Author: jehdld

Cookies and Winter Must Haves: Blogmas Days 7 and 8

Since cookies are sort of winter must haves, I’m combining days 7 and 8 of Blogmas into one post today. I went to bed super early again last night. I’m determined not to get sick! (Had a sick little friend snuggled up to me all afternoon at work yesterday so I’m really doubling down on all my anti-sick routines).

Christmas Cookies

Who doesn’t like Christmas cookies? Of course, if you offer me a piece of cake, slice of pie, or a Christmas cookie, I’ll probably choose pie. With a cookie on the side 😉

My mom always spent the weeks before Christmas making several kinds of cookies:

  1. chocolate chip
  2. sour cream softies (my dad’s favorite and now one of J’s favorites)
  3. chocolate crinkles
  4. jelly cookies
  5. fruit cocktail cookies (my least favorite, yuck)
  6. sugar cookies
  7. ranger cookies (my favorite!)
  8. other kinds I’ve forgotten

She stored the cookies in round tin coffee cans .

The first year we were married, I did the same thing: made lots of cookies! And then, it occurred to me there were only 2 of us. Oops. I made more cookies here and there as the boys came along but I’ve never been a huge make all the kinds of cookies baker. Helps that my family’s cookie of choice is simple chocolate chip. My husband’s favorite Christmas cookie is actually the blue tin of Danish butter cookies. I’ve recently discovered these, my new favorite:

My husband’s grandfather made everyone peanut brittle every Christmas. I tried to make some last year. If someone gives you homemade peanut brittle as a gift, they love you and spent some time at it. (Unless you’re allergic to peanuts, then you might want to re-evaluate that relationship)

I want to try some different cookies this year, hopefully, I’ll be able to find the time.

Winter Must Haves

Cookies, of course! However, like the little mouse, if you’re going to have a cookie, you need a cup of:

Coffee! Or hot cocoa. Or tea. Depending on the day and time.

My the must have list for Winter:

  1. A good heavy coat, preferably with a zip out lining for warmer days
  2. Layers, it tends to be cold outside and hot inside depending on who is in charge of the thermostat at different places. Ironically, I just had the argument with my husband. He had set the thermostat crazy high. So I had to do the “put on some pants instead of shorts!” exasperated comment.
  3. hand lotion and lip balm *it tends to get windy!*
  4. Lots of cozy blankets
  5. Warm pajamas and fuzzy socks for snow days
  6. Gloves, fingerless gloves for working
  7. A snow scraper for the car! One with a brush on the end is ideal as often our snow is dry and and easier to just brush off the windshield
  8. A good book or tv series to watch or both
  9. Waterproof boots
  10. Greenery and sunshine *time outside, sitting by indoor plants by a sunny window*, I need these things.

That’s my quick brain-stormed list this morning. I am planning to start a new series called Winter Wednesdays next week (I’ve decided Winter runs December to March) where I’m going to try and find some new appreciation for my least favorite season. So I may have new things to add to this list in the future.

What things must you have for the winter?


Thanks for all the great comments lately, hoping to get around a visit everyone a bit more this weekend!

What Type Of Christmas Gathering? Blogmas Day 6

Pretend your reading this yesterday, okay? I was so tired last night and with all the sickness in the area, decided to just go to bed. Thankfully, I feel fine this morning.

So I’m a day behind here and it’s going to be a quick post (probably no photos today).

Yesterday’s Prompt Was: Quiet Christmas, big gathering, or traveling? Has the celebration style changed much since COVID came along and disrupted our lives?

We’ve done all of these.

Big Gatherings

As a kid, most my Christmas memories are of large gatherings. Once married, we still gathered together with family. My husband and I would alternate which side we visited for dinner. Christmas always worked out well as his family did breakfast and opened presents after in addition to the dinner.

Once, when we were first married, I remember getting a call from his sister at something like 9a.m. on Christmas morning wanting to know where we were?! Ha, it took me a few years to come around to the whole Christmas at the crack of dawn idea. (I wasn’t always the morning person I find myself to be now)

After we lost our most our parents (3 in 3 years…from 2004-2007), we still did breakfast at my father–in-law’s home but my older brother took over the hosting of my side. Still felt like large gatherings (more so on my side) with all the siblings, nieces and nephews, and their children as well!


One time, before we had our boys–actually when I was pregnant with G, we traveled to Oklahoma for Christmas. It was a fun gathering but driving around Christmas was a bit tough. And of course, I missed my own side of the family terribly.

Christmas Celebration Changes

After a bit of a falling out with my husband’s father and new wife, we started hosting the Christmas breakfast for his side here. I fully admit I loved that (the hosting, not the falling out). We generally did it quite early as my brother-in-law and his wife went to her side usually for a brunch/early gathering.

COVID didn’t change much as far as our breakfast gatherings but we did take a 2 year break from going to my brother’s home. Sometimes with large families and lots of opinions, things get dicey. However, things seem to be tilting somewhat back to normal and we’ll probably be going there for Christmas this year. I’m fairly excited as I did miss seeing my side during all of the craziness.

I doubt we’ll do the breakfast this year as my sister-in-law and her husband moved to Florida and don’t plan to come for Christmas this year. And I’m not sure (we’re never sure) of my brother-in-law and his wife’s plans.

Quiet Christmas

Last year we had an extremely quiet Christmas celebration with just the four of us. I probably should have planned Christmas dinner a bit better. Other than that, it was relaxing but I’m really happy to perhaps have a bit more structure to our day this year.

What type of Christmas do you anticipate having this year? Which type of gathering is your favorite? I admit I’m very partial to a loud, boisterous family gathering for the holiday.


Outdoor Christmas Decorating: Blogmas Day 4

Well, this one should be short considering we still have a pumpkin sitting on our front porch. We just don’t do much outdoor decorating. I’d like to have things but the crew just refuses to cooperate most years.

So I settle for driving around and looking at everyone else’s fabulous Christmas displays. Not our house:

For a few years, we had a light up reindeer and sleigh, the kind with just the white lights. And we did have the inflatables we’d inherited from my in-laws at some point. A Santa and a snowman. Santa went first, my husband didn’t put him up because poor Santa was worn enough to potentially be frightening to young children. Then, the snowman went. Thought I could share an old picture but alas the computer/blog/universe is not cooperating today.

Almost forgot, that I usually do put a small real tree in my angel planter each year. And I’ve always wanted to decorate a tree for the birds (maybe this is finally the year for that).

And the Award Goes To…

I do have a fun little game I play as I’m out driving and see homes decorated for the holidays. I give awards. Not real ones, just in my head or sometimes spoken out loud. I’ll acknowledge red ribbon, blue ribbon, honorable mention, and grand prize ribbons. Or sometimes I do 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. Of course, I give out more than one ribbon or placement so many houses can be blue ribbon or 2nd place.

Well, I’m off to switch some laundry and head off to work. Hoping to actually get inside this house decorated by the weekend.

Do you decorate inside and outside for the holiday?

*Joining in with Tamy over at Chasing My Life for Blogmas 2022.


Holly Jolly Blogmas Day 3: Christmas Music Play List

Busy working day tomorrow and it’s late so this one is going to be a bit shorter than I want.

My all time favorite Christmas tune is Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives. NOT Michael Bublé. Sorry fans. Just don’t like his version.

Actually, the only two Christmas songs I really do not like are the one mentioned above and Taylor Swift’s version of Last Christmas. The Wham! version is fine and you may or may not find me singing along with it.

My Top 5 Christmas Tunes: 

  1. Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives
  2. The Christmas Song by Nat “King” Cole
  3. Do You Hear What I Hear by Carrie Underwood (this is a remake that I actually like and prefer)
  4. Feliz Navidad by Jose Feliciano
  5. Sleigh Ride (instrumental or with the lyrics)

Number 6 bonus tune:

Have to hear Same Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogel at least once during the holiday season and have a bit of a cry. Plenty of other crying songs out there, I just like this one.

Other Thoughts on the Music Before I Finish This Post:

I actually really enjoy instrumental Christmas tunes this time of year as I find them calming and peaceful.

And if you’re wondering, the preschool kids LOVE Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer…I’ll be hearing those tunes well into February most likely.

Sorry to not share links to my songs in this short post, you’ll have to do your own googling.

*Joining in with Tamy over at Chasing My Life for Blogmas 2022.

Happy Homemaker Monday, Sunday Night Style

Well, I spoke the words out loud. Looks like I’m going to have a slow week with work. Oops! Not so much a slow week now.

Already way too close to bedtime so this is going to be a quick post as well. Still wanted to join in with Sandra at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom to plan the week.

The Weather

Who knows. It was rainy and cold this morning, then hit the mid 40’s and is supposed to be in the 60’s on Tuesday before turning cold again. Just pick a season and wait a few minutes. We’ll get it for you.

As I Look Outside My Window

It’s dark but if I looked out the front window I could see all the neighbor’s nice Christmas decorations in their yard.

Right Now

I should probably be going to bed instead of writing this post.

Thinking and Pondering

We had a busy weekend so very little Christmas decorating happened. Thinking about whether I want to try to do it during the week or wait until the weekend. Also, what on Earth I’m going to do with the preschool kids tomorrow (the teacher I’m covering for called today thinking she might have the flu so no plan).

How I Am Feeling

Tired. A bit achy in my hands and legs (from the weather I think).

On The Breakfast Plate

I made blueberry muffins (from a mix though I did throw in some extra blueberries)

On The Lunch Plate

Fish Sandwich and Fries from Culvers

On The Dinner Plate

Nothing, lunch didn’t set well. Picked up rotisserie chicken for rest of family to eat.

What I’m Wearing Today

It was Chief’s Sunday so a red shirt/black pants but for tomorrow (Monday) I have no idea. Might be a leggings and sweater kind of day. Hopefully, it won’t get too hot if I go that route.

On My Reading Pile

Christmas at the Island Hotel by Jenny Colgan. How I started with the 4th book in a series I have no idea. Lots of books I must find time to go pick up at the library!

On My TV

Football (Really enjoyed the Buffalo vs Detroit game on Thanksgiving and of course, what I got to see of the Chiefs game this afternoon). Enchanted and Disenchanted on Disney Plus. Love the first, and also loved the second one!

On My Menu

Well, my grocery run is going to be off tomorrow…so let’s see what we can pull from things we have already.

MONDAY: Brisket (in freezer), maybe baked potatoes? *I work 8-4:30* *J has a lesson at 6:30*

TUESDAY: Spinach chicken skillet *I work 1:30-3:30 but think it might get extended*

WEDNESDAY: Pepper steak *J has an appt at 11*

THURSDAY: No idea, maybe pork chops (from freezer)

FRIDAY: We have dinner plans with friends to meet at a Japanese Steakhouse

Looking Around The House

We got new recliners today to replace a broken double love seat! Everything else is in a bit of chaos.

On My To Do List

  1. Write and schedule this post
  2. Grocery store at some point
  3. Clean and decorate for Christmas
  4. Organize December bills, it’s tax season *yay* *sarcasm* (maybe pay 1 that’s due super early)
  5. Few texts/phone calls to make/send
  6. Probably lots of other stuff I can’t think of right now

From The Camera

My husband and I had a bit of an adventure on Saturday. We went to a small town to shop, then to pick up his deer, and then to his hunting lease land to talk to the owner. Snapped some pictures of the land area

Quote For the Week

Found on Pinterest. Orginial source: Allwording


**Please forgive any glaring typos/grammar errors on this post as it’s very late and way past my bedtime now**

Favorite Christmas Movies: Blogmas Day 3

Oh, I feel like I might get extra credit for this one! I’ve already started making a list of Christmas movies I want to watch. Here’s my current list of movies. Some I’ve not seen yet. Some aren’t *technically* Christmas movies perhaps. I’ve put my favorites in bold. Completely random order. More than a fair share of silly Netflix choices

  1. Holiday in the Wild
  2. Polar Express
  3. Spirited
  4. Knight Before Christmas
  5. Santa Claws *This has terrible reviews and is kind of weird but J and I love it. Probably all the kittens*
  6. Nightmare Before Christmas
  7. Die Hard
  8. Christmas Chronicles 1 & 2
  9. Home Alone
  10. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
  11. Gremlins
  12. A Christmas Story
  13. New Christmas Story Sequel on HBO
  14. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
  15. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated)
  16. Charlie Brown Christmas
  17. Love Actually (note: NOT for the kiddos!!!)
  18. Christmas Vacation
  19. Christmas with the Kranks
  20. Elf**probably one of my all-time favorites!
  21. Noelle
  22. Jingle Jangle
  23. The Princess Switch & The Princess Switch/Switched Again
  24. The Holiday Calendar**a new favorite from last year
  25. White Christmas

More Random Movies/TV specials

Clearly, not going to run out of things to watch this holiday season! Here are a few more I forgot though I already hit 25 on my list. Usually try to watch a few of these each Christmas season:

  1. Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger! *This is a British show and so hard to track down and watch but I love it. I should probably watch the other parts, have never actually seen the 1st or 2nd one*
  2. It’s A Wonderful Life This was my all-time favorite for so many years. It’s a bit bittersweet for me though as I often watched it during difficult holidays and sometimes those memories bubble to the surface during the viewing of it.
  3. The Snowmen Dr. Who special
  4. Krampus
  5. Pettersson and Findus 2 *not sure if this is still on Netflix


I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few. Before I run off to get started watching my movies and holiday specials, tell me what’s on your watchlist this year?


Is the Elf on the Shelf? Blogmas Day 2

Joining once again for Blogmas with Tamy over at Chasing My Life.

Today’s topic is the infamous Elf on the Shelf and whether we participate with it.

My answer is we do but quite casually. The craze didn’t really exist when G was little. And he thinks the whole idea of the elf is quite creepy. I can’t completely disagree though I mostly just threaten that it’s next placement will be to watch him sleep. 

We didn’t actually get “Buddy” our elf until J was in the 5th grade and came home telling us about the one in his teacher’s classroom. So for us, it’s been mostly about moving the elf and finding him each morning. Not about any thing else. Just for fun. And I don’t start on December 1 (or earlier!). One word for you stressed out parents worrying about a whole month of shenanigan’s: snowstorm!  Poor Buddy was often lost in a snowstorm on the way to our house. I doubt I’d change that even if the kids were little.

It’s a fun tradition for us because it’s mostly no stress and even G eventually came around and helped with the elf once in a while. 

Does an elf sit upon your shelf at Christmas time?


Blogmas Day 1: Holiday Schedule-When Do You Decorate

Happy Black Friday though around here it’s also Red Friday (Go Chiefs!). 

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We went to my brother’s house and had a nice time with lots of good food. Brought home the leftovers of our contributions of cranberry sauce, pumpkin, and chocolate pie. Had to run to the store this morning though to pick up some deli turkey for sandwiches though. 

Didn’t think to take a single picture yesterday! Oops. And filling today’s post with pictures of previous Christmas decorations…

Moving On…

Each year I try to participate in the Blogmas hosted by Tamy over at Chasing My Life.  I love that she’s extended it this year to start today!

So, let’s talk about Christmas decorating.

I do enjoy Christmas (Fourth of July is my favorite but I concede Christmas has better decorations) and decorating. My husband’s rule is not until after Thanksgiving.

Many years we traveled for Thanksgiving. So didn’t get much done in the way of decorating until the Sunday night after the holiday. Sometimes, not until the following weekend.

Today’s Decorating Plans

Today, I need to take down all the Thanksgiving/fall decorations and clean. I’ve looked up and clutter creeped into a lot of my prime Christmas decorating spots. SIGH. So, I’m on a bit of a declutter before decorating mission today. Also, I’m trying to finish up a Thanksgiving candle. It’s too low to really put back into the cabinet but I can’t bring myself to throw those candles away until they are completely done.

I’ve already put the Christmas bedding on the bed in the our bedroom though I may switch it to the more festive plaid side. And I’ll put the holiday shower curtain up after I clean the main bathroom as well as put out the Christmas towels.

The Rest of the Weekend

The truth is I need help for some of our Christmas decorations and so it depends on my husband and sons’ schedules. I’m hoping they’ll help me at least with the moving of the furniture and putting up of some lighted greenery tomorrow. Although if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be okay with it. Sometimes it’s nice to let the house breathe a minute between holidays.  However, sometime by the first weekend in December (that’s next weekend), I’ll have the house decorated for the holidays.

Thinking of Scaling Back or Changing the Christmas Decorating Theme 

My style (if you can call it that) has always been a bit of the traditional “throw all the ornaments every collected over the years on the tree.”  This year, however, I’m feeling the need to scale it back a bit. The all the ornaments on the tree was my mother’s style and of course, it helped when the kids were little and loved decorating the tree.

New year, older children, and maybe it’s time for actually choosing a style more in-line with my personality. I love the outdoors and all the nature greenery I see brought in for the Scandinavian type of Christmas decorating.

So, this year I’m thinking of not putting all the heavy and breakable and of course, meaningful ornaments on the tree. Instead, just keeping it simple with candles (battery operated that I saw at Menards) on the branches, maybe some birds and I don’t know what else. And adding lots of candles and greenery throughout the house.

*Stay tuned on whether the kids young adults revolt if I try this idea. And I did look into a real tree but vetoed the idea because of the cat and fire hazard thoughts.

What are your holiday decorating plans? Do you stick with the same each year or change to different themes?


Mostly Wordless Wednesday: Bucket List Bird

I made myself go out on a walk again this past Sunday. It took a bit of effort to get going and I ended up at the same park as the previous week. However, it’s large enough that I had plenty of new spaces to walk. I’m so glad I went because I finally saw one of my bucket list birds.

Who? Me?

Oh no, not you silly little sparrow!

This one, right here. Photos aren’t great but I have to share anyway.

Pileated Woodpecker


We are barely on the edge of their range here but they have them in the area where my husband hunts as well as in Arkansas. I spent lots of time searching to see one when we went on our Arkansas trip. I did hear them a few times. Alas, never spotted any.

And then, just in my own neck of the woods (well, a little 15ish minute if that drive south to the park) and my wish came true!

I had just walked a little further past the bridge where I saw the cedar waxwings last week (I was actually looking for them) and stopped to look up into the tree line.  Funny thing, it was sort of a long week and I was having a bit of a silent conversation with God about how I could use a “win.” And then, this magnificent creature flew and landed there for much too brief of a moment before flying all the way to the other side of the park.

Feeling a little extra grateful this Thanksgiving week.

You can read a bit more about pileated woodpeckers here if you’re interested.

Keurig Vs Coffeemaker

Are you a Keurig fan? Or a brew a whole pot of coffee fan? Or a tea kettle person?

We’re mostly coffeemaker, whole pot of coffee, people in this house. Well, the husband and I. The kids still don’t drink coffee or tea. Hot chocolate is their warm beverage of choice. And that’s mostly J.

Back when we used to travel to Oklahoma, my husband’s aunt had a Keurig. Bigger than the one pictured. And she loved the flavored coffees and coffee creamers. Plus there was always a regular choice as well. My husband despises flavored coffee.

For a long time, I asked for a Keurig. My husband always vetoed the idea. His opposition dated back to a cabinet filled with tea choices I’d tried and not liked. Still have the tea cabinet, just limit my choices now to things I do like. So if you come for tea, your choices are Green Chai or Earl Grey. Might be some Yogi Sleepy Time in there (I wouldn’t serve you that though!).

Finally, last year…for my birthday, he relented and I got a mini Keurig! Our compromise was that I’d use it while he was away hunting to enjoy flavored coffees. So, after enjoying it through Christmas last year, I put it away until hunting season this year.

My Thoughts on the Keurig

The good:

It’s easy! Convenient if you are the only one drinking coffee.

Flavored Coffee! And other beverage choices!

(This is where I must intervene and tell you that the Target hot chocolate in that photo up there is disgusting! Big time weird aftertaste. It is milk chocolate (yuck) and contains both sugar and stevia. I should have paid better attention. Or not been so cheap and just paid for the brand name stuff.)

It’s kind of fun!

I know exactly how many cups of coffee I’m consuming (this could also go under “the bad”)

The bad:

I can’t find individual K cups anywhere making it a bit expensive to experiment. And my husband might have been right (don’t tell him), now I have a box of hot chocolate we don’t like. I’ll probably donate it to work. Of course, it’s so yucky I’m not sure I’ll even do that.

It’s LOUD. Are all of them that loud? I don’t know.

There’s no way to refresh your coffee if you drink half of it and then, it gets cold. You have to just make another cup.

My Thoughts on the Coffeemaker

The good:

It’s convenient if more than one person is drinking coffee in the morning. And it smells nice while it’s brewing.

The coffee in the pot stays warm so you can simply refresh your cup with a little warm coffee if needed.

Definitely less wasteful: 1 coffee filter vs who knows how many k cups (and yes, I know you can buy the keeper kind).

The bad:

Brewing good coffee is a bit of an art form, getting the scoops of ground coffee to water ratio right. My husband is very good at this, me not so much.

No choice, if I want flavored coffee and my husband wants plain old Folgers (which we do both like), we aren’t going to brew 2 pots of coffee.

I have no idea how many cups of coffee I’m actually consuming (this could also go under “the good”)

Takes up a fair amount of counter space.

The Winner

For me, the coffee maker wins but I still plan to pull my Keurig out and enjoy flavored coffees/hot chocolates over the holidays. Currently, I’m boxing it back up for a bit. It will come back to the counter probably around Christmas Eve until the New Year.

I just can’t get past not being able to refresh my coffee without making a new cup. I mean a fairly full cup you can of course, microwave. However, there’s always that not quite a half-cup that needs refreshed with me.

What about a tea kettle? I admit to kind of wanting an electric one of those or maybe even an old fashioned heat it on the stove kind. For now, I just boil my water in the microwave.

What about you?

Are you a Keurig or a coffeemaker person or tea kettle person?
