Author: jehdld

Happy Homemaker Monday, Happy New Year!

Can’t think of a better way to start 2024 on my blog than with a Happy Homemaker Monday post! And since I’ve not taken a single photo yet, I’m sprinkling in 12 photos from last year (one from each month, an idea I saw over on Daniela’s blog, Danahandmade). Also, I want to congratulate any of you who managed to blog for 365 days! Amazing.

jar of black-eyed peas grown in the garden, January 2023 (last year’s harvest was not so bountiful)


Okay, now onto my weekly planning post. Grateful that Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom decided to continue this wonderful link up in 2024. (Did I wish everyone a happy new year yet? Happy New Year!)

The Weather

Bluebird, January 2023

It’s pretty dreary out and chilly this morning. Temps in the high 20’s, feels like the low 20’s. Sun is supposed to come out later this afternoon with a very slight warm up. Hoping to get a short walk in when that happens. The rest of the week is normal for around here: highs in the upper 30’s/low 40’s. Chance of rain (maybe snow? Who knows) over the weekend.

Right Now I Am

Downstairs working on this post, wondering why it’s a bit chilly in our usually very warm basement.

Thinking And Pondering

March 2023

Still trying to decide on a word for this year. Usually a word has come to me by now but I’m still sorting through things: heart, happiness, that came up something 3 times on an auto-word generator as did explore (which I do like), joy, trust. So many words! Maybe I’ll do a separate post and get your input to help me choose.

How I Am Feeling

Loved my orange tulips, April 2023

TIRED. We went out last night, traditional New Year’s plans, played games with friends until midnight. Couldn’t sleep, my alarm went off unexpectedly at 6:00AM but it worked out as J also had plans an overnight party and decided to come home at 6:15AM but we had the door bolted. Oops. Glad I was up to let him in the house.

On The Breakfast Plate

J graduated high school in May! So happy he achieved this!

Photo has nothing to do with breakfast, huh? My first breakfast of 2024: coffee (of course!), vitamins (nothing new), donuts, and bacon. Donuts are supposed to be a lucky thing to eat on New Year’s Day so of course, I had to do that.

On The Lunch Plate

No idea why I took a picture of ketchup in June 2023

Absolutely no idea.

On The Dinner Plate

tomatoes growing, July 2023


Traditional New Year’s Dinner: spicy black-eyed peas, cornbread, salad (ham steaks for the picky ones who won’t touch the black-eyed peas)

On The Menu

bounty shared by neighbors, August 2023

I’m not completely finished menu planning and also toying with the idea of assigning everyone here a day to plan for 2024. Also, planning to do a bit of a pantry/freezer/fridge clear out in the next few weeks so…

MONDAY: black-eyed peas, cornbread, salad, ham

TUESDAY: copycat Chik-Fil-A sandwiches

WEDNESDAY: Pepper steak maybe?

THURSDAY: not sure

FRIDAY: not sure

What I Am Wearing

Turtle on the path at the nature center, September 2023

Like my turtle friend, I’m moving slow this morning. Still in my “pajamas” of an Eskimo Joe’s t-shirt, sun and moon pj pants, and slip on leopard print shoes.

On My Reading Pile

A favorite, I re-read (mostly) in October 2023

Working my way through Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. Not very far into yet. Garden catalogs, is it too soon?

On My TV This Week

November 2023

The Chiefs ended the year (and started the tv viewing week) on a good note winning the AFC West championship for the 8th year in a row (!) so I watched/listened to that. We’ll probably watch some more football at some point this week. Not really sure what else. TV Viewing Last Week: Based on a True Story, The Doctor Who Special, Oppenheimer, Mommy Dead and Dearest (documentary about Gypsy Rose), and re-watched the Barbie movie. Maybe more reading this week?

Looking Around The House

December 2023

Living room and bathrooms are clean. The rest? Yeah, needs a little (a lot) of work.

On My To Do List

If you’re keeping count this is the 13th category here. I did go for a walk on December 29 so I’ll share those pictures for the rest of this post.

  1. Decide on a word for the year
  2. Lots of blog posts rattling around in my brain to get “on paper”…er, the computer
  3. Finish putting away Christmas and washing putting away Christmas sweaters
  4. Usuals: laundry, bills, cleaning
  5. Start slowly cleaning/clearing our clutter

From The Camera

Few more from my walk last Friday. We’d had quite a bit of rain over Christmas so this was the path in places: 


Quote For The Week

You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream. (C.S. Lewis)

Thursday Tidbits

Well, we’re in that weird state between Christmas and New Year’s over here. Please, tell me how it’s already Thursday?

Only photo I took this week

Silly hibiscus bloomed inside earlier this week. Wish all my plants were so happy. Sadly, that is not the case.

Weather’s not been cooperative for getting out and going on much needed walks either. Did see the sun briefly today but the only walk I managed was to grab the recycle bin from the curb.

Taxing Times

Not so fun fact about our state. Property taxes are due by December 31. Merry Christmas! This year’s taxes were crazy high (thankfully, not out of hand for us but many others were not so fortunate, city is actually suing the county over the assessment practices that were apparently unlawful). As I paid today, I noticed they left one of our vehicles off the bill so we’ll owe more money. Husband went up to the local courthouse to try and fix things but the line was so long, they were full before his turn. Told him to come back tomorrow at 7AM (they open at 8) and said that the line today had gone all the way around the block. UGH. We can wait but then, we’ll have more penalties and all over someone else’s mistake. UGH.

Waiting For Word Inspiration

My word for 2023 was wait. And so I continue to wait for inspiration on a word for 2024. Wait worked well for the year mostly. Though as an impatient person in a few areas, I did struggle at times. I’ve spent the last few years waiting on stressful things/conflicts to resolve  (and I continue to wait on my stubborn self to accept that some things aren’t fixable nor are they mine to try and fix). The year of the pandemic and the following few have been stressful at times and this is the first year that felt like things were tilting back to a less hectic and worried pace.

Word candidates for 2024 that have popped into my mind the past few weeks: rest, slow, relax, reset, turn, green, nature, nurture…maybe breathe. Just saw recover on a random word generator. Hmmm… I’ll continue to ponder it through the weekend.

Not Much Love For A List of 23 Items

Um, I didn’t get very far with my 23 things for 2023 list. However, I don’t feel like I failed too much as I think I just had other priorities. And I’m okay with that, I can still do the things on the list as I move into 2024. Cleared a few bins from the basement, accomplished my tv and reading goals (always, ha!), and ordered the cases for the dvd storage. Also, I managed to talk to someone in Hobby Lobby about framing the photos and get a few questions answered. Thinking of taking a completely different approach to this list making stuff for next year.


How’s your time between Christmas and the New Year going? Reflecting on any lists? Picked out a word for next year? Or are you just enjoying the quiet?



Happy Homemaker Tuesday, Pajama Day

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday! Today is my traditional pajama day. I stay in my pajamas all day while taking down the tree and watching the Doctor Who Christmas special. Before I start taking down my Christmas decorations, thought I’d pop on here to plan this slower week.

Joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom. Very grateful she continues to give us the gift of hosting this link up and for the wonderful community of bloggers who join in with it.

The Weather

After a bizarrely warm week including a warm, rainy Christmas Eve, it’s 32 degrees/feels like 22 with snow flurries in the air! There’s a chance of a little snow (dusting to an inch) today. I’m happy to have a bit of winter weather finally. Summer person as I am, I was missing my winter weather as it helps add to my holiday mood. (That said: Christmas shopping with no coat is super nice!)

As I Look Outside My Window

I was so taken with the clouds this morning! Probably not to those of you who live near mountains but the clouds reminded me of mountains.

Right Now

I’m typing up this post, listening to the dryer, the cat’s snoozing on the daybed behind me and the boys are also still asleep upstairs. My husband is also home and watching a show on his tablet.


The beauty of older children, tag reads: To Mr. and Mrs. Claus 🙂


We had a really nice relaxing Christmas this year.  Thinking about the different looks of our Christmas over the past few years. Really liked the energy of Christmas this year, despite the entire year going by at breakneck speed, Christmas felt slower and less frenzied. Hoping to keep that feeling going into the new year (and beyond!).

How I Am Feeling

Still tired. I didn’t get my Christmas nap as I had to make pies to take to our Christmas dinner with my brother. (Excuse me a minute while I go jot something down in my Christmas notebook: Make pies the day/night before Christmas!)

On The Breakfast Plate

Cinnabon cinnamon roll, bacon, coffee plus the usual vitamins

On The Lunch Plate

No idea, maybe a ham sandwich on French toast bread (G made us French toast as part of Christmas breakfast yesterday)

On The Dinner Plate

Pork chops, baked potatoes, probably Christmas goodies for dessert/leftover apple pie (chocolate pie disappeared in minutes)

On The Menu This Week

Monday: Christmas! We had my brother in law over for Christmas breakfast (my SIL worked the Chiefs game). Biscuits and gravy (and sausage and biscuits for those of us that don’t like gravy), French toast, watermelon cut into Christmas tree shapes and strawberries, coffee, juice, and of course, Christmas cookies! No lunch and then, dinner at my brother’s house where he made homemade spaghetti sauce with both Italian sausages and meatballs, salad, and bread. I took dessert, apple and chocolate pies plus there were some cookie plates as well (not from me).

TUESDAY: pork chops, baked potatoes (this is mainly because the pork chops didn’t get put in the freezer on Sunday when I ran to the store early in the a.m. so I wouldn’t have to go today.)

WEDNESDAY: pepper steak, rice

THURSDAY: maple baked chicken thighs (This has been on the menu for something like 5 weeks and I’m determined to actually make these!)

FRIDAY: hotdogs and French fries

What I Am Wearing Today

Velvety pink and black leopard print pajamas, the pajama top is more like a hoodie, regular leopard print slip on shoes that don’t match (I’d be in slipper socks but need shoes for running up and down to the basement putting Christmas stuff away)

On My Reading Pile

I have 2 new library books loaded on my phone. One is Yellow Face by R.F. Kuang and I don’t remember the other one, I know it’s a thriller that I’ll probably read first. Over the last few days, not Christmas-y at all, I read The Whispers by Ashley Audrain. Didn’t do much for me and I found the ending frustrating though many reviewers on Goodreads seemed to love it.

On My TV

Well, there was that Grinchy part of tv viewing yesterday. Would someone please get the Chiefs an offensive line for Christmas? Ugh. Also watched Charlie Brown Christmas and had A Christmas Story on in background during Christmas morning. More football on at my brother’s house. Doctor Who later today. Not sure what else, not really watching any series at the moment.

Looking Around The House 

Post Christmas chaos and I wouldn’t want it any other way!

On My To Do List

Not too much thankfully.

  1. Put away Christmas tree (Nativity will stay out until the Epiphany)
  2. Pay bills
  3. Clean house, G is talking about maybe inviting some people over for New Year’s Eve so we’ll also need to clean the basement a bit in case anyone needs to stay the night
  4. Send a couple Christmas cards, late but still…
  5. Maybe go out to the nature center and go for a walk, fresh air sounds nice

From The Camera

Didn’t take many pictures over the holiday weekend (Excuse me again….off to make another note in my Christmas notebook!), not even with my phone.

We went to the KC Symphony on Friday.

Holiday screening of The Nightmare Before Christmas, symphony played all the music in the movie as it showed on the big screen. (Fun trivia fact I learned: Catherine O’Hara, the mom in Home Alone is also the voice of Sally!)

Beautiful Christmas Eve Sunrise (from the grocery store parking lot, ha!)

Waiting for Santa

Super cool and special gift from my brother who hosted Christmas dinner. A bird feeder he made from an old redwood post that he had kept from our late parents home.

Quote For The Week

I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future.

(Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol)



Quick Hello

Hello, hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season! I’ve been busy over here with musical concerts, graduations, fun get-togethers with family and friends, and trying to squeeze in all the other have-to’s along the way.

I’ve worked a lot more this week than I planned. (If you would please pray for the families of two of my co-workers that are cousins, as one’s brother passed away unexpectedly last Friday)

However, Christmas break is officially here after work today, just a short 1-4 day for me.

Our holiday weekend plans include:

  • The symphony tonight (I cannot wait, super excited for this!)
  • A baking day with J tomorrow (our annual making of chocolate covered pretzels plus we’re trying out a pizza snack mix
  • I’ll probably get up early tomorrow for some last-minute shopping (or I’ll do it Christmas Eve morning)
  • The Christmas Eve candlelight service on Sunday night (J’s brass ensemble band plays some of the music!)
  • Christmas morning with just our family to open gifts (unknown if my bil/sil plan to come for breakfast, need to find out)
  • Christmas dinner at my brother’s house (he’s making spaghetti and I’m in charge of dessert, Thanksgiving repeat with chocolate and apple, I’ll probably take a few cookies as well)

Not sure I’ll be on here again until after the holiday so I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas full of love and happiness!



Happy Homemaker Tuesday

Back to normal around here with posting a day late after a fairly busy weekend plus working last Friday and yesterday. Friday was just a typical workday though I had very little notice about getting there and it was a bit of a crazy day.

The beautiful sky on my birthday!
These pansies just keep blooming!

Saturday was my birthday! It was a nice day. We didn’t do too much as everyone was a little tired (and grumpy!) at times but enjoyed eating dinner out at a local Chinese buffet plus I finally got a pink donut for breakfast. 

I’d been craving one forever, no idea why. My family spoiled me properly with gifts plus an ice cream cake (and key lime pie).

Sunday, most of us (G needed to sleep) went to hear J play with his band during the church service. And then, in the afternoon, J and I went to a handbell concert at a different church. Finally, yesterday I worked all day in my favorite classroom enjoying the kids very much although this time of year is a bit crazy in the preschool realm.

And now, it’s suddenly Tuesday and time to join in (a bit late) with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom to plan the rest of this week.

The Weather

I sneak out for a walk on Saturday and another view of the gorgeous sky!

Imagine you’re hopping on a pogo stick (and not falling off like I’d probably do). Now, you have a sense of the weather around here. Yesterday was in the high 50’s. Today it’s barely supposed to hit 45. Then, warm again. SIGH. Makes the cooler days feel that much colder but I’m not complaining about those warm days when I have running around to do. Raise your hand if you’re also a “just going to leave my coat in the car” person?

Right Now I Am

I’ve just returned from dropping J off to take his history final at college and started working on this post. Phone is down here beside me so I won’t miss his text when he finishes though I’ve no idea how long it’s going to be.

Thinking And Pondering

Quite a bit. Always. Trying to focus on the holidays and put my word of the year from ’23 into action (WAIT) by waiting until after Christmas to worry about New Year’s stuff. However, I did cave and look at one of those word find things…you know the first 3 or 4 words you see will be your 2024. I saw: connection, breakthrough, purpose, and love. So, no pressure there. Geez.  Also, closer to the present, G’s graduation, the little celebration we’re doing for him on Saturday. The holidays. My work. Said in my Charlie Brown voice: ALL OF THE THINGS!

Full disclosure: full view of my hanging basket, covered in leaves after my husband cleans the gutters

How I Am Feeling

Not too bad. Lots of sickness going around at school so I’ve been doubling down on black elderberry syrup in addition to my typical vitamins. And prioritizing my sleep though I didn’t really mean to go to bed at 8:30 last night (Oops!).

On The Breakfast Plate

Coffee, a cherry yogurt (not the flip kind), and a piece of fresh baked banana bread. Plus vitamins and 10 ml of black elderberry syrup.

On The Lunch Plate

I’m not sure but maybe a turkey and cheese melt or some sort of soup

On The Dinner Plate

Either chicken and noodles or ham steaks. Still trying to decide.

On The Menu This Week

My ice cream cake birthday cake, it’s Christmas but I didn’t care.

Working yesterday threw off my grocery store routine along with my menu making.

MONDAY: Rotisserie chicken for J and my husband. G and I had these chicken strip dinners the grocery store deli had on special. They were okay. *I worked 7:30-4:00*

TUESDAY: Either chicken and noodles/mashed potatoes or ham steaks/apples

WEDNESDAY: ham steaks/apples if I don’t make them today.

THURSDAY: Pork chops of some sort. NOT cornbread crusted. Those were a bit of a fail.

FRIDAY: OUT *G’s college graduation*

What I Am Wearing

Gray sweatshirt, jeggings, new very warm wool-blend socks (a birthday gift from G), and tennis shoes. (Yesterday was Grinch day at school and I wore a red Grinch t-shirt with a green sweater 🙂 )

On My Reading Pile

I just finished Being Henry: The Fonz…and Beyond by Henry Winkler. It was a very insightful look into how even as a celebrity a person can feel unworthy. Now, I need a good Christmas romance type book to read. Turns out I’m not a fan of Jenny Colgan. I couldn’t get past the first 3 pages of the first library book. Too much description. UGH, not my kind of writing. Did I possibly mix up Jenny Colgan with Julie Caplin? No comment. And of course, none of those books are at my local library. Might splurge and treat myself to The Little Cafe in Copenhagen since it’s not on kindle unlimited either.

On My TV

A certain football team which we shall not discuss further. Coal in a few players stockings maybe? UGH. Blue Beetle, really good movie! Forgot to cancel Apple plus (let’s be honest, I didn’t have 500 hours to figure it out either) so I watched the Hannah Waddingham Christmas special. I enjoyed it so much. Had no idea she was a singer as well as an actress. Saturday afternoon, G and I watched the latest Doctor Who special. Neil Patrick Harris was phenomenal as a creepy villain. And after work yesterday, I slept through watched a few episodes of Sugar Rush on Netflix.

Looking Around The House

Well…there’s mess. And then, there’s Christmas decorations. Followed by more mess. SIGH. On today’s agenda: more Christmas less mess. We’ll see.

On My To Do List

Just a few things. Ahem. Random order

  1. Grocery store (I probably should go again as I went last night with no plan and not even sure…)
  2. Wrap presents
  3. Finish Christmas shopping
  4. Clean the house
  5. Figure out the cookies/cocoa/etc for G’s family graduation party
  6. Figure out something to wear to G’s graduation
  7. Pay bills
  8. Figure out what we still need to do for Christmas gifts
  9. Go a few places/get a few things
  10. Everything else I’m forgetting


Christmas Tips, DIY, Ideas, or Recipes

I made half a batch of this Spicy Sinterklaas cookie recipe last week, leaving out the almonds and candied fruit. We really liked them and I’ll probably make more before Christmas. They aren’t very sweet and bonus, don’t take eggs!  J had the idea that it would be fun to do an Advent cookie calendar. So I’ve been kind of rolling with it and trying to either make or put out a different kind of cookie each day leading up to Christmas. (Note: I usually make one tray and freeze the rest of the dough, planning some to have on Saturday for the graduation celebration and some for cookie plates for friends/family). Never too late for a new tradition!

From The Camera

I took a walk last week and another one on my birthday so just a few photos from that to share here.

Quote For The Week

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before.Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store.Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”  (From How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Doctor Seuss)

Happy Homemaker Monday, December Is Dashing

Maybe more through rain than snow around here now but where did my weekend go? Or for that matter, my Monday morning?

We did have a nice (although a bit busy at times) first weekend of December. J’s concert on Friday night was a lot of fun. Then, a slower Saturday until our game night with friends. Yesterday, I don’t know…every time I looked up it was later in the day. And of course, I did listen to it on the radio and then, watch the second half of the Chiefs game. Ugh. It did at least give me a bit of joy to know how happy it probably made Carrie to see her Packers win. Going to put all the headings in green today to honor her team.

Let’s just move on with the week. Maybe I can get something posted and planned before noon…joining in as always with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

It started out properly miserable looking, cloudy, gray, and foggy. However, by the time I left the grocery store, blue skies and sunshine! I guess we’re in for one of those weeks with weather all over the place. High 40’s today and tomorrow, followed by 50’s and is that a 60 I see for Thursday? Then, rain moves in for the weekend and we go back down the 40’s.

Right Now

I just got back from the store. Put my too few groceries for what I paid away. And sat down to get started on this post.

Thinking And Pondering

The Happy Holidays song by Andy Williams is stuck in my head but before we can think completely of Christmas over here, we have a college graduation to celebrate! And before that, my birthday is this Saturday. What are we going to do for all this? I’d wanted to go see the eagles at a nature area north of town, however, the weather doesn’t look great. So, who knows what we’ll do. My main present is like J’s, the symphony tickets. Debating a “cookies, cocoa, and congratulations” family party for G next Saturday but need his input. He graduates the 15th but in a concert arena in downtown proper that we already know will make it difficult for older family members to attend. And also, today is national cookie day I guess. So, who’s baking cookies? I might figure out a time to make a few.

How I Am Feeling

Okay, a little overwhelmed, slightly tired, but I don’t feel bad.


On The Breakfast Plate

Well, um, coffee. And one piece of fudge from the fridge. Looks like it’s going to be big lunch day maybe.

On The Lunch Plate

Vitamins, maybe some type of hot sandwich? Not sure.

On The Dinner Plate

Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, and garlic toast

On The Menu

J helped me work out our menu this morning by looking through my latest batch of library cookbooks.

MONDAY: Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, and garlic toast

TUESDAY: Apple butter ribs in the crockpot, corn, and cornbread (from a slow cooker recipe book)

WEDNESDAY: Cornbread crusted pork chops, potatoes (from Tricia Yearwood’s cookbook)

THURSDAY: burritos

FRIDAY: maple baked chicken thighs, sweet potatoes (carry over meal)

SATURDAY: OUT for my birthday. Not sure where yet.

What I Am Wearing

Sweatshirt, jeans, socks and tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins over the weekend. It’s The Hunger Games prequel, I really enjoyed it but it was a bit different than the other books in the series with a more philosophical side. Noticed the reviews were a bit mixed, I think perhaps because of that. Still want to see the movie though. So much better than Holly by Stephen King, finished it as well and I must say it’s the first time I’ve ever been completely disappointed in one of his novels. The underlying story was good but his Covid references were just too many, I don’t care about the viewpoint as much as the clunkiness with which he dropped them into the story. Not subtle enough for me.

Finally, on a happier reading note, I’m still slowly working my way through my re-read of Christmas Island by Natalie Normann. And have a stack of Jenny Colgan Christmas books from the library to read.

On My TV

I did watch Candy Cane Lane, the new Christmas movie with Eddie Murphy over on Amazon. It was okay, not really great, a bit too long I think. And the new Doctor Who special which I enjoyed. Finally, some football…ah, those Chiefs…perhaps it’s not going to be their year. SIGH.

Looking Around The House

It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas! I set my Nativity sets out on Saturday and my husband put my lighted greenery up on Sunday. Still a few things to do. Oh, and this guy made an appearance a bit early this year:

On My To Do List

mallard duck

A lot of the usual stuff…plus Christmas things:

  1. Grocery store *DONE*
  2. Bake Christmas cookies
  3. Laundry
  4. Finish putting out the last of the Christmas decor
  5. Go for walk and enjoy sunshine
  6. Christmas shopping/make lists see who/what and all that
  7. Breathe
  8. Christmas cards
  9. Water plants
  10. Eat a candy cane and read my Christmas books or watch a movie

From The Camera

A few phone photos

Waiting for the concert and the band…
After the concert, everyone took candles to go outside for the “lighting of the quad” and sing some Christmas carols

Christmas Tips, DIYs, or Ideas

I’m drawing a bit of a blank today. In a do what I say, not what I do kind of advice giving here: it’s very helpful to buy 1-2 stocking stuffers and/or Christmas presents each month of the year. I started well this year and then, stopped. SIGH. Hopefully, I do better at this next year.


Quote For The Week


Happy December

December is here at last or perhaps suddenly. Feels more like suddenly this year doesn’t it? We have lots on our December calendar and I’m excited for it.

However, first I think I’ll take a minute to look back at the whirlwind last week of November. Isn’t it weird how sometimes a week with nothing special on the calendar can speed by as fast as one that’s super busy?


Nothing too exciting happened on Monday except my usual grocery store trip. I guess I’m officially a “regular” as that’s how the lunchmeat counter manager referred to me. “I’m seeing all my regulars today.” HA. It’s true though, I typically shop on Mondays and get the same things from that counter.

Tuesday, J had his class and I took a snowy hike through some of the nature center trails. You can see the post about that here. 

I worked for just a few hours on Tuesday afternoon. It was definitely a bit more chilly in the late afternoon on the playground than it had been on the nature center trails. And so muddy! Ugh. However, I still enjoyed seeing the kids. J didn’t have his evening class so our evening was fairly relaxed, I mostly read in my book and watched a bit of TV.


With lots of sunshine and warmer weather, I opted to drive out to a nature center on the east side of town and do a bit of walking. I didn’t take my boots so mostly stayed on the paved trails. I had the best time seeing a new (to me) bird as well as some eagles flying over head! The eagle picture turned out blurry but here’s my new tiny bird friend:

Golden-crowned kinglet


A bit of real life: Unfortunately, the evening ended on a bit of a sour note as J and I came home starving from his class and my husband had not even bothered to start dinner. He’d been home a decent amount of time, saying “I didn’t know what you wanted.” I’d written two options on our menu board. My temper flared a bit as I made dinner (loudly) but everyone was fed. I ended up making sausage, orzo, & broccoli. 

Maybe I’d come home in a bit of worse mood as I’d finished reading Holly by Stephen King and found myself quite disappointed in it.

Life and dinners go on…

red-bellied woodpecker


Yesterday, I went hiking at the closer nature center trails again. Wore my boots and was glad I did as a lot of the snow melted into slippery leaves and mud.

So strange to see how the weather and trails can change in a matter of two days. This is the same spot 2 days apart:

I also finally managed to get to the library and pick up my on hold books (as well as return my overdue ones). Also picked up a few new cookbooks, not sure if I’ve mentioned it but the library is such a great place to grab cookbooks to preview. In my current collection, I have Trisha Yearwood’s cookbook as well as one by Chrissy Teigen plus a couple random ones.

Not from a cookbook but last night we made these banana pancakes for dinner. Whatever you’re planning for your next meal, change it and make these instead! So good. We added mini chocolate chips to ours. They really didn’t even need syrup. Next time, I think I’d like to add blueberries instead of the chocolate chips.

Ended my November watching, not a Christmas movie but an old dateline special about Jonestown. Why? And then, I turned on the football game but fell asleep.

Our Weekend Plans

And now it’s December! Ours is a bit busier than normal but after a few years of quiet holidays, I’m excited about it.

Prior to this post, I took a moment to enjoy a cup of hazelnut coffee as the Keurig is plugged in for the holiday season. It only comes out for hunting season/Christmas, the rest of the year is the regular coffee maker coffee which I also had a cup of earlier in the morning.

And read the first day of Simply Christmas, a favorite devotional for this month. While it’s geared to moms with younger children, I still find wisdom in the pages.

Tonight we have J’s college Christmas concert to attend. Tomorrow, our first of the month dinner/game night with friends. We’ve not had a proper game night in a while so I do hope we actually play a few games tomorrow. And then, Sunday night is the Chiefs game. Between all that fun, I am hoping to get the rest of the house decorated for Christmas, maybe do a bit of shopping or baking, and taking some time to enjoy the start of the Christmas season.

If the sun shines, you know I’ll be out taking a walk with my camera soaking it in while I can. I’ve told myself every time I can be out walking and enjoying the sunshine in the next few months, I’m going to do it.

Do you have any exciting weekend plans?

After A November Snow

I went on a walk at the nature center trails yesterday. It was a bit cold but very relaxing. My legs are a big achy today as wearing my boots for the first time and then hiking two trails, maybe not the best idea. The seasons of fall and winter appeared to merge all around me.

Twenty-two days until winter begins according to the Farmer’s almanac.

While I didn’t see many people on my walk (at least not on the unpaved trails), I wasn’t alone in the forest.

I also heard a couple crows dutifully chasing away a hawk and sadly almost stumbled over a frozen dead squirrel. And saw signs other people had indeed braved the paths.

Someone took the time to stick all these hedge apples on the thorns of a honey locust tree:

Water had a slight sheen of ice in places.

Usually I walk right to the edge of the point that overlooks the lakes but not yesterday, falling into cold water was not on my agenda.

You can see the water just fine from the paved path. Geese and mallard ducks as well. Had a brief conversation with one of the park workers who said last week they had migrating ducks there, he couldn’t remember the kind…redhead and blue beaks or maybe it was the other way around. Sorry I missed them.

Not sure why but my photos are no longer loading in the order I take them. So I’ll just end this post with a few random photos from yesterday.

Which season is your favorite?



Happy Homemaker Monday, The Delightful Season Begins

December starts this Friday! Can you believe it? Anyone else feel like they need to just take a moment to say goodbye to the blur that was November? And maybe take some deep breaths because of this:

Just 28 days until Christmas! And the way this year is going, I’m afraid to blink or it might be here.

Better slow down and get on with planning the week ahead with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

It’s frightful! Um, it snowed here Saturday night into Sunday. Way too early for that (Not really as we’ve had snow on Halloween in prior years. However, it seems odd as it’s been so warm for so long this year.). Right now it’s a balmy 27 degrees with a feels like temp in the teens. I’m not rushing off to the grocery store this morning. It is supposed to bounce back up to the 40’s later today and then, the 50’s with a bit of rain for the second half of the week. We need the rain but I hope it lets up on Friday afternoon as J has a concert.

Right Now

I’m working on this post mostly. Glancing at some cyber Monday deals, been a while since I’ve had a cyber Monday off work (that’s good AND bad). Also, checking to see if the grocery store is doing their Chiefs win/grocery discount.

Thinking And Pondering

The upcoming Christmas holiday mostly, that I feel happy when I think about it. This year despite the insane prices and me not working as much, I feel so much more positive than I have in a long time. Pondering the why. Not sure I have an answer and I’m really okay with that. Just enjoying the holidays and thinking about some more decorating I’d like to do and my baking plans.

How I Am Feeling

I feel good, slept fairly well. Breakfast needs to happen soon as I’m a bit hungry this morning.

On The Breakfast Plate

So far, just coffee as I’m trying to decide what I want. Maybe a homemade sausage muffin (reheating sausage my husband cooked yesterday morning and toasting an English muffin). And of course, vitamins!

On The Lunch Plate

Really not sure. Perhaps mac and cheese (from the trusty blue box!)

On The Dinner Plate

We’re having white chicken chili that I’ll put together in the slow cooker before J and I head off to his class.

On The Menu This Week

Doesn’t everyone grill in the snow?


Trying to be a bit frugal and cook from the freezer/fridge/pantry.

MONDAY: White chicken chili

TUESDAY: Waffles and bacon

WEDNESDAY: Steak soup (new recipe though I might switch this up to spicy potato soup depending on mood, what G’s plans are as he’s not a steak fan at all)

THURSDAY: Pork chops and baked potatoes or hamburgers (husband’s choice)

FRIDAY: Probably OUT as J has a concert at 7 but has to be there for everything starting at 4:30 (he’ll get a dinner break). Last time we did this, I just got him Subway around 2:30.

What I’m Wearing Today

Long sleeved Chiefs shirt (red, of course), jeans, socks and tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Two books where the main character in each book is named Holly! I’m reading Holly by Stephen King as it came up from my hold list at the library (I’ve been waiting on it a long time!). And I’m also re-reading Christmas Island by Natalie Normann as it’s one of my very favorite Christmas time reads.

On My TV This Week

I watched SO much Football over the long weekend and was so happy to see a Chiefs win yesterday. Other than that, we got Hulu back (black Friday special) so I was finally able to finish Only Murders In The Building. And I was not even one tiny bit disappointed in the new Doctor Who special, even told G I’d watch it again today with him. Probably finish up Fear the Walking Dead this week and watch my baking show, maybe a Christmas movie.

Looking Around The House

Christmas is coming…I’m taking my time decorating.

On My To Do List

  1. Grocery store (we do need a few items)
  2. Laundry/Cleaning
  3. Christmas decorating
  4. Dollar Tree trip
  5. Bake one kind of Christmas cookie (or make dough for freezer)
  6. Take my (apparently overdue, oops) books back to the library/pick up holds
  7. Plan for some upcoming December events: J’s concert(s), my birthday, G’s college graduation, our trip to the symphony, Christmas Eve & Christmas

From The Camera

It was an indoor kind of weekend.

Christmas Tips or Ideas

Make a Christmas notebook! It doesn’t have to be fancy or have 500 organized lists (unless that’s what you like). I just added stickers to a spiral notebook:

I’m left-handed so I turn the pages backwards so the spiral doesn’t bother me when I write. What I write in mine: at the end of each Christmas, I write down what worked/what we liked and didn’t like. That’s one way I knew I wanted to decorate more this year. Also, I write down random gift ideas and thoughts.

My random notes from 2022 (typed here so you can actually know what they say-awful handwriting):

  • No more cinnamon popcorn for my husband
  • Delegate/ASK for help
  • Actually decorate the tree/we like it
  • Put tablecloth on table early
  • Do Christmas cards FIRST
  • Invite people over before last minute!
  • Gift idea: small jars of black-eyed peas/cornbread mix with recipe
  • Battery operated candles for Nativity/window candles take C batteries/tree candles take AA
  • Gift of reusable snack bags w/pretzels

I also start writing in it during the season with gift ideas and thoughts so it’s not a try to remember everything at once process. For this year, I’ve written a question that stuck with me: What brings you joy at the holidays?

Quote For The Week

“May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love.”
~ Ada V. Hendricks

(Found at

What Color Is Your Friday?

I’m having a bit of a red, green, and black Friday over here. Shopping or not, it’s still red Friday for the Chiefs game on Sunday. Of course, all my Chiefs gear is in the wash so I’m wearing a red Grinch t-shirt. Bit of a green Friday happening as well since I have no intention of leaving the house today & have added a green cardigan with a Christmas tree design to my ensemble since it’s chilly in here. Finally, I am doing a bit of online black Friday bargaining. Mostly, it involves streaming deals.

However, I thought I’d take a quick break from not really doing much to share about my week.

Monday and Tuesday

The weather was fairly nice to start the week. I worked on Monday and Tuesday both. Though I only worked in the afternoon on Tuesday, it felt like a full day. Those kids were a bit crazy! It was nice that I was able to enjoy afternoon birthday celebrations both days. However, can I just suggest…IF you want to make your child’s birthday treat (it’s fine and allowed at our school) and make some sort of bars/cake/rice krispie treats, PLEASE cut them into pieces before bringing them to school. Couldn’t really help the teacher with the kids during the celebration as I was cutting the birthday treats into 20 servings. Anyway, did I mention Tuesday was a crazy day at my work? The main teacher actually sent me a text later that night thanking me for my help. A super nice thing to do.

Pre-Thanksgiving (AKA Wednesday)

Wednesday was a pretty easy day as none of us had anywhere we needed to be. Such a change from the days of traveling to Oklahoma! Maybe that’s why I had the itch to go somewhere later in the afternoon so hopped in the car to brave Target. I did actually need a few items there plus wanted to look for the flavored whipped creams I’d read about somewhere (salted caramel sounded like a great addition to my apple pie but alas they were out of it).

I took some time before going into the craziness of Target to stop at a different local nature center and quickly walk just their short (.25 mile, I think) paved trail. Didn’t bring my camera so these photos I’m sharing are all from my phone. Since it was a bright sunny day, I had on my sunglasses and forgot to switch back to regular glasses before setting off into the woods. Oops! I definitely need to go back there with my good camera and without my sunglasses.

One last thing to mention about my hike, I really think taking the walk before going into a crowded store helped me be a bit less stressed. I don’t do crowds well and I really think having some time in nature prior to the crowded indoor excursion helped.


Did I forget to take any pictures at all? I did indeed! Even the photo of my cranberry relish in progress was from Wednesday.

It was such a nice and relaxing day! I can’t remember the last time we’ve had such a nice Thanksgiving in these parts. My brother’s dinner wasn’t until 4 so I had all day to make my pies. Had a wonderful dinner and visit with my 3  brothers and two of my nieces and their families. And political talk was at a minimum barely happening at all (I’m beyond thankful for that one!). G took the car (we all rode together) to go feed a friend’s cat and took J with him around 7ish so dropped J off at home. J’s not the most social so we try to respect that. The rest of us stayed and visited until almost 11!


Today’s weather was slightly different when I woke up this morning. A feels like temperature of 18 degrees! What? It’s 35 now but not supposed to get any warmer and they’re still calling for snow (just a dusting) overnight.

My plans for today were to start decorating for Christmas but all I’ve managed so far is to take down the fall decor and add in a few Christmas bathroom towels. Oh, and I pulled out my Christmas sweaters and a few warm sweatshirts, putting away the shorts finally.

My plans for the rest of the weekend are fairly open, finish decorating for Christmas (hopefully), G’s offered to get me a McRib since our McD’s has them right now (I’ll probably be disappointed but I still want one), and hopefully watch maybe a Christmas movie plus the Chiefs game on Sunday. Nothing too exciting which is fine as our December is shaping up to be a busy one (with all good stuff though)!

What color is your Friday? Big plans for the rest of the weekend?

