Bad Mood on a Friday?

Waking up in a bad mood on a Monday? Understandable. However, I woke up in a bad mood today.

Ever wake up in a bad mood? I’m sure most of it is sleep related. My husband added a *few* security measures around the outside of the house during the course of the week. After Monday’s madness, I get it and am attempting understanding.

However, his placement of said measures isn’t working well for me. Or at least not for my sleep.

First, he added a “doorbell” that dings any time a person passes it. It’s right next to the front door. I told him it was a bit much as I go in and out of the front door at least 4-5 times each morning. Add to it, the sound is just like the security sound at my work. No one, even those of us who love their job, wants to feel like they are at work when they are actually home.

Then, he added another to a tree in the backyard. It faces his trailer. It also faces my bird feeders. Last night, nocturnal animals or leaves (wind) set it off twice. I do not do well on interrupted sleep. At all. Put it ON the trailer I told him. Am I the only one with the husband who does not listen? UGH.

Add to that, the new trip lights around the deck and backyard. See above about nocturnal animals, leaves, and wind. Our backyard is now constantly lit up like it’s daytime. Again, it’s about the placement. And again, my ideas for more common sense placement of said lights? Mostly, ignored.

A Bit of Good News

Before I continue with my bad mood minutes, I’ll share a little good news. We did indeed get one of the stolen ATVs back. Turns out another neighbor caught someone trying to rob his shed. The thief? Riding our stolen older ATV. Not as hopeful about the newer one, however, insurance is covering it.

Not-backyard business related: After a comment from Tracy over at 4 D Farms, I took another look at how I could preserve So Not Organized without dragging it all over here or going through the posts each week. And I decided what to do. All of my content from the So Not Organized blog is now archived at:

It’s not super pretty and kind of a mess right now. There is a search bar though. The old paid site should still be there through year-end but now I don’t have to worry about it all disappearing.

We Now Return to Bad Mood on a Friday

Can I just tell you that I didn’t get enough alone time this week? Uh, this entire pandemic. I know I’m not alone on that one. As some sort of weird 50/51 (depends on the day of the week) Introvert/Extravert personality type (ESFP if you’re really into that stuff; or ISFP depending, today leans more I than E), I need my alone time. And don’t do well without it.

After my husband being home much of this week, J not going to school yesterday (anxiety), and G always here though in his room mostly, I’m like a bear awakened from hibernation much too early. Searching angrily for a tiny corner of our small home to carve out for a bit of uninterrupted time. Time for what? Want to know something funny? I don’t know. Just know I need some time to be alone for a bit. Maybe time for this mood to evolve into something a bit more positive.

Goal Not Met

As an emotional stress-eater, this probably wasn’t an ideal week to pick for going sugar-free. I did okay with it on Monday (surprisingly), Tuesday and Wednesday while not perfect, weren’t awful. I caved a tiny bit on Wednesday with my nemesis or “MY LOVE” pictured above.

Yesterday, however, complete and utter failure. The stress of many things caught up to me and I covered it in chalky sweet candy-hearted pieces. And a few cookies. And Chex Mix. Yes, also a few pieces of chocolate. Though it was 85% cocoa chocolate. *J, the other dark chocolate fan in our house, said 85% was a bit too bitter for him.

Managing My Mood

Still reading? Wow, thank you. Usually, I’m not quite so moody. Tend to be fairly stable in the mood department. Looking ahead to the rest of today and this weekend:

Today I work in the afternoon. Always a mood booster being around 3-6 year old kids. Even at their crankiest time of day.

Shouldn’t plan life around the TV but I’m looking forward to watching a new episode of WandaVision and the Super Bowl this weekend. (Wearing my red for red Friday, Go Chiefs!)

A new magazine to read (lots of those that arrive for free in the mail but I gave in and purchased a copy of Magnolia Home Journal and I’m excited to flip through the pages)

I know this mood is a passing thing and once I’ve had a little (real) food, water, sunshine, and more rest, the clouds of my bad mood will lift away.


How do you chase away a bad mood?


Let’s Stop Rushing Everything

One thing I think I learned from my word of the year back in 2018: Quit forcing things. My word way back then?  (Okay, I know it was only 3 years ago but it seems way back doesn’t it?)

Embrace. It was a good word of the year. I learned to just take things as they arrived and (wait for it) embrace them. Mostly my mindset of doing just that has stuck.

I used to be a winter hater. Hated almost everything about it. Then, I started embracing it. Finding little things to enjoy about it. Like hot chocolate on snowy (or just freezing) day. Hot tea, blankets, books, and all of us safe at home (remember, this was 2018 when all of us safe at home wasn’t because of an annoying global pandemic).

Now, I’m not a winter hater anymore. However, I don’t exactly love it but I do find appreciation for each season. And I’m finding myself a bit annoyed at those wishing to skip right over this season.

Things it’s NOT time for right now

Dear blog world, Pinterest pin people, retail establishments, and whoever else needs to know this:

I understand you are tired of cold and snow. However, it’s time for those things if you live on the part of the Earth where it is indeed winter right now.

Please quit crowding my Internet space with Saint Patrick’s Day (That’s March 17 and February’s barely begun), Easter (HELLO, it’s in APRIL this year), and Spring planting (Unless you are forcing bulbs indoors, allowed).

It makes me feel rushed. Want to know one of my Pet Peeves? Feeling rushed.

Let’s all take a collective deep breath.

Things to enjoy RIGHT NOW

Instead of rushing through each season, let’s pause and enjoy a few of the February things, you know in February.

Today is Groundhog day! I know all of last year and for some, the start of this year, felt like Groundhog day but we can still enjoy this silly tradition. *UPDATE* I meant to publish this yesterday, 6 more weeks of winter. Remember, spring is always 6 weeks away from February 2.

The Superbowl (some of us may enjoy it more than others but the food usually doesn’t disappoint)

Valentine’s Day (Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate)

Fat Tuesday (A day of feasting and usually on pancakes, I’ll embrace that!)

Chinese New Year (In case you need a fresh start on 2021, welcome in the year of the ox)

President’s Day (A joint birthday celebration for Washington and Lincoln.)

There’s pretty much a national day for each month, pick what you like and celebrate it.

Watching TV or reading when the weather is nasty outside (and some shows are back with new episodes)

Wrapping up in cozy blankets

Nothing makes me appreciate a sunny winter day more than it following a few cloudy, cold ones

Snow! Do you want to build a snowman? If it’s too cold outside, bring some snow inside (in a pan)


I certainly get it if you’re looking forward to spring. Let’s just not forget to enjoy the now. What’s your favorite thing about February?





Happy Homemaker Monday, Welcome February!

Not the best start to the new month around here. Someone stole not one but both of my husband’s ATVs out of the backyard over night. SIGH. I’ll probably be working on this post on and off this morning as we wait. Lots of waiting today.

I woke up early and waited for J to get up for school (clearly not early enough to hear the backyard heist)

He has to wait for the police to return his call. 

Then, wait for an official police report so we can contact our home owner insurance company.

Plus, I’m waiting for G to wake up so we can ask if he heard anything (doubtful as he usually wears headphones while talking to friends at night). However, we do think the thieves rolled the vehicles out of the backyard away from the house so it’s not likely.

SIGH, not my plans for the first Monday of the month.

Let’s just try and get on with planning this first week of a new month. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Cloudy and chilly. Upper 20’s out there right now, we’re supposed to hit the mid-30’s today. Warming up all early in the week to around 53 on Wednesday. Then, back down to chilly, cold temperatures we slide. I just hope the sun makes an appearance and soon.

How I Am Feeling This Morning

Lots of mixed emotions. Sad because of what happened. Relieved that J went to school. Motivated to get things done around here despite the bad start. Physically, I don’t feel too bad, slept decent. Maybe too decently? Wish I’d heard something last night and flipped on the lights to stop things.

On My Mind

My husband, he’s as you can imagine quite upset but staying remarkably calm.

On The Breakfast Plate

Working on a sugar-free week so I had an English muffin and scrambled egg instead of my usual choices. Still had coffee and vitamins.

On My Reading Pile

Still stalled out on reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow. Also, tried starting The Little Book of Cottagecore: Traditional Skills for a Simpler Life by Emily Kent. Thinking I’d probably enjoy it in hardcover form, not really getting into it in e-book form. Noticed Brian Freeman has a book titled Infinite on the Amazon Prime First Reads this month. That’s probably going to be my choice for tonight as I know I’ll not have trouble reading this author.

On My TV

Way too much! I watched a bit much over the weekend. Finished all the Marvel timeline movies (forgot how much I despised that ending of Infinity War: End Game). And then, in desperate need of something lighter, I re-watched Frozen. And my husband and I finally got around to watching a few more episodes of Cobra Kai on Netflix. Hoping to do a bit more reading (or something that’s not TV watching) this week. However, I’ll still watch Prodigal Son on Tuesday night and probably something else, just haven’t decided.

On The Menu This Week

I still need to get to the grocery store, the excitement (of a bad kind) from this morning delayed my trip. Keeping it simple this week. Might make changes after my grocery trip.

MONDAY: Roast in the crock pot Forgot to thaw it. Probably going to do chicken sandwiches *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Roast in the crock pot

WEDNESDAY: BLT’s and French Fries

THURSDAY: Pork chops and sweet potatoes

FRIDAY : Chicken Enchilada Soup *I work 1:30, maybe 7:30 to 5*

From The Camera

Not much to share, only really took bird photos last week (see previous post for those). For fun, from the phone camera, here’s a picture of a picture I liked at Target.  A little too pricey for me currently but maybe if it gains a clearance sticker…


Looking Around The House

It’s not awful but I’m in a clean it up, clear it out kind of mood. Excited that I could get into J’s room and air it out a bit this morning.

New Recipe I Tried Last Week Or One That We Really Enjoyed

Sadly, I was the only fan of the Parmesan Roasted Leeks. J said they tasted like the bad part of onion rings. G said they were way too strong. And my husband refused to try them! More for me. They looked pretty in the beginning stages of cooking. (Forgot to snap a finished photo) And yes, this is another phone photo.

To Relax This Week, I Will

Bundle up and get outside with my camera, drink tea and read a book. Look at beautiful images of nature and cozy spaces from around the world on Instagram.

Something I Want To Share

Songs ever get stuck in your head? Here’s the tune I’ve been singing ever since Sunday afternoon:

Quote For The Week

Hustle and Heart will set you apart. (Alisa Jacobs)



King of the Umbrella and a Surprise Bird Sighting

The robins like our yard. Usually, I don’t see them in force until spring but they’ve decided to hang out with us early this year. There’s only a couple out there but they’ve been coming close up on the deck.

I caught this fellow perched on top the patio umbrella as if he owned the place.

He turned at looked right at me through the back door as I took my photos.

Bow down, inferior human! Sorry, Mr. Robin, the little gray cat handles all affairs regarding superiority around here. She might need an assistant, however, as it’s quite exhausting. She does require frequent naps.

By the way, have you ever seen a robin on a bird feeder? While I’ve not captured it on camera, twice now I’ve seen one sitting on one of the bird feeders!

Friendly House Finches

Thankfully, the house finches seem more interested in eating than world domination. They’re just happy to be fed. The new squirrel proof feeder is holding although it contains fewer perches than the previous feeder the squirrels trashed. So, sometimes the house finches come up on the deck railing for the seed I throw out there.

A Surprise Sighting!

The following two photos were taken by my son with my cell phone camera. We were on our way home from his baritone lesson when he looked out the window and asked,

Why is there an owl statue on that sign over there?

Since, we were at stop sign with no traffic around for a minute, we could take a couple photos.

That’s not a statue! That’s a real owl.

I edited a bit but these photos were taken after dark, with a cell phone, outside a car window so all things considered, not too bad.

Once we arrived home, I grabbed the bird books and we set about determining which owl we saw out there. Since it was on the passenger side of the car, he had a much better look. First, we thought it a northern saw-whet owl (it wasn’t very big). However, once I zoomed in closer on the picture and could see the ears, we re-evaluated.

Ironically, the conservation department for the state posted a photo on Instagram the next day of what we now are almost sure was a short-eared owl. (He had said it had a round, kind of flattened face)

Think I’m making at least one of my two sons into an avid birder!

Other Birds Spotted This Week

Speaking of owls, I did think I heard one calling early on Wednesday morning as I cleared the snow off my car to go to work.

We didn’t see our Cooper’s hawk this week. Of course, we had a snow storm on Wednesday morning and I spent more days working this week so they could’ve easily been out there.  Mostly, I’ve seen the usual birds around the feeders: sparrow, nuthatches, house finches, chickadees, the tufted titmice, still a fairly large number of cardinals. A few doves. And this morning, I watched the red-bellied woodpecker chase off the downy woodpecker from the suet feeder. My blue jays like to visit mid-morning to see if I’ve any seed scattered on the deck. And l saw lots of snow birds (dark-eyed juncos) prior to Wednesday morning’s snowfall.

The snow is gone now, it warmed up Thursday and yesterday. Friday, we had a fair amount of sunshine that melted away the snow. Today, it started raining. They say all day for it. We need it still, so no complaints. However, if you need me, I’ll be doing like this dove and taking a nap, I think.


Joining in with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Last Friday in January

We’ve (almost) made it to the end of January! At least, we’ve arrived at the end of the work week. Are you excited? I am. Seems like it’s been a long week. In typical fashion, I ended up working more days than I planned this week.

Tuesday, I was home. The rest of the days, however, I was at work for at least part of the day. The trend continues today as I am now working 10-5. Shouldn’t be a bad day, however.

Feeling Frumpy and a Bit Grumpy

Since I’ve been feeling a bit frumpy and grumpy this week, I’ve decided it’s time to tackle one of my 21 for 21 list items. A sugar-free challenge! Not excited but I know it’s time to do it.

So, the first week of February shall be my first sugar-free challenge week of 2021. My plan is for one of these each of the four quarters of the year. I figure the first week of February works well as it’s just before the Super bowl, my husband’s birthday, Fat Tuesday, and Valentine’s Day. February is a busy month with lots of dessert opportunities I don’t want to miss! I do love a good dessert!

Good Things This Week That Weren’t Dessert

Ha! Maybe I’ll make a list of sugar-free good news for next week, that might be fun. This week’s items included the following:

  1. A newer student who wouldn’t give me the time of day last Friday, asked for me to work with her on Monday morning. And suddenly, I was “her person” for the morning. Always, a heart warmer when that happens.
  2. My husband cooked dinner and cleaned the kitchen on Wednesday. That “and” is the best part of the previous sentence.
  3. A phone call from the school, an e-mail survey, and the sophomores might get to return to the high school for full-time in person next month. (We’re currently on a hybrid plan and it’s not working so well here). Probably the best news of the week. My 16 year old son is not as excited but this is a needs versus wants situation. I can’t wait as I know it will help.
  4. My amaryllis bud is showing green again. I was afraid I really bungled this around Christmas. Maybe I’ll get an Easter bloom?
  5. A rare (to us, not a rare bird) sighting on Monday!
  6. The sun is shining today brightly today and I’ll get to be outside soaking it up in a bit.

Other Random Bits

As I need to leave fairly soon, I’ll keep my random bits part a bit shorter. Want to know something funny? I already drove to work this morning. Had a bit of a panic this morning that I had the time wrong and so drove to make sure the teacher’s car was in the parking lot (logic being, if I needed to be there, I’d already be there if I was indeed mixed up on times). Ever do things like that? Or is it just me?

I was glad to come home and finish my coffee and work on this quick post for today.

Do you have big plans for tonight?

Nothing exciting going on here, plans involve the TV mostly. Going to make the family fend for themselves for dinner probably unless we do homemade pizzas. Then, watch Wandavision followed by one of my favorite Marvel movies in the timeline, Dr. Strange. Watched another of my favorites, Black Panther, last night.

It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow so I’ll probably do yet more TV watching or (should) read my book. I’ll admit I’m struggling with reading my current choice, Hamilton by Ron Chernow. It’s a lot easier to pay attention to the information in musical form. He’s barely in America, I’m only 7% into the book, so perhaps the pace quickens.

Mostly, the cat and I are just over here waiting for Spring to return.


Throwback Thursday: So Not Ready!

As most of you know, I used to blog over at So Not Organized. This year, I needed a change and started a new blog here. However, I started with So Not Organized in 2012. And I don’t want to just let 9 years of blogging slip away when my hosting agreement over there expires (it’s good for another year, so no rush).

After giving it a bit of consideration, I’ve decided to create an archive of my favorite blog posts and series from So Not Organized over on this site. I’m adding a page and going to slowly add to it each Thursday.

So far, the only way to do this is simply re-publish each post. Don’t worry, I plan to edit and carefully curate only the best of my previous blog. There are plenty of posts that frankly, aren’t worth a repeat performance. However, after 9 years of blogging, I also have many I don’t want to lose.

Below, you’ll find the very first post I ever published (date: February 10, 2012).


Like many firsts, it’s messy and not great. However, I’m sentimental and want to keep my first post ever!

I’ve been teetering on the edge of starting a blog since January and I’m still not ready but for some things I’ve learned you are never ready….to leave home, to get married, to be a mom, to not be able to go home again (sorry, you actually cannot “always go home again”),  to have your kids go to school, to have your kids finish school, to have them home for summer vacation (applies currently!), and many others but I must move on from this first, terribly too long sentence of the new blog.  So am I really ready to start the blog I’ve been thinking about since December?  No.  Not ready at all.   However, I’ve decided to take a deep breath and start one anyway.

Why one about organizing?  Well, actually it’s more about trying to organize and failing than actually organizing.  Write what you know.  I know I try to be organized.  I know I (usually) fail miserably at being organized.  I’m hoping I’m not alone and that this blog might offer the readers some good ideas (that while they didn’t work for me might work for them), laughter, and a sense of relief and realism (so, it’s not just me!) all at once.   I really do love the idea of organization:  the brightly colored bins and boxes, dresser drawers that are color coded with all clothing neatly folded (do you fold your socks or make sock balls?  Me?  I throw my socks in there and dig for matches….), canned goods in alphabetical order, and refrigerators with lists of contents posted neatly on the doors (there is a never a place for unidentified green stuff in recycled butter container though…).  I love that there are people who can accomplish all that!  I’m not one of them.  I could blame my boys and my husband (and for fun, why don’t we blame the cat as well!).  However, I lived alone for a while and I never accomplished any of that even without other people around to mess it up.  I managed to be sloppy and unorganized on my own (probably more so!) as well.

Hopefully, you’ll want to follow along and get some organizing ideas (even knowing what ideas don’t work is one step closer to knowing what will work!).  So even though I’m still not ready, I’m about to hit the “publish” button on my first post on my new blog.


My January Rudolph Day

I celebrated my first Rudolph day on Monday. Sort of. First, I worked but only until noon. Then, I went shopping.

Happy Rudolph Day to me! There are some places I shouldn’t go unsupervised. Bath and Body Works is one of them. Thankfully, for our budget, I seldom venture into the actual store.

Basically, between lunch, making dinner, and taking J to his lesson, I had only a small amount of time for whatever this Rudolph Day entailed. Made me a bit anxious until I remembered my word of the year (less). I did not have to do *all the things* after all.

After my shopping trip (where I bought a Valentine’s Day candle plus some new scents of shower gel/lotion to try), I had a cup of mint hot chocolate. I did add whipped cream to it for the sake of being fancy.

Looked around on line for Rudolph Day sites and ideas. It’s when I stumbled across the site with the falling snow I shared on Monday. And I properly cleaned out the storage tote I set aside for Rudolph Day things. Also, added a few small empty Christmas tins plus a belated gift from my hair dresser to it. Are gnomes considered Christmas? Or year-round? For now, he’ll be my Rudolph Day mascot.

Other than those things, I read my Christmas Island book during J’s lesson and kept on reading it after we returned home.

Don’t you love when books include the recipes talked about in the stories?


I did a little less with Rudolph Day than I expected but it was enough.

Mostly, I’m using the ideas from this site. It’s an older one but I prefer it to the updated site. If you celebrate Rudolph Day, how/what do you do to celebrate it?

Happy Homemaker Monday, Afternoon Edition

Happy Monday! I’m a bit late today as I worked this morning, then went shopping for a bit. Came home, lunch, housekeeping, cat entertainment, and now at almost 4p.m. am just sitting down for this post.

Joining in for hopefully every Happy Homemaker Monday this year with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

Chiefs excitement in the air! Sounded a bit like New Year’s Eve again last night. Also in the air? Lots of wind and rain. We were supposed to have a winter storm today/tonight but it went north of us. So, just rain, maybe a bit of snow on Wednesday. Pretty normal temperatures for January, 30’s mostly though it looks like it might be close to 50 on Friday. A fairly mild winter so far, most my heavy sweaters still stored as I haven’t need them.

How I Am Feeling This Morning Afternoon

Mostly at this point, sleepy and a bit grumpy. Didn’t accomplish most of the things I thought I might.

On My Mind

Plans for the rest of this week, husband’s upcoming birthday (in early February around Super bowl time), work, dinner. Usual stuff.

On The Breakfast Plate

Seems like a long time ago but I had apple cinnamon oatmeal and two sausages. Coffee and vitamins, too.

On My Reading Pile

Last week, I read The Conjurer (Vine Witch #3) by Luanne G. Smith. Best one of the 3 in the series. Then, on a whim, I picked up (well, as much as you can pick up an e-book) The Dutch House by Ann Patchett.

That book got to me a bit. Didn’t expect to enjoy it and yet, I couldn’t put it down. The sibling relationship, the sitting outside of the house where they no longer live and reminiscing, it just left me with so many feelings. And made me miss my sister (who I’ve not spoken with in a few years, family squabbles and all that. The not speaking part is not my decision, by the way, nothing would bring me more joy than a phone call from her.)

Moving on to this week’s reading choices. Starting with something lighter, in honor of my attempt to join in the Rudolph Day fun (planning for next Christmas), I’m reading Christmas Island by Natalie Normann and enjoying it so far. And this week’s serious choice: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow.

On My TV

My book choices probably gave you a clue what musical I watched on Disney plus over the weekend. Also, working my way trough the Marvel movies in time line order (an ongoing thing), ready for Captain America: Civil War. Watched a teeny bit of TV this weekend, caught the newest Wandavision episode on Friday. And of course, the Chiefs game (sort of watched/didn’t watch for luck) on Sunday evening.

This week, I’ll watch my favorite show of the moment Prodigal Son on Tuesday evening and probably continue to work my way through the Marvel movies.

On The Menu This Week

MONDAY: Hawaiian pulled pork sandwiches, sweet potato fries *I worked 8:30-12* *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Chili or tacos

WEDNESDAY: Chicken Cacciatore, Parmesan roasted leeks (vegetable of the week)

THURSDAY: Pork chops, baked potatoes, salad *I work 1-3:45*

FRIDAY: Homemade pizza, salad

From The Camera

Didn’t pick up the camera nearly enough last week.

Looking Around The House

Not awful, needs a bit of a clean up and then, I plan to pull out the Valentine’s Day decorations tomorrow

New Recipe I Tried Last Week or One That We Really Enjoyed

Not much to report here from last week, the favorite of the week was basic spaghetti. I’ve finally come around and started doing shredded Parmesan as opposed to the green shaker can. I buy it shredded in the bag so not completely fresh but wow, a huge difference over the green can.

To Relax This Week I Will

Drink a cup of tea in the afternoons, read my books

Something I Want To Share

Found a fun site when trying to figure out what/how to do Rudolph day, followed a few links to find:

a site with relaxing snow 

On My Prayer List

Family, friends, our world, end to this virus, a lot more peace and kindness everywhere.

Quote For the week

Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud. (Maya Angelou)





Our Hawk Came Back

Not too much to share today in terms of bird photos. The hawks like our neighborhood but prove as difficult as ever to catch on camera!

I only have one other bird to share this week besides the hawk. One morning I was taking out the trash and glanced up over the house to see this crow sitting in the top of one of the maple trees:

Took the photo from the front yard. He didn’t stick around too long before his friends called and away he flew. We see quite a few crows from time to time. However, they usually don’t hang out in our yard too often.

Mostly, this week I’ve been at work and not out watching the birds with camera in hand (or nearby). However, Tuesday we did get to hear and see one of our neighborhood hawks in action. No hunting luck from our feeders (that I witnessed) for the poor little hawk.

Hawk Tales

Late in the afternoon on Wednesday , J and I took a walk almost around the block, a dog stopped us short but that’s not relevant. We saw robins and cardinals and heard a Carolina wren in the empty lots we passed near the lake. A few geese were in the field surrounding the lake. As part of the agreement to walk with me, I’d bribed the teenager that I’d leave my camera at home. So no photos.

The weather on Wednesday, blustery. Nice out until the winds started. I starting mentioning how maybe it was too windy for us to see our hawks as we came closer to home. At the same moment, we saw over the roofline, a swooping bird making my comments sound like nonsense. And then, we heard the hawks calling.

This lonely, and unsuccessful hunter (on Wednesday anyway), sat perched and looking deep in thought.

Though I looked for a bit, I never could find his calling companion. Sounded quite close, somewhere out front. Later, he moved to another tree branch and we could spot him out my son’s bedroom window. However, by the time I got back outdoors with my camera, away he flew!

Perhaps this week, will be my lucky week for good photos of our Cooper’s Hawks. And perhaps, the birds will help me out by developing a taste for fat squirrels as opposed to my little song birds.

Other Birds Spotted This Week

As I mentioned, I worked quite a few days this week so not a lot of bird photo taking time. The weather’s been nice enough to enjoy them in passing though with plenty of blue skies visible between the cloudy days. Lately, I’ve seen more robins hanging out in the backyard.

And then, our usual guests, welcome and unwelcome, at the bird feeders: sparrows, mostly the house kind with two or three white-throated ones as well, cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, tufted titmice, and doves. The house finches finally took to the new squirrel proof feeder. My unwelcome squirrels continue to raid all the others.

I’ve started throwing a fruit/nut seed mix on the deck railing for the blue jays to come gobble. I watched one spit one type of the see out one day, must not have been a fan of that type. If the blue jays don’t come in time, the squirrels find it. The cardinals and sparrows seem to enjoy it there as well. Probably need to get a proper tray feeder for the area by the deck. The downy and red-bellied woodpeckers still visit the suet feeder when the squirrels aren’t hogging it. As does the Carolina wren.

At work on Thursday, I spotted more robins, a blue jay in the woods near the main playground, and then a robin sitting on a branch with two mourning doves near the pre-primary playground. A group of gulls also flew overhead late yesterday afternoon as we were out there.

What birds did you spot this week?


Joining in with the Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Palindromes and Positive Thoughts

Read something interesting this morning. Today starts 10 days of numeric palindromes. (On the Farmer’s Almanac Instagram page). What’s a palindrome? Reads the same left to right or right to left.

First Inauguration in history to take place on a palindrome date. Next time it happens won’t be for one thousand years!

Did you watch it?

My Thoughts about the Inauguration

I admit to getting a bit emotional watching the Vice President take her oath of office. Hard to imagine that any of us raised during the 70’s and 80’s decades of “girls can do anything” did not.

This is not to imply those older or younger were not as moved. Just a comment of how it felt to someone old enough to remember the Ford/Ferraro ticket back in 1984 (I wasn’t old enough to vote, just in high school). For the most part, I prefer not to talk about politics at all. Doesn’t mean I’m not aware, just not my favorite topic.

Commented to J this morning (home from school so I made him watch the Inauguration with me, history and all that) how I realized I feel as though politics has been everywhere for the past few years. It’s tiring. Too much, I’m looking forward to a bit more balance of conversation moving forward.

However, I do want to talk a little bit more about the entertainment part of the ceremony today. What did you think?

Personally, I didn’t care for Lady Gaga and her rendition of the national anthem. And what about her gown? Haven’t quite decided if I loved or hated it. However, she wore it well. Too shocked from a “Who is Jennifer Lopez?” question to really remember her performance. My favorite was Garth Brooks singing Amazing Grace. We thought the poet talked a little fast though reading her words, they are nice.

Positive Thoughts


sunset on Monday
Sunset on Monday


Like many, I hope and pray today signals the end of so much hatred and bitterness and a movement toward more kindness and civility within our country. It is so very much needed.

Looking forward to perhaps, a spring and summer where we can do a bit more.

My husband told me we had the dates for our Arkansas cabin getaway with friends though it falls in the middle band season. He thinks, no band again in the fall. I hope he is very wrong! I hope by next fall school is back on it’s normal rotation complete with marching band. As much as I enjoyed the getaway last October, I’ll gladly exchange it for watching my son doing his thing again.

Today’s Things

It’s been a bit of an off day here. I ended up working all day yesterday so today became my only day off this week (not counting Monday as it was a holiday!). J had anxiety happening this morning so stayed home to do school here.

Still need to call him in, honestly at the point of wondering what the difference even is between “excused” and “unexcused” absence and if it matters if they count them all the same. I’m sure part of my hesitation is the stigma of saying he’s suffering from anxiety rather than say a headache. Probably, just say he had a headache & I forgot to call for simplicity sake.

Managed to accomplish a few things today (not as many as I wanted but can’t really blame that on the teenager).  Cleaned out the fridge, cleared out and re-organized my clothes in the dresser (even put a few items in the donation bin!), caught up most the laundry, chopped up some celery for snacks, and went for a walk halfway around the block. A couple of suspicious looking dogs stopped our walk short, wasn’t feeling sociable nor did they look super friendly. Most excited about the dresser as I cleared the top of it off on Monday. A finished project. Hooray!

Probably should have put the camera lens cover somewhere else


Going to go finish up another load of laundry, make sure everything is in order for the rest of this busy week (two full work days ahead), and then, read a bit more of my book (maybe with a cup of tea).



