So today started kitchen week in Flylady land. Kitchen week sounds like it should be more fun. Like I should be baking yummy treats all week or something.
Can I just confess something here? Cleaning the kitchen is one of my very least favorite chores. Honestly, if we were divvying up chores in a house, I’d pick the bathroom over the kitchen. Of course, that’s only if the living room and bedrooms were already taken. Unless they were teenager bedrooms, then I’d still take the bathroom, I think.
So, I did do most of the kitchen items on the “flight plan” for Monday.
- threw away 27 pieces of trash (counted recycle items in my total including the plastic containers I thought I might reuse…not like we don’t have enough containers already)
- cleared out our mail hotspot. Brought a few bills down here to pay. Recycled a few old catalogs I’d been keeping for their coupons, not counted in 27 items.
- Cleared most the clutter off the kitchen table.
- Pantry peek was already done. Happy to report I did buy less than usual at the store. On a mission for us to use up what we already have here.
Things I did not do:
- Most of the weekly home blessing tasks. No vacuuming, mopping, or sheet changing happened here.
- No dusting or polishing of mirrors and doors either.
- Didn’t really need to purge many catalogs and magazines as I do that out of habit the last week of each month
The only thing on the weekly home blessing task I completed (except just now realizing I forgot the trash down here) was to empty all the trash cans. Kind of an easy one to remember as tomorrow is our trash day. And not on the list, I did so much laundry. Still need to finish up a few loads of that tomorrow as well.
Speaking of trash…
The Monday Mission
I sort of last minute cleaned my kitchen trash can. Didn’t really follow the directions as I didn’t get to it until it was almost dark outside. May go ahead and do a better job of things with it tomorrow if time allows. However, I did wipe it off as it was quite disgusting. It probably needs another coat of paint or to be tossed and replaced with a new metal trashcan. Something to ponder. Anyway, here are the less than exciting (and kind of gross) before and after photos of the trash can.
Tomorrow’s task sounds so much simpler, just a serious wipe down of the counter tops. Speaking of tomorrow, I’ll end this here so I can get upstairs and clean out the kitchen sink.
However, let’s not end this post with trashy photos. Here’s a fall decoration that belonged to my late mother-in-law. I’m pondering where to hang it.
What’s your least favorite room to clean?