Happy Homemaker Monday, Short Week

Today’s a holiday so we’re all home except my husband. His boss is making him work today. I wonder about that boss of his sometimes. (He’s self-employed)

Wish I could say I spent a few extra minutes sleeping in today but I got up early to “practice” a bit for a more structured week. Still took my time with things this morning.

J was up early as well uncertain about whether he had school. Encouraged me to not watch the news this morning, just turn it on for the weather. And so, we watched an episode of Peep and the Big Wide World together. One of his old, preschool favorites. So, thankful my son and I aren’t arguing so much these days.

Now, I’m taking a few minutes to put up this post and look at the week ahead. Joining in with Sandra from Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather Outside Is

Yesterday afternoon


Seasonable. Saw the sun yesterday but a bit cloudy now that it’s mid-morning. We’re supposed to get in the low 50’s (a little warm) later this week but most the week has highs in the mid 40’s. No rain/snow expected this week. Most of the snow from last week is gone.

On The Breakfast Plate This Morning

Cinnamon swirl bagel with cream cheese, coffee, and vitamins

As I Look Outside My Window

Gray skies, brown ground, good sleeping weather says the cat.

As I Look Around the House

It’s been worse and it’s definitely been better. Probably spend a bit of time cleaning today so we’re ready for our four day work/school week.

What I’m Wearing Today

Long-sleeved purple V neck shirt, kind of like a sweatshirt, navy leggings, tennis shoes

Currently Reading

Go me, I returned the two books I couldn’t get into back to the library. Read and finished Tuscan Dreams at the Cornish Confetti Agency by Daisy James. Her books are great for light, romantic, escape reading.

I also read and finished just last night, The Year of Less, How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, And Discovered Life As Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy In A Store by Cait Flanders. It was a decent memoir but she lost me when she delved into giving advice at the end. You can see my Goodreads review here.

Even though it shows I’m reading two books over there, I’m not. Need to remove them. Unless a library hold arrives today, I’ll probably start in on the The Conjurer (Vine Witch #3) by Luann G. Smith just to have something to read at J’s lesson tonight.

On The TV This Week

Maybe something while I fold a little laundry today, not sure what I’ll watch. Prodigal Son tomorrow night as I’m definitely hooked for the new season. And I gave WandaVision a try over the weekend and liked it so I’ll watch the next episodes of that whenever they release.

Otherwise, I may look into if the seasons of Family Guy are streaming somewhere. Every time we catch that we end up laughing and my husband and I could use a new watch together show.

On The Menu This Week:

Oh, still on the TV thing, we’ll of course, watch the Chiefs play! I was so happy over the win (whew, that breeze you felt was probably a collect cry of joy/sigh of relief from this entire city) that I rebooted Thanksgiving dinner last night. We had turkey (from the freezer), sweet potatoes, corn, and roasted acorn squash.

MONDAY:  Spicy potato soup, crusty rolls (from a bag) *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Lemon Artichoke Chicken *I work 8:30-??, covering a morning* (carryover meal from last week)

WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti, garlic toast, salad

THURSDAY: Husbands choice but I’ve slated it for hamburgers & hot dogs *I work 9-6*

FRIDAY:  Tacos *I work 8:30-5:30*

Something Fun To Share

When on Instagram, I kept seeing this tag #DianeinDenmark. Curiosity finally got the better of me and I looked her up on the Internet. She has a blog and You-tube channel (mostly, the blog provides links to the You-tube). I think I’ll probably start following along with her as I like her personality (one of those people who just seems to ooze happiness) and her paper sorting idea surely resonated with me today.

Favorite Photo From The Camera

Camera battery died yesterday while I was out waiting for the Stealth jet to flyover (Chiefs game start and we’re in the flight path) but I missed it anyway. So, snapped this cold little robin waiting for spring this morning.

Quote For The Week


If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. (Martin Luther King, Jr)


Red Birds and Friends

In honor of the Kansas City Chiefs upcoming play-off game, there’s a lot of red on display around the city. Thought I’d do my part and start my post with a red bird today.

Red Birds

Cardinals. Funny thing if you’re talking sports and saying “red birds” in this city, you’re not talking about football. Your talking about the baseball team from the other side of the state named after those red birds. We’re all Royal blue around here during baseball season. Enough sports talk. How about some more cardinal pictures?

Can’t leave out the beautiful female cardinal.

And Friends

I’ve noticed the house finches and sparrows like to hang out around the cardinals.  Moving on, how about a photo of a bird that’s not exactly red but has the color in its name?

Red-bellied woodpecker 

Bought a new “squirrel proof” birdfeeder last weekend. The first birds to test it out were the chickadees and then, this fellow:

Kind of funny as he has to work hard to get the seeds out and the suet feeder is easy for him. However, I’ve noticed he now prefers the new feeder. At least, the house sparrows take a break from their seed scattering ways when he arrives.

Another bird to return to the yard this week, our hawk!

Hawk tales

Still not completely sure of the kind. He’s perched in a tree across the street in this photo. I ran outside to take some photos and got fairly close. Though later realized, I should’ve grabbed the bridge camera with the better zoom!

And while I say a hawk, there are two in the neighborhood. Later the same afternoon, I opened the door and listened. And then, stepped out in the street and saw one sitting in a tree at the corner of the road and the one photographed, now in a tree behind the neighbor’s house. Calling back and forth. I grabbed J and we listened for a bit.

Tried listening to various bird sounds and now, I’m even more confused on what it might be. The “crying” sounds we heard don’t seem to match the Cooper’s hawk but those are the most common hawks for our area. I think it might be a red shoulder hawk based on sounds. We do see those on occasion.

On another day, I was simply watching my birds at the feeders when one swooped down low and made a pass over the area! Lucky day for the songbirds and fat squirrels, not such a lucky day for the hungry hawk. Hopefully, I’ll see our hawk (or hawks) again soon and get a better zoomed in photo.

Other Birds Spotted This Week

It’s been a good week for watching the birds out the back door and I’ve been home to do it. One morning, I spotted a pair of crows over the roofline in a tree up on the corner.

And another day, like something out of a dream, a goldfinch perched on the fence for just a moment. I don’t know what the little yellow birds have against our yard but I seldom see them out there!

And finally, I’ve counted 3 so far of the my favorite little white-throated sparrows foraging about on the deck and in the yard!

All our regular customers as well: the Carolina wrens, tufted titmice, downy woodpeckers (saw 3 of those at once one day as well!), blue jays, and chickadees. On a warm day, I even spotted two brown tree creepers in the oak tree. And J noticed a flock of starlings stop briefly in the backyard yesterday.

What birds did you see this week?


Joining in with the Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.



Revising My List for 2021

Like many others, I chose a single word to focus on for 2021. My word is working well for me so far in the new year.

Teaching me or reminding me of important lessons. Keeping me from going overboard. Mostly, I’ve felt quite a bit less stressed this week.

Enjoyed a slow week (though really, thinking yesterday was Friday all day messed me up a bit). And worked on feeling a bit less guilt about saying no to work on this snowy day.

Spending more time focused on my plans for the day even if they are simple ones. Paying the bills, working on my blog, watching the birds, laundry, reading my book. Finally, making the potato soup for lunch with my son.  A plan that’s been in the works since mid-December.

However, last night I wasn’t feeling quite as relaxed. A fair amount of Little Red Hen syndrome going on with me. So, I stepped back and tried to figure out why I was really so upset and stressed. It hit me, my list of items for the year was too much.

But, Jean, you only put 11 items on the list! You already did less. Perhaps we can just revise the list, then?

Here’s the old list:

  1. Read 72 books
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post
  3. Keep a kindness journal
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes
  5. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times)
  6. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day
  7. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here)
  8. Follow a nightly skincare regime
  9. Learn a craft
  10. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month
  11. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?)

Doesn’t seem so bad really. Yet, a couple of those items were causing me a bit of undue stress. So, time for a revision.

Here’s  Revised list:


  1. Read 72 books
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post
  3. Keep a kindness journal Focus on ways to be kind to my family
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes Try one in season new vegetable each week
  5. Eat dinner together at the table as a family Tuesday through Thursday
  6. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times)
  7. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day
  8. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here)
  9. Follow a nightly skincare regime
  10. Learn a craft
  11. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month
  12. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?)

As you can see, I didn’t change much. And actually I’m adding an item. Here are my thoughts on the changes:

Why no kindness journal? I’m already a kind person, mostly. Frankly, it was stressing me out to try and remember writing my deeds down at the end of each day. And while I know it’s vague, it’s an area I need to improve. Always easy to be kind to strangers, not so much to share that kindness with the people who are constantly about in the same house.

The vegetable thing? A bit much, not that it’s not a worthy goal. Again, just the stress of it. Doesn’t mean I won’t expand the vegetables served with our meals, just that I’m not going to make myself crazy trying to do this with every single meal.

Review of the Rest of the Items

Here’s how it’s going with the other items:

  1. Read 72 books: I’m not worried about this at all though Goodreads says I’m a book behind on it.
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post: So far, so good on this one!
  3. Keep a kindness journal Focus on ways to be kind to my family: It’s been a say less, listen and appreciate more kind of week (mostly).
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes Try one in season new vegetable each week: We all (except J who fell asleep early) tried turnips. Mixed results.
  5. Eat dinner together at the table as a family Tuesday through Thursday: We ate together Monday-Thursday! 
  6. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times): Still deciding.
  7. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day: I’ve done this weather permitting, today may not.
  8. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here): Not yet, thinking I’ll shoot for the last week of January
  9. Follow a nightly skincare regime: I ordered from skincare products from Philosophy but they’re not here yet
  10. Learn a craft: Still deciding
  11. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month: I did create notebook for it.
  12. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?): Not started at all. Need to research.

Not a bad start at all, I don’t think.


Are you off to a good start with your word or goals for this year?




Watching, Reading, and Doing

Happy Wednesday! Thought I’d just pop on here and share what I’m watching, reading, and doing this week.


Believe it or not, I’ve not had the TV on much this week. Well, actually that’s not true. I guess I should say I’ve not watched too much of anything specific or planned on the TV. The past two days I’ve left the TV on as ambient background noise. Keeping an eye or ear rather on the news.  Yesterday, I watched a bit of Live with Kelly and Ryan as well as a snippet of the Wendy Williams show.

And of course, last night I watched the season premiere of Prodigal Son. So good! Wish I could get my husband to watch that one with me. After watching season 1 of the series and the premiere last night, I’m convinced The Walking Dead wasted Tom Payne’s acting ability. And Michael Sheen is so fun as a serial killer. Really, I’ve not seen a more perfectly cast drama series in a long time. Will someone please watch this show with me?

When I’m not watching TV (really I’m listening to it more than watching), I’m looking at the birds out the back door. I’ll share more about my birds on Saturday like usual. However, I’m happy to report the score so far: New Birdfeeder: 2 Squirrels: 0.  Chickadees were first to embrace the new feeder, followed oddly, by the red-bellied woodpecker!

What are you watching lately? Or are you doing more reading?


I’ve not glanced at either of the books I mentioned struggling to read on Monday at all this week. However, I did download Tuscan Dreams at the Cornish Confetti Agency and started reading it at J’s lesson and a bit in the afternoons.

Mostly, I have been glancing at my magazines. I get the HGTV magazine and stumbled across an IKEA desk from the cover I want for my reading nook corner of our bedroom.

Also, not sure if it counts as reading, looking at blogs and Pinterest. Seem to have the home décor bug. Think it might be a January thing? Anyway, I’m a bit obsessed with the Scandinavian style lately and this blog in particular. Trying to figure out how to convince my husband we need to go this direction in our ever on-going bedroom remodel.

So when I’m not watching TV or pretending scrolling through Pinterest counts as reading, what am I doing?


Honestly, not that much. Trying to over-see J’s on-line schooling. That’s going about as well as I expected. Still searching for balance. And completely fed up with these teenagers and their bizarre sleep schedules. Trying to not bristle too much at my husband’s random suggestions when he’s happily off at work and I’m turning down work to be here and oversee things.

In less gripey news, I’ve been working on my little corner nook area of our bedroom. Can’t do much as the walls and floors aren’t quite complete. However, I can dream. And clear out a bit of clutter, the usual January stuff. A trip to drop off at the thrift store should happen today.

Cooking dinners with mixed results. Tonight, however, we’ll eat leftovers instead of what I planned. Choices of taco meat (from Saturday), chicken legs, sausage & vegetables, or a battle over one porkchop with turnips. Funny note: White wine vinegar is not the best substitution for white cooking wine. My cooking level of experience remains “medium.”

In homage to my word of the year, I plan to spend today simply doing one chore in each room of the house and without hurry or worry.  Thankful for today’s nice weather, I’ll be attending a fire pit meeting with friends later. Though I’ll bundle up in layers as the temperature drops quickly in January (any month) once night arrives.

What things have you been doing this week?





Happy Homemaker Monday, Second Week of January

Well, we did it. We survived the first week of January 2021. Shall we see what the second week holds?  I’m hoping it’s a little bit of calm, both here and around the world.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for this fun and encouraging weekly link-up.

The Weather

The sun is coming! The sun is coming! And warmer temperatures as well. It’s a balmy 26 degrees as I type this around 7:00a.m. but we’re supposed to hit the 50’s by Wednesday of this week. A welcome break from the cold. Even better, a break from dreary gray skies.

On The Breakfast Plate

Nothing yet but my plan is for apple cinnamon oatmeal, a blueberry English muffin, followed by vitamins. Already drinking the coffee, of course.

As I Look Outside My Window

The backyard is still in the fuzzy outlines of the dawning day. Birds (and squirrels) not quite yet awake. It’s just past peak sunrise so nothing really photo worthy though I’m happy to see that blue sky.

As I Look Around The House

I see a multitude of small messes and projects requiring my attention. Most of it appears to be mine.

What I’m Wearing Today

Black, long-sleeved tee shirt and my elephant pants plus I’ve went ahead and put on my tennis shoes. High aspirations for a productive day.

Currently Reading

Excited to pick out two books containing my word of the year. One fiction and one non-fiction. The fiction one is titled Less by Andrew Greer. And it won the Pulitzer Prize in 2018. And can I just say so far I have no idea why. In the interest of following my word of the year, it may become a “DNF” for me. (Did Not Finish). I might read “less” of Less and more of something I find enjoyable.

The non-fiction book I tried is titled The Sweet Spot: How To Accomplish More by Doing Less by Christine Carter. It also risks becoming a DNF. Seems aimed at a different time period than pandemic times. I’ll give it another chance today and see if my mind changes.

I’m mostly excited to seek out and read the new Daisy James novel, Tuscan Dreams at the Cornish Confetti Agency. It’s not exactly Pulitzer Prize material but I’ve been waiting for it to release and am more excited to read it than either of the two books currently (not) holding my attention.

On The TV For This Week


I’m super excited they renewed this show and the new season starts on Tuesday. Prodigal Son is smart and sometimes funny, all the things you want in a show about the son of a serial killer who works as a criminal profiler now. (Also, sometimes a bit gory) I’ve already went and refreshed my memory by watching the last show of season 1 on Hulu (the whole first season is there and I highly recommend this one if you like murder mystery type shows, each episode ties up in the end with season having an on-going mystery).

Watched a little Fargo over the weekend, finally got around to finishing season 3. Ugh, what was with the ending of that season? Started season 4.  Also, in lighter TV viewing, watched all the Chronicles of Narnia movies on Disney Plus (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, and finally, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader). Might need to go re-read that series as it’s one of my all-time favorites (much to G’s aggravation, he’s not a big fan. Prefers The Lord of the Rings series. To each their own.)

On The Menu This Week


Last week I followed the entire menu plan! This week, not sure that’s going to happen, thinking I’ll be re-arranging these meals a bit based on the weather. And switching the oven meal to a grill meal.

Of course, it’s an on-line school week and I turned down my work for today so I could be here to oversee things (SIGH, wish me luck as I’ve traded love and hugs from 3-6 year old children for surly teenage angst. I’m where I need to be though I’m already missing my coworkers and the kids.) Long way to say, there’s hope for this menu plan.

MONDAY: 20 minute skillet sausage and zucchini, salad *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Lemon Artichoke Chicken and Rice (by request from J!)

WEDNESDAY: Flank steak in the oven, asparagus (I bought frozen in a bag), baked potatoes *maybe a MNO, warm enough weather to be outside around a fire pit*

THURSDAY: Seared pork chops with turnips, baked sweet potatoes?

FRIDAY: Homemade or Frozen Pizza or OUT

Something Fun To Share

During the opening sequence of a season 3 episode of Fargo, they played Peter and the Wolf narrated by Billy Bob Thornton. This immediately took me back to when I was a kid in the late 70’s/early 80’s. My mom had the album. Not narrated by Billy Bob Thornton, of course.  So I looked it up and my mom’s album was narrated by non other than David Bowie. Had no idea.

I remember liking the music and thinking it slightly scary all at the same time. Here’s the full you-tube recording:

(Note: I think someone simply put his narration to the Disney cartoon as the original cartoon dates back to 1946 with Sterling Holloway as narrator)

Favorite Photo From The Camera

Frozen lake at the end of the street:

Quote For The Week

A friend posted these verses on her Facebook wall last week and it stuck with me.

Ephesians 4:31-32 put away all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with malice, and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven you.


So, what kind of things does your second week of January hold?


Those Feathers, They’re Blue!

Before I continue my post,

Please watch this short video. I want to make sure you read, “they’re blue!” in the correct voice. It’s short and if you have less than 30 seconds, just forward to about the 17 second mark.

Something about those silly commercials! They always make me laugh. Probably because sometime long ago, I think I became somewhat the parent person the ad pokes fun toward.

Anyway, back to the birds. Specifically, the blue jays.

In anticipation of colder weather, I switched up the birdseed, thinking I’d just do it for a special treat for my “regular” customers. However, it brought out a bigger variety of birds including the lovely blue jay!

They have no problem coming right up on the deck to grab the seed. Though they are skittish enough, all photos were through the back door.

While they don’t like to pose for my photos, they aren’t bothered by the other birds or squirrels. I have a rather blurry (too blurry to share) photo of a blue jay enjoying his breakfast right next to one of my pesky squirrels.

If not for the pesky squirrels, I’d love to put a peanut out for the blue jays. I can recall being lucky enough years ago to visit an aunt in Florida and watch as she put a peanut out for her blue jay each day. I’m pretty sure it’s not something I could do in the land of squirrels. Judging by the last few days, I firmly think perhaps the phrase should be multiplying like squirrels, not rabbits!

However, I do plan to stick with this more varied seed at least through the winter months as I love seeing the blue jays come around closer. Maybe they’ll eventually pose for me if I’m outside with them.

Other Birds Spotted This Week

It’s not been a great week for sunshine or really being outside at all. On Tuesday, we walked to the pond at the end of the street and as the gate was opened, trespassed. Just a little bit to see the pond up close!

On the way through the field, I spotted a few crows in the trees as well as this one on the ground.

I always tend to forget that crows are fairly large birds until I see some on the ground.

And in other exciting news, we saw another hawk in the backyard on Thursday! The weather was awful and it’d just quit raining so I might as well of taken the photo at night. However, I edited a little so I could share.

A young Cooper’s Hawk or something else? J keeps asking me what kind of hawk we saw and I’m not sure. Want to guess from my blurry photos?

Wish the lighting had been a bit better (and I’d not been so cold!) as it did that thing where it turned it’s head all the way around to look at me.

Here’s the front of the bird.

What do you think? Hoping it comes back on a warmer day or at least on a day when it could land in range of the back door window (I had to go outside and around the side of the house for the photos above).

Along with the birds mentioned above, I saw our regular backyard visitors: cardinals, chickadees, sparrows, the two tufted titmice, two nuthatches, both the downy and red-bellied woodpeckers, sparrows (including the white-throated sparrows), and Carolina wrens. A few geese and gulls flying overhead. A robin or two in the front of the house. And some starlings. What birds did you see this week?

Most Wanted For Crimes Against My Bird Feeders


I believe this is the leader of the squirrel gang terrorizing my backyard bird feeders. I don’t mind sharing a bit of the bird seed but I’m a bit fed up with the vandalism of the feeders. The gang now numbers at around 7. One member broke my favorite finch feeder. Another dumped the contents of the other feeder all over the ground. And finally, yet another member “stole” all the suet from the suet feeder.

Searching for a new “squirrel proof” feeder is on the weekend agenda. Any suggestions?


Joining in with The Bird Depot hosted by Anni over at I’d Rather B Birdin’.

On Today’s List and Other Random Bits

Thought I’d share my to-do list for today and what I’ve been up to the past two days.

Still focusing on my 2021 word of Less, I only wrote 5 things on today’s list. Most of them already accomplished, the last 2 in progress as I take a small break to start this post. And that list of errands at the bottom? I crossed them off my list, saving them for the weekend.

Should I share my thoughts about yesterday?

I go back and forth. The desire to not comment on politics versus the internal need to say something. I heard about the storming of the capitol while I was happily visiting Narnia via Disney plus. Seemed surreal and I returned to Narnia for a bit. Personally, I think former George W. Bush gave the most eloquent statement on the disappointing display within our capitol: if you want, here’s the link to his words. 

Surely, I’m not alone in missing a country where politics didn’t drive people apart from one another and incite them to violence. So much more we could focus on doing within our own states, neighborhoods, and homes than shouting at each other over the “leaders” of the moment. Also, though I’ve chosen less for my word, can we all strive to be more?  Let’s be more than one issue/one party voters (something I have never understood).  Show more kindness to one another.  Strive for more understanding of different points of view.

My final thought is I hope our leaders who incited the violence as well as those who participated, face proper consequences.

Back to My To Do List Items

The laundry mountain is on-going, of course. And I had Christmas clothing in the wash so sweaters are drying.

I safely packed the Nativity away for next Christmas.

Sorted out all those candles.

Gave myself permission to feel less guilt and throw away some that weren’t entirely consumed. Especially if I didn’t like the scent. I threw away 3-4, seems okay. The rest I returned to the shelf, sorted seasonally. I need more January candles.

Cleared out the cup cabinet. Mainly, re-arranged it though I did add a pile of grey plastic cups we all hate to the donation bin.

Sneaked in a different type of project. Since I’ve decided to do a Rudolph day on the 25th of each month, I found an empty bin for projects. Quite by accident but hooray for the discovery of an empty storage bin in the basement! Had some Christmas stickers lurking in an upstairs cabinet and so made myself this:

It’s just a blank spiral notebook I took from the kids’ school supply stash. Even jotted a few ideas in it before stashing it in the aforementioned empty storage bin. By the way, did I ever share that I’m a left-handed blogger? So, I also decorated the back as I find it easier to turn spiral notebooks over to use them.

The Random Bits

I guess the left-handed part was kind of random, huh? Going back to yesterday, I made our traditional 3 King’s Cake. Kept things simple and used a yellow cake mix and can of vanilla frosting, just adding some colored sugar to the top of the cake. We typically use a cashew to represent baby Jesus and I kept that the same.

Can you believe my husband found the Jesus cashew (I hope saying Jesus cashew isn’t blasphemy) in the very first piece of cake?  I’m glad he’ll have the prosperous year and all that but it kind of takes the fun out of searching for it.

In other news, J and I have been enjoying simple hot chocolate. The kind from a packet. It’s nice. We’re down to one packet so if he wants hot chocolate after school again today, I’ll have hot tea instead. Yes, with cake. Are you a hot chocolate fan? Favorite brand? We like Swiss Miss around here.

Not much else going on, I work a full day tomorrow, my first working day since Christmas break. I’m looking forward to going back and yet still going to miss having another lazy day at home.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I hear Prince Caspian might attend my laundry folding party.


Interesting Observation About Less

This pesky word of the year, already trying to teach me stuff. Five days into the year. What’s with that?

In case you missed it, I chose less as my word for 2021. You can read all about my reasons here. So what interesting observation occurred to me today? And perhaps had I realized it earlier, might I have re-thought my word?

Turns out the word less starts off the word: lesson.

SIGH. Great, guess I’m in for a year of lessons.

Learned my first one today. Whether it sticks or I need constant review remains unknown.

Today’s Lesson

Doing less, requires asking for more help.

So in this year of 2021, I get to learn how to ask for help. It’s not something natural to me. In fact, it’s an area where I’ve always struggled.

Not with everything, I mean I have no problem taking the laptop at work to another teacher and asking what I did. (Happens quite often, that particular laptop intensely dislikes me.). However, at home or when I’m struggling emotionally, I tend to keep it to myself and try to figure it out on my own.

Out of respect for the privacy of other members of this household, I won’t share the personal story and experience of today that led to my conclusion. I’ll just say I asked for help with something and it was okay. I wasn’t deemed an immediate failure for needing it. The world didn’t end.

I actually got the requested help. And our day didn’t end up being awful (I will share early this morning it held the  promise of a terrible day).





Happy Homemaker Monday, A Fresh New Year

Starting my post a bit late on Monday. We’re technically still on Christmas break around here so spending the day at a leisurely pace. J goes back to school tomorrow. My husband returns to work Wednesday. I (so far) return to work on Friday. And who knows what G’s college schedule holds.

In fairness, he’s told me. I just don’t remember, something about 8 week online courses starting later. Believe it or not, he’ll have his associates degree when this semester ends. Enough future talk, let’s get back to the present.

I’m excited to continue to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom every Monday in 2021! It’s a great supportive community of bloggers.

Moving on to look at our week with the categories:

The Weather

Just announced to my husband that the sun is out! Been a few days. The year started with a snowstorm for us and it’s been clouds every since. And fog. Lots of fog. It’s also been in the 20’s. I think we’re supposed to hit the 40’s later. With a few chances for snow and/or rain. Hooray for Winter!   

On The Breakfast Plate

I just ate lunch but breakfast consisted of apple cinnamon instant oatmeal and a blueberry English muffin. Plus coffee and vitamins.

As I Look Outside My Window

This morning I saw fog everywhere but now I see blue skies. And birds. Mostly sparrows. A few cardinals.

As I Look Around The House

The Nativity and too many treats still covering the kitchen table (and that’s after freezing many) are the only reminders of Christmas past. Amazing how it suddenly seems bigger isn’t it? I do need to do a bit of a deep clean.

What I’m Wearing Today

Olive green corduroy pants, a gray sweatshirt, and panda slipper socks. No, I don’t match at all.

Currently Reading

How to Stop Time by Matt Haig. It’s intriguing and I had to stop myself from staying up too late reading it last night. Most likely I’ll finish it at J’s baritone lesson tonight.

On The TV For This Week

We just watched the first two episodes of the new season of Kobra Kai on Netflix. Trying to limit it to 1-2 episodes a night. Not sure but if Prodigal Son is back this week, I want to catch that one. Otherwise, hit and miss with all the streaming stuff. Started watching Scientology and the Aftermath with Leah Remini on Netflix (disturbing) so want to try and finish it.

J mentioned wanting to see The Emperor’s New Groove so we may watch that as a family. (We all had a family viewing of The Little Mermaid last week).

On The Menu This Week

My extra vegetable with each dinner starts next week as this week I’m focusing on clearing out the freezer, fridge, and pantry.

MONDAY: French Toast, bacon/sausage, strawberries *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Pork chops, crunchy coleslaw *J’s first day back at school after break/in person week*

WEDNESDAY: Minestrone soup, lasagna squares, salad and Three King’s Cake for dessert *Epiphany*

THURSDAY: Roast in the crockpot (may switch this up with Wednesday)

FRIDAY: Maybe steak bites and baked potatoes or OUT *I work 8:30-5:30*

Something Fun To Share

I need to work on this area. Seems I’ve come up blank ever since it became a category. How about a photo as I look inside my window? Looking into the one of the windows in the front.


Favorite Photo From The Camera

Taken on New Year’s Day.


Quote For The Week

The secret to happiness, you see, is not in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less. (Socrates)


In case you’re wondering, I used to blog at So Not Organized but switched over for the new year to a brand new blog. Needed to change hosting so started fresh.









List of 21 for 2021 Maybe

Wait. Let’s remember my word for 2021. Twenty-one things? Too many. I’m cutting my list in half (almost).

Here’s my list of 11 things I want to do in 2021


  1. Read 72 books
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post
  3. Keep a kindness journal
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes
  5. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times)
  6. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day
  7. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here)
  8. Follow a nightly skincare regime
  9. Learn a craft
  10. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month
  11. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?)

Before I go into more detail about my items, let me just say that no, this is not everything I want to do in 2021. I could easily list 10 more items or 20 or probably even 30. However, I’m happy with the 11 I’m choosing for this year. At the end of the year, I hope I’ve done more than just these 11 things. If I haven’t, that’s okay. After all, my word for 2021 is less.

And since it’s still the Christmas season for a few more days (the Epiphany is January 6), I’m not planning on starting my list officially until next week. Giving myself a break (and an extra few days to eat cookies!).

And by focusing on less, I hope to do more. Do you have a list of things you’d like to do in 2021?


