Since it’s been a while, other than the Happy Homemaker Mondays, let’s just chat.
A little of this and a little of that. We’ll pretend we’re at the coffee shop. Me with a chai tea latte in hand, you? Maybe a scone? Or should we go all out and splurge on cake pops?
Whatever is there to chat about?
Let’s see: Band concerts, vaccines, and taxes. Oh my! Or maybe good, bad, and ugly topics? Ha!
Let’s start with the good.
Band Concert
The kids get to have a band concert! A real, proper one. Well, except no tuxes and fancy dresses. Just dress nice clothes. Retro middle school style, I suppose. Two tickets per family unless your kid is a senior, then 4.
It’s been so quiet here for so long. I miss the music!
Very much looking forward to going to an event at the high school and not even going to complain about those hard bleachers in the gym this time (The entire band doesn’t fit in the auditorium. We did, however, just pass some bond issue to upgrade schools including auditoriums so maybe next time.). Really hoping this provides the spark to get J back to picking up his baritone again. Can’t even begin to express how hard it is to watch your kid lose interest in things you know they love.
Oh, how’d the good turn into that sob story? Anyway, a tiny dose of almost normal in this crazy school year? I’ll take it and enjoy. Maybe we’ll even get Subway for dinner (tradition).
Moving on to the bad (maybe).
So, I mentioned I was brave on Monday. Wanted to get that one and done Johnson and Johnson shot before they ran out of it. Silly me thought there’d be a shortage of it. Not that they’d pause the whole vaccine the very next day. My timing is amazing, no? SIGH.
Not much I can do now. Take heed in the wisdom of Tracy Lawrence, I suppose. Going country today!
In poor taste? I don’t know. Humor is requirement for things sometimes. Anyway, I feel fine. Felt pretty run down on Tuesday the day after but today I feel fine. Only symptom is an itchiness and redness around my shot site. Pretty sure it’s normal.
Did you get a vaccine yet? I keep seeing these silly things on Facebook comparing the vaccines to the Harry Potter houses. Hopefully, those of us who took the Johnson and Johnson one won’t end up as bunch of Tom Riddles later turning into you know who (well, if you read the books/saw the movies).
Perhaps, we should just move on to the ugly.
Typically, today is tax day but it’s different again this year. So, let’s just chat about taxes for a minute. Husband’s tax stuff for work is spread all over a table in the living room. My post today is actually procrastination. I should be getting a bunch of tax paperwork and numbers together for him. It’s the reason I really came down into the basement. And to pay bills as well as do some laundry. Think we have the ugly part of the post covered now.
Thankfully, once we gather all the paperwork, we take it to someone and I don’t have to think about taxes again until December. (Property taxes are due December 31 in our state). Are your taxes all done?
Let’s see, I don’t want to end our chat on that ugly note. What else can we talk about here?
Gardens and Birds
Let’s end on some pretty and optimistic notes. I’ve been bringing in the tiny tomato plants and sunflowers each night to avoid our frost advisories.
Should be done with that tonight! My husband planted some green bean seeds (still think it might be too early but what do I know, just what the garden center board said).
I’ve been dreaming of purple coneflowers, wildflowers, and sunflowers filling the yard. I have so many plans for the garden areas this year! A post is rattling around in my brain about showing you each area now versus my vision for it.
In the photo below, I’m envisioning a row of sunflowers growing up against that building in the picture. Maybe a vine with flowers climbing up the pole leftover from a broken birdfeeder. And of course, those hydrangeas blooming!
And then, hopefully, later in the summer, what happened with it. What do you think?
Hoping to finally share a proper bird watching post again on Saturday. For now though, I’ll just end this post with a photo of the cedar wax wing I randomly spotted yesterday. One of my favorites!
Tell me what’s going on in your corner of the world?