Happy Homemaker Monday, Memorial Day

Maybe that should say night. I’m a bit late with my posting today. No real reason, just a bit of holiday laziness before a full week of work. 

Debated postponing until tomorrow but really do need to get a plan for this upcoming week underway. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom helps me do just that.

The Weather

Sometimes we do get to see the sky!

Rainy and cool all day today. However, the rest of the week looks nice with highs in the 70’s and I do think we might hit the 80’s on Friday. A slight chance of rain on Wednesday. Would be nice to properly dry out again.

On My Reading Pile

Read two books from my summer reading list. Spent a lot of today finishing The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins. A good twisty suspense novel that’s supposed to be a bit like Jane Eyre (one of those classics I’ve never read, hmm…perhaps I need to make another list?). My lighter summer read was A Summer Wedding at the Cornish Confetti Agency by Daisy James. A bit disappointed to see that series come to an end as I really enjoyed the characters.

On My TV

Trying to finish my Walking Dead shows before my AMC+ trial ends, need to finish Lucifer now that they’ve added the rest of the season to Netflix. And my husband and I started watching The Kominsky Method, also on Netflix (funny but for adults!) Just reruns on network tv now probably so whatever I happen to catch.

On The Menu

A full work week after the holiday today so keeping things pretty simple.

MONDAY: husband grilled ribs, corn, fruit salad

TUESDAY: Spaghetti, salad *I work 8:30-5*

WEDNESDAY: Honey lemon chicken legs, rice (or I may make the crunchy coleslaw I forgot to make today) *I work 8:30-5*

THURSDAY: BLT salads *I work 8:30-5*

FRIDAY: OUT (or something from freezer) *I work 8:30-5*

On My To Do List

Not too much since my work schedule is pretty full this week (for the next 3 weeks!)

  1. Pay bills
  2. Need to find the time to go buy new tennis shoes
  3. Take some donations to the thrift store
  4. Remind husband that Saturday is the big item drop off in the city (we have some large junk to dispose)
  5. Maybe a little vacation planning


Honestly not much, just working on the garden areas. Pulled a bunch of weeds (thought they were flowers coming back but determined no, they were indeed just weeds) yesterday. Front porch still needs more flowers. At least I have my pink petunia pot going…

Looking Around The House

Well, G cleaned his room which somehow translates to lots of stuff in the living room. Can’t complain too much as he finally went through his clothes and now there are 2 bags of donations to take to the thrift store just from his stuff.

From The Camera

An older one from our 2019 Washington, D.C. Trip but meaningful to share today.


Something Fun To Share

I think I’ve shared her videos before but I made this recipe for our dessert tonight. (It wasn’t a huge hit but I liked it. My husband and oldest didn’t care for the apple in it. J hasn’t tried it yet as he just wasn’t super hungry today.)

On My Prayer List

Friends, Family, Strangers. Especially the strangers having a medical emergency in the grocery store on Sunday morning (it’s weird to here a call for a doctor over the intercom that usually plays music, I saw the ambulance as I left the store).

Quote For The Week

Another photo, taken during our 2019 Washington, D.C. trip. Good reminder for today especially.



Feeding Time!

Not a lot of variety of birds to share today. However, I did catch mama starling feeding her brood one day. Starlings aren’t my favorite birds by far but this little show was still fun to watch.

Some of the images turned out better than the others. Weather was still pretty yucky most of the week. On the sunny days, I either worked or did work in the yard (mowed) so that we weren’t surrounded by jungle. Sun is out today despite the chilly temps so that’s a good sign.

Anyway, one early afternoon a mama Starling and her brood showed up to dine from the suet feeder.

The Starlings


Can’t you just hear her saying get over here! In the photo below?

I’m here!

Stay together!

We try…

But there’s always that one sibling…

We’re hungry again!

Other Birds Spotted This Week

As I mentioned earlier, not a great variety of bird photos to share this week.

However, one day, J called me to look out the door at a “different” looking bird. Turned out it was just a rather rough looking mourning dove perched above a feeder.

The blurry birds in the background are our resident house finches. We’ve seen those along with cardinals, the tufted titmice (still not very often), house sparrows, and our hummingbird (also, still not too often). And I’m having a bit of an issue with the grackles taking over the feeders.

I joked on Monday about not being surprised to see ducks at our backyard feeders. I didn’t see any there. However, I did see two mallards simply standing on the sidewalk near the road as I cut through the park on my way to work Thursday morning. And yesterday, I thought I might be late as one was simply standing smack in the middle of the park road.

What birds did you spot this week?


Joining in with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.




Around Here Lately

Let’s just chat about things around here lately. And of course, a bit about the garden spots as well. Brace yourself, this post is going to be a bit of a ramble.

That orange lily was completely closed up when I bought the bouquet last Friday. It’s really opened up and now stands out.

We have some daylilies in our yard but they aren’t anywhere near blooming yet. And I didn’t plant them so we’ll see what we get. I slogged through the yard and mowed it yesterday (more rain due overnight tonight). Each time I mow lately, I start to dream about replacing the front yard hill with flowers. Daylilies crossed my mind. Have you ever seen a lawn replaced with flowers? What do you think?

In a complete turn around, want to talk trash? Not like competition trash talk but actual trash?

Trash And Recycling Woes

Wildflower garden fence recycled from husband’s late grandfather’s garden


Not counting this week (I didn’t need to call), I’ve called our trash company 3 weeks in a row! And not just to chat. Not complain either, well not at first. The company used to be local but now they’re based out of Arizona but of course, the day to day stuff is still handled locally. Unless you want to talk to customer service, then you call Arizona. Makes sense, sure?

Here’s why I called them. The day after Earth Day, we received a letter stating our recycle pickup would only occur every other week moving forward. Apparently, it’s not longer profitable and they didn’t want to increase our rates. Oh, they’re so kind (sarcasm). However, they’d be glad to provide us a larger or an additional container at no charge. All right there in the letter.

The letter the customer services folks in Arizona didn’t believe existed. Well, the first person could see it as she transferred me to sales to request my bigger container.

The black hole of customer service. Also, a picture of our newest and unwelcome backyard resident’s home. Mr. Mole’s House.


Customer Service Fail Again (and Again)

Guess what? Bigger recycle containers don’t exist. So, I requested an additional one. They’d be happy to provide it for a charge. Um, NO, not what the letter says. Delivering one for free the next week. Okay. Did it arrive? Nope. Another call, another promise. Did they deliver the second time? Yes. Did they deliver the right container? No.

They sent a second trash container and charged me! Suffice it to say I was simmering a bit when I called customer service yet again where they mysteriously couldn’t transfer me to a sales supervisor or their own supervisor. Kudos to the poor gal in sales who took my call. She did get the charges fixed and hopefully, next week (everything recycle is every other week now) the bin gets corrected.  Oh, and last week they forgot to pick up the recycle container on the right day! Thankfully, I fixed that with an Internet issue form.

Moving on…let’s talk about the Internet or rather our data usage.

Data Usage Increases (Or ISP Wants More Money)

Snapdragons. Would like to snap my fingers and change our ISP but our choices are so limited


Apparently, our ISP can change our contract terms at any time without notification. And so, now, they have given us a data limit.


Made even more annoying by the fact that we’ve miraculously used more data this month (double from last month) than during the last pandemic year. We get one free month, then they start charging unless, of course, we want to switch to their $30 more a month unlimited plan.

Why don’t we just switch companies? Sadly, we have two choices in this city. (Don’t get me started on why there isn’t free competition with all this, my brother who lives in KC proper but only 15 minutes away has different options but can’t use this company). And we’ve had the other Internet choice previously. It was worse. SIGH.

How’s your Internet service? Issues? Or are we just the lucky ones here?

Ending my post on a positive note, let’s talk Christmas!

Rudolph Day in May

Yesterday was Rudolph Day! Did you do anything for it? I didn’t do much other than glance at the tasks.

Great suggestion: order Christmas gifts out of summer catalogs for great clearance finds. Guess that dates the site a bit, haven’t seen a good catalog in some time but might be fun to look for catalogs to order or bargains on-line.

For my quick treat for the day, I made an iced hazelnut hot chocolate. Discovered, I think the iced version of hot chocolate might taste better than the hot!

Three Days of Posting in a Row!

Not that anyone is keeping count, however, I’ve now posted 3 days in a row.

Later, this afternoon, I have to work, then we’ll probably watch the finale of The Masked Singer. Exciting Wednesday night plans! What’s happening in your life lately?

My Summer Reading List

I thought it might be fun to share my summer reading list.

While browsing online over the weekend, I found the best beach reads of 2021 according to Bustle. Can I just say the titles all looked kind of blah to me?  Maybe I’m judging the books by their covers (ha!) but none of them appealed. I did link it, in case you might find a title intriguing.

However, my choices are different.

My Summer Reading List

By the way, more than a few of these are likely free through kindle unlimited if you have that. And of course, there’s always the library.


  1. Summer Island by Natalie Normann. Earlier this year, I read Christmas Island by the same author and loved it! Just your basic romance set in Norway.  Summer Island is available in paperback and I just might treat myself.  Main character leaves London, moves to Norway, and finds love?  summer reading list                                                                                       
  2.  Summer Wedding at the Cornish Confetti Agency by Daisy James is another light and fun read. Please note, it’s the 6th book in a series. However, I highly recommend the entire series if you need some light hearted, funny reading material. Lexi is a wedding planner and we all know things never go as planned. However, they always work out in the end and romance wins.  summer reading list                  
  3. How about a nonfiction choice? Meik Wiking wrote The Little Book of Hygge as well as The Little Book of Lykke.  I’m excited to read his newest, The Art of Making Memories, been waiting for the perfect time to read it. And I think it’s going to be this summer. Title seems self-explanatory. His books always contain beautiful images and graphics. Great front porch reading material!summer reading
  4. The Village of Lost and Found by Alison Sherlock. This one is the second in a series. Just lighthearted, uplifting reading. The story of a different character in the same village as the first book. Basic premise as most books in this genre, protagonist leaves big city with problem. Small, homey village atmosphere solves it in the end. Even knowing the plot lines are probably the same, I’ll enjoy this one.                                                              The Village of Lost and Found: The perfect uplifting, feel-good read for 2021 (The Riverside Lane Series Book 2) by [Alison Sherlock]
  5. Summer in the Scottish Highlands by Donna Ashcroft. I’ve loved every book of this author. Nothing too heavy but still enjoyable with characters a little more complex. Her Christmas books are some of my favorites. (This one doesn’t come out until June 4) I’m usually ready to pack my bags and move to whatever coastal town/small village she uses as a setting for her books.    Summer in the Scottish Highlands: An utterly perfect feel-good romantic comedy by [Donna Ashcroft]
  6. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Not exactly a light, uplifting choice. However, Andy Weir is one of my favorite authors (he wrote The Martian, a favorite movie of mine as well) so I do plan to read this. Probably going to be on my library hold list for awhile unless I get lucky. (Have you heard? The library is open to go inside once again! I’m so happy about that)  Project Hail Mary: A Novel by [Andy Weir]
  7. Afternoon Coffee: Thoughts on Motherhood, Family, Home, and All Things Cozy by Billy Jo Stoltz. This one is by a fellow blogger. And I’ve had it on my radar to read for some time. This summer I plan to treat myself to this as well. I already love her blog, so I’m sure I’ll enjoy this one. Sounds like a perfect one for a rainy (or sunny) summer afternoon.                                       
  8. Magazines! Summer is the perfect time to flip through a few magazine pages. Who says this list has to just contain books? My magazine collection is mostly home decorating, gardening, and those general household types.                                                                                           GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE - MAY 2021 - THE BIG TESTED ISSUE! - 2021 BEAUTY AWARDS Hgtv Magazine May 2021 Curb Appeal Inspo From Charming Shutters To Dazzling Zinnias BETTER HOMES & GARDENS MAGAZINE - JUNE 2021 - THE GREAT OUTDOORS REAL SIMPLE MAGAZINE - MAY 2021 - GET IT DONE
  9. Ten Arguments for Deleting All Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier. Another nonfiction choice. A bit deeper but I need a little balance to my light hearted stuff.  Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by [Jaron Lanier]
  10. Walking: One Step at a Time by Erling Kagge. My review of another book of his, Silence in the Age of Noise can be found here.  Excited to see the local library finally has another English translation of one of his books. Subject of this one seems self-explanatory.  Walking: One Step At a Time by [Erling Kagge, Becky L. Crook]

Currently On Hold At Library

While the books above are on my summer reading list, I’ll read more than just those 9 titles.

If I see an interesting title referenced in a magazine or a blog post or even on a tv show, I’ll usually jot it down and look it up at my local library and/or on Amazon. If I can’t find it or it costs too much on Amazon, I’ll add it to my Goodreads “want to read” list.

Here’s the short list of my current library holds:

  1. The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins (this says it’s 2 weeks out for me)
  2. Daylight (Atlee Pine #3) by David Baldacci
  3. Good Company by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeny
  4. The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave

Before I end my post, let me know what’s on your summer reading list? Any suggestions for me?






Happy Homemaker Monday, A Manic Monday

Today was a manic Monday.  Late getting my post up after working all day. I agreed to be in the kitchen at work for today. Let’s just say that phrase about no good deed going unpunished fit for the day.

It was rather stressful from the fluorescent lights not firing on properly to a lack of information about the food I had to prepare. Oh, and add in a delivery right as lunch needed serving. However, I did have several teachers help me how they could and offer to help. And that was very much appreciated. That said, I’m looking forward to hopefully having a day off tomorrow!

Let’s just move on to the planning of the rest of this week with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Hot and humid today.  Upper 70’s/low 80’s all week until 65 degrees on Friday. Good news is it didn’t rain yesterday or today (in this area, other areas still got a few downpours). Bad news is that it’s supposed to rain yet again tomorrow and Thursday. The backyard is essentially turning into a wetland at this point. Maybe I’ll see a duck or two at the birdfeeders, who knows!

On My Reading Pile

Still not much. I did breeze through my turn with a library hold over the weekend, The End Of Her by Shari Lapena. Wasn’t my favorite, all seemed a bit far fetched. Could’ve just not been in the mood for a thriller though. I have a list of lighter summer reads that I’m planning to start on after Memorial Day when it’s proper summer season. Might do a blog post about my list.

On My TV

Been watching Fear The Walking Dead and ahem may or may not have signed up for the 2 months of AMC+ for 99 cents each over the weekend to see the end of the season 5 cliffhanger (had been watching on Hulu). Blaming the weather, dreary rainy days make for good days to watch zombie shows. However, our self-appointed comptroller (J) informed me of the total were spending on streaming services so we really should look into making some cuts and soon.

On The Menu

G turned 20 last Friday!


MONDAY: Tacos *I worked 8:30-5*

TUESDAY: honey lemon chicken legs, asparagus, salad

WEDNESDAY: Fridge Free For All (leftovers) *I work 3-6*

THURSDAY: Hawaiian Chicken, rice *I work for just a tiny bit in the a.m.*

FRIDAY: OUT *I work 7:30-3* *J has an appt at 4*

On My To Do List

  1. This post (in progress)
  2. Clean up house (always)
  3. Mow front yard if it stays dry
  4. Still need to clean out upstairs freezer
  5. Pay a few bills
  6. Mail a graduation card
  7. Probably a bunch of other stuff I just can’t think of right now

What I Am Creating

A Wildflower garden area in the far corner of the yard.

My garden helper inspecting the flowers:

Silly cat follows me everywhere, trudged right beside me through the soggy yard that looked like this:

Looking Around The House

I did at least get my summer/spring wardrobe change out put away so we could sleep last night. Rest of the house needs a good cleaning as usual.

From The Camera

A bloom from the yard.

And a bloom from the grocery store bouquet.

Something Fun To Share

I’ve been trying to listen to more up to date music but you know I just have to share this 80’s favorite today.

And One More because it popped up and I like that song, too.


On My Prayer List

Next door neighbor, still in the hospital, friend of my husband, recently diagnosed with cancer on his jaw, father-in-law, who fell and is doing knee rehab. All the recent high school and college graduates. Friends, family, strangers.

Quote For The Week

May your life be like a wildflower growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day. (Native American Proverb)


Did you have a manic Monday as well?



It’s A Bird! It’s A Cat!

I’m just sharing 4 quick photos today. We’ve had rain pretty much every day this week (and again this morning!). Haven’t had a whole lot of bird watching (photo taking) luck lately. Hopefully, that changes if the sun ever returns.

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the following 4 snaps.

It’s A Bird!

Caught a house finch in flight toward the feeder.

It’s A Cat!

Took a photo of the cat through the window during just a cloudy part of the day. Doesn’t she kind of look like a ghost cat? However, I assure you, especially after her very loud meow in my ear at 4a.m. this morning, she’s very real.

It’s A Catbird!

Saved the best for last. A catbird stopped by to visit for a bit on Tuesday morning. He spent a lot of time hopping around the lower fence and ground. So the photo below is through the deck railing (and out the backdoor window).

Finally, he hopped up on the fence so I could get one semi-decent shot.

Other Birds Spotted In The Rain This Week (No Photos)

The grackles are taking over my feeders. Getting almost as annoying as the squirrels. Our hummingbird is back. Briefly saw the tufted titmouse one day. And the chickadees and woodpeckers (downy and red-bellied) continue to hang out. As do the house sparrows, cardinals, and doves.  An occasional blue jay stops by. I’ve also heard crows and geese flying over once in a while. Hopefully, next week the sun returns along with the chance for a few more photos.

What birds have you spotted this week? And before I end this post, could you please send some sunshine this way? Soon, please!


Joining in with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.

Another Rainy Day

It’s another rainy day here.  And an unexpected day off for me.

rainy day

I can’t remember the exact weather forecast when I shared it on Monday. However, this morning they showed 3 days in a row with 100% chances of rain. Does not do much for my outdoor gardening plans. They also had to cancel/reschedule yesterday’s preschool graduation because of the weather (it’s an outdoor thing).

rainy day

We’re just hanging out indoors watching it rain today. Well, just the two of us. The cat is the only one home with me. A bit of rainy day bliss to be home alone for a change.

rainy day

Lit a candle, a beach scented one I picked up at Aldi. My plans for this rainy day now that I’m free for the afternoon?

Nothing too exciting. I’ve been working on slowing down. It comes naturally to many of you (and many preschool kids, especially when time is of the essence, ha!). However, it doesn’t come naturally to me. Lots of reminding myself there is enough time in the day to get the things done that need doing. Just stumbled across this article, seems to sum up where I’d like to be on the slowdown journey.

I blame my late mother! Not really. Well, maybe. I think I inherited her “city” blood. For me, there is something about the pulse of being around an urban environment, the energy of the pedestrians going about their business. However, I don’t like large crowds.

Then, there’s the love of flowers and attempting to garden. I know that comes from my late father who grew up on a farm. So basically, all I need is a house with a huge yard in the middle of a walkable city. Tall order. Suburbs for the win, I suppose.

Are you a country or city person at heart?

Wait, I was talking about my plans for today.

Today’s Rainy Day Plans

rainy day

  1. Make dough for tonight’s pizza roll dinner (done)
  2. Clean up the house a bit (a lot, in progress)
  3. Finish up the laundry (in progress)
  4. Maybe pay a few bills
  5. Relax and simply enjoy the day

How are you spending your Wednesday? And if you have any spare sunshine, could you please send a little this way?

Happy Homemaker Monday, A Rainy Start

Our week got off to a rainy start. All day yesterday, it rained. The sky is still cloudy and gloomy this morning with a few more rain chances.

The weekend around here reflected the weather. Didn’t do much. Even putting off a few “have-to” items until today. Finally, made it to the grocery store this morning. Laundry is in progress (could’ve done that yesterday but didn’t).  And now, it’s time to join in with Sandra and the other wonderful bloggers who link up with her over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Cloudy and rainy. Basement has water trickling inside (more than that but not a flood, thank goodness!). Looking forward to lots more flowers blooming when the sun reappears. Temperature is fine, mid to upper 70’s.

On My Reading Pile

This is odd for me but the answer is nothing. Well, not any books at the moment. Plan to give my magazines a glance through this week. Sometimes I find interesting book suggestions in those. And I do have a couple e-books, I’ve been putting off reading because I want to read them during true summer weather.

On My TV

The series finale of Prodigal Son on Tuesday. I am DONE with shows on the Fox network. Second time (3rd if count Fringe but I started watching it too late to complain) I’ve become very interested in one of their shows and then, they cancel it. I don’t know why they think their entire audience wants to watch even more animated tv shows. UGH. (Fit over). Also, Masked Singer on Wednesday. And yes, I know it’s also on Fox.

Watched a couple movies over the weekend, Tenet and Inception. (Husband insisted we’d seen Inception before but I couldn’t remember it so watched it again). Both were odd but enjoyable movies. Also, caught up on a few episodes of Fear the Walking Dead. Probably watch a few more while folding laundry later.

On The Menu

Rainy weather equals baking weather, also. I used up some things that were about to expire/go bad and made peanut butter banana bread on Saturday. Then, yesterday, I made sour cream softie cookies as well as 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies. Lunchbox items covered for a bit.

A few carryover items from last week on here.

MONDAY: Salsa Verde Chicken in the crock pot

TUESDAY: ham steak, asparagus, black-eyed peas, and cornbread *I work 10-4*

WEDNESDAY: Pizza rolls (homemade, rolls…not the store things), salad, maybe minestrone

THURSDAY: either pork chops or chicken strips, French fries

FRIDAY: OUT for G’s birthday (He requested Chinese)

On My To Do List (For the Week)

  1. Laundry
  2. Clean up the house
  3. Clean out upstairs freezer
  4. Call the trash company for the THIRD time, it’s getting comical the level of incompetence
  5. Pay some bills (thankfully, the trash company phone call is not bill related!)
  6. Make sure I have some graduation cards/deliver one/mail the other
  7. Get G a birthday present! And find out what kind of cake he wants
  8. Still need to switch out clothes for fall/winter/spring/summer
  9. Verify When I’m Working This Summer
  10. Clean out my purse (car, too if the weather improves)

What I Am Sewing, Knitting, or Creating

Still dreaming about my garden areas and working on those. And attempting to make a garden journal. Go back and forth on how I want to put it together.

Looking Around The House

Pretend house looks great!

Real one where we actually live, not so much.

Clean up house is number 2 on my to do list for good reason.

From The Camera

For some reason, I woke up super early on Saturday. However, it was worth it because I got to witness the most amazing cloudy sunrise.

Something Fun To Share

When I worked on Friday, the kids had their last share day. At my school, it revolves around letter sounds. And of course, Z was our last letter sound. One sweet kid brought in Zinnias for the school to plant. And another, Zebra Cakes (the little Debbie treats) to share with the entire class including the teachers. We also, of course, saw lots of zoo items, zippers, and stuffed zebras.

On My Prayer List

Next door neighbor who was taken to hospital by ambulance on Saturday with breathing issues (she was sitting up and talking at least), preschool student (and his mom, a fellow teacher) who had a severe asthma attack last week, a couple of blogging friends having health issues either themselves or within their families. All the graduates out there. Friends, family, and strangers.

Quote For The Week

“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  (Psalm 118:24)


A Robin, Goldfinch, and Cardinal Meet at the Feeders

Another lazy posting of mostly photos from me. Still, I wanted to get back into the habit of sharing my backyard birds. Our weather’s been so weird (I had the heat on one week!) that I kind of got out of my bird watching and photo taking habits a bit.

We were excited to see an American goldfinch hanging out around the feeders this week! And sad to have only briefly spotted a rose breasted grosbeak one morning when I’d yet to restock things. Maybe they’ll try again next week and I’ll get a decent photo.

The robin still likes to ham it up for my camera at least.

As well as our regular house finches.

We’ve spotted the hummingbird just a few times in the very early mornings, too early for pictures. However, we did have some new visitors to the backyard. Finally, some pine siskins!

The little yellow patch on the wing and the different beak helps to tell them apart from the female house finches.

Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to see the fun little pine siskins again this week. And maybe the goldfinches and hummingbird as well. I doubt we’ll be lucky enough to get a second chance from the grosbeaks as last year was the first time I’d ever seen one in the yard. However, you never know.

I also spotted our regular woodpeckers, bluejays, pretty sure a yellow warbler, some type of vireo, and a regular house wren (!! haven’t seen one of those forever!) in the backyard. Along with some mean grackles and the annoying squirrels.

What birds did you spot this week?

Joining in with the Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.



Flowers and Front Porch

I had a whole post written and then *poof* it disappeared. I don’t have time to re-write it but I still want to share my work on the front porch and flowers with you.

Front porch is still a mess but I’m making progress. (We need to power wash, husband cleaned the gutters, but it’s supposed to storm all weekend)



My *new* hanging basket of blue lobelia. I took out the violas and gave them a new home so I could make myself a blue lobelia basket. Can’t find them in hanging baskets.

New home for the violas.

Did you know they’re perennials?

Still waiting on a few blooms from growing flowers.

However, I did get impatient and add a few snap dragons to the side of the porch flower garden. (I ended up putting the white lobelia in a pot)

I played outside in the dirt all day except when I took a break to work on the disappearing post. Now, it’s time to go cook dinner. Have you played in the dirt this week?
