Happy Homemaker Monday, Feeling A Bit Behind

I’m feeling a bit behind this week. Probably because once again I’m posting on a Tuesday. The end of last week and the weekend were both busy with work and activities. And I also worked again yesterday.

Today, I woke up ready to take back the house and maybe do a little bit of planning for the upcoming busier months of the year. And as always, I’ll link up to Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom where Sandra hosts these Happy Homemaker Mondays each week.

Breakfast Plate…What Is On The Plate This Morning

A bit of a change up today. Pulled the pumpkin spice English muffins from the freezer so toasted one of those and added a bit of butter. Plus coffee. And vitamins.

Looking Around The House

Did I mention I was on a bit of a mission to take it back today?  (Just a quick note: If you’ve been following my 31 Days Series, I haven’t forgotten. Life just got busy without much blogging time.)

On Today’s To Do List

What isn’t on today’s list would take up less space. Just a quick sampling of today’s list:

  1. Wash all the household bedding (Long overdue, in progress)
  2. Regular laundry
  3. General house cleaning
  4. Pay rest of the bills including the once a year big ones (homeowners insurance, car insurance)
  5. Clean out fridge/freezer
  6. Outdoor tasks, not sure if it’s too late to plant bulbs? Need to trim the peony leaves (to try and stop disease)
  7. Perhaps a bit of Christmas planning
  8. Return library books
  9. Work on blog/computer stuff
  10. Make a list for errands/maybe go to store to get all the stuff I forgot last night

Currently Reading

Finished Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte last week. Started a bit slow but once I got further into the story, my interest increased. Also, read Boston Scream Murder (Deputy Donut Mystery #4) just because it sounded fun. Not my favorite though I do love this Ginger Bolton series. Needing something quick to read during J’s lesson last night, I downloaded Christmas in the Scottish Highlands by Donna Ashcroft.

Also floating around on the kindle app on my phone is the Chaos to Clean: in 31 Babysteps by Marla Cilley. Not making much progress. I do better with physical books on that type of subject matter. And in the pile of actual library books half-started is Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Glorious You by Jen Hatmaker. Not sure why I couldn’t get into it. Going to try one more time before I take it back to the library.

On The TV This Week

Watched Dune over the weekend and really enjoyed it. Never saw the original so wasn’t sure what to expect or even the plot. Probably a good one to see in theater if you’re into the series (I watched on HBO Max).  La Brea tonight and The Masked Singer tomorrow unless the World Series pre-empts them. Not sure about that. Whatever catches my eye on the streaming services. Thinking of doing a Harry Potter movie marathon on the weekend, depending on the weather.

The Weather Outside Is 

Much cooler though it’s supposed to get up to 61 today. The mornings have been in the low to mid 40’s.  We had some storms (most went around us) over the weekend and are due for 2 solid days of (much needed) rain tomorrow and Thursday. It’s supposed to chilly and sunny on Saturday (nice as we have a Halloween parade to attend, high school band marches) and then, just partly cloudy but still nice on Sunday, Halloween. Fall is finally here, I think.

On The Menu This Week

I’ve been struggling so much in this area lately. Not even sure why. Feels like we’ve just been doing the same meals on repeat but it’s been too warm really for the homey, meals of fall/winter. Maybe this week.

MONDAY: G and I had BBQ pulled pork (from freezer), husband had leftover tacos, and J had pizza rolls *I worked 8:30-5* *J had a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes

WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti, breadsticks, salad

THURSDAY: Stuffed peppers

FRIDAY: Leftovers/Out/Cereal *I work 8:30-12:30*

SAT/SUN: Not sure about Saturday but I plan to make taco soup for Halloween.

If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself I Will

Probably waste it playing a stupid game on my phone. Or hopefully instead of that, read. Maybe sit outside if the weather is warm enough.

Petunias just keep on blooming!

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week

Might give these quick yogurt scones a try with some of the Flip yogurts as we seem to have an abundance of cookies and cream flavored ones (A certain teenager burned out on that flavor after I bought a bunch, not my favorite breakfast flavor either).

One Of My Simple Pleasures

Getting into bed at night when the sheets are freshly cleaned.

Favorite Photo From The Camera

Still working on getting back into the groove of picking up my camera more but I didn’t want to miss the full Hunter’s moon last Tuesday night. (Note: these two photos were with the bridge camera as it has a special setting for the moon.) 

Praying For

Friends, family, strangers. The neighbors. A healthy “normal” fall/winter season for all of us. A lessening of the all that divides us and return to civility, respect, and kindness.

Quote For The Week

This verse popped into my head just now as I typed the end of my prayer list.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26)



Pretend It’s Yesterday

So, here’s an area where I struggle a bit. First, the obvious one of posting every day during a 31 days series! Ha. This was a last minute decision so I’m giving myself a pass on that. Normally, I might’ve had a few posts scheduled in advance. Some fun Beatles music for you while you read the rest of the post:

My struggle is in regards to the Flylady routines. They are extremely easy (to an extent discounting days when motivation issues abound) when my schedule is routine. However, as a substitute, my schedule often changes and at the last minute as well.

As you probably guessed by now, I worked unexpectedly all day yesterday and work all day again today. J is off school so I have a few extra minutes to post this morning (no school carline today, hooray for that!). It is very hard to come home after a full workday and find motivation to do any type of evening routine. One thing I’ve found so far, however, is earlier is better for cleaning out the sink. I did at least, accomplish that yesterday. And that is all I did.

This morning, my husband brought all the laundry baskets full of clean clothes up so I’ve been on and off folding those and started a load of laundry. I’ll go ahead and run the dishwasher once I’ve eaten breakfast.

Anyway, no errands or other bedroom cleaning happened yesterday. Perhaps later tonight but I doubt it as Fridays at work tend to be a bit exhausting.

How do you keep to your routines when things change last minute?


Taking Care of Business

Missed posting again yesterday, it was another busy day but things stayed mostly on track. I took the time to empty the sink before I left for Bunco last night and it made a huge difference. Today I need to take care of some business.

Bedroom Cleaning Update

Yesterday, I also worked on the fly lady bedroom missions. Tackled the clothes piles on my dresser and the chair. Thankfully, they weren’t very big. So, I then did something I’d been needing to do for a while. Put my dresser back in order as well as changed out the summer clothes for the fall ones. Finally, admitted that while it’s been unseasonably warm, shorts and capris weather is likely over.

Removed all the fall clothes from the space saver bag and replaced them with the summer clothing. Fall clothes are in the dresser now.

Today’s mission is to clean out the closet floor. However, I share the closet with my husband and really he has the most stuff in it. (Odd, I know) I keep my shoes hanging in a shoe bag and the ones I wear most often on the floor near my dresser. So, I’ll probably focus on clearing the desk I moved into our bedroom instead.

Today’s Anti-Procrastination Business

Here’s my list of tasks to tackle today.

  1. Online renewal of G’s license plates. (DONE-hooray! Expected it to be a headache but it was easy)
  2. Make a blog page for this series (long overdue)
  3. Laundry/mainly make sure J’s band member shirt is washed and ready for Saturday (In progress)
  4. Check on status of Cat’s flea medicine order (Done-should be here today)
  5. Take inventory of meat in freezer
  6. Plant crocus bulbs/work outside*

*Depends on back

Not a super long list today. I could make one but I woke up with a sore lower back. Not sure if I did something yesterday, did move some plants inside but didn’t think any were that heavy…just the Monstera which I left so my son or husband could get it for me. Not sure where to put that enormous thing anyway. So, I probably should add resting my back to the list instead of working outside as much as I’d rather be planting bulbs and trimming flowers. SIGH.

I’ll leave you with a little motivational music or rather the song that popped into my head as I was typing my post title.

What business are you taking care of today?

Happy Homemaker Monday, Tuesday Style

The weekend was busy, all good. My husband was out of town so I was on my own for the football game and parade on Saturday. Plus most of Sunday. Then, yesterday was also super busy with work, J’s lesson, and a grocery store trip.  I almost skipped going to the store last night. However, I wanted my KC Chiefs gas discount (31 cents off a gallon!) so pushed myself to get there.

I’m glad I went as it’s another sort of busy day today with parent-teacher conferences and Bunco later tonight. Still wanted to take time for the Happy Homemaker Monday link up, hosted by Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom, even if I’m a little bit late with it.

Breakfast Time, What Is On The Plate This Morning

The usual, flip yogurt, coffee, and vitamins. However, I have some pumpkin spice English muffins in the freezer that are calling my name. Might end up having one as a mid-morning snack.

Looking Around The House

It looks like we had a busy weekend.

On Today’s To Do List

  1. Laundry (always, in progress)
  2. Straighten up a bit
  3. Gather all trash/take out trash containers (DONE)
  4. Fly lady missions from yesterday and today
  5. Attend a few parent-teacher conferences, so glad I can go in person this year.
  6. Plant the crocus bulbs, maybe a bit more yard clean up
  7. Figure out where to put the plants vacationing outside as they really need to return indoors soon
  8. Take an inventory of what is in our deep freeze

Currently Reading

I’m almost finished with Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, still undecided on my opinion of it. Started reading Boston Scream Murder (Deputy Donut Mystery #4) by Ginger Bolton last night, seemed a good October choice.

On The TV This Week

Not sure outside of The Masked Singer, maybe a few more episodes of Lost.  Over the weekend, I did watch a couple of movies. First, I’d never seen Hocus Pocus and they’ve been talking about it on the radio quite a bit so I took the time to watch it. I loved it! Just might have a new Halloween favorite. I also watched Black Widow as it’s now free on Disney plus. Gave it a generous 7 out of 10 when my older son asked how I’d rate it. My thought was they tried to tell too many stories in one movie.

The Weather Outside Is 

Gorgeous fall days! Jacket weather in the morning, warm in the afternoons. Windy. Leaves have barely changed here though which is odd for this late in October, I think. Upper 60’s/low 70’s during the day and high 40’s/low 50’s over night. This past Friday night it did dip down to the low 40’s overnight into Saturday so I took the opportunity to make sure the heat worked just to get the morning chill off the floors.

On The Menu This Week

Really need to go through the freezer for this part.

MONDAY: Frozen pizza *I worked 8:30-5* *J had a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Grilled hot dogs, French fries? *I have parent-teacher conferences in the afternoon* *Bunco at 7**J had early morning band*

WEDNESDAY: Roast in the crock pot *J has early morning band*

THURSDAY: Chicken sandwiches of some sort *J has evening band practice*

FRIDAY: No idea, leftovers, out? *No School for J*

If I Have A Few Minutes To Myself I Will

Work on my garden journal

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try This Week 

Tried a new recipe by accident this week. Planned to make these banana crumb muffins but accidentally clicked on this banana muffin recipe instead. Didn’t notice my mistake until I had combined too many ingredients to correct things. Still put a quick crumb topping on them. The first recipe is definitely much better!

One Of My Simple Pleasures

The quiet of the house in the early morning hours

Favorite Photo From The Camera

I didn’t pick up the camera nearly enough this week! 

Praying For

Family, Friends, Strangers. The kids at preschool, especially a few who seem to be going through some rough (emotional) growing pains. The teachers during parent-teacher conference time (and the rest of the time as well). End to the virus, our country. A return to happier, kinder, and calmer times.

Quote For The Week

Autumn tucked me in her honeyed home,
a honeyed spot for my soul to roam.
(Angie Weiland-Crosby)



Back on Track

Another quick post tonight as the dishwasher is running and the sink is empty!

After ignoring things Friday into Saturday and waking up to this yesterday:

It does feel good to be back on track!

Today I didn’t do a whole lot, nothing really cleaning related except for the kitchen upkeep cleaning. And of course, a load of laundry. Always the laundry. (Actually, I folded 3 loads of laundry and washed my gardening gloves)

Watched the Chiefs game, read my book, took a nap, and spent some time outside. Not enough time outside as I still didn’t get my bulbs planted. However, I cut the tomato plants way back to see if I can get at least a orange tinge to start on the remaining ones before the frost hits. We probably have until the end of the month but you never know.

Next week is bedroom week and I’m looking forward to it. Somehow, several areas of our bedroom have once again become quite cluttered.

I am really starting to appreciate the peace of mind waking up to the (mostly) empty sink each morning.

This coming week is starting out kind of busy with a full work day tomorrow.  My Happy Homemaker Monday post will be late, probably won’t post until Tuesday. Thought about working on the post tonight but I’m fairly certain another Flylady rule is to go to bed at a decent time so I’m planning on doing just that.

Hope everyone has a great start to the new week!

Bit of a Fail

Just a quick post tonight so I don’t miss posting 2 days in a row.

So, I had a bit of a setback and didn’t clean my sink before I went to bed last night. Busy working day and long football game (the homecoming game, first time all season it was cold enough to need a jacket and a blanket). Came home last night and pretty much went to bed.

Woke up and looked around this morning (while getting ready to get J to the homecoming parade, band marched) wishing I’d have spent that 5-10 minutes. Spent 5-10 minutes unloading the dishwasher before we left to go to the parade.

After breakfast/lunch, I went ahead and cleaned the sink, running the dishes through the dishwasher. It was nice to see the empty sink again. And I spent 5 minutes (probably less as we ate out and didn’t really have any dishes except the plates for our fast food, no eating out of the cartons around here!) cleaning the sink out before coming down here for this quick post.

After the parade, it was a bit of a lazy Saturday for me. My “family fun” consisted of watching 2 movies (Hocus Pocus, Black Widow) and taking a nap in between them. Somewhere in there I did a couple of loads of laundry but that’s it really.

Tomorrow is “recharge” day so I’ll probably spend it outside taking care of flower garden chores or planting some bulbs since it’s supposed to be a little warmer (back to the low 70’s I think, was in the low 40’s this morning).

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Almost Two Weeks of the Flylady Way

I started on the 1st and tomorrow marks two weeks of following (semi-correctly this time) the Flylady way. Seems focusing on the kitchen sink makes a difference after all.  The other rooms do tend to follow the lead of the kitchen sink. Who knew?

Well, lots of people I suppose.

Random observations

The house is cleaner. Not sparkling but just feels breathable in here. I’ll take it.

I like her idea of a schedule of days but do need to adapt it to my schedule.

Mondays don’t work well for me to do the home blessing but Thursdays fit. It makes more sense in my mind for the house to be clean and ready for us to enjoy on the weekend. We’re all running around on Mondays (and other days of the week).  Of course, I also like Thursdays as errands day so I’ll have to think on things.

Refreshing Rooms As I Go

Bathroom week plus a bonus room is almost over. I admittedly didn’t do so well with the bonus room but I’ll get the hang of it all eventually.  The mission today was another de-clutter and since I have the small bathroom, I opted to just wipe down the white cabinet pictured below instead (long overdue).

One thing I noticed is I see things I’d like to do in each room as I work in there. And enjoy finding small ways to freshen up the spaces. Gives me a little extra motivational boost as I clean.

For the kitchen, I purchased a small pack of new kitchen cloths. (One is pictured in yesterday’s clean sink picture)

And for the end of bathroom week, I picked up a new shower curtain! 

Something I’ve been toying with doing for a while. Think it was meant to be as while running errands, I came across it on clearance and not even in the correct aisle. The same shower curtain I looked at earlier this year and decided to wait as I couldn’t quite justify it.

Nothing like a clearance price tag to help with that! Eventually, I’ll add some guest towels that go with it, probably in a solid blue or gray color like the rug that’s in there.

Note, I’m not doing anything “big” in these rooms just little things I’ve had on my mind for a while. And nothing super expensive. May even shop the house for some of it.

Do you ever do a small room refresh? How do you achieve it? What helps you stay motivated while cleaning?



Procrastination Day…

Oops, I think it’s supposed to be anti-procrastination day in fly lady land. And I got off to a good start with a few tasks.

My Three Anti-Procrastination Day Tasks



Finally tried on the Halloween pajamas I bought probably 2 weeks ago. Wanted to be prepared in case I got called into work on Halloween as it’s slated as a pajama day. And if I don’t get called in to help, can you ever really have too many pajamas?

Thinking the Fly lady answer is probably yes. SIGH. However, in my defense, I did rip a pair of my favorite pajama bottoms last year. So…they count as replacements.

Found Money! Sort Of…

I finally got around to taking a couple shirts I’d bought the boys at Kohls out of the bag to put them in the Christmas bin (I’m trying to shop ahead a bit). And when I took the receipt out of the bag to stash it in the Christmas receipt drawer of my dresser, I noticed a coupon thing that turned out to be $10 in Kohls cash that expires on Sunday. Also, a 15% off coupon. More Christmas shopping perhaps?

Also, I cleaned out my e-mail (a long overdue task…I’m awful at staying on top of it lately) and remembered to move my Got Milk payment over to the Amazon account. Apparently, I signed in with some class action lawsuit long ago not expecting anything but ended up with $7! Exciting stuff.

And To Even Out The Found Money, I Payed Some Bills

Planned to just pay everything and be done with it but then this happened….

My Fly Lady Fail

Did I do any of the missions in the bathroom and extra room? No. No, I did not. Didn’t even set foot in there except for the intended uses of the rooms.

It was a lazy, rainy day and I may or may not have fallen asleep reading my book for a bit. However, I’ve needed a nap for a while so maybe I should just go ahead and count it as a 4th anti-procrastination task.

Come to think of it, I also finally got around to registering for some parent teacher conferences at J’s school. They’re by appointment but we get to go in person this year.

There Is Hope

I think the rest from my nap might have helped as it’s actually 9:20 as I type this so I’ll get to bed closer to my normal time. 

And the sink is clear!


Apple Chip Cake

My mom made this cake often in the fall when I was younger. It was one of my favorites. And now J likes it a lot as well. My husband and G aren’t as big of fans but that’s okay. They’re just missing out.

I finally made it for myself and J last year when the craving for comfort food was strong.

It’s a handy recipe to use up those apples on the counter that aren’t quite mush but are no longer in the prime for just eating.    apple chip cake

My mother used to make it using Jonathon apples. Probably picked from the local orchard (or picked up from their farm store, a restaurant also attached). A CVS sits on the corner (or maybe a QT as I can’t quite recall which side of the road) where the farm/orchard/restaurant used to stand.

While I’d been cutting the recipe in half, this last time I made it using the full 13×9 pan recipe. Thought it tasted so much better. However, last night it occurred to me. I used Jonathon apples in it this time as well. Note, any type of apple works. Pick an apple you like because the apples are the star flavor in this cake.

Apple Chip Cake  (Recipe as typed. See my notes at the end.)  apple chip cake

(Recipe card credited to Doris Jean Wyss)

2 cups sugar

1/4 pound oleo

Cream together.


2 eggs

2 cups flour

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

Mix thoroughly. Add:

4 cups diced raw apples

1 cup chopped pecans (black walnuts) 1/2 cup

Butter long pan. Bake 325 degrees for 1 hour. Eat hot with topping. Can make 3 layers. Can glaze or ice or dust with powdered sugar.

My Recipe Notes

1/4 pound oleo is equal to 1 stick of butter.

You can use whatever apples you have on hand. As I mentioned, my mom usually used Jonathon apples. This time that’s what I used along with a one gala and one golden delicious to round out the 4 cups (my Jonathon apples were small).

I usually leave out the nuts but I do remember my mom adding pecans, very finely chopped. I think the idea is to only add 1/2 cup if you use walnuts.

Long pan is 13 x 9. I think it’s just as good cold as hot. We usually don’t do anything to it but add a dab of whipped cream to a serving (and personally, I prefer it plain).  apple chip cake

I hope you enjoy the cake if you give this recipe a try!



Making My Own Missions

It’s main bathroom week in Flylady land this week. Not so exciting. Especially as our main bathroom is small. So yesterday’s 27 Fling boogie (the idea is to get rid of 27 pieces of clutter/trash in the room) wasn’t really applicable.

I did take the trash out of there today, maybe that counts?

In fairness, it’s main bathroom plus another room (her e-mails seem to focus on the guest room so I went with the basement as it’s where the boys’ friends stay once in a while).

Today, I did a mix of weekly tasks from her lists plus the daily missions. I was kind of all over the place.

In The Basement

I did do one of those 27 Fling boogie things. And this desk is pleasantly clear as I sit down here typing tonight.

The other thing was to wash bedding but I skipped to Wednesday’s wash the bathroom rugs mission and that took longer than I expected so….maybe tomorrow.

In The Bathroom

Here’s what I did in regards to cleaning our main bathroom.

Yesterday’s mission of shining the tub. I didn’t really make it shiny but I did clean it better than it’s probably been cleaned in longer than I really want to admit in writing.

Washed the bathmat/rug. It was dirty even with us usually laying a towel on top before our shower. I also washed another rug that was down in the basement. Between the dirt on both of them, I felt the need to run an empty hot water and bleach only cycle through the washer.

Swept and scrubbed the tile floor. Why on why did they put this tile on our floor?

Came up with a new idea for an invention. How about cleaning tools for small and awkward spaces? Mini mops/narrow Swifter wet jets. Did the best I could. The floor is probably as clean as it’s been in a while.

Random Thoughts

A few quick random thoughts before I go upstairs, clean out the sink and go to bed.

I’ve noticed the house is staying a bit (not a lot) cleaner with the Flylady tasks happening.

Did use a timer briefly today just to get my focus started.

Suddenly, I’ve started making up my own room missions when the ones listed don’t apply to me. Instead of the de-clutter in the bathroom, I cleaned a very neglected area between the sink and the tub (see above about needing tools for tiny and awkward spaces).

Scrubbing the floor wasn’t a mission but I decided to do it anyway.

Cleaning the rooms makes me think of a million home improvement projects to add to the never ending list.

Turns out, I don’t think I like cleaning the bathroom more than cleaning the kitchen after all…


