Can’t think of a better way to start 2024 on my blog than with a Happy Homemaker Monday post! And since I’ve not taken a single photo yet, I’m sprinkling in 12 photos from last year (one from each month, an idea I saw over on Daniela’s blog, Danahandmade). Also, I want to congratulate any of you who managed to blog for 365 days! Amazing.

Okay, now onto my weekly planning post. Grateful that Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom decided to continue this wonderful link up in 2024. (Did I wish everyone a happy new year yet? Happy New Year!)
The Weather

It’s pretty dreary out and chilly this morning. Temps in the high 20’s, feels like the low 20’s. Sun is supposed to come out later this afternoon with a very slight warm up. Hoping to get a short walk in when that happens. The rest of the week is normal for around here: highs in the upper 30’s/low 40’s. Chance of rain (maybe snow? Who knows) over the weekend.
Right Now I Am
Downstairs working on this post, wondering why it’s a bit chilly in our usually very warm basement.
Thinking And Pondering

Still trying to decide on a word for this year. Usually a word has come to me by now but I’m still sorting through things: heart, happiness, that came up something 3 times on an auto-word generator as did explore (which I do like), joy, trust. So many words! Maybe I’ll do a separate post and get your input to help me choose.
How I Am Feeling

TIRED. We went out last night, traditional New Year’s plans, played games with friends until midnight. Couldn’t sleep, my alarm went off unexpectedly at 6:00AM but it worked out as J also had plans an overnight party and decided to come home at 6:15AM but we had the door bolted. Oops. Glad I was up to let him in the house.
On The Breakfast Plate

Photo has nothing to do with breakfast, huh? My first breakfast of 2024: coffee (of course!), vitamins (nothing new), donuts, and bacon. Donuts are supposed to be a lucky thing to eat on New Year’s Day so of course, I had to do that.
On The Lunch Plate

Absolutely no idea.
On The Dinner Plate

Traditional New Year’s Dinner: spicy black-eyed peas, cornbread, salad (ham steaks for the picky ones who won’t touch the black-eyed peas)
On The Menu

I’m not completely finished menu planning and also toying with the idea of assigning everyone here a day to plan for 2024. Also, planning to do a bit of a pantry/freezer/fridge clear out in the next few weeks so…
MONDAY: black-eyed peas, cornbread, salad, ham
TUESDAY: copycat Chik-Fil-A sandwiches
WEDNESDAY: Pepper steak maybe?
THURSDAY: not sure
FRIDAY: not sure
What I Am Wearing

Like my turtle friend, I’m moving slow this morning. Still in my “pajamas” of an Eskimo Joe’s t-shirt, sun and moon pj pants, and slip on leopard print shoes.
On My Reading Pile

Working my way through Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. Not very far into yet. Garden catalogs, is it too soon?
On My TV This Week

The Chiefs ended the year (and started the tv viewing week) on a good note winning the AFC West championship for the 8th year in a row (!) so I watched/listened to that. We’ll probably watch some more football at some point this week. Not really sure what else. TV Viewing Last Week: Based on a True Story, The Doctor Who Special, Oppenheimer, Mommy Dead and Dearest (documentary about Gypsy Rose), and re-watched the Barbie movie. Maybe more reading this week?
Looking Around The House

Living room and bathrooms are clean. The rest? Yeah, needs a little (a lot) of work.
On My To Do List
If you’re keeping count this is the 13th category here. I did go for a walk on December 29 so I’ll share those pictures for the rest of this post.
- Decide on a word for the year
- Lots of blog posts rattling around in my brain to get “on paper”…er, the computer
- Finish putting away Christmas and washing putting away Christmas sweaters
- Usuals: laundry, bills, cleaning
- Start slowly cleaning/clearing our clutter
From The Camera
Few more from my walk last Friday. We’d had quite a bit of rain over Christmas so this was the path in places: