.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Tired. We had storms overnight and while they didn’t wake me up, I didn’t sleep well at all. Including dreaming we all overslept right as the alarm went off. And there was a talking cat in there as well, probably because our lovely cat was busy meowing at me to get up and do her bidding. SIGH.

On The Breakfast Plate

Still on the oatmeal kick, maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal and coffee. Also, water, apple cider vinegar tablets, and vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

My turn for The Winemaker’s Wife came up at the library so I read that last week. Really enjoyed it though as typical for Kristin Harmel books, the reviews were all loved it or hated it. I kind of understood the hate it reviews this time as some of the characters seemed pretty shallow although I thought that made it more interesting (it’s another WWII setting, this time in the Champagne region of France). A book I read and did not think was all that great was Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline. Game over as far as me reading any more if there’s another book in that series (I don’t see it but who knows). And finally, I read The Innocent by David Baldacci, another “I don’t have to think to much to read this” but it’s still enjoyable type thriller novel, first in a long series.

On My TV

Not too much, caught up on The Walking Dead. Watched the first episode of Daredevil. Masked Singer. Some of the NCAA tournament, disappointed the Peacocks lost, now I’ll have to cheer for KU. Oh and I did happen to watch some of The Oscars on Sunday night so I saw “the slap.”

On The Menu

Pretty full working week for me so keeping things pretty basic.

MONDAY: We had porkchops, baked potatoes, and asparagus *I worked 8:15-3:45*

TUESDAY: We had pepper steak and rice *I worked 8:15-4:30*

WEDNESDAY: Some type of chicken. Maybe chicken strips or depending on how the days goes I might just make tacos *I work 10-4:30*

THURSDAY: Roast in the crock pot *I work 10-4:30*

FRIDAY: Tacos or chicken, whatever I don’t make today or maybe OUT

From The Camera

Looking Around The House

Maybe I’ll get it cleaned properly over the weekend, not going to happen today.

On My To Do List

  1. Get birdseed and refill bird feeders
  2. Laundry (in progress)
  3. Work
  4. Take a nap?!
  5. Call new trash company to find out their yard waste rates

On My Prayer List

Family, friends, strangers. Hope, healing, and peace for the world.

Quote For The Week

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)



Thankful for the Rain

It’s been a rainy spring break week. And it’s still rainy out there today! Cold, too.  I’m thankful it’s not snowing.  I do appreciate the help the rains offer in turning the world green and helping the flowers bloom. Can’t mind the free car wash either (hello, pollen season and we won’t talk about a few of those naughty birds!).

Now that the weather report is out of the way, is it already time for another Thankful Thursday post? The week of J’s spring break has been nice and calm but also very fast!

Lots of things to be thankful from last Thursday to this one.

A chance to go out and try a new (to us) restaurant. What a burger! Mixed reviews from the 3 of us (G had to work) but I liked it.

A bit of spring cleaning and kitchen updating (replacing of light fixtures)

A lazy, no pressure kind of week. So very much needed!

Constant reminders in devotion readings to not worry and give control to God. Something I stubbornly struggle to do. 

A small break in the rain one day giving me a chance to quickly soak up a tiny bit of sun. Plus, walk around the yard and glimpse the slumbering plants slowly awakening.

Also, time to plant my new climbing rose before the rain returned.

And take a quick trip to my happy place, a garden center. Too early for much but how could I resist picking up some early bloomers for my hanging basket?

I’m happy and thankful for the flowers and blooms soon to cover the gardens and my front porch. T

More Thankfulness

Thinking of all the flowers and seeing my day lilies (not pictured) start to return makes me think of a very good friend of mine. We went to the day lily farm together last summer. I’m thankful for her friendship and that her knee replacement surgery yesterday went well.

Thankful for the glimpse of a young Cooper’s hawk sitting a top my bird feeder yesterday. And happy he flew away to get dinner elsewhere.

Nothing more renewing than a couple hours of work at the preschool and the enthusiasm of the kids who missed you almost as much as you’ve been missing them. And I’m very thankful for the opportunity to do a little bit of work training. Even more thankful that this technology-challenged person figured out how to do Zoom on my phone. New respect as well for the kids doing school that way.

Very thankful I attended school when all was “in person” as I found it very hard to concentrate and participate via online.

Though my plan today is to get a few things done, I am very thankful for coffee, books, and binge able TV shows. Sorry, Outlander, I have a date with some survivalist and zombies later (Walking Dead). And lastly, I’m beyond grateful to live in a country where I can do or not do such trivial things without worries about my basic survival.

Now, I’m off to light my “sunshine and daffodils” candle to see if I can’t summon either one of those two things for the weekend.

What are you thankful for today?




Browsing the Land

Had a few minutes this morning as my work schedule changed. Went from training this afternoon, to a full day, to just a few hours followed by training. And I’m going in to work to do a zoom meeting type training. Don’t even ask.

Not yet Thursday but I should also throw in here how very thankful I am for hot coffee and warm breakfasts.

Pouring down rain again today and cold! Had to don the mud boots to take the trash and recycle out to the curb. (Note: snow boots in the winter are the same boots I call mud boots once it becomes spring)

Thankfully, I brought in all the sensitive plants last night. Hopefully, Lucinda the lemon tree won’t shudder and throw off all her leaves now.

Since spring cleaning and the scary terrifying number on the scale have been mostly on my mind. Thought I’d share some fun sites I’ve found while browsing the land of the Internet. Maybe you’ll enjoy them as well.

Weight Loss Related Sites

These are some sites that caught my eye while searching for various weight loss ideas and plans. Most of my searches in this area start with the word “free” because I’m cheap. Plus, I’ll be honest, it’s not like I need to pay someone to tell me what I need to do. Going back to the old adage, really, I need to pay someone to follow me around and slap my hand whenever I pick up junk food.

Sites found browsing the land the of weight loss ideas, a vast sea I’ve narrowed to a few favorites:

The Mom Grows Up blog caught my eye when I was doing a weight watchers vs Noom search.

(Sidebar: I thought $159 for 6 months of Noom was a bit pricey! $159 for 6 months after a free 14 day trial? Pass. And why do free trials always demand your payment up front? Let me really try for free and then, if I’m happy, you can have my money. I don’t appreciate the mal-intent behind hoping I’ll forget to cancel even if it seems to be the way of the world.)

I read quite a few of her posts and found her very relatable in her struggles and enjoyed the humor in the posts. She also mentioned this book titled Brain-Powered Weight Loss which intrigued me.

Reading her posts and reviews/thoughts on the various diets made me realize something about myself, I hate doing food math. Whether with calories through Noom or points with Weight Watchers, it all feels too complicated to me.

I just want to eat and be healthy. That thought led me to this article:  20 Ways To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories, According to Experts and Real Women  

Common sense advice. I think I’ll print the article out as a reminder to myself. One last link to share in this area as I remembered I had a whole Pinterest board devoted to getting healthy! And an item on my 22 list to try my pins this year, clean up those boards. Note: pins made long ago might no long lead to very nice sites, SIGH. This pin still worked, however, and I think I’ll start by adding it in to a routine. Especially after the whole pulled muscle from kicking the chair thing: How to Regain Flexibility After 50

Let’s move on from this topic and see what I found when browsing the land of the Internet regarding spring cleaning.

Spring Cleaning Fun

I’ve not done a lot of spring cleaning this week. Honestly most my to do list items remain undone today. However, last week I did find this fun site when searching up “spring cleaning in a weekend.” It’s a site devoted to weekends and I’m quite enamored with it. Been reading it a lot when I should have been cleaning. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy Almost the Weekend as much as I am. It’s my favorite place of all the Internet land I’ve explored in the last week or so.

Finally, since I need to stay a bit on track, I also found this handy calendar called 31 Days of Deep Cleaning Your Home over at Laura’s Crafty Life. It’s nice how it isn’t for any one specific month so could be used at any time. And some time soon, I might just give it a try.

Have you found anything interesting while searching/browsing the Internet lately?




Happy Homemaker Monday, It’s Spring!

Happy Spring! I’m so happy it is finally here. I really do try my best to embrace fall and winter. Recently, I’ve even come to appreciate those seasons. However, spring and soon to follow summer just fill my spirits with such happiness.

Bee happy, it’s spring!

I’ve already done a few chores and run a few errands this morning and now am taking a break to put up my post for Happy Homemaker Monday, hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. These posts really do help me stay on track and I enjoy very much visiting all the other bloggers who join.

The Weather

After a beautiful and warm (!) sunny weekend, rain is supposed to start this afternoon and be here the next couple days. I don’t mind. We need the rain (Still a fire ban/red flag warning until March 23). It’s supposed to dip down into the 30’s a few days. Then, the sun and warm weather returns. Probably with a lot more green grass and flowers on the ground!

As I Look Outside My Window

Grackles taking over my bird feeders, squirrels chasing them away, tiny bits of green and spring flowers pushing through the ground. Also, a pretty sunrise this morning.

Right Now

Laundry in progress, wondering when the boys are going to get out of bed (soon, hopefully, as it’s noon), and working on this post.

Thinking and Pondering

Spring always puts me in get healthy mode. Probably because as I switch out clothing I realize it’s all a bit snug (understatement). Trying to figure out the best diet (ugh) to work with the family (making 2 meals at a time is not for me). Noticed there is a new gym going in about a mile down the road, might look into that when they open. Just need to do something. Have a few ideas that I’m “thinking and pondering” in my mind.

Homemaking Tips

Not sure it’s a practical tip but I found the best way to clean a ceiling fan. Two ways really. One: Just get rid of it! Two: take it down off the ceiling and clean it.  Also, the old adage of shop your house first goes in here as well. Spring cleaning the kitchen a tiny bit on Saturday led to us taking down the ceiling fan over the kitchen table, replacing it with another led light and then, taking down the rather dated ceiling fan in the living room replacing it with the white one from the kitchen. Made a huge difference. And the Dawn Spray Dish Soap is great for cleaning off the blades (if the fan is down off the ceiling).

How I Am Feeling This Morning/Afternoon

Optimistic and in the mood to get things done.

On The Breakfast Plate

Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal, coffee, apple cider vinegar tabs, vitamins, water.

On My Reading Pile

Mainly just reading through the David Baldacci series with Amos Decker, I’m on book 6 titled Walk the Wire. Though my library hold of The Winemaker’s Wife by Kristin Harmel just came through. Probably going to DNF (did not finish) most other books on my pile, the Joshua Becker one, the memoir of Hillary Clinton’s aide (just wasn’t holding my attention), and some other random library books included.

On My TV

Masked Singer, still trying Outlander but it’s losing me a bit in season 3, and for fun, I watched Highlander (you know have to go through all the “lander” shows) last night. I did enjoy it, probably more than the Outlander series to be honest. If I can get the AMC+ app to work, I might catch up a bit on Walking Dead while folding laundry.

On The Menu

Always a bit tricky to plan during spring break weeks. Just throwing ideas here and then, if I have to move them around, I’ll still have the stuff to make dinners another time.

MONDAY: Chicken sausage, broccoli, and orzo skillet (found this while browsing a magazine last week) *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Chili (By request), also planning to make a vegetarian chili and freeze in individual portions for my lunches *J has an appt at either 2 or 3pm*

WEDNESDAY: Pulled Pork in crock pot *I work 8:30-5*

THURSDAY: Hamburgers/hot dogs and French Fries

FRIDAY: Fish, coleslaw, asparagus

*Probably be some OUT meals in there somewhere since it is spring break*

From The Camera


Looking Around The House

I’m in spring cleaning mode so it’s a bit frustrating to look around the house as I keep seeing things I need to do. It needs cleaned before it can even be spring cleaned. Hard to do with people underfoot but eventually, it’ll get there.

On My To Do List

  1. This post
  2. Grocery Store *DONE*
  3. Laundry *In progress*
  4. Cut up fruits/veggies for week
  5. Wash kitchen cabinets with Murphy’s Oil Soap (Floor as well if I have time)
  6. Start the cat grass seeds I picked up yesterday
  7. Take back library books (cringe, yes, the overdue ones from last week)
  8. Send a couple letters

On My Prayer List

A good friend having knee replacement surgery this week, all the spring break people to have safe and fun ones, the people of Ukraine as well as those of Russia who oppose the war but are unable to speak out for fear of repercussions against their families, family, strangers.

Quote For The Week

Never underestimate the healing power of a moment in the garden
(Josephine Albert)


A Bit of Green on Thankful Thursday

Thought I’d share a bit of green from around the house in today’s Thankful Thursday post. I really do need to get back into the swing of picking up my camera! I can tell I’m out of practice.

bit of green

That said, I’m extremely thankful I do have a “fancy” camera to pick up and use. Some day, maybe, I’ll learn how to use it properly. For now, I’ve decided to just stick to auto for a bit.

I’m thankful that somewhere along the line I went from having a completely brown thumb with plants to more a yellowish green hue. Don’t look to me to save your houseplants but the ones in my possession might just have a chance.

That said, I’m also grateful to see our local grocery store carrying shamrock plants as mine suffered the fate of someone (me) without the completely green thumb. (I think, it’s outdoors, we’ll see if any green springs forth from the pot once it fully warms to spring and summer.) Plan to pick up a replacement, hoping they go on sale though they aren’t overly expensive (hooray for that!).

Indoor Stuff

I’m thankful for knowing how to cook (mostly) and more than enough food in the pantry, fridge, and freezer.

The privilege of being overwhelmed with too many “to-do’s” when so many simply struggle to survive.

Candles, books, coffee, and tea. It’ll be green chai tea later today, of course, for St. Patrick’s Day. Also, a Shamrock shake.

Thankful for minor family traditions like J and I always getting a Shamrock shake from McDonald’s on or around this date. One thing I’ve noticed lately is that the simpler traditions seem to be the more memorable ones.

And finally, I’m grateful for tiny chunks of time home alone this week. As well as time spent with friends. So glad I decided to go ahead and go to Bunco on Tuesday night. A much needed mental break! And a haircut, same style but also a good lift for the spirits. (And now that gas is a bit more, I’m also thankful she moved to a salon that’s just the tiniest few blocks closer to the highway than the old one)

Outdoor Stuff

Though it might snow later tonight, I am so grateful to see sun and a bit of warmth on this Thursday instead of snow and cold! Hello, little purple-blue flowers. My harbingers of spring for sure. Though I fought them for many years, I’m now grateful for their presence knowing once they take over the yard, warm weather is sure to follow. And take over the yard they do.

Speaking of spring flowers, I’m happy to see my alliums poking through the ground and growing. Just last week, I searched for tiny signs and found only one pushing up through the dirt. This morning, I have this:

And grateful to see more tiny purple signs of spring and summer every time I walk around the yard. Found these peeking out from the daffodil foliage.

Yes, I still need to rake the leftover fall leaves. I’m thankful my leg no longer hurts from a pulled muscle so I can get out there and take care of things later today. It’s amazingly wonderful to simply be able to put on pants with no pain (no pain, definitely not a minor thing to appreciate)

A Few More Items 

A husband who can not only change a lightbulb but change out a whole light fixture in less than an hour

We had the ugliest fluorescent light fixture in the kitchen and when I mentioned replacing it on Sunday, it was done before dinner. This is an LED light. Not sure what any of it means except it gives out more light and looks so much better. Sometimes I take for granted how handy my husband is at this type of thing.

Messages of faith when I need them the most

Friends who follow up and check in when you ignore messages



What things are you thankful for today?







Happy Homemaker Again on Tuesday

Yesterday just wasn’t great. A lot of issues with J just left me a bit too emotionally drained to even put together a coherent post. Thankfully, this morning was better.

So, here I am again on a Tuesday. Better late than never? And it’s my Spring break at work! We’re actually celebrating 3 spring breaks in a row around here. Unfortunately, not much overlap. My break is this week. J’s is next week (though they also get Friday), and then G has the following week. My poor husband doesn’t get one.

Late to the party but still linking up with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Spring’s trying! Sunny days most of the week with highs near 60. Chilly start today as it’s currently 43 degrees but supposed to warm up quickly after lunch. Slight chance of rain on Thursday, still much needed as we’re in drought conditions. Okay with it as long as the wintry mix they hinted at on the news skips out on us.

As I Look Outside My Window

I see sunshine, a bunch of front porch plants and a yard in need of tending. Hoping to get out there later today.

Right Now

Working on this post in efforts to put off chores  (cleaning, paying bills, etc.)

Thinking and Pondering

Too much to share. Here I’ll share the lighter things on my mind:  I’d like to use my spring break to do some much needed spring cleaning and refreshing around here. Easter is also on my mind a bit. The garden areas of the front porch and yard.

Homemaking Tips

I’ve been adding a few drops of lemon and lavender oils to the washer when washing the bedding. Makes them smell so good!

How I Am Feeling

Tired. Trying to push through some depressing and defeatist thinking.

On The Breakfast Plate

I’ve switched over from yogurt to oatmeal each morning. I haven’t compared it officially to my flip yogurts but I noticed I feel a bit better with the oatmeal breakfast. Also, apple cider vinegar tablets, vitamins, water (as well as coffee!)

On My Reading Pile

I’ve slowed down on my reading a bit. Still working on The Fix (Amos Decker #3) by David Baldacci. Also, need to decide if I want to renew or return The Minimalist Home: A Room by Room Guide by Joshua Becker. (All my library books are a couple days overdue!)

On My TV

Sigh, no more Joe Millionaire. Read where one of the couples is already no more. It was a fun show though. And now, I’m more excited than I should be to see The Masked Singer is back. As are The Flash and DC Legends of Tomorrow, both of which I just watch on the CW app. Finally, I caved and started watching Outlander on Netflix after Carrie from Northwoods Scrapbook suggested it. Two episodes in and I wasn’t sure but another friend encouraged me to stick with it a bit longer. Now, I’m on season 3. Honestly, I still have mixed feelings as it’s not my usual type of show (Time travel stuff? Yes. Period drama? Not so much) but I do love the scenery and music of it!

On The Menu

Not overly exciting this week.

MONDAY: We had tacos and I baked a (store bought) apple pie for pi day

TUESDAY: Chicken and spinach skillet, rice

WEDNESDAY: OUT probably Subway *J has a school band concert*

THURSDAY: Irish Bacon and Cabbage Soup, homemade brown bread, Lucky Charms bars *St Patrick’s Day*

FRIDAY: Freezer Frenzy (Need to clean out some already cooked items in the freezer)

From The Camera

Still sorely lacking in this department. With the exception of the dove photo further below, all the pictures from this morning just for this post.

Looking Around The House

There’s a reason I want to spend my week spring cleaning, the entire house needs it!

To Do List

  • pay bills
  • Spring cleaning (might make a post with an outline of the tasks to keep me on track)
  • E-mail J’s teachers (I’m skipping parent-teacher conferences this week as I didn’t think I could hold it together 7 times in a row with everything that’s been going on (some of them already know the anxiety info anyway), e-mail felt safer)
  • Write/send a letter
  • Yard work and enjoy the beautiful spring weather

On My Prayer List

The people of Ukraine, an end to the horrific war (I made the mistake of watching the world news one night and could not contain the tears as they told the stories of the millions of refugees, so many of them children!), family, friends, strangers. A kinder, peaceful, and healed world.

Quote For The Week

I need to end this post on a lighter note with thoughts back on spring flowers and green yards. I get a “Daily Moment of Happiness” e-mail from Gretchen Rubin and she shared this quote in it last Tuesday. It just spoke to me:

I shall never have the garden I have in my mind, but that for me is the joy of it; certain things can never be realized and so all the more reason to attempt them. (Jamaica Kincaid) 



On Thursdays, It Snows

It seems as if on Thursdays, it snows. And I put out my Thankful Thursday post.

Thankful for the much needed moisture to the ground. However, I’ll be doubly thankful when I can say: On Thursdays, it rains.

Not that I haven’t been thankful but the week from last Thursday to this one feels like such a blur making it hard to remember things. I’m sure I’ll leave some things out but I still want to share the good things I do remember.

Perhaps, I’ll start with today and go backward.

Definitely, thankful to have all my family home and safe on this snowy Thursday. And for a home to keep us sheltered from this round of cold, wet weather.

Glad to have easy access to clean, fresh water for laundry, cooking, dish washing, drinking, and watering my too many plants.

Thankful to share this post with whoever is out there reading it as well as the photos. Especially since the computer photo app was not working this morning and I spent a couple hours fixing it. (Go me! Thought for sure I’d have to call technical support aka one of the teenagers but I managed to get it going again.)

Coupons, Gift Cards, and Savings

Happy that I went ahead and splurged on these 3 tiny bud vases in the Target dollar spot (Bullseye playground, I still call the dollar spot though I guess it should be the dollar(s) spot. Thankful for the little coupon which helped me make up my mind. The vases came in handy for the daffodil buds I had to pluck prior to the cold snap moving through.

And I’m thankful for this lavender plant filling our living room with a lovely summery scent. I used a Home Depot gift card from Christmas to “rescue” it from the outdoor garden area (Too soon! I really hope they moved the rest of them indoors last night).

Finally, going back to Monday, I’m so very thankful for the grocery store gas discounts. Since Chiefs season is over, they’ve been using the Sunday temperatures. Forty-four cents off a gallon at least helped a little to offset the current super high prices.

Going Places

Haven’t gone too many places but I am thankful for a reliable car to get me there.

  • Out to eat and a game night with friends
  • Spotting a great horned owl on the way to J’s lesson
  • A bit of alone time in Target and Home Depot
  • Mom’s night out and fun catch up during Happy Hour last night

At Home Again

I started the post by giving thanks for a home to shelter us from the storm. However, I think I can count that one twice when so many lack that in this area and across the world.

  • The security of monotony, being able to watch tv shows and read books while resting a sore leg
  • A stocked, pantry, fridge, and freezer for meals
  • The amusement of watching Chelsey, the little gray cat, demand time and attention
  • The joy of watching the birds at the feeders
  • The luxury of a pajama day (probably why I’m having trouble focusing on this task)

What things are you thankful for today?




